For me it's Priscilla

For me it's Priscilla

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For me, it's Nonko

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>that live concert at the bar
games should not be alowed to do these things to my soul

How I hated this cunt. I'm glad she got what she deserved.

She's literally an Essi clone.

>horrific thing happens to innocent party
>"lol, bitch deserved it"
Is this that r*ddit teenage edge I've heard so much about?

Thats the wrong Priscilla

more like polfront


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you're both wrong

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>~these scars long have yearned for your tender caress

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>~to bound our fortunes, damn what the stars own

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what a shitty movie this was

I played witcher 3 two years sgo but never played the expansions, are they worth?

definitely, especially blood and wine

Play gwent

A man of honor


oyakodon squad

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I wanted to hate fuck that old hag so badly. Bitch needs to learn her place.

They're arguably even better than the base game.

I hated them both but still somehow got the "sisterly love" ending because I made every side quest

She is pretty much the first woman you run into that most players want to bang. Why they did not make her bangable was frustrating.