Other urls found in this thread:
>stealing Dynasty warriors characters
>grand strategy
fookin 'ell
>Boring ass chink shit
Literal who the fuck cares, i literally could not give less of a shit about Kuk Dong the Wu-dai Tendie invoking the power of the Gunbao Leishi Strike with his fucking GuanYu ChinChang Go-Dao swordspear of the Plastic Rice Spirit to slay the fucking cat eating escalator demon or whatever the fuck is interesting lore to these insects
>Chink spearmanii vs chink spearmanii
thats gonna be a hard pass from me
glad im not the only one who holds this exact same opinion on it
I think I'll pirate this one before I settle on buying it or not.
Basically this.
History was a miatake, I'll be waiting for my Total War Lord of The Rings game now.
>ancient China
bout as boring as picking the stone age
Are tags a fucking joke to these people?
The Three Kingdoms show from china was the best shit ever. Better than got, vikings and all the other shit.
I enjoyed every minute and rooted for cao cao all the way.
Total War games are shit though. There is just no other game like them. Won't buy it, alone because of the dlc policy.
damn dude you're hardcore, not caring about anything wowzers man wish i could be that cool.
>Total War games are shit though. There is just no other game like them.
No other game like them in a good way or a bad way?
There is just no other game with massive battles like the Total War games have. I wish there would be other games with big battles so i didn't have to fund these jews.
Your only other choice is to pirate it if you're desperate. You should wait until the game is "complete" though.
Vikings was shit overall desu
Half of the cast was just terrible, writers were dumb as bricks and that time period wasnt really interesting at all
Cao Cao's show had really lackluster parts as well but every Cao Cao and Sima Yi part was worth watching
God damn I loved cow cow's actor
You can pirate dlcs, retard.
>know even a little bit of history
>every single rottk based or even the rottk itself sucks dick till you get used to it
Fuck people not giving Wu their spotlight
Fuck people making every wei general bland for whatever reason and not having at least half of them go I AM THE LAW
Fuck Shu in general
But most importantly
God bless baby football
That's just, like, your opinion man
I won't give them a single penny. Not even for the base game.
>23rd May
nah, Rule the Waves 2 for me instead
>There is just no other game with massive battles
Unironically Conquest of Elysium and Dominions you faggot
Correct me if i'm wrong but isn't this about as historic as King Arthur?
Nothing with graphics from this millenium retard.
I don't know how you can even compare this shit with tw unironically.
It's probably a little more historic, but otherwise yeah the majority of it is mostly just a romantic story about China and chinese philosophies on war and rulership.
>watching rotk tv series
>it's just chinks backstabbing each other
>china romanticizes this
No wonder China is such a shit hole.
it is documented in the official historical records of the following dynasty, and much we know about Asia outside China from that Period comes from the same records.
There is a romanticized version from the Ming Dynasty thousands of years later, but it still accurately retells historic events with more personal drama written in
As opposed to what, Nibelungen?Beowulf?
Keep in mind this is at least based on history, even if it doesnt follow it much.
>this is at least based on history
That’s not a good thing you gook insect.
EXTREMELY loose following of historical events,half the deaths are bullshit stuff to sound more dramatic or just slander people the writer didnt like, lots of battles that didnt happen or places that do not exist, personalities of nearly every character are much different from the real thing etc.
>Centre over Liu Bei who is possibly the biggest hypocrite
>The Water Margin centres around Song Jiang and spends most of the book trying to pretend he's honourable
Just play Dynasty Warriors bro and genocide them chinks by the millions.
It is, when even the straight up made up epics about ''heroes'' from your country are all geniune dick suckers :^)
doesn't matter, romance is fiction, records is history
>wanting to play chinkmanii
>Cao Cao
How much of a faggot do you have to be to support Wei?
This unironically.
I just finished Sekiro, so I need a change of pace anyway.
Careful boyo.
It won't be playable for around 2 years
Because Romance of three kindgoms lies about wei and makes them the bad guys. Liu Bei is the biggest shit of piece there ever was and in rottk he is this godlike unfailable hero figure. Seriously fuck everyone but Cao Cao, At least he had a vision to make china a better place.
>no user reviews
ded game
I hope EGS buys exclusivity
>You have Romance mode AND History mode
>Bright and colorful or dull and gray color schemes available
>English and Chinese VO available
>Extreme unit sizes
>Alternative 3d model unit cards
>Allies and vassals are actually useful
>Best realm divide implementation
Wtf I thought 3K was supposed to be shit.
I watched ikkitousen, so I already know everything about it.
Hola fantasyfriend.
I dunno. Some of the acting is ridiculously hammy, especially when they laugh.
