This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?
This is your party in the last RPG you played. How fucked are you?
doesn't matter what game it was you are fucked either way
KH3 still an easy ass game
>Divinity OS 2
Pretty fucked, but if they got lots of dialog it'd still be fun.
>Darkest Dungeon
fuck megumi and maybe sometimes aqua
Assuming Megumi gets the rapid MP recharge then nuke everything.
>My friend cosplayed the girl in the middle
God fucking kill me.
>stalker, if you can consider it as rpg
aqua would instantly suicide out of depression, megumin would slowly adapt to the neverending gloom and become a perpetually drunk base dweller like cardan, darkness would have loads of fun as an extremely submissive female she is. i, kazuma, would walk alone, wishing for something that would never happen, slowly losing myself day after day, becoming yet another stalker
imagining sad, dead-inside megumin defeated by the Zone makes me sad as well. this isn't the IMAGINE i asked for
did you fuck her while she was cosplaying
did they go nopan?
Berseria wouldn't have sucked as much ass as it does
The characters really carry that game
>Darkest Dungeon
Absolutely fucking fucked.
it was a dude and fuck no I didn't
I can't believe I know what that is but no. he used a skin colored panties to make it look like he was nopan though
>corruption of champions
>Neptunia 1
At least grinding the whales will be easier with a nuke
Aqua is fucked indefinitely.
I don't want the other girls.
>Ni No Kuni 2
Guess the higgldies will have to carry us.
Aqua laughed at the size of a penis which is not ok these days. It only enforces the toxic masculinity that's somehow ignored while the "don't tell girls they are fat!" and "don't tell girls to smile!" are here
>tfw missed out on Aqua's ass stage for Smash Bros
I agree actually
>just started FF6
>these fucking idiots take on Narshe, even if they get through the Esper slaughters them.
Alternatively Aqua being a god fucks everything up and the Esper obeys her.
>How fucked are you?
I wouldn't be in danger because I wouldn't go on a quest. I'd just get a regular day job like Kazuma at the beginning of the series and then proceed to have sex with all of them nonstop. None of that "b-b-but they're my friends so it would be awkward!" shit.
Your friend is a fucking faggot and you should stop being his friend.
>Not fucking your friend and making derogatory comments about their crossdressing/penis/etc while they stay in character and get flustered about it
You missed out on the best Darkness sex any of us could ever have, user. For shame.
>online mahjong
>3 bitches to play with
>Mr. Bing Bing Wahoo has to deal with them
Where the fuck do I even start
>not cosplaying megumin
you have pleb friends I can see you that
>Fire Emblem
Plant Darkness on chokepoint
Megumin behind Darkness for OHKOs
Aqua for Dancing/healing Megumin
easy peasy
>epic battle fantasy 5
He was the blie haired girl.
I barely talked to him anymore after me and some friends walked in on him getting fucked in the ass by two big dudes. I mean look at the shit he does now. He went off the deep end.
>Locke the asshole thief has to carry the party full of fucking idiots
Please tell me this is some pic you pulled off the internet somewhere and not a person you know well enough to call a friend.
That's how sad it is.
Megumin levels to 30 STR. Darkness beats the shit out of beasts with Fists of Gratia. Aqua might like the Moonlight sword?
umm what the fuck
Megumin is about to be very fucked.
Would the ancestor turn them into one of his many experiments or would they try and fight the madness in the Dungeon?
imagine how powerful Megumin would be if she could cast an Explosion every 50 seconds
I'm fucked every single night by those three.
Im 4'11" in real life what do?
They might be good for buss runs. Great tank, that cant hit for shit screams Leper. Dickstabber in second, throw down some bleeds n shit. GOAT healing, and dead weight until you hit the boss, then one mass damage spell, like an anty that has a once-per-dungeon nuke skill.
Oh, my bad, I should have double checked. That's an entirely different matter, and your friend a shit.
keep casting explosion magic all the time
Isn't the literal entire point is she can only cast explosion once?
marry me
Dragon's dogma.
Might as well be just like any other day, seeing how retarded my main pawn is and the ones I keep hiring.
My pawn is a ranger with shit stamina management and a sorcerer that only does 1 grand bolide and then proceeds to climb monsters
So she's just like my zodiac mage in etrian odyssey nexus. You can use the force break command only once per rest to nuke enemies with a powerful spell (but it's pretty shitty when compared to the force break of a atk specced ronin, which besides doing 10k damage can also instakill)
Hit the gym and become a /fit/ meme
>The longest 5 minutes
Unbeatable, but would be fun
Because she just invests all her skill points in explosion and non on MP, if the games mechanics effect them though then in FFXIV rapid MP regen is just a fact of the gameplay.
I want to grope aqua
>Octopath Traveller
I mean if I get to sub class them and swap them out like any other party member that's more than bearable.
I want to suck aqua's butthole
what am I looking at here
Implessove stomach, but can it compale to quantum fat lack and abs?
>tiny budding megumin bitties
Post a picture of him
in the magic system in her world, yes
In KH3, if you run out of MP, you enter a state called "MP Recharge" where your MP starts to gradially fill up, although you can only start casting again when your MP are full. Sora, Riku and Aqua all need 50 seconds by default to MP Recharge (abilities like MP Haste, or picking up MP droplets from fallen enemies can speed this process up)
even if Megumin took longer, Hi-Ethers in that game aren't that expensive and they immediately end MP Recharge
if she got the food buff "Rags to Riches", which replaces all enemy drops with munny drops, she could cast Explosion pretty freely every encounter
The only correct answer is to marry Megumin, Darkness, Aqua and Wiz and make them all happy.
You cannot debate this.
You can stand next to my 4'10" wife, and sing oompa luumpa songs together.
Careful with suggestions like that, or your wife might get DWARFd.
Also date yunyun to dump her in the minute
Are you qt
Easy just swap megumin with a demon
Marry everyone BUT darkness, she would love that even more.
Drinking with cute anime girls sounds fun actually.
its actually a pretty decent party
>indestructible tank
>an uber healer that can also easily nuke undead
>a glass cannon
>a dick ass thief
My brethren.
You're not supposed to do that you're supposed to change her through the power of love.
I want to yunyun Yunyun's yunyuns
Why even put in the work to just do that?
Good look with that, if she is not being emotionally abused or at least physically then she will not get horny at all, you got to Choke the bitch.
Valkyria Chronicles 4
>Aqua is a scout that has 1000 yard range but panics when facing an enemy soldier and loses all AP
>Megumin is a sniper who shoots a mortar but can only do it once every deployment
>Darkness is a lancer thats immune to interception fire but their projectile is often a dud
>Aqua brings Raz back to life
I want to believe.
That's an actual spoiler, by the way, so if you haven't beaten the game don't look at it.