So whats their plan? they're going to buy exclusivity rights for terrible games no one wants? most of which are only timed.
Valve hasn't even acknowledged them lmao
So whats their plan? they're going to buy exclusivity rights for terrible games no one wants? most of which are only timed.
Valve hasn't even acknowledged them lmao
Other urls found in this thread:
buy devs
sell like shit
tantrum on twitter about steam and muh 12%
imagine being a chink
>So whats their plan?
To literally cripple steam with the 88% crap despite he himself saying that running his bare minimum store with 88% towards developers is unsustainable. A race to the bottom.
>they're going to buy exclusivity rights for terrible games no one wants?
Subjective, but there are games on EGS that i can wait. BL3 i could give a rat's ass.
>So whats their plan?
to get the public on their side, or rather convince the public that they have already won. all they do are publicity stunts, which is why you hear about them in very even intervals.
Complete destruction of Steam and Gaben's empire that has been ruining gaming for years
Opening the Epic store website is so refreshing. Seeing actual games instead of a clusterfuck of indie bullshit is amazing. Too bad nothing can kill Steam
keep spending their Fortnite funds on unprofitable acquisitions until some other big kiddie BR takes away their customers and their shitty store goes bankrupt
Either buy exclusivity rights or do what they did with Rocket League and buy out the devs that make popular games and steal them from Steam.
Why the fuck is everyone defending Valve when after Portal 2, all they made was Moba and a shitty card game. They just sit on their asses and do nothing.
And don't give me the fucking "b-but Linux users can't play games!" when they could just use Wine before Proton and they're more irrelevant then fucking Mac users.
>ruining gaming
Faggot if steam goes then its going to be diversity termite games only on platforms like epic games.
You should be thanking the darkest pubes on Gabes flabby arsehole for still letting users even have an opinion on their client.
Well I can't say they've made zero changes, they hide review bombs by default now as a token appeasement.
Tim Sweeney's next step is taking the crown of biggest esport pricepool from Dota 2 by hosting a $30,000,000 Fortnite tournament.
At this point I'm convinced the only reason he's doing all this shit is so his GabeN senpai finally notices him.
It's a bubble.
They'll just pump the hype and then Tim Sweeney will sell the rest of the company to Tencent.
>A race to the bottom
You just figured out what markets are and why they benefit consumers. Congratulations.
>So whats their plan?
To make money, and so far everything is going according to plan.
Bottom of what though? There hasn't been a price war at all, just exclusives.
Why the fuck is Yea Forums defending Epic when they're actively KILLING the free market and hard practicing COMMUNISM instead?
What happened to Yea Forums?
Epic is capitalism personified faggot.
why would you defend epic?
Influx of chinks probably
The only fags defending them is shitposters so desperate for (You)s they'd stoop to any level.
The kind of people that unironically post the same thing half a dozen times per day.
Epic doesn't even operate in China, meanwhile Valve's biggest single customer base is China.
If anything it's Chinks defending Valve.
Replacing the freedom of storefront by ONE GLORIOUS STORE instead is the literal textbook definition of communism you complete retard
God I hope you never get to vote idiot
It's retarded conservatives who are defending the hand that is beating them, just like battered women running back to their Stella Artois dunking loser. 21st-century mentality, I wish I was joking here.
Its mostly just samefags and shitposters
don't fall for the meme they are the majority in any internet forum
funny if E3 comes and valve announce just one game, Just a SINGLE game, let it be Portal 3, Left 4 Dead 3 or god bless Half Life 3, Epic would just immideatly lost right then and there. God i hope i'm alive to see this.
>What happened to Yea Forums?
Based on the thesis Yea Forums does not share your oppinion, it became smarter.
>Oh no, certain games are exclusive to Uplay, must be communists!
>Oh no, certain games are exclusive to Origin, must be communists!
>Oh no, certain games are exclusive to, must be communists!
>Oh no, certain games are exclusive to Galaxy, must be communists!
>Oh no, certain games are exclusive to Microsoft Store, must be communists!
Fucking retard.
>it became smarter.
Y-yeah Valve doesn't ever care t-they aren't even making a dent right Steambros?? It's definitely not because Valve is a crippled dying company that can't even make a decent game in the last few years h-haha
>So whats their plan?
Endlessly shill and shitpost on Yea Forums until Epic becomes the norm.
get people to download their spyware by offering free games and buying exclusivity rights to things
>trannies will literally blame the group they hate most for everything
fuck epic
t. /pol/tard
You will leave my country commie trash with your double-think
But it's usually the games their own devs made.
Stop playing fortnite, or take responsibility for helping them destroy pc gaming.
You haven't made a decent post in your entire life and you don't see me complaining.
Seething. Let go of the thought that Valve owes you, you'll be better off
>being this retarded
hes right, epic is capitalist dystopia
steam has communist seal of approval, it is the peoples platform
>implying he has done anything decent in his entire life
No it's fucking not, developers sign exclusivity contracts with those publishers all the fucking time.
You faggots are just mad that Epic is absolutely fucking destroying Valve on every front, and the best part isn't even the store front, it's how many devs are now using UE4 as well.
FROM? UE4. Bandai Namco? UE4. Capcom? UE4. Ace Combat? UE4? Nintendo? UE4.....and that's just fucking Jap devs.
Valve have lost so fucking bad on every front it's not even funny.
Oh wait, yes it is.
Jesus Christ, it's literally conservatives and alt-kikes with their cuck fetish. Nobody else would like to see this anti-consumer capitalist's wet dream of a storefront. This cuckoldry is ingrained in their DNA. Absolutely mental.
No need to defend Valve to shit on Epic
their last good game was Unreal Tournament 2004 which is a modified 2003, a 16 years old game, then they made UT3 which is trash, blamed the lack of sales on piracy then they abandoned PC to make shitty ass TPS for Microsoft X360
after they parted, they started making UT4 and had the goodwill of the people, only to put the game on halt shortly after, rip of PUBG, use the Fortnite bucks to buy exclusive games and force people to use an inferior launcher
you don't need to like Valve to hate Epic
It's weird, I've always fucking hated Steam for what it did to PC gaming, but this bullshit with Epic's made me start appreciating that it wasn't literally anyone but Valve who got big like this. You know anyone else would have ruined it by now somehow.
Why do you faggots keep saying this? If Epic goes away we are back to only having steam and how is that not anti consumerism?
>Epic is absolutely fucking destroying Valve on every front
no it isn't dumbass what the fuck are you talking about?
valve has no reason to acknowledge them, epic games is getting so much backlash that its only a matter of time until they give up.
Take Winnie the Pooh's money and give them to developers to ensure that they are well paid even after I pirate their games of course.
That's actually pretty nice of them, I had worse opinion on chinks.
So, let's get this straight.
The advantages of epic games launcher:
>more money for developers
>buys the shit out of exclusives
>free games every once in a while
only a single benefit is passed onto the consumer.
Meanwhile, Steam takes a bigger cut of the dev paycheck, but also has
>social media features and profiles
>very common sales and bundles
>trading cards
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
>community forums
>community reviews
>Linux support
>shopping cart
>Mac support
>screenshot hosting
>in-client streaming and game clip hosting
>steam family sharing
>steam link/ big picture mode
>significant VR hosting
>profile inventories and trading
> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
Outside of paid exclusives, I can't think of a single thing Epic has that steam doesn't.
Completely forgetting about all other storefronts like ubi, ea, blizzshit and so on. Nice try kike.
To get steam to sign up to something they can only afford by subsidizing heavily. 12% is unsustainable.
>implynig epin wouldn't go uplay tier before shutting down
>more money for developers
Wrong. As soon as there is a publisher involved, the money goes straight to them. Developers got paid via salary, and that's about it.
Their plan is to keep buying exclusives until nobody else can reasonably expect to compete with them and become the de facto PC platform.
Hope you guys like never having sales and the death of 3rd party key sites. Ironically grey market keys will still be around.
Nah. More money for publishers. Don't fall for their narrative.
>those forms of competition (which are shit and not actual competition) are ok because I say so
Libcucks are literally this fucking stupid.
The funniest thing to me is how Valve just straight up ignores Epic even exists, even as Tim Sweeney is constantly crying about them on his twitter. I think Valve's only mentioned Epic by name when the launcher got caught going through Steam files.
I really don't think you realise how much vbucks epic really has to be throwing around.
We got you shlomo, there is no denying in that. You can now stop spreading your cuck fetish and your perverted ideas here. Leave and never come back.
Epics form of competition is not improving its platform to attract consumers, thus encouraging publishers to distribute with them, its in buying exclusivity rights.
When looking at competition in capitalism you must look at where the profits go. The problem with capitalism is that many of its profits must be immediately reinvested into staying competitive. In epics case this re-investment is simply buying the legal right to prevent people from going anywhere else to get the game.
This shifts the mode of competition. In order to compete other platforms will also need to simply shift to trying to bid on exclusivity contracts, and all their profits will now go towards this competition, and not improving their platform or even maintaining it.
Or to simplify it. The competition of attracting the consumer to the platform, to sell the platform to the publisher, saw profits go into the benifit of the consumer, with features of the platform for the end user being enhanced. The competition of attracting exclusive rights to the platform, to attract consumers, however, will see the profits generated go to the publishers, at the detriment of the consumer.