>Pang Tong deflects people falling for his ruse by laughing louder and louder
I miss him
Unironically this.
China is a boring place for warfare. It was quite literally just peasants with spears. Very rarely you had some chariots and crossbows, that's it. The unit lists show how poor china is as a setting, even a single m2 faction has more variety than the combined factions of 3k.
It is shit.
I would laugh like a retard too if i would just win a battle by drinking tea with the enemy commander.
but it is
warhammer 40k Total War fucking when?
China is a shithole. And I'm not even murrican.
>Because Romance of three kindgoms lies about wei and makes them the bad guys.
> At least he had a vision to make china a better place.
Jesus, are you actually a chinese insect?
>Not as autistic as a Paradox game
>Not as braindead as a Total War game
Superior ROTK strategy game coming through. XI is even better.
It's going to be shit. CA are retards.
China is such a shit hole they literally have to go full 1984 in order to stop it's people being degenerates
But you're right the US is also shit.
Daily reminder to NOT buy total war games on launch and wait for the review by /ourguy/ Darren who has been blacklisted by CA and probably Paradox too.
wei is the thinkings man faction
who cares about streamlined modern total war games.
the absolute unit-la
>Jesus, are you actually a chinese insect?
A chinese insect wouldn't support cao cao
Possibly after TW Warhammer 3. CA has apparently expressed interest in making a 40K game.
>tfw wanting to link some videos on youtube but they all got deleted or made private
The one I wanted to show is when Zhuge Liang dies.
Compared to baby football and "literally who" Sun.
Should I get Medieval II or Rome?
>white incel
shogun 2
I remember when this fag sucked paradox's dick.
Med II
Medieval 2 has more mods for it so that is probably the better option at this point.
the lategame seems really interesting
cao cao is based, stop believing shu propaganda
Med II for deus vult memes and mods. Rome for the superb setting and campaign.
med 2 = rome 1 = shogun 2 = twwh > napoleon > dogshit > nushitstory
Zhuge Wang
Longh Dong
Gi Mi Mony
Sum Ting Wong
Chew Kok Long
Wang Hang Lo
Li To Pipi
Fu Kong Gai
Ho Lee Fuk
Mi So Ho Nai
Bang Ding Ow
>Bright and colorful or dull and gray color schemes available
>Alternative 3d model unit cards
broofs? i haven't heard anything about these
three zhangdoms looking great!
The weirdest thing about the show are the 1 on 1 fights, because they clearly filmed choreographed fights but then edited them into nothing with close up an jump cuts
>it's just chinks backstabbing each other
That's sort of the point. Almost the entirety of Romance of the Three Kingdoms is that everyone else was shit except Liu Bei, who is the only one with the moral, legal, and biological right to rule and is a super awesome dude who the other superest, awesomest dudes love and respect and follow almost without question. Everyone else is just greedy and arrogant and don't truly think about the people.
>t.Shu faggot
Sounds very unbiased.
Seems everyone just picks Wei.
>everyone else was shit except Liu Bei
>Shufags actually believe this
Spoken like a true burger. This kind of mentality is why 9/11 happend. You are responsible for it.
>i literally could not give less of a shi
Well you obviously care enough to reply and spewed your soulless shitpost.
>everyone else was shit except Liu Bei
>DoS2 still rocking
Nice, can't wait for their next title
Medieval II. Superior collision and campaign.More mods.
>Outsell Muh Imperator
>Outsell Burka Kombat
How can anti-chinese shills ever recover....
Which mobile game is this?
cant wait to execute the three faggots
cant wait to use the cannibalism stance and regenerate my units
>we want the sekiro audience
He's clearly mocking the absurd degree of revisionism that goes on in RotTK in regards to Shu.
Didn't say it wasn't. The story is also a bit more complicated than that, but it still fits into China's whole cultural philosophies on how divine right to rule works. Which is, functionally, not too different from the romanticization of European nobility. Nobility have a divine right to rule, but one of the signs of that divine right is an innate generosity and kindness towards one's retainers and subjects. This is largely what is used to motivate Liu Bei throughout the epic. Of course he can only do so because of his imperial bloodline, but people are constantly pushing him to do more, reach for more, because only he with his morality and kind heartedness can be a proper ruler of China. That's the general thrust the story is going for.
But there are other virtues. Absolute loyalty to one's lord and family. Other men, like Lu Bu, as easily swayed by flattery and gifts. It honestly doesn't take much for many people to switch sides. But there's this whole fucking extended arc about Cao Cao trying to turn Liu Bei's sworn brother Guang Yu. Gives him so many gifts, keeps all his promises to him, flatters him outrageously, yet in the end such is Guang Yu's loyalty and skill he navigates the troubles of China's grattitude social niceties deftly and remains on Liu Bei's side. There's a few guys on other sides who aren't assholes and remain loyal to their lords to the death and this is also lauded.
