What class you all rolling on Classic? For me it's Human Warlock

What class you all rolling on Classic? For me it's Human Warlock.

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nelf hunter for ezmodo

Orc Warlock named XXXGULDDDDANXXX with no pet because Gul'Dan never needed no imp or voidwalker bitch to tank

And also a hunter: XXXLEGOLASXXX Night Elf style, bow only, Imma be like my hero elf Legolas

Tauren Warrior.

Please die.

Please stop. Humor isn't for you.

Attached: 1TH1pCI.jpg (369x496, 19K)


>Human Warlock
*gets dabbed on by 75% of the horde playerbase*

I'll be the cuckadin who pays activision for vanilla wow.

I'm probably going human warlock too but not decided yet

gonna make a human DK and roleplay as prince Arthas

orc rogue musclebabe

Attached: rooge.png (337x515, 130K)


Orc mage

Will of the forsaken

You are assuming I will be involved in PvP. Got news for you, I don't intend to let anyone steal the game time I pay for. I only play on pve servers. I'm not allowing some basement dwelling incel steal from me by ganking me and corpse camping. Only true cucks play on PvP servers.

Fear had no diminishing returns so who cares?

but it did tho

Oh you know what im playing nigga

Based druid reference dump

Tanking endgame content





Farming in heal spec


Farming lashers in dm


PVE spec = PVP spec


KILLING named quest ELITES SOLO /w appropriate gear @ level.


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Undead warrior and will only use two-handed swords

Human mage

Or maybe a gnome mage, i can't decide. fuck.. fuck gnomes though, but human is just plain boring..

unless you played in closed beta, it did, you retard

>Succubus used Seduction!

The #1 thing preventing me from playing Horde is the great possibility that about 50% of the faction population will be kiddies playing Undead.
It's highly questionable that the Forsaken are even part of the faction. It's completely retarded that their population should be so large. Undead pop should be comparable to Dwarves. Orcs and Trolls should be the backbone of the Horde.
Alliance actually has very proper racial balances, so I'm eager to play a Human.

wotf provides immunity from fear and charm for 5 sec

but not horror, so locks can pop off death coil and recover if they get opened on by an UD rogue

troll or dwarf holy/disc/whatever support spec works best for pve priests. never played em so got no real clue. dont like the idea of shadow.
orc or human fury warrior
troll or gnome frost mage

yeah that's where i'm at. trying to decide class mostly, race and faction will come once i know where my bros gonna play.

you cant have letters repeat three times in a row zoomie

This is where most posters in these threads expose themselves as complete retards.
WotF is an advantage is a leg up you have when compared to others when fighting a lock, it doesn't magically delete the class. You will run around feared for at least half a second which is ample time to, for example, rev up the next fear. Shit, chances are you're dotted anyway. Fear isn't the one-stop crutch for warlocks, it's part of a really broad kit.

In any case, Forsaken were a far cry from 75% of the population. People played real Horde races, the retardation only set in with BC. Just shut the fuck up with your airmchair shitposting and play the fucking game when it releases.

>You will run around feared for at least half a second which is ample time to, for example, rev up the next fear

Have sex.

Gnome Warlock
Dwarf Hunter
Human Rogue

It's either this or orc male warrior, haven't decided yet

>You will run around feared for at least half a second
t. never played vanilla