Hey user, just passing by to remember that you are cool and awesome...

Hey user, just passing by to remember that you are cool and awesome, hope you are having a good time and reach your dreams. Great weekend to all.

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kys bitch

i wish my relatives would have been able to see im not a special genius which set me up in a self destructive path of misery, by putting a bar so high even jesus einstein wouldnt be able to reach.

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Thanks Doomguy, you're a swell dude.

Fuck that other gay user who can't contain his homosexuality.

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No you user

Thanks Doomguy

Thanks mate

edit: Thanks for the gold kind stranger! I cant believe this is my most upvoted post!

>and reach your dreams.
I don't know, man. I want to but I don't think the career I want to pursue is even remotely viable.

Me neither. Thats why I chose computer science instead of graphic design and art in college

thanks doomguy, ill try not to let you down

are you me

We can always choose other things that gives us satisfaction, I'm sure you are great in other things user

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>and art
Is it me or does everyone want to secretly do art but they know there's no real way to live off it?

Thanks Doomguy.


Thanks Doomguy, I'm always trying to find that next way to claw up

Why did you describe me so perfectly user

Doomguy in Smash when?

How does one make art sustainable?

Because it's the typical excuse you self-defeating pricks give yourselves to not do anything
>they expected too much of me, it's not my fault

not everyone is cool and awesome retard

some ppl are just genuinely awful.

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Art is a tricky job, for it you need what common sense would tell you, being skilled at it and having connections.

If you have the first you can try your luck at getting a Patreon and drawing porn for dem furries. If you have both you can try and expand your circle with hopes of eventually getting a job. You can be as good as you want, after all, but if no one knows of you it won't get you anywhere.

Like me, yes, but we're not talking about me this time. You're okay enough, user. Okay enough to be boring.

Nigger they expected me to become a successful businessman when they saw my grades weren’t a fucking C average, and they forced me off to college just to put me in debt.

What did you do, then? How are you dealing with it?

>when they saw my grades weren’t a fucking C average
I think your parents may have had really low expectations if they thought you were a genius because your average was higher than a C. Not to shit on you, but it seems unwarranted.

What I’m doing is trying to pay off my college debt, I’m juggling 2 part time jobs to speed up the process. And the whole family has been shit for brains, barely passing school or not even graduating high school, so just 1 (one) person doing so with half decent grades automatically looks like a genius in their eyes

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Sounds rough, man. Best of luck.
Did the college thing not work out in the end?

I passed my general studies classes, but failed my marketing classes my parents had me take. I just couldn’t keep up.

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Everything will work out user, you are young, I'm sure you will pull of.

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Tell that to my parents who practically disowned me because I failed to meet their unbelievably high expectations

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Cheers mr Doomguy, sir. I hope your killing of all the demons especially the ones that have huge guts go well.

You're your own person, man. It sounds pretty awful but I'm sure you'll manage to pull it off. I believe in you.

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thanks, user. ill keep trying

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Will I be able to live as an animator if I try hard enough, Doomguy? It's what I really want to do.

Fuck you. You're not special. Many people can do what you want/like to do and much better at that. Your dreams are unattainable, but you're too scared of to commit suicide, hence why you take cover in places like these. Your 'friends' are most likely tired of you. Remember that.

user, do you need some help?
Remember, everyone on Yea Forums is here for you, you can speak up and we'll try and help.

Angry replies will be taken as "yes, please help me, please Yea Forums I need help".

'friends' can't think bad about you if you dont have any

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Eh, might as well give it a shot, tho. I'm tired of living with the fear of failure and making mistakes. I'm not going to spend my time on this Earth cowering and running of what I want to do because it might be hard. I want to live and make my mistakes.

i just dont do it out of the worry of what ill miss

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And I feel the same way, there's that nagging sensation that when you choose that one thing all the things you didn't choose are now closed off to you, but not choosing is even worse.

>any reply that doesn't agree with me will be taken as agreeing with me
Fuck off.

Look, we're here for you user, whatever you're going through it'll be over soon, just keep on fighting!