It's very, very easy to read the basic ROTK story as Liu Bei propaganda. (I don't know much about how things like Dynasty Warriors take the tale and spin it.) He get's all the best strategists, all the best fighters, is portrayed as the nicest person, etc. Also get's a hot tomboy wife like less than half his age who's super into him being a martial guy. He's the luckiest guy in the story, except for how Cao Cao also has a lot of things break his way.
>real protagonist doesn't show up until the last quarter of the story
Based Yi
How long are the chinks going to keep recycling the three kingdoms? Haven't they done that shit to death already?
I mean, they seem to be doing a better job at it than Arthurian shit. What was the last of those retellings to not both suck and not do very well?
>We want fans of this vaguely Japanese but mostly fantasy game, so lets make a grand strategy game about historical ancient China
It's Game of Thrones China. They'll keep milking it.
What would be the best way to get into this series? I'm probably most interested in Shogun since I enjoy the history. Is Shogun 2 just an upgraded version of the first?
They chose the wrong dynasty, all the weird and cool units like korean Turtle ships are a thing much later on.
Gonna be a hard pass for me
>supporting SJW cucks
I hope none of you do this and have the common sense to pirate instead.
>Game of the Thrones, LotR, 40k
No, the next Total War will be like Age of Mythology
The fights were complete garbage in this show. Just jumpcut after jumpcut.
Ikki Tousen mods when?
>how long until state approved literature dies off
next tw will be simpsons
>watching the show for the fights
Get a load of this guy.
Bored of Three Kingdoms? Have Monkey King.
Bored of Monkey King? Have Three Kingdoms.
Bored of Three Kingdoms? Have Monkey King.
Bored of Monkey King? Have Three Kingdoms.
Bored of Three Kingdoms? Have Monkey King.
Bored of Monkey King? Have Three Kingdoms.
absolutely based
See pic. And yes you can change the overall atmosphere to more gloomy and darker feeling similar to Attila. They also bring back sync kills of regular soldiers like in previous games.
desu I'd play a good Monkey King game
he was fun in Warriors Orochi 2
more like absolutely seething.
The three kingdoms shit at least happened, though heavily romanticized. King Arthur is supposedly a kind of creation myth as it relates to england except there is no fucking proof any of it is true even down to the people involved in the story.
I didn't watch it for the fights at all but whenever they came up the show became some b-movie trash that completely pulled me out of the experience.
China is actually a very good setting for a Total War game if you just pick a fitting era. Its because they wielded the largest infantry armies in history and their armies could consist of weird experimental firework weapons like arrow launcher carts or catapults flinging bombs, the best cavalry in the world and tens to hundreds of thousands of untrained peasants with bamboo sticks all at the same time. Which is why its baffling why they chose Romance of Three Kingdoms as a setting and not late Yuan or late Ming periods where all the cool shit happens.
>People still playing PUBG
Good lord
>EXTREMELY loose following of historical events
Nope. The novel is more like 1/3 fiction, 2/3 history.
The replies made by subhuman w*esterners in this thread only serve to show how arrogant they truly are, how they cherish their own ignorance and praise it as if it was a virtue. Fuck you and I hope you go extinct.
Were there more before the insect revolution or something? That's just sad.
Isn't it utter shit without power-up kit?
Will probably be DLC if 3K does well. Which seems like a big IF at the moment.
well not as good as WH cards but least they're trying
>the best cavalry in the world
Also chinese history is spotty as shit. Most army numbers are pure estimation.
No surprised, Yea Forums is always filled with whoremouth anti-chinese shills, even the founder of Yea Forums cannnot stand with this shithole anymore and sold it to others years ago.
>muh benevolence
>muh ambition
If you don't support Wuchads you need to re-evaluate your life right now.
Hello 五毛党.
i don't particularly disagree, its just that i reject everything about the chinese except their cheaply made electronics
life is going to be tough in the future, i'm sure
game looks worse than shogun 2 desu
shogun 2 is really good and fall of the samurai also very fun and the closest thing to modern empire we got
>chinese history is spotty as shit
Sorry to break your shitbrain, but Chinese historical records are one of most detailed and complete in the world, nearly 2/3 of Asian nations outside China have to read Chinese records to figure out their own ancestries, like your precious Japan.
Every total game ever looked worse than Shogun 2, since you know, it is the best Total War ever
Still flawed, but holy shit it's so much fun. I literally replayed it yesterday
My favorites are easily 8 and 10, but i wish KOEI would release the fucking translated PuKs.