The negative modes of competition are one of the main reasons capitalism is not sustainable, it must ever reinvest its profits into more convoluted anti-consumer and anti-innovation (no need to attract people with new features, just buy the legal rights to exclusivity!).
Thus preventing the overal shift of competition from consumer-attraction to publisher-attraction is in the best interest of all.
This is why steam is the dialectically correct choice to support, and epic should be opposed.
>social media features and profiles
>very common sales and bundles
Epic has sales.
>trading cards
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
Mountains of garbage.
>community forums
>community reviews
>Linux support
Literally who?
>shopping cart
>Mac support
>screenshot hosting
Fucking seriously?
>in-client streaming and game clip hosting
Worthless zoomer cancer.
>steam family sharing
>steam link/ big picture mode
>significant VR hosting
Literally making shit up.
Worthless zoomer cancer.
>profile inventories and trading
Worthless zoomer cancer.
> live pages where debs can post news and patch notes
Rarely utilized if ever.
It's fucking hilarious that you didn't even mention the things that Steam does get right and instead list a bunch of absolute garbage.
>implying only supporting competition that doesn't threaten steam is not ultra kike
Happy Passover rabbi
I've never seen a post with so many words that contributed so little value
Unsustainable based on what? Valve or Epic don't release their internal numbers. Even less so because they aren't public companies.
i don't see whats the use of the engine has to do with storefronts, unless epic forces everybody who uses ue4 to use their store
either way, just to correct you, from uses phyre engine while capcom uses their own developed RE engine
epic isn't destroying anybody, motherfucker.. nobody even puts their game on their store willingly, where is mortal kombat and mordhau? you know, unreal engine games
>I don't use thing
>so it's worthless
Epic are just reusing Sony's tactics for the Playstation, and it's going to work again, enjoy your new overlords, they will be the industry standard for the rest of your life.
im sure they got plenty from fornite, but i doubt they can make it last forever at this rate.
if their PR gets worse then inevitably people will leave and they wont be able to make a profit from buying exclusivess.
dota and csgo are good
That doesn't make much sense. Valve has enough cash on hand to respond in kind.
>Epics form of competition is not improving its platform
Stop right here. How can someone "improve a platform" that another company has a 15 year stranglehold on where technology has not increased enough to create some big leap or improvement? There is literally nothing epic can do, UI wise or storefront wise or whatever that will move people away from the comfort and familiarity of Steam. This is literally the same reason why Amazon will never have legit competition that tries to compete with its store front or familiarity or installed fanbase and products which are good enough that no one would bother replacing. This is why Epic needs to focus on other parts of the market to remain competitive. It is so mindblowing that you autists can't see this but most of you are virgin NEETs so this isn't a shocker.
Arrr matey, you underestimate how flexible PC users can be.
The phoenix point deal was $2.25 million. They make $2 million in a single day.
But yeah, there's hope for fortnite being on the downturn, a lot of pros were said to giving up the game after the world cup.
>just to correct you, from uses phyre engine while capcom uses their own developed RE engine
And just to correct you faggot.
FROM used UE4 for 'Déraciné' and I guarantee they're going to be using it for their next souls like.
Capcom used UE4 for Marvel vs Capcom, Street Fighter V and have been using UE as far back as Asuras Wrath, Devil May Cry, Lost Planet 3 etc
Get rekt faggot, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about.
Sweeney said so. They can't even afford 12% without adding a payment processing fee.
I like how you didn't want to say worthless too many times because then people would catch on to how you just typed out visual shit for a minute so you just changed your words around a bit
Up until this day, I thought it was only a meme, but this post proves just right that cuckoldry is fucking in some people. Holy shit, this is literally fucked in the head. False flagging kikes are among us.
>phoenix point
i only recently found out about phoenix point, its not my type of game.
from what i can tell, that whole incident is only the beginning; epic buys exclusives, get bad PR, they still get money, but bad customer reputation.
i really doubt they can sustain this strategy.
So did Nintendo, but like Valve that isn't their way.
Voting with your wallet is irrelevant when there are millions of zombies who have already pre ordered a copy of that game.
Worthless post.
For payment processors that charge 5% or more. Thin margins doesn't mean something is unsustainable. GM has much thinner margins than Apple. Doesn't mean GM is unsustainable.
That's a real bad example man, the price of eggs hasn't gone down from competition, it's gone down because of government dairy subsidy
>Doesn't mean GM is unsustainable.
i fully realize that, but i was talking about new games
>I guarantee they're going to be using it for their next souls like.
how did you figure that one out?
sure, they've used a mix of UE and MT framework, but now they have their own engine
good wrecking btw, still didn't mention what this has to do with storefronts
>epic's form of competition is anti-consumerist
>no they're not!
>they are because reasons
>well they have to do that to compete!
Why do you COMPETITION GOOD retards have no critical thinking whatsoever. Fuck off. Even Ubisoft and Ea have put out a better launcher, hell fucking GOG has a better launcher and its optional.
Meh communism does the same thing, but in communism there is only one corporation, and thus one monopoly, one that still sustains itself by investing in more and more ways to control it's own consumers likewise.
i dont care about store wars but epic is contributing gaming more than valve with UE4. even indie developers can make games with decent engine only sacrificing 5% of profit.
>still didn't mention what this has to do with storefronts
I never said it had anything to do with store fronts.
It has everything to do with Epic dominating the gaming market on multiple fronts. Every time you buy a game that uses UE4, money in their pocket.
How many devs are using Source?
>trying to create a narrative where the right's at fault for everything
i see you, tranny
This, don't see Valve handing out 5k-500k to developers no strings attached for developing a game or project (UE4, but also open source projects). Fuck Valve, all they do is scam retards out of their money with trading, hats, and lootboxes, Valve is one of the scummiest companies of all.
That guy has constantly, literally, dicks on his mind.
>terrible games no one wants?
Cry harder, schizo. How are you gonna react when Borderlands 3 sells 15 million copies?
> y...youre gay
you tried
i don't care who uses which engine
i merely corrected your statement slightly and asked what this has to do with storefronts
>destroy valve on every front
elaborate more on that one, as far as launchers go, i don't think thats right
steam is filled with garbage
>So whats their plan
to make you experience Chinese retardation first hand
>15 million copies
across all platforms sure, most being console sales.
>not replying to anyone
>has nothing to do with OP
Epic is using bots to shill their shit launcher
what a surprise
Cope harder
care to explain what those numbers mean?
why did you fail to boycott metro exodus? why is shartifact a flop?
I don't doubt that but how many do you think will buy from Epic?
what about the ones patient enough to wait for Steam release to get a good deal and to prevent experiencing the inevitable game breaking bugs the game will have in the first few months?
what about Xbox and PS4 players?
We're talking about possible sales on the Epic store not on Steam. Also that's not release date sales which makes it worthless as a argument.
>fail to boycott
I didn't buy it retard
>why is shartifact a flop
because the developers were incompetent
what does what I posted have to do with any of that?
those are the sales after 6 years, after it went through multiple discounts and such, pic related is how much it sold after 3 years
there no doubt it will sell lets say 1-2 millions on egs, but don't forget its only exclusive for 6 months
epic wants selling ton of v-bucks
once they're established as 'the only legitimate competitor to steam' even if all the exclusives are crap, the CCP will target Steam's servers with the Great Cannon of China and keep crashing the servers to try and get consumers to abandon Steam and turn to the only alternative they've heard of
>So whats their plan?
in their own words they want to be the "apple" or "amazon" of gaming
Valve and steam is just too far ahead, there is realistically no way for them to catch up, yes epic has a shiton of users but most of them are fortnight players that use epic just for that. They can buy exclusivity for 6/12 months, but even the major publishers are realizing that not selling on steam is shooting yourself in the foot.
the most likely endgame is just another launcher like uplay and origin, its there, it has some exclusives, but cannot really compete with steam in any meaningful way.
>in their own words they want to be the "apple" or "amazon" of gaming
an enterprise that's only successful because it underpays all its workers while violating their human rights, which gives them enough capital to drive out of the market every competitor who isn't doing the same?
Their plan is to be recognized as a store first, not just a fortnite launcher.
If they want to compete with Steam, all they literally have to do is remind their Fortnite players that there is other shit on their store.
It takes time plus money and they got a shit ton of that. As long as Fort Nite keeprs raking in money, they'll continue to grow. I know how badly that makes Yea Forums seethe but you guys will li terally have no say in how well they do. Neither will the people raging on Steam since it'll be controlled by the next generation of gamers, ie Zoomer Fortniters.
But you have lmao
I know what you mean but the irony is funny as fuck.
>they want to remind people that they are more than fortnite
>how are they going to do it?
>with fortnite money
>Valve isn't handing out free shit to literal whos so they're scum
Solid reasoning, retard.
Solid strawman, retard
And now egg market is unsustainable for small farms, and only megacorps can be profitable.
Yep, this is how normal people think. Giving your wealth is good, hoarding it is bad. Generosity is good, greed is bad. Epic is the man that donates to charities, Valve is the guy that refuses to tip.
that's how commies think user
>Their plan is to be recognized as a store first, not just a fortnite launcher.
>constantly missing monthly goals on their own roadmap\
>such basic features as shopping cart and overlay currently under "long term plans"
face it they are wasting too much of their efforts buy exclusivity rather than making their storefront decent.