>when you are so based that the game makers had to pair you with a bunch of complete imbeciles just so that everyone else can have a chance of defeating you
being zhuge liang is suffering
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I hope we can recruit him for wei
t. The "Benevolent" Traitor Liu Bei
>talking shit about the Three Kingdoms
It's practically the Trojan War of China.
And how's that not extremely loose?
>the lowest possible estimation is still bigger than entire populations of european countries
What did he mean by this?
Well, let's see:
>No naval battles
>No diplomacy
>All factions share the same unit pool
>maximum 18 units on each side
>Shitty fantasy battles where a single general can kill half the army
>Set in the most boring historical period of ancient chink-land
Thanks, CA. I was getting tired of all your shit over the past 10 years. This game finally convinced me to skip your franchise from now on entirely
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West is a great game if you haven't heard of it.
I really don't understand. People have been clamoring for a Romance of the 3 kingdoms strategy game for decades, and now they're getting it, they're all "Pfft who cares"
Is this the power of anglo's hatred against their future usurpers, like how they made anything Russian BAD once?
Chinese history doesn't really concern itself with fine details like the West does. It's more Homer and less Tacitus. For example:
>How it's told: Zhou Yun is said to have rode through Cao Cao's army single handedly to rescue Liu Bei's infant child from a burning castle they had just evacuated from.
>What probably happened: Zhao Yun parlayed with Cao Cao and was allowed to retrieve the child out of mutual respect and human decency.
>Set in the most boring historical period of ancient chink-land
which period would be the most exciting one you think, user?
t. actual brainlet who knows nothing of chinese history
Now this is shitposting
>No diplomacy
Are you mentally deficient, from what I saw from the previous after 20 years we might have a semblance of diplomacy in this fucking series.
>the best cavalry
weird way to spell mongols
also all the rest of the stuff you mentioned wasn't around during the 3 kingdoms era. Gunpowder wasn't used as a weapon until the 10th century AD in southern wu.
Get off the ROTK fiction and read a book, faggot.
I just want Warhammer 3 so we can get Ogres.
We both know you'll come crawling back because TW corners a market nobody else bother to corner. You're literally a cuck playing games from people you hate.
>t. zhang
Can't have a game set in ancient China without someone bitching about modern China.
>No diplomacy
Cao Cao's entire fucking shtick is that he can manipulate characters into accepting diplomatic arrangements they would otherwise not accept you dolt.
To be honest, as an american i only hate this game because i don't really know anything about the time period, and they're chinks, the enemy of my great nation.
>ITT seething bugmen and shills
Face it, no actual human being gives a fuck about Three Chinkdoms. More fantasy please
>now they're getting it
>so all the rest of the stuff you mentioned wasn't around during the 3 kingdoms era.
That's literally what he said you absolute mongoloid.
>tfw no water margin vidyakino
Then it's time to learn senpai. Chinese history is a lot like ours with a fair deviation in ideology and perspective. The Mandate of Heaven versus Divine Right for example.
>my great nation
we are israel's puppets, user
Not him, but the pre/post WW2 era when communist Mao rose to power is pretty damn cool. Hate Mao all you want, but his group had the most amazing luck of all rebels ever had.
Zhao Yun didnt even parlay with anyone, he was literally just a normal soldier who fetched them once and never spoken about ever again
There are A LOT of differences in rottk.Straight up false battles, passes, holds, really different personalities, just random numbers etc
imagine the flop this game will be
it's gonna be beautiful to see it unfold
Hopefully /eagg/ will be back so we can talk about rotk there, i don't want to go back to the shithole that is /twg/.
Sorry boomer, nobody played those ancient non-translated jap games
>just random numbers etc
The wars of the period allegedly killed as many people as WW1. I always wonder if that's true.
really? in the tv series zhao yun is this badass spearman and one of the most honorable men in the whole show
All lies pushed by europeans to justify their senseless jealousy. Besides, Israel really is a good ally. But we run this shit. Always have, always will.
>People have been clamoring for a Romance of the 3 kingdoms strategy game for decades
What is Dynasty Warrior?
Well, China has like 1/4 of the world population. So they had to be numerous even then
They're neither ancient nor untranslated, retard.
It's not a fucking strategy game for one.
>Dynasty Warrior
It's practically a beat 'em up masher
>personalities of nearly every character are much different from the real thing
Did you know them personally?
Like what then? I know plenty of chinese and japanese 3 kingdoms games, but none translated.
I played it but great sure isn't how I'd describe it.
Really? You're baffled that they picked the most popular point of Chinese history to set a game in? Are you also baffled by FPS set in WWII?
Isn't the moral of the story of Liu Bei is a righteous and moral man, but that fought for a losing cause? I got the impression that despite his best efforts, he couldn't stop what was inevitable, that is to say that the Han was cast down by heaven, and even though he was the best of men, he had still chosen the wrong side. Despite everyone advicing him to seize power for himself and form a new dynasty(including his sworn brothers), he clung to the old and did everything in his power to try and restore the Han.
It is written after all a few dynasties up from the Han, in sort of a historical fanfiction to describe why the current dynasty was favored by the gods, and those before were no longer. I think they wanted to portray him as what the Han could have been, had their rulers been wiser, but ultimately it was his fate to be denied victory.
>I really don't understand. People have been clamoring for a Romance of the 3 kingdoms strategy game for decades, and now they're getting it, they're all "Pfft who cares"
Maybe because they're not the same group of peoples? Why do you make you impression and conclusion based on Yea Forums? Are you stupid? This cesspool is renown for anti-chinese, anti-semitics and all kinds of deranged shitposts.
Well yeah, who wants to play as a soldier who is bound to die in war? I'm too smart to be a grunt and my mind only accepts pure tactical strategy stimuli
Based, that late era of Japan is my favorite. Should I buy the base Shogun 2 before Fall of the Samurai? There's a steam review discouraging it saying you can't get the base expansions if you buy FOTS first, but I don't know if that's been fixed.
Bump for side kick.
>This cesspool is renown for anti-chinese,
Funny how that came after the election and Trump rattling sabers at China. Before most people either didn't care, or were obsessed RotKfags
I want to EXPAND DONG.
That sounds really odd, i haven't encountered anything like it.
Only if they make sea battles really good.
>Implying it's Trump and not Epic Games
Gonna be honest, still doing my first read through of ant sort of adaptation of the story. Given how hilariously one-sided things are depicted for Liu Bei for most of it, I kind of assumed he'd just win and rule as a super awesome emperor eventually. I didn't know much of the specifics of the story until I started reading it. I'm maybe about 2/3 of the way through now? Somewhere around when Cao Cao blocks a fucking arrow to the head with his own teeth. That fucker. I suppose it would be no surprise if he won it all, considering how often he gets away with shit compared to literally everyone else in the story.
>Wanting WORST TW game to date
Oh yeah can't wait to line up those guys and watch them shoot at each other without any movement or action
Don't forget the autismal fantasy vs history rivalry within the TW fanbase.
Brainlet as fuck.
I assume it's just banter. But then again, these days everyone sure looks serious.
I mean, i enjoy both and assume most people do.
Medieval 2, if it would solely for the mods
Stainless Steel with HIP submod has the ultimate TW experience
Any way for me to play Cao Cao kill Liu bei and recruit Guan Yin, Zhang Fri, Zhuge Liang and Zhao Yun?
Yeah dude spearmen stabbing each other 95% of the game is much more fun.
>Hurr my lines are EPIC
>Oh yeah, shoot those guys making that other line!
>God i am so SMART!
>that came after the election and Trump rattling sabers at China
Hmm...No, I have that impression long before Trump's election. But (((They))) become more rabid and vocal lately probably is influenced by Trump more or less, also partially because China now indeed is surpassing US in certain fields and has far more influences to the world, so (((they))) are panic.
That's 5% left for other things, unlike Empire which is 100% boring
reminder to stop being a pleb and watch Cao Cao's kino tv show
Epic Games is American company no matter how hard you refuse to believe.
Sorry for spoiling it for you, though I will say the story will twist and turn more so keep reading it.
History fans are just seething because TWW made bank, and are mistakenly thinking that that has diverted attention from CA making more historical games.
>No barbarian factions at all
>Barbarian controlled areas are just blank colonizable spots
>Some of the acting is ridiculously hammy, especially when they laugh.
It's just a sort of theatrical style way of acting for hammy type laughs. I've seen it done in western cinema and tv shows as well.
Man i wish i was an ignorant burger like you, it should be a very easy life slaving and watch reality show with a drooling mouth all day.
its mostly mad fantacucks
All countries dislike China, not just America. Only (some) Chinese like China.
>dedicate almost 100 hours of your life to watching stupidly embellished history made up by soulless chink insects
how about no
>Fantasy Total War Game
>Instead of a good timeless series, they go with Reddithammer
Genuinely upsets me.
>If i add a bunch of memes and chinese things to my image, it will show everyone how unbiased and rational i am!
Doesn't get any more anglo than this.
>can't read english
no surprise here
t. zoomer
I'm sorry to hear about your terrible taste. I hope you get better.