How's Taiwan in this period? I want to go on holiday there.
>the only businesses that survive long-term are the ones who sell the cheapest product, no matter how subpar the quality, and everyone who made better products gets driven out of the market
>this is somehow good for the consumer
>Steam family sharing: worthless?
You do realize you can literally share your entire steam library with up to 5 people with no strings right?
As in, your entire library. Five people. For nothing. With no strings or problems. Steam doesn't even care who it is; email them and ask for the specifics, or go read the FAQ. It's completely expected and okay, and it shares all the DLC's, etc from those games too.
>How can someone "improve a platform" that another company has a 15 year stranglehold on where technology has not increased enough to create some big leap or improvement?
Copy steam exactly but make the fucking chat server not be a pile of shit that causes disconnects and image upload failure and streaming to not work.
However the real solution is to destroy capitalism. All correct actions before that time are geared only towards mitigating the sufferings and problems. Certain kinds of competition are destructive and negative, and so they should be avoided if possible.
It's worthless if you don't have friends user, be nice to him.
>hoard is bad
but not when epic does it, right?
>donates to charities
didn't know tencent was a charity
>giving your wealth is good
to hurt other companies and consumers, right? I guess every company that does a hostile takeover must be saints
>this is how normal people think
so NPC and drones are normal people, good to know
>88% towards developers
88% towards publishers
Because they want to see pc gaming become console cuck wars
Not a good example since that entire thing only functions due to massive government subsidies
>the ones that survive long-term are the ones who sell the cheapest
And now you understand why the chinese are the cockcroaches of the business. Their only strategy is surviving their competition, by any means.
So tell me why you think that epic is better than valve.
seems disingenuous to single out the chinese when all the modern megacorps are like that for just about every industry
>delays on features :^)
epicucks are sure to love this further abuse
Those are some weak sales numbers, and it's probably inflated as well. They are definitely not making their money back from paying devs. I can't wait to see what happens when they start running low on money to throw around. What's their excuse gonna be?
Because thanks to them the only way for corporations to survive is using the same strategies that chinese do? Use shitty raw materials? Paying workers a wage that no one could have a sustainable life with? That's the problem we have now when china was using that strategy decades ago.
And have fun having the 996 work hours in a few years as the standard thanks to china.
>I can't wait to see what happens when they start running low on money to throw around.
they have the Chinese government behind them. It's not going to happen anytime soon.
>Epic says sales are good
>devs and publishers say sales are good
>Valve drones insist they are bad and they know better
Also what "running low on money"? Fortnite prints in the order of billions and UE4 is used by a huge chunk of the market and its share is only increasing.
Family sharing is worthless? How about you make some friends you chink NEET
>finally make any reason to have a puzz and didn't care about Doom with no Video games from some legions with the nearly encouraged with the E3 on Yea Forums
>God found regularions
i mean it's fucking SHIT, Zoro could play Deadfire already anymore and there's prettied to its legal for something like that, but I'm just retarded. I wish you got a company.
What is that really? WWZ is €35 on epic, so 12% of that is €4.20 x 350,000 copies = €1,344,000? And they spend how much on the average exclusivity contract? Fucking phoenix point was over 2 million and that was just indie shit.
>their excuse?
valve bad, steam eviru, white ma-I mean competitor bad
we good, we give money to making game people
>play the game but reading above GB
>romance is literally released in to play some from one game
Why does Yea Forums to be escape soon?
I remember this sorta is so inconsistent code for me to come out in III with priming the big only competent universe game ever since the modern gf
>Epic says sales are good
Where are the sales numbers for exodus again?>devs and publishers say sales are good
Of course the paid faggots want to shill their products
>Valvebros say sales are bad
Have you seen sales numbers on valve? Epics sales in comparison are pathetic, even more so when you consider that Epic needs to hit a sales quota to just stay alive
In reality they don't. They only have their fortnite money and that won't last forever.
>good sales
lmao insect boy, those are not even remotely good sales. Talk to me again when they reach 1mil. They are pumping more money into buying off devs than they are getting in revenue from the sales they make. Their service maintenance is also costing them quite a bit more than you would actually think and they clearly can't keep up hence why their download speeds are so damn slow.
>In reality they don't. They only have their fortnite money and that won't last forever.
I hope you're right.
thats not true though. most such corporations could easily afford to pay their workers a thriving wage up the upper management didn't demand such absurdly bloated salaries. same again for quality. there's nothing stopping them deciding to give their workers a raise rather than themselves. and choosing to focus on getting better materials rather than getting more materials is focusing on securing your position in the market rather than obsessively chasing endless exponential growth which frankly is the more sensible business decision
>250k first week (most of the sales happen here) is good now
Their plan is to crash PC gaming industry... With no survivors.
Speaking of, I wanted to use it as argument against but I was not sure so I better off ask first - is it true that 10% off on Humble Store that subscribers get doesn't apply to Ebin Stor games?
An investor such as Tencent will only provide more money if absolute necessary in a bailout and if they see their investment can provide a return on their money. Tencent is not currently pushing in more than than their initial investment. If push comes to shove and epic starts failing we'll have to see if Tencent decides to protect their investment or simply bailout.
>Tencent bailing out
Considering that this all started because steam defended a taiwanese game that made fun of glorious leader, im gonna doubt that will ever happen.
Chinks have it great dont they? They slave away in sweatshops with no breaks just for breadcrumbs while their government throws away money to buy out the PC gaming market because somebody made fun of Winnie in their shitty game
That sounds like the ultimate butthurt. I didn't think someone could be so butthurt about something they would go to such insane levels lmao. What a pathetic people they are
setting up a karma system where if you're nice to others in game your karma go up and if you're mean your karma go down
with that karma you can buy games
and later apply the karma about your opinion on the chinese political party but also if you have too low karma you're forced to watch ad for the party before launching a game
tiananmen square massacre
>if you reach negative karma everything you post in comments, reviews and chats gets filtered into state propaganda
>if you report someone for thought against the party you get a random game from their epic library
All commie leaders are like that. Speaking up against the regime will get you shot, if youre lucky. If that taiwanese creator had been a chink instead, he wouldve had his insides emptied out and sold off for chump change
They started the store early due to Fortnites popularity and plan to get games over as they make the basics of the store. They probably have a plan to do this for the next 2-4 years with the goal of having the biggest devs who are already unhappy with Steam like Rockstar to come on their side and then other devs would follow. If they get to this point they won't have to pay much for exclusive rights and most devs will go exclusive there on their own choice (this being like 5 or 6 years from now). By this time most people will have amassed more of an Epic store collection and Steam will be a minor store most devs avoid. That is their plan.
Of course Steam could fix this by releasing a new orange box or matching Epics cut so devs stop leaving (they were leaving before Epic store was a thing).
>There is literally nothing epic can do, UI wise or storefront wise or whatever that will move people away from the comfort and familiarity of Steam.
At least provide the already existing shit?
>Steam will be a minor store
Nice try Wang.
>That is their plan
Did they think this plan up whilst high on speed?
But like. You seriously think people will amass more games on Epic than on Steam by then? Like seriously?
If that's their plan then I feel sorry for them. They really didn't think this through hey, otherwise they would have gone for actual good devs. They devs they have been going for are mediocre or currently failing. Steam keeps getting new blood and japanese titles. Honestly good luck to epic.
Does Epic Store have customer reviews?
Serious question here.
>This is literally the same reason why Amazon
No, this is much much worse. Amazon does not hold all the products you've bought from it hostage, you can completely leave Amazon and still use the stuff you bought.
You're chained to Steam unless you are ok with losing all your thousands of dollars of licenses. At best you can use other launchers as well, but leaving Steam completely is basically impossible.
>implying China and Xi are commies because they call themselves commies despite acting like absolute degenerate capitalists dogs
Where the big devs go so do the gamers, this might not be conceivable here on the threads but that's how it works. Epic knows this and that's their plan. Steam will have a lot of chances to stop them though so we will see what they do.
No, they wanted to implement opt in reviews for devs but they haven't even done that.
>Steam could fix this by releasing a new orange box
>Hey we made a game for ourselves, will you stop accepting deals where you get paid 2 million for exclusivity now?
Are you people this fucking stupid
No. They're "toxic". Guess you better just cross your fingers and hope that game you just bought has no compatibility issues or game breaking bugs! No refunds btw
Commies with a commie mindset still use the superior capitalist system. Even commie leaders realise their own system can't work in reality.
dear chink,
learn punctuation.
>So whats their plan?
They will get every Take 2 game. GTA 6 and so on. Stay butthurt Valve drone and they can make a 30 million dollar tournament without stealing the prize money from the community like Valve does.
>Take 2
who cares
>GTA 6
already has it's own launcher, I never even got gta 5 on steam. Why would I use a storefront that requires me to launch another storefront? Are you retarded?
>commie mindset
>acts like capitalists
>literally tell people to be greedy
>commie mindset
Neat meme
Commies are already greedy, that's why they steal from those who HAVE and end up making everyone else poor. You clearly don't understand just how greedy and stupid commies are.
More as in they will have more Epic games than they do now, not that it will surpass their Steam library.
It is a risky plan and I think they are mainly doing it out of desperation and timing. They see devs are unhappy and branching out and have their big cash cow so they are taking the opportunity but it could very easily fail.
There are multiple factors that make devs go to one store over another it isn't just exclusive money.