>everybody always chastising Cao Cao for being tricksy backstabbing villain, despite the fact of him sparing his enemies(Liu Bei and Guan Yu) on multiple occasions, many plots against him being real and him bringing peace and prosperity to Northern China
>everybody always sucking Liu Bei's dick over how righteous and honorable he and his brothers are, despite the fact he backstabbed Cao Cao seizing his cities and, also backstabbed Yuan Shao by abandoning him, also backstabbed Liu Biao by illegally seizing his province from the rightful heir, also backstabbed Sun Quan by keeping Jing despite many promises of returning it and also backstabbed Liu Zhang by invading Yu province unprovoked despite promises he wouldn't do it. also zhang fei is a drunk asshole who tortures random people
why does Liu Bei get away with so much shit?
>Doesn't name any
>Resorts to memes
I accept your defeat.
>implying I'm a west*id
>No naval battles
I will LITERALLY pay CA money to not release naval combat in any of their games.
Ah, the eternally butthurt charlie from /int/
t. zoomer
>dedicated thousands of hours of your life watching totally fake pretend stories made by greedy hollywood jews
Have sex.
I'm gonna say the T word
This, it's fucking awful in every game it's been in.
One of the few things Warhammer did right was how it handled naval.
Nice way of tax evasion for Tencent.
The majority of visuals and tropes associated with fantasy came from Warhammer. It was more influential than any care to admit.
Plus Sega was already in bed with GW and had the licenses needed. They aren't going to bother negotiating for something else when they had that available.
Plus people have wanted a Warhammer TW since the original Shogun.
>implying you can't tank a company with 40% stock holdings
More pics.
Best total war was Rome (1), since then its been downhill, I don't expect this one to be better
Also where is my Total War 40 000
TWW was one of the only TW games where naval combat would have been some good shit. The WHFB navies are crazy.
cope harder.
I haven't really kept up with development but will we have real sieges again or is it the shallow TWW shit?
Actually looks more like Praetorians than TW game
Thanks user, but I really don't have much of a position to be mad about anything. It's a literally centuries old story and I'm in a thread about it. I'm also not reading it so much that I care about spoilers, just because I'm interested in finally seeing what the actual story is about.
stay mad weifag
Suck Tencent's dick harder. Let me guess, you next move is to stammer out something like:
>muh competition
What I don't understand is, why are bows given super range in this game?
Also, since you can play as Yellow Turbans, I would choose them first because fuck the Han, we live in a society.
That's sales, people are still buying pubg when there are f2p alternatives.
I just want pike and shot era total war.
Or for them to increase the size of the battlefields so that you can actually maneuver.
Cao Cao was a progressive who put a lot of effort into moving power away from the established noble families and implement meritocratic selection policies in various government offices. This pissed of the existing aristocracy, so they got butthurt and spent centuries shit talking him.
TW3K is super weird for lore fag considering historically a single general would normally command about 30k~ 50k troops in battle
Yes, there are already dozen of gameplay videos involve real siege battles, as actual siege against 4 sides walled city.
The major shortcoming so far is CA doesn't make enough of different siege weapons and they'll probably only put them back as DLC.
>tfw no TW:Thirty Year War
I love Three Kingdoms. I watched both novels and played a lot of Romance of Three Kingdoms. I also did Dynasty Warriors, but with much less interest.
I don't care about this however because forced inclusitivity.
Why do people keep asking for this?
Total war does not work from WW1 onwards, 40k is much more suited to a Wargame or Steel Division style of game.
The major owners of Epic Gamers are still Americans and it's Americans such as Tim Sweeney make the finally call, no matter how hard you try to distort it with your gibberish.
Now that Game of Thrones is going to be over, when will we be getting a Total War game for the setting?
>I don't care about this however because forced inclusitivity
Similar situation here. Love the setting and the Total War formula but they can fuck off with using the game as political propaganda. I will still pirate the game but buying is out of the question.
Remember that time Cao Cao summoned a wizard to do his dirty work and the wizard responded by summoning a bunch of ghosts to kick Cao Cao's ass? He was a good friend.
Going by Scandi/Med/Slav "Myths" sections, I don't think I can trust this image.
>female warriors
I like the TK era china stuff since i was a kid, now im more interested in historical accounts though.
>reason: Imperial Schemes
>Forced inclusivity
Are you literally retarded?
Go away, Chang. Your shilling won't work here.
>I don't know, let me ad hominem
Shut up retard.
I wouldn't mind a ToB-quality game for Westeros, so long as the studio's time wasn't too occupied by it.
What forced inclusivity?
I'm out of the loop here.
What are they forcing exactly?
paradox fucking outmaneouvred
I'm hype.
It´s gonna flop, right bros? I feel that the long-therm marketing campaign due to delays and people being hyped about WH wont do it any favour. Plus unknown setting for most people with just random guys named "Xu Xin"
>Why does a game set in China have all these asians?
>Fucking SJWs
This is literally the dumbest fucking thing I've read on Yea Forums in years.
They take the most irrelevant women who barely got a passing mention or were outright said to have never fought in battles, and then make them generals and heroes instead of using the actual important characters. Because the future is female.
Of fucking course
See: Nobody talked about asians retard.
If it wasn't competing for attention with TW Warhammer then it would have had a better shot. At the moment anytime CA does anything people are just asking what is happening with the next TWW release.
Oh lol I don't give a shit about that.
Half the stuff in ROTK is made up anyway.
1 out of 15 playable faction leaders is a woman. This is a problem, apparantly.
>Oh lol I don't give a shit about that.
Your prerrogative.
>Half the stuff in ROTK is made up anyway.
It is a problem. It should be at least 8 or 9.
>Be no one
>No talent
>Still hired
>"I think game development should go as i say"
>Rant while drunk
>Shill other companies cause they´re not CA
>Ended up blacklisted by those too cause of those not developing games as he, a no one, wanted
>Eating canned beans for almost two years by now
What a cucklord
1 third is a big chunk my dude.
I think Age of Empires IV may look like this.
Especially those towers and districts are weirdly placed. It looks like a classical RTS not an organically growing town.
Doesn't change your 'half' assertion was wrong.
They messed everything up by trying to become the Activision of "strategy" games
It's literally all they having seeing as the commies burned the rest of their history.
Nice propaganda, NSA-mutt.
That's funny because they drive their employees like slaves almost exactly the same way that the chinks do.
Either way we aren't actually comparing the exact amount of facts to myths, we're just pulling numbers from our general guesses from what we've read senpai.
Have sex manlet
This. Fucking real life mordor orcs, I swear.
Isn't there Warring States period in China? I'm pretty sure Qin's unification of China would an interesting story to explore.
Now that you mention it I can see that too.
>Posting the guy who got cucked by skaven in the lizard races first meaningful content update
Does it run like dogshit like total warhammer 2?
They romanticize being clever. I'm sure an amerimutt like you wouldn't understand.
I mean you orcs are getting intellectually subjugated by few kikes from Tel Aviv.
based Cao
>user trying again
The 2/3 number isn't a general guess, it's removed from the Encyclopedia of China book. Also:
>the Qing dynasty historian Zhang Xuecheng famously wrote that the novel was "seven-parts fact and three-parts fiction."
It's just made for future GPU/CPU's :^)
Here in the US (((they))) are going full 1984 in order to make people be degenerates.
I’d honestly prefer China at this point.
You need to put this into Chinese perspective. Early and mid Han dynasty was pretty much a golden age for the chinese. Cao Cao however destroyed the Han and started Wei. The three kingdoms period was a complete disaster, more than 64% of the population died. Wei was bad and short lived, Jin wasn't much better either. It's basically nostalgia for the golden Han years and Liu Bei took the mantle of the one who wanted to return to those years.
You sound like you need an SSD. Or to upgrade your toaster.
>buying TW games
Pirate them until 4 years after release then pick it up on a steam sale. I was burned after WH1 and vowed never to buy a game on release again.
>Cao Cao however destroyed the Han
nope, though I'm sure Shu fags would want you to believe this, Han was on it's way out with Dong Zhou and Yellow Turban
If Cao Cao didn't seize Wei then Yuan Shao would have anyways
I have it on SSD and im running on high/ultra but AA runs like crap so the game looks jaggy as fuck, arrow trails look awful too along with the lighting.
But keep shitposting for small indie company.
Why dont chinks grow these glorious beards anymore?
>nope, though I'm sure Shu fags would want you to believe this, Han was on it's way out with Dong Zhou and Yellow Turban
user, don't be blind. It was Cao Cao who destroyed the Han court thanks to constant purges, then Cao Pi who forced the emperor out of the throne. Dong Zhuo took control over the court and weakened it's power, but he wasn't the one who gave the killing blow. He actually died pretty early in the three kingdoms period.
>If Cao Cao didn't seize Wei then Yuan Shao would have anyways
Maybe, but then Yuan Shao would be the one villified and not him. It doesn't matter how Han died, it matters who gave the last stab on it.
>It doesn't matter how Han died, it matters who gave the last stab on it.
That would be Sima Yi though. Cao Cao was pretty much the only one actually keeping the Emperor Xian on the throne through his power. Sure he may been a puppet emperor but all the others would have taken away and Xian was only ever alive and still on the seat cause of Cao Cao
well Sima Yi or Cao Pi
>Waddles away like a huge ass baby
>Proceeds to violently murder a bigger army
>All because he waited for the sun to move a bit
How can anyone not love this shit?