And you clearly should open a book, if you haven't already burnt all of them, scum.
butthurt commie detected. Your kind are on the same level of jews
>There are multiple factors that make devs go to one store over another it isn't just exclusive money.
It pretty much is exclusive money or Discord's store would've been bigger than it is.
>Literally repeating Epic's talking point.
>Valve hasn't even acknowledged them lmao
Everything they've done in the last 6 months has been in retaliation to Epic, you have to be fucking retarded to think otherwise.
Gabe Newell only comes out of hiding and responds to the public when he's damage controlling, whether it be the Paid Mods shit or the Steam Censorship shit.
If I were a fat, rich publisher (the only ones benefitting from the exclusivity war) I'd be so happy.
>literally tell people to be greedy
no him but wrong
you get social credit by being fair and help your fellow chinese on a daily basis and they use reductions and job opportunity as bait because they acknowledge that people don't want to be nice to each others for free
Your image is the reverse though, EGS costs more to use, they just prevent you from paying low prices on Steam.
It doesn't matter that you aren't interested in those games, the majority of gamers will follow those devs and that will determine the future of where games release.
epics goal is to make pirating great again
>accuses others of book burning
>commies end up burning more books than most
Metro Exodus' exclusivity deal was made so late that the box of the game still have steam on it
yes it's unfair, because if you're a decent human being you warn before cancelling something, not at the last second
Why has no one uploaded that massive image proving Epic's bullshit? I need to save it.
Deng Xiaoping literally told the chinese people to enrich themselves and to delve into consumerism.
that statement is true, review thing is because developer complaints, split change is before egs was a thing
the only time they addressed epic is when the whole spyware thing happened
meanwhile sweeney spends all of his afternoon complaining about steam
It wasnt cancelled, people that pre-ordered the game on Steam got the game on Steam, they get every update at the exact same time and can purchase DLC as well.
Ive yet to see a single argument about how that is bad or unfair.
Why wasnt mordhau on the epic store? Is it?
Nah I'm all for the preservation of everything ever made and for it to be available to everyone for free.
That doesn't mean I'm okay with the content, but I don't see how censoring it would help humanity in any way, and it wouldn't be a victory to just deny others of culture, art or whatever.
Ah yes, very actual leader of China isn't it ? Do you still live by Lincoln's word or did America move on after his death ?
Valve made a shitty moba and a shitty card game while proving us great prices on games and great service. Why the fuck should I pay $80-$100 for games because Sweeney hates non-Americans?
Honestly who is interested in anything Take 2 is offering, serious question? They haven't done anything good in years. And like I said for any rockstar titles you don't even need epic store. It's useless.
>post a anti-steam comic
>paid shill
>post the Tiananmen Square copy pasta or the "epic is spyware confirmed look at this process manager screenshot" image
>not a paid shill at all
No one cares. The only metric that matters is the developers, and they said it is a success. Cope some more. You have utterly failed to stop Epic for the past 6 months and you will continue failing for the next 6 years.
They don't care about indies unless they've already made millions.
Then you aren't a real commie hey comrad? Commies burnt more books during the 1920 to 1940 than anyone else. They censored more citizens than any other system ever has. You can even look at your precious china and how they censor their citizens. They are a communist society using a superior economic system. Your kind are all fucking retarded and greedy scum
>There are multiple factors that make devs go to one store over another it isn't just exclusive money.
Sure doesn't seem that way since every game on the Epic store is funded by exclusivity money
>if steam goes then its going to be diversity termite games only on platforms like epic games.
Depression Quest is a Steam Exclusive, it wouldnt have been accepted on the Epic Game Store
Checkmate, cuck.
>It pretty much is exclusive money or Discord's store would've been bigger than it is.
-discord doesn't have the most popular game
-discord doesn't have a popular game engine
-discord doesn't have tools Epic is providing for cross platforming
-discord doesn't have decades of competent dev background
-most discord users don't even glance at the store because it's so hidden
I can guarantee you they factor this in along with the rev share and exclusive money.
Just because Xiaoping isn't there anymore doesn't mean that what he's done has vanished, and Xi Jinping is worse than him, he is a filthy snake.
>Being prevented from buying the game on your platform of choice
>Forcing people to pre-purchase to have it on Steam and not an inferior crappy storefront.
Totally fair.
> developers, and they said it is a success.
They'll say shit is golden even when it's still just shit. Doesn't really matter friendo, these devs aren't making a profit. Try harder.
>commie mindset
>oppressing the working class
pick one
>the only time they addressed epic is when the whole spyware thing happened
And when they changed how revenue cuts work for high earning games
And when they tried (and failed) to make CSGO a fortnite competitor a day after EGS was announced
And when they stopped anti-Epic reviewbombs to appease Epic
If you wanted the game on Steam, you should have brought it when it was on Steam.
I'll pick both thanks.
>bu-but that's not REAL communism
Seethe harder faggot.
>these devs aren't making a profit.
You cant even buy games on Discord without paying for their Nitro service
>Xi Jinping is worse than him, he is a filthy snake
you obviously know nothing about him, you are the filthy snake
Xi Jinping pushed China into buying land in Africa to help people europeans gave up on after stealing their ressources, now we give them job and money
China is new America and Steam is done for
you are schizophrenic and insane
>And when they tried (and failed) to make CSGO a fortnite competitor a day after EGS was announced
There's evidence they were working on the BR mode as far back as 2016. Only the first thing you mentioned was really in response to Epic. The reviewbombing was more probably because of journalists whining about bullying the poor major publishers with mean words for the last decade.
refer to the sales numbers, even though they are inflated.
250k is not gonna make anyone involved in this any profit whatsoever. It's barely covering their costs of development.
And your an insect. Guess even as a schizo I still win.
>working class under capitalism: aw shit I need to save for years to buy that house I wanted. Meanwhile I'll have to rent.
>working class in communism: as what a great day! Today I worked for only 19 hours in the coal mine and even got some rat meat for lunch! What a great leader we have, seeing him drive in his golden plated car to his literal palace feels my heart with joy and pride. *gets sent to gulag anyway for not meeting the daily quota*
joking about how every attempt at communism horribly backslided into fascism doesn't change that they failed to uphold communism
same as how the german natsocs swiftly abandoned socialism for a war economy
Nope, companies must be truthful in reporting how they're performing. See: all 3 console makers when they released their respective failed consoles.
>be me
>fat man who made the most revolutionary games like Half Life and Portal
>don't make games anymore because busy making loads of money
>suddenly this shitty normies game called Fortnite comes out
>epic gets rich af
>makes new store
>developers move from steam to the new store
>I just wait
>epic surpasses me
>steam gets shut down
>I lose all my money
I am a newfaggot so I am kind of expecting this greentext to fail because im super retarded
>communism horribly backslided into fascism doesn't change that they failed to uphold communism
>when you fail it doesn't mean you fail, everyone is a winner xD
LMAO. Fucking retard
>Honestly who is interested in anything Take 2 is offering, serious question?
This has to be bait GTA is one of the top selling games of all time. And they can still go to the epic store when they have their own launcher, Division 2 did this.
Did you know a bullet to the head cure cancer and allow to live longer and happier? Everyone who tried it so far just didnt do it correctly but feel free to go right ahead and try!
>250k is not gonna make anyone involved in this any profit whatsoever.
>You should have the power of foresight.
>Encouraging pre-purchasing
You don't realise the game wasn't even fucking out, in regards to Metro Exodus. You are a blatant fucking shill go fuck yourself.
That's cute
you are schizophrenic
I already stated in my post rockstar games have no affect on their store. Rockstar already has their own launcher and most people just use that especially when they buy physical copies. Epic pushing money into Take2 just to get a dev that already has their own launcher is probably the single most dumbest move they could make.
out of touch boomer, you probably think Fortnite has no players either.
Also, gonna have to give props to the Rise of Industry dev. He just came out and BTFOed Epic. Devs like him deserve respect for caring about consumers.
But this also implies they wouldn't allow the game on Epic unless it was exclusive.
The market faggot. Go back to school lmao
Over what? World war Z being a massive success?
ok user just can't find a gun I live in a stupid libtard state
>write a receipts book with literal shit-cakes in it
>gets criticized
> guys it's a great receipt book and creates amazing cakes, you all just didnt do it right!
Commies are dumb also food analogy
The accepted games list is full for the next several months, so they're telling indies to fuck off for a while.
No, in order to know this you must know the game's budget. What is the game's budget? Where is your proof?
>250k is making a profit
Guess millennials and zoomers really are this pathetic. Back in my day we delt with millions and even billions in company profits, these days you guys think a few thousand sales are making you a profit. Such failures you turned out to be. I should have used the belt on you more often but your whore mother always stopped me.
Aggressive takeover going bad.
Unless they are using profits from fortnite/whatever that shit is, to fund this takeover, they are going to run dry sooner or later.
Also, legitimate concerns over chinese. Even if they have 40% stake.
So is this correct? Epic Store has NO CUSTOMER REVIEWS and NO MOD WORKSHOP? And they are still deleting games from all other storefronts?
Can anyone confirm this?
so no proof
Where is yours? Where are the profits these companies speak of? Where are their budgets? How do we know they are making profits, because from those sales figures and general market numbers they should not be making any profit. Proofs? PROOFS?
If you didnt have enough interest in the Metro series to pre-purchase than the swap to Epic shouldnt affect you.
Yes, everybody that isnt as mentally challenged as you is a shill, you've got it.
>working class under capitalism: I need to accept a lifelong debt to get a subpar education, to get a 19 job that barely pays the rent with just enough leftover to afford feces ridden burgers from mcdonalds in the half an hour spare time between finishing work and needing to sleep, and accept a second lifelong debt if I ever want to stop renting. what a great leader we have who repeals all legislature regarding FDA regulations and anti-monopoly laws *gets thrown into a forced labor prison anyway because some cop was struggling to meet his daily arrest quota so arrested me and then charged me with resisting arrest for wanting to know what I was being arrested for*
china and america are both dystopian hellholes where the people within it only believe things are actually okay due to the effectiveness of state and corporate propaganda
keep melting down
They threw $12 million at Borderlands and $3 million at Phoenix Point. Unless these two are extreme outliers, Fortnite is basically the only thing keeping Epic alive right now. Once Fortnite dies, they have to hope they got enough people infected with Stockholm Syndrome to keep buying from their store.
I'll wait for yours, epic and the devs. None of you faggots seem to want to release actual sales figures.
>Also, legitimate concerns over chinese. Even if they have 40% stake.
Legitimate indeed they also have 2/5 directors on board, they literally just have to tip one more on their side and they can do almost anything (most likely including firing Tim )
Yes, yes, no but they seem to be skirting around their intention to do so
for a multiplayer game 250.000 is fucking shit
The company, which is the only entity that can know whether their game is successful, said it is successful. You laid forth the claim that it isn't. Burden of proof is on you.
Keep seething, your precious investments aren't returning any profits. Must suck a lot to be you right now.
did you even read my post?
>And when they changed how revenue cuts work for high earning games
yes, on December 3rd, before epic announced their store and their cut
>And when they tried (and failed) to make CSGO a fortnite competitor a day after EGS was announced
yes, im sure to god they can make an entire game mode just in one day, this has been in development for quite some time, again, before this whole epic thing started
>And when they stopped anti-Epic reviewbombs to appease Epic
this has been a complaint for years now
don't you remember the "recent reviews" "all reviews" change? a year ago or so, yep
No mod workshop is better than Steam Workshop, if you disagree you're a fucking zoomer.
They are not practicing communism. There cannot be any communism (free games or heavily discounted). What you are refering to is authoritarian control.
Nah. What they are doing shows that they are not capitalist.
Especially when Epic's bragging about their 10+million userbase. That literally isn't even half of 1% of their playerbase buying it.
The proof is in the market faggot. Those sales figures can't produce profits unless their budgets were non-existent. You and the devs speak of success but provide no PROOF other than we have to take your word for it. Release the figures and the suffering can end.
I don't think you realize how much money they have. Fortnite has literally made multiple billions. They're buying out exclusivity at 1-4 million each. They can keep going for a while
Jeez no wonder they sold 1 million copies.
A good game with good developer will sell no matter what.
A bad game will always sell like shit and will only depend on chinkage money.
they did, 320k
no one cares
>the instructions said to give them this surgery. but every hospital that planned to do the procedure just put a bullet in their head
>lol don't you see this is proof that the surgery doesn't work
Steam has a billion users. The most owned game is TF2 at 80 million owners. Why don't Steam users play games?
Meanwhile steam is doing sales in the millions. How is 320k impressive? That's the kind of figures we see on the low end of steam sales.
>Those sales figures can't produce profits unless their budgets were non-existent.
Assumptions, no proof.
>You and the devs speak of success but provide no PROOF other than we have to take your word for it
Burden of proof is on you. You still haven't proven anything.
>Release the figures and the suffering can end.
The figures are out. Keep suffering
>Anno gets pulled from Steam
>Still sells more than the Epic version
How embarrassing is that?
TF2 has only had a concurrent player count of 100k or so. Thats hilarious if its the most owned game on Steam.
cope harder commie scum
steam only has ten users
keep melting down
Your fucking goldfish brain started this convo quoting the sales figures.
Fucking TABS had double the sales of Epics massively hyped shooter than they paid twitch streamers to play? That's absolutely shameful.
Way better than the 200 users playing valves new game.
So this whole meltdown is because you can't accept that devs budgeted their game properly...?
No proof from your side either, guess we'll have to wait for epic and the devs to release the actual numbers then hey? Except they never will. Any company that isn't making a profit will never release those numbers. Both of my assumptions are based on tangible aspects, the market and history of devs not releasing sales. Your failing and you just won't accept it. RELEASE THE SALES FIGURES AND YOUR SUFFERING WILL END FAGGOT.
So everybody here's a fucking retard, right? Epic's plan isn't that hard to understand.
>Buy up games
>People who didn't play Fortnite are forced to download Epic launcher to play the games you bought up from a variety of genres
>As soon as a ton of game players from a wide variety of genres buy the games Epic bought exclusivity for they'll have the Epic Games Store on their hard drive and accessible, reducing the barrier of entry by a shitload
>Prove to people that games with a variety of sizes can do well on other platforms besides Steam AND give you more money at the same time.
>Publishers (Ubisoft, 2K, etc.) begin exclusively releasing their games on their own platforms (Uplay) and EGS, using it as a jumping off point to take away the 30% cut from Steam
> More devs leave Steam for greener pastures/put it up on Epic exclusively for six months because the people excited for games don't really care what hoops they have to through to play them, especially if it's free
The more people installing Epic Games onto their computers for each major release, the more people will be willing to download timed exclusive Epic Store games instead of on Steam. And from these early reports it seems like customers are doing exactly what is expected of them
>B-but what about all these angry social media posts? THOUSANDS of people liked that comment saying "Can't wait for this to finally come out next year!" like a smug retard because they know the game comes out on Epic's store but they consider the Steam release the actual launch of the game!
Pic related
>I eat advertising
Listen to this faggot. Yes, I hate indie shit too, but you can easily curate what you see on steam. For example, I don't see that or anime garbage either.
how about you go have your hysterical fit outside and come back when you're ready to act like a man
Valve don't care because their client has more features and is far and away better for the average user.
Taking a game for 6 months and taking a dev that's only made one hugley popular game isn't worryin g them at all. Steam ahs a userbase. EGS doesn't have any users that don't already have Steam.
Devs want that userbase and will continue to put their games on Steam, huge cut or not. All EGS are doing is alienate and splitting the PC player base.
that wasn't me, retard
Keep seething commie chinks. You're failing hard and I'm cumming like a madman to this train wreck.
LMFAO, 250k?
Like, that's decent for a new client that's got fuck all features. But they're openly trying to compete with steam who have MILLIONS of concurrent users on OLD games.
>people are actually blaming poor sales of a fucking WORLD WAR Z movie on Epic
Did you cunts not watch the movie? Remember, the game is based on the Movie.
Yeah they keep talking about 80+ million users but sales are still low tier.
250k sold means a peak of like 20k concurrent at launch, yiiikes
>No proof from your side either
Burden of proof is on you
>guess we'll have to wait for epic and the devs to release the actual numbers then hey?
They did
> Any company that isn't making a profit will never release those numbers.
Remember when Sony released a handheld that ended up being one of the worst selling consoles ever, yet they still told everyone how bad it failed?
>Both of my assumptions are based on tangible aspects, the market and history of devs not releasing sales
No proof
>Your failing and you just won't accept it.
Burden of proof is on you, WWZ = success
Cry more.
>devs literally have a budget of 0$.
And you believe this. K
>made their success from fortnite
>a game with its biggest audience being underaged
>most of their customers are only there for a free product
>spending money to obtain exclusive products
>gets plenty of bad PR
>started out by making their client a way for users to always keep their games up to date
>expanded that client to included more features
>expanded further to include more products
steam has millions of paying customers, while egs only has millions of users playing fornite.
valve doesnt have to do shit.
Most of these features can be achieved by any competent SoftEng interne. I don't get the cognitive dissonance, but it's clear that epichink are going with a minimalist launcher.
>says the commie
>better for the average user
The average user doesnt use half the shit valve cucks complain the epic store doesnt have.
Only the severly autistic are reading Steam User Reviews, joining those fucking Store reccomendation groups and customising their profile.
Oh boy, I can't wait until video games become even more watered down when they reach peak chinese-factory tier mass production. Congratulations, everyone.
Something is off about Rise of Industry. I appreciate what it is trying to do, but I dont really like it that much.
Actually you stated the devs were successful first without providing their budget and/or sales figures. Burder of proof is still on you. Proof to me how they were successful, show me the figures. You never will though because they will never release them. Keep crying more about your failed devs
They'll buy more devs that want a guarantee of cash, and either fold, or see massive success. They're buying already established titles/IPs at this point, so it's pretty much guaranteed they'll continue to see success with shit like metro, and borderlands, and rocket league.
In fact I think rocket league is going to be the testbed for furthering crossplay. They'll literally be the god-saviour in the eyes of normalfaggots if they convince everyone to get on board for cross-platform play for games on the epic store like they did for fortnite. And I can't say I'd disagree. It'd be amazing to be able to play more games crossplatform. I don't even like borderlands that much but you bet your ass if I could play it on pc with a friend on ps4 and another on xbone, I'd be more willing to drop $60 to know I'd never be fucking stuck playing alone.
The average user probably buys games from the Steam sales though.
Oh right, EGS doesn't do sales. What a shame
>started out by making their client a way for users to always keep their games up to date
Steam was made to force DRM for Half Life 2, you dumb zoomer faggot.
tantrums are unbecoming of those older than 10
you are older than then, right? reply with a meme response for no
why aren't you reading what the post is replying to then?
How anyone expects this guy to do anything remotely sensible and well thought out is beyond me.
The water cycle is taught when you're 6.
its against the rules to be underaged on this board
>commie thinks he wins when his political system has failed every single time in history
This is your brain on propaganda, grow up and have sex.
They really should've just pushed the cross play angle instead of this exclusive bullshit. If BL3 had a simultaneous release on steam and epic and only epic had cross play, I'd go with them, no hesitation. But they've artificially limited my choices and I don't really want to buy the game at all now.
Steam doesnt do sales either anymore. Also, the majority of users have sub 100 games and dont buy shit they wouldnt buy normally not on sale and buy the games they want when they release.
>Actually you stated the devs were successful first
I didn't say this, the devs did. The devs are the only ones who can know how much they spent and how much they made.
> without providing their budget and/or sales figures
You claimed to know their budget. You still haven't posted it. The sales have already been posted.
>Burder of proof is still on you.
Nope, you made the claim, you prove it right.
>Proof to me how they were successful,
Devs statement
>show me the figures
>You never will though because they will never release them
They did
>Keep crying more about your failed devs
WWZ = success
Why aren't they selling Japanese games at all?
Steam has a plenty of them now though.
This site you mean, you should leave before you get caught zoomer.
>allowing crossplay ever
haha no. still, the same "they haven't made anything good in a while" applies to Epic too, don't know what that retard is on about
your wobblies are aimed at a person who only exists in your head and whom'st've has no resemblance to me
>Steam doesnt do sales either anymore
There we have it lads. The absolute fucking state of Epic shills
At its current sales, WWZ would've costed around 7 million to be successful. You are literally just getting mad that the game didn't cost 9 figures to make, mr market expert.
205k is not their sales figures. Release their budget and profits made. You are assuming the devs are telling the truth. Where are the actual figures and why won't they release them?
Because most Japanese games go against their agenda
I hate these stupid nigger apes that keep on using this retarded MW2 analogy
the boycott for MW2 was to not buy MW2 ever until they fix themselves
the boycott of Epic Games is to wait 6 months and then buy it on Steam
Have sex
>zoomer wasnt around for flash sales and discounts over 60%
How sad
>Steam doesnt do sales either anymore
Lol wut? You do realise most people like to wait for the game to come out incase it turns out to suck right?
>You should have pre-purchased the game you stupid idiot, how dare you don't buy a game that may or may not suck!
epics plan is the same as every netflix competitor
we have already seen this business model
we already know its shit
>most people like to wait
Nope, consumers are mindless dronds. Preordering has been a thing for years due to them.
>205k is not their sales figures
Then what is it? Why are you denying facts?
>Release their budget and profits made
You claimed to know this first.
>You are assuming the devs are telling the truth
Why would anyone not? Normal people don't think like you.
> Where are the actual figures and why won't they release them?
They did, you are in full denial mode.
I was. Why are you moving the goalposts?
The absolute fucking state.
>past tense
>admitting to being underaged
enjoy your ban
people have been preordering in some form or another since the dawn of commerce
yeah, steam sales stopped when daily deals stopped, a game that would be 75% off on daily now stays at 25% off the whole time
Multiple games with more than 60% discounts, including Dark Souls III.
Something Epic will never do. How can you defend this shit?
ye. me and frends
Yeah, it is past tense because again, Steam sales now are fucking gimped compared to sales from 5 years ago. Flash Sales havent been a thing for years, they're officially dead you dumb zoomer faggot.
Enjoy yours ;)
>Yeah, it is past tense because again, Steam sales now are fucking gimped compared to sales from 5 years ago. Flash Sales havent been a thing for years, they're officially dead you dumb zoomer faggot.
I was agreeing with you, zoomer faggot
>steam decides sale percentages
dead to... you? over 60% is still a thing
steam store being unusable for half a day or so because of the traffic is also a thing
totally dead mi amigo
>10-40% discounts everywhere
Sad. Zoomers just dont understand how good Steam sales used to be before Valve got shit.
not even sure what Rise of Industry is, but that's based
Flash Sales are dead, you illiterate faggot.
I will, thanks
Why do they brag about 250k of some shitty game?
Why wont they release destiny 2 sales?
For any egs shills please tell me how exclusive competition is good for consumers
Steams only response is to buy their own exclusives taking money away from projects that benefit consumers
Exclusives only make publishers more money and fucks everyone else
And still, they're infinitely better than 0%. Why are you defending this?
Zoomers actually think 10% off a $60 game is a bargain, and is totally why people got into steam sales in the first place. This is because steam went for the consolefag audience.
>developers move from steam to the new store
Name one publisher who went to egs without getting millions for doing it
Why are you defending no sales?
Yeah and in both cases nobody fucking cares besides a few internet weirdos, the vast majority of people just bought it on Epic because they don't fucking care
10% is still better than 0% chang
Because hes a chink shill
Yeah, no reply. I can see that.
can't wait for epic to do their own summer sale with 90% off ;)
>I only want steam to have a monopoly on PC game distribution
>Taking 30% from the profits of every game is justified, even though you can distribute pc games for free yourself which has been happening since the fucking 80s
Steam is a plague. Epic is a plague. You don't need a fucking storefront for PC games. You can throw up your games executable on a website or hosting server and call it a day. Faggot retard fanboys defending steam need to unironically off themselves.
You are right. Retards will even install spyware if they don't know any better. Really shows you how stupid normalfags are.
Same. Especially when they said they won't do sales.
Where do i download my game once their website goes down? Having games in one library is convienent. You're just a butthurt monkey who can't keep up with change.
Epic literally gives away free games every fortnight.
Fuck off chink
China requires, by law, that government employees be executives in all businesses, and Tencent now owns 40%
They can't afford it. And they won't be able to afford that 12% cut forever either.
>even though you can distribute pc games for free
>still use steam anyway
>proceed to complain about
the state of indie devs
Lived long enough to see Yea Forums become an army of bootlickers.
Sad day.
>random indie game every 2 weeks
Cool? I'd like actual discounts on all games.
>no matter the time, language, culture or intelligence of the performer, every single time it was tried somehow everyone got the instructions wrong
>lol nothing wrong with the instructions its everyone else's fault!!!
Now you just sound like a Muslim defending the Quran lamo
Also please elaborate on which part exactly was misunderstood and provide examples?
Their plan is simple - pump Fortnite money into their platform until it will be able to sustain itself. This means exclusive shit won't stop until Fortnite dies.
So far they've stopped me from playing Rocket League and buying Outer Worlds. Both on PS4.
That's simply to lure in more people to the client and won't last forever either. This is the reason they pay a upfront fee to devs, giving away the game for free is part of the contract. Whenever they give away games for free epic is literally losing money. Makes me feel good.
>Why the fuck is Yea Forums defending Epic
I've seen very few threads defending it, majority of them are EGS hate threads
Then let the zombies enjoy the skull fucking and you use your money to support the companies giving you what you want. There will always be an alternative as long as you choose to only support companies that support you.
Honestly at this point i want to see steam crash and burn. It's really entartaining to read salty comments of butthurt incels.
Too bad valve has billions more than epic hence why they haven't even bothered noticing epic. If anything, with epic's current business model, they are due to fail way before steam does.
Just because a company doesn't make a public announcement doesn't mean they don't notice. If steam was publically owned they'd be shitting bricks, but they're a private company so even if they lose customers theres no noose over their neck.
Looking forward to Epic taking over as the defacto pc game platform though.
How about you state the failing condition of communism? Literally 100.0% of the times it was tried it ended with the collapse of the country. No exceptions. What needs to happen in order for you to understand communism is shit? If a divine entity will reveal itself to us as an all knowing all potent immortal God that created everything and can see into the future on all timeline and all possible dimensions, and that entity tells you in literally every reality and every time communism will never EVER work, will you then admit it's shit? Like what needs to happen, you literal insane zealot, for you to understand this system is shit? It already failed dozens of times, it never worked. How are you different than a religious nutjob exactly? Fucking commie faggot.
Epic is practicing straight up HARD communism by definition.
Yeah just like this one.
Create database of all American's personal information and use it to spy on people. You think those "security holes" weren't put in there on purpose?
>Looking forward to Epic taking over as the defacto pc game platform though.
The water cycle is taught when you're 6.
To be fair I don't think the dynamics of aerosols are, though.
Because he's a filthy chink looking to get some social credits.
I hope someone figures out how to pirate multiplayer gaimes.
>with more quantity comes lower prices
No way.
It'll be epic luls am I right fellow four channellers.
Let's see if he's laughing when games never go on sale and stay at release price permanently.
because im an indie developer who prefers not to get 30% of my profits pilfered from a platform that provides me nothing. Epic is better curated too so new releases arent drowned in shit
They keep buying exclusives, I keep saving money. Based Tim bringing back guilt-free piracy.
And what makes you think Epic wants your shit?
Not just guilt free, I actually feel good about pirating exclusive games. Even if they are good I later shit on them every chance I can
>this faggot thinks anyone would buy his walking simulator
88% of 0 is still 0
>indie dev
>waaaah why won't valve treat us the same as AAA devs
ok sure we'll stop greenlight and treat you exactly the same
>waaaah why do I have to pay 30% like everyone else
Nigger I hope you kill yourself. Your game is probably trash anyway. Show me what games you've made and I'll tell you why the reason you are failing is not because of steam.
>food analogy
>Epic is better curated too so new releases arent drowned in shit
Lol you'll come back and complain about it when you realize your game is among the curated shit.
Also why do you purposely go to steams "all new releases" unfiltered category just to bitch about it?
Indie devs advocating for epic games is always cute as hell to me. Do you think epic cares about indie devs little guy? Do you think you stand even the slightest chance of getting on that platform?
You're a delusional underage faggot.
Reminder epic doesn't want you unless you've already made a million sales. No 88% for you, too bad.
No, steam just literally doesn't care because epic hasn't even put a dent in them. They're busy making and selling VR gear making huge profits meanwhile epic is busy throwing away money trying to buy devs for their platform. Then said devs end up selling 200k-300k copies, pathetic. Epic is burning money, meanwhile valve keeps making money from new japanese devs, vr gear and new indie devs releasing games daily. Good luck ching chong, your store is gonna fall, and fall hard.
If no one finds your game on steam it means you are part of the shit that needs to be weed out, and if epic have good curation they won't even accept you lmao.
Good games don't complain about steam having "too much shit" for a reason. You're the game dev equivalent of incels thinking they are superior gentlemen and not understanding why girls don't want them.
Epic is a business. It's not Epic Games it's Epic Business and you can't really blame them for that.
They make money and crush the competition.
Also, their slimy tactics of buying exclusive only works because the devs agree to it, aka, the devs care more about money than actual video games as it's obvious that Epic Store exclusives will sell much less than if the game was also available on other stores.
>They make money and crush the competition
lol, they haven't done either.
They are currently losing money and not crushing the competition.
you know someone's a braindead retard when they post emoji memes
the chink-slurping post content helps, too
>They are currently losing money
>so new releases arent drowned in shit
don't worry you have the honors to do that part once you migrate to egs
>steam just literally doesn't care
nope, see
Show me proof they are succeeding, otherwise shut your whore mouth. You're the one stating they are crushing the competition, crushing them how? Proof?
>They're busy making and selling VR gear making huge profits
>tfw chinkies are gonna turn every volvo action as "HAHA LOOK IT'S BECAUSE EBIN IZ HERE!" now
Chinksectoids should be gassed just like jews in the ol' days of WWII.
burden of proof is on you
Oh it's you. Why'd you run away after failing to provide proof that WWZ failed?
>epic is crushing steam
Burden of proof is on you fatboy.
Was fucking my girl waiting for you to provide the numbers from the dev. Where have you been, did you manage to get me the profits they made plus the original budget?
Because you came up with your own arbitrary definition for "fail"?
t. not him
not an argument, the facts say valve changed how their entire store works because of epic, and gave away their biggest game for free because of epic
>waiting for you to provide the numbers from the dev
I did, and you said they were not sales numbers. What are they?
>did you manage to get me the profits they made plus the original budget?
You claimed to know this first.
You have yet to provide an argument ither than your own misguided MO that all games are failures until proven otherwise. WWZ = success
>the facts say valve changed how their entire store works
>gave away their biggest game
>gave away
>They are currently losing money
How do you know that? They make like 6 gorillion dollars a day from Fortnite, they have tons of money to invest in their "game" store.
making a game free is in fact giving it away
>you said they were not sales numbers
Those numbers are low. Compare them to the sales figures on steam that go into the millions. Hence we already know their sales numbers are low, not a good thing.
I also told you if you want to proof they are successful you can simply show me the profits they made, this will show me their low sales numbers don't reflect a failure. Low sales numbers usually do though. So once again, show me the profits and budget.
>WWZ = success
most steamshills are commie retards that don't know shit about economy.
Fuck steam and fuck gaben
>They make like 6 gorillion dollars a day
>Dec 3rd
Epic store was announced on Dec 4th.
it sold 320K copies dumb ass and they keep advertising it
i have 300 games on steam, 80% of them are really good. i've probably paid maybe $450 total over the course of 9 years on the platform. yeah i'm thinking steam is based
That article doesn't say anything about "free". It talks about revenue for sales achieved. Try again.
You sound underage both for not understanding jokes and having no idea how business and investment works.
>You sound underage
I buy most of my games for cheaper on other stores, from which I can get a steam key at no cost to them. I can't do that with games selling out to epic, they're only available on epic for full price since epic paid to have a monopoly on them, something valve never does.
>Those numbers are low.
Why did you change your tune after outright denying that they were sales figures in ? Are they sales figures or are they not sales figures?
>I also told you if you want to proof they are successful
I don't have to prove anything, you made the claim that the game wasn't successful, so the burden of proof is on you. Nothing here is my own view, it's just facts.
> So once again, show me the profits and budget.
You claimed to know this in the first place. Go ahead and post this, since you already said you knew it. WWZ = success
I don't understand why they bother buying up games aimed at an older audience who are well acquainted with the high seas. They still refuse to release the sales of Metro:Exodus which speaks volumes. Buying up Zoomer focused multiplayer garbage like Borderlands at least makes some sense.
>anime garbage
Why do you "people" insist on shitting up this website?
Because sales numbers don't matter. The devs agree to have much less sales in exchange for Epic's money, which is normally supposed to cover the sale losses due to exclusivity.
The devs are as guilty as Epic for participating in this charade.
>Why did you change your tune
I didn't, those numbers prove you wrong.
You made the claim WWZ = success first. Burden is on you kiddo. Show me the profits and budget. The sales figures indicate it is a failure. 300K sold is a failure in all cases, it doesn't cover the costs unless their budget was very very low. That's why I'm saying show me the stats. You refuse to show me proof but keep insisting the game is a success, even when the sales figures are low.
why do people overestimate fornite so much? it's not that popular, definitely not even close enough to carry an entire storefront especially when, as we all know, 90% of its players are 8 year old children
Not him but you seem to be obsessed with profits even though you:
- have no data yourself
- have no idea what "profit" even means
It doesn't matter if they lose money by buying exclusive deals. They are doing it as an investment to promote their store and compete with steam in the long run.
How much money does fortnite even generate for them? I'm curious about the actual figures.
>90% of its players are 8 year old children
8 yo children with parent's credit card
I have low sales figures that proof WWZ is underachieving. He has what?
All I want to see is the profit the company made from the WWZ game and what the game's initial budget was, then we can see if those low sales are actually accurate or not.
>I didn't,
You did. Your direct quote in is "205k is not their sales figures". What did you mean by this? Are they sales figures or are they not sales figures?
>You made the claim WWZ = success first. Burden is on you kiddo
No, I didn't make any claim, the developers posted fact. If I said the earth is round, that is not my claim, that is a fact.
>The sales figures indicate it is a failure
Except you said they weren't sales figures.
>300K sold is a failure in all cases
Hat in Time was a success at 50k copies sold.
>it doesn't cover the costs unless their budget was very very low
>That's why I'm saying show me the stats
I did.
>huge selection with lots of filters to easily view what you want
>Mountains of garbage.
That got me. Heres your (You)
seething weeb
this is a game board, not an anime board
> If I said the earth is round, that is not my claim, that is a fact
Not without proof it isn't.
>Hat in Time was a success at 50k copies sold.
Because their budget was small. Show me WWZ's budget and your suffering will end. You still can't show me any profits or budget. We can do this all day.
>Yea Forums still seething about EGS
Man, this will never get old. I love seeing Valvecucks on suicide watch.
Have fun being buttblasted while Memelands sells millions, I guess.
>>it doesn't cover the costs unless their budget was very very low
And? Can you show us WWZs budget?
Is your link meant to BTFO yourself? It says itself that VR ownership at least doubled in 2018.
Sure, 0.4% to 0.8% is small, but that leads to millions and millions of VR players by the end of 2020
>All I want to see is the profit the company made from the WWZ
Which company? The one who made WWZ?
I'd expect Epic to make sure to cover for any losses due to exclusivity in their contract so the devs will always at least break even.
>Show me WWZ's budget and your suffering will end.
You already claimed to know this. Post it, since you made the claim first. And what did you mean when you said "205k is not their sales figures".?
But in the end someone is taking the fall. So epic is taking the loss for sales here.
I'm not the one that claimed to know this in the first place.
Good bye, Rocket League
>So epic is taking the loss for sales here.
They don't care about that. They are INVESTING in the future. It doesn't matter even if the money they invest isn't theirs (loans, credits, etc..., though I'm pretty sure they are rich enough from UE and fortnite to be able to sponsor whatever exclusive they want).
No I didn't. I never stated I know their budget, I said their sales are low hence they are failing.
You're assuming because a company tells you their sales indicate a success it is truth, which is funny considering 300k is low. They are contradicting the market and so are you.
Then why are you claiming WWZ == success?
Their sales numbers sure doesn't indicate that, it's pretty low.
>They are INVESTING in the future
A future of low sales, good for them.
That's not Sony.
Yeah... you must be either retarded or underage for not understanding what Epic does.
>No I didn't. I never stated I know their budget,
Yes you did, in the post you claimed "It's barely covering their costs of development.". In order to know this, you must know the game's budget. You also said "205k is not their sales figures". What did you mean by these? Why do you hate quotes?
>You're assuming because a company tells you their sales indicate a success it is truth
Yes, most people see others as innocent until proven guilty.
Epic must be underage or retarded for doing what they are doing.
Their plan was to get developers on their side and into their store before they had to stop the 12% (they've admitted, it's not sustainable). They do this by paying them off or just the lower percentage.
Problem is, in doing so they've also pissed off many potential customers. Whether it's poaching games, a store front that lacks features, pushing fees onto customers (resulting in more expensive games despite developers getting a higher cut of the sale) or just going on Twitter and shit posting.
The plan was to build up such a good library of games people would be forced to use Epics store. Problem is, they pissed off people so much that even if the Epic store is peoples only choice, they wont use it.
Not sure Tim Sweeney thought that one through.
Who the fuck even cares about success or sales.
The devs agree to sell less games by accepting exclusivity deals. They know in advance that they are going to sell less copies than if the game wasn't an epic exclusive.
And as for Epic, they obviously going to pay for the deficit in sale. They know in advance that it's going to cost them money. If Steam was a good old physical store, Epic would go there and buy ALL games they want to be exclusives. That's what they do with their exclusivity deals.
There's no space for talking about profits or success or whatever the FUCK you are arguing about.
Shut the fuck up Sonycűck. Valve is never going bankrupt. Keep seething about losing exclusives while hoping egs wins. Also don't expect jap games to come to egs exclusively. EGS is a store made by a literal feminist turf. This SJW tranny lover would never allow "problematic" jap games on his SJW platform.
>In order to know this, you must know the game's budget.
No, you can simply look at the market and see from companies with poor sales who failed in producing enough of a revenue and their publishers not greenlighting a sequel or letting devs go to cover costs. This is the power of deduction and called learning from history, something you clearly don't understand.
>Yes, most people see others as innocent until proven guilty.
Except devs lying throughout the past years about their sales is a clear indication they are already guilty. Go ahead and believe the lies like a naive child.
He's not a pc gamer ;)
>be weeb who doesn't buy Western games
>Still care about the exclusivity shit cause you're also a steam drone
there's this war between chinese bike rental services going on. their goal isn't being profitable, but to remove every competition until there's only one left.
somehow, this reminds me of epics current strategy.
>No, you can simply look at the market and see from companies with poor sales who failed in producing enough of a revenue and their publishers not greenlighting a sequel or letting devs go to cover costs. This is the power of deduction and called learning from history, something you clearly don't understand.
So, nothing. Why do you expect me to provide numbers when you can't? And what did you mean when you said "205k is not their sales figures"?
>Except devs lying throughout the past years about their sales is a clear indication they are already guilty
Post 5 examples to prove your argument.
Amazon got their monopoly due to making losses for a while.
>No, you can simply look at the market and see from companies
How do you know how much money Epic is offering devs as compensation?
>So, nothing.
More than you have. You literally have nothing. I have history and low sales showing me WWZ is not a success. You have nothing to proof it was a success other than the word of the devs, lmao.
Take a look at BF5, Anthem, or any EA game as they closed company doors or had to let devs go. Are you new to gaming that you simply don't understand how things work?
We don't, and I never said I know. Regardless of how much they are being offered someone is taking the hit on low profit, it might be epic or the publisher. If a game's sales are low a publisher won't allow for a sequel. Epic has basically opened the door for devs and told them that it's ok to fail, we'll cover the costs.
>You literally have nothing.
> You have nothing to proof it was a success other than the word of the devs, lmao.
Again, you contradict yourself. Do I or do I not have proof?
>other than the word of the devs,
Who else knows how much the game sold other than the people that made the game?
>Take a look at BF5, Anthem, or any EA game as they closed company doors or had to let devs go
Neither of those devs shut down or had layoffs. Did either of those devs shut down? Remember, this is the "history" you claim to have. And what did you mean when you said "205k is not their sales figures"?
The word of the devs is nothing newfag shill.
All the developers in those companies where moved to new divisions. I'm so so sorry you haven't been involved long enough to understand how devs lie about their sales trying to cover their asses.
The publishers agree to the exclusivity deal too. And exclusivity deals aren't always permanent.
The rest is your imagination and interpretation.
Industry wide secret op to take down valve's margins
>the game succeeding
china derangement syndrome hitting you hard
>The word of the devs is nothing newfag shill.
>All the developers in those companies where moved to new divisions
Proof? These events would've happened this year so it should be very easy to pull up articles.
So you're basically saying that a developer's game that has low sales don't influence the future of the franchise one single bit, and that publishers don't care? Cool
The devs, the publisher and Epic all agree to exclusivity deals. All sides know what exclusivity deals imply and they agree to it because... it's worth, it according to them.
>Delays on features following strong sales
>Instead of fidelizing those consumers by adding features to the store, we'll wait a bit make this store decent
Are they fucking retarded, incompetent, greedy of all of those?
The proof is that you are a lazy retarded little monkey. I know you are trolling, but seriously put some effort in. Everyone knows the history of these companies and how EA has sunk companies after bad sales, it's like you want to play stupid. I'm not entertaining you any longer. You're an idiot who can't accept failed sales figures.
But if they become too condensed due to cold temperatures they do fall down. It's a magnificent event called "rain" you mongolic piece of shit.
>Specifically, Wilson said changes are being made to its marketing and publishing organization
Nothing to do with developers such as Dice and Bioware.
>Bioware devs shift from Anthem to Dragon Age 4
They weren't fired, they weren't restructured. Bioware employees, who work for Bioware, are going to work on a new game. What do you think professional game devs do when they're done making a game?
>Everyone knows the history of these companies and how EA has sunk companies after bad sales
Mass Effect Andromeda sold 2.5 million copies. The studio behind it shut down. Is this your barometer for low sales?
Anyway you're really losing your cool for being wrong, keep it up it's glorious.
>They weren't fired, they weren't restructured
Not even him but you're grasping at straws. They were restructured after a month of the game suffering constant problems, they initially said they would support the game for 10 years and now most of the devs are moving over to DA4. They are clearly abandoning the game since publishers saw it was a failure. Companies like these are pull devs from failed projects, it's even happening on Just Cause 4 where they aren't even fixing bugs anymore.
lol how stupid are you
eggs are commodity now
music became a commodity
news became a commodity
video games are becoming a commodity
in other words, no one cares about videogames they are just part of life now.
in other words you aren't edgey because you are a gamer
gamers are just commodity consumers now
Yeah, no.
I don't want to spend 60+ minutes making Steam not show shit. Valve dropped the ball hard when they stopped curating, and it's just been getting worse every year since Greenlight first came into life. I've been out of the loop for 3-4 years and coming back, opening Steam was fucking awful. Still, though, I'm sticking with Steam for the time being as it is too strong to actually be dethroned
PC wouldn't even be a gaming platform if it weren't for Steam, you dumb zoomer.
The fact that you kids whine about steam just shows how little you know about just how bad it can get in pc gaming.
All of those things were always a commodity lmao
>the curation meme
This is literally a Jewish games journalism meme. Why do they want curation? So they can pressure Valve to ban "toxic" content from their store and because they believe their shit games will suddenly sell.
Unless you're a brainlet who can't type in a fucking search bar, this should not be a problem for you to find a fucking game you want to buy.
Maybe someday they'll get a game worth pirating. Until then I don't care what they do.
I like steam and more importantly I hate epic, but PC was a gaming platform wayyyyy before steam arrived and would have remained so regardless. I do agree, however, that steam contributed a lot to PC gaming and especially indie.
Fuck epic.
>Valve hasn't even acknowledged them lmao
It's like you think business is like pro wrestling
Calm down nig. Whatever you are saying, about "toxic" content, I am not. I don't care about pseudo-offensive games or animeshit. I just want to be able to find a decent game I didn't hear of before, which is impossible since indieshit clogs up every category. Better categorization would work as well, I guess.
> So whats their plan?
Make merchants cut lower and make digital distribution on pc more attractive.
Valve appears to understand that what the media says and PC gamers feel are two completely different thing PC Gamer and IGN do not represent PC gamers. They are actually pretty out of touch with them. PC gamers - the ones that spend thousands a year on PC games - don't give a fuck about Epic. Epic is populated by fortnite kiddies with muh-first-PC.
You can tell by the fact that 40% of the people that have Epic, don't have Steam. That is an extremely damning fact that Epic themselves let slip. Any real PC gamer has had Steam for a LONG time now.
you can replace it with any subject/item you want you retarded shit stained weeb
do you even know what inflation is
As someone in business, I really think Epic is being retarded. They are putting so much time in money into becoming the next Steam, but the future of that entire business model is shaky right now. The long term profit margins can't be guaranteed. Not only that, but what their doing is actively hurting that business model and consumer's faith in it. Their simultaneously investing in and destroying the same thing. It's just stupid. Really bad business decisions.
what's your game indie dev I tell you wether you will succeed or not
Why do you think Valve is ignoring them? Sweeny himself said 12% is unsubstainable and why they can't do sales like Valve can. Valve switching to 20% past 50 million in Revenue was just to stop everyone running off to make their own launcher. Seemed to have worked since Bethesda came crawling back.