>Sima Yi
It wasn't through. The first Wei emperor was posthumous Cao Cao, then Cao Pi. Cao Cao was for history the one who ended Emperor Xian reign being the first Wei Emperor.
Yes user, you can take the throne after dying in ancient China.
yikes, here's my upvote my dude
that may have never happened historically, shu propaganda most likely
you gotta remember most of ROTK is fantasy and written by a guy in shu
that was posthumous and all actions not done by cao cao, again it cao pi who made that declaration so that his own ambitions could be fulfill
and it was sima yi who pretty much ended wei there and started jin
user, let's go through facts:
1) Han was a golden age
2) Han ended with Wei
3) Wei first emperor was Cao Cao
That's basically it. The reasons, the details, those things don't matter. I can see your points, but in Chinese vision it was Cao Cao who killed the Han. Simple like that.
Sima Yi gets a much less bad reputation because even through he was also deceptive, he ended Wei which was seen as the cause of Han's death, which was vindicating.
Actually that was his son and his grandson the latter of who became the first emperor of Jin making Sima Yi post humorously the emperor of the dynasty.
They do a reference to it at the end of the show the last episode where Sima yi dies from old age he is doting over his grandson while his son asks him for advice on last time.
An amazing shot showing the three men who created the Jin Dynasty in the last scene. Sima Yi was doing the Cao cao shuffle and just made the emperor of Wei a puppet while Sima Yi was still alive.
Historically and in the book Cao pi was the one who actually forced the emperor to step down. Technically there was no wei dynasty before Cao pi and Cao Cao claimed to be working for the han until death.
>legit defending the greedy and ineffectual Han shitters
I'm not arguing against those but saying that Cao Cao ended the Han is believing Shu propaganda
The facts are
1 - Cao Cao didn't start the fire that was beginning the end of Han and the mass power grab at the beginning of their fall
2 - Cao Cao kept Xian on the throne despite Xian having zero power on his own, and Cao Cao could have named himself emperor at any time, he was THE only one of the players that wanted Xian on the throne
3 - Cao Pi forced the emperor down and declared that stuff post-Cao Cao death only as strengthen his own claims to be the Emperor
This is some Julius Caesar shit. There's a guy everyone is afraid is destroying the current government and trying to take over and they team up against. Then it's his successor who actually does it, but everyone remembers the predecessor anyway as the real starting point.
>being a cao fagoot
No I don't care about china cause i'm not a low test white man
Cao Cao was only ever a loyal servant
>Total War games past Fall of the Samurai
They've all been greedy trainwrecks of cashgrabs. This series peaked a long time ago.
DESU Augustus is well known also. One of the best emperors of Rome
(You) truly art a baitmeister.
You aren't getting the nuance. You are trying to debate Chinese vision, while I'm just explaining why Cao Cao has a bad reputation and was villified. Even if you convince me, it doesn't change Chinese vision that A) Wei ended Han and B) Wei was Cao Cao.
>I'm not arguing against those but saying that Cao Cao ended the Han is believing Shu propaganda
It's not Shu propaganda, it's why people see Cao Cao bad. It's simple as "we were happier when it was Han". Not us westerns, but why people hated him in China.
Also user, let's not be disingenous. Cao Cao wanted Xian as a puppet. He pretty much killed the majority of Xian supporters and took imperial authority as his own. He didn't take the throne because he didn't need to.
I would put it more alongside The Three Musketeers. Loosely based on a historical event, super cool story.
Sure, but leaders around Europe didn't go around calling themselves Augustuses to try and make bank off of a faux Imperial Roman lineage. The entire line wasn't named after Augustus. We don't eat August salad. And I also feel like Cao Pi is probably well known within people who can better interface with Chinese history and literature like we can with Roman history. Julius Caesar is still the guy most commonly brought up with the Roman Empire and typically the one talked about when considering its beginnings.
Cao Cao has a bad reputation because one of the great works of all time was written by a Shu guy, and guess what the Jin dynasty didn't give a crap if it spread cause it would lay blame on him as the fall of Han, though I don't think Sima Yi is look upon kindly
Later Chinese historians would be a lot more neutral about Cao Cao and even some movies and the current ROTK show was a lot less harsh on Cao Cao(albeit not Red Cliff since it was created by Hong Kongers ie Wu supporters)
not related but is the fall of Troy historical? asking for a friend
Troy was real, though the battles that took place in Homer's tale may not have been
>Why can't my shit rig play on Ultra??
The absolute state of "gamers" these days
You are oversimplifying it to be correct. the Han was not dead until the new dynasties arose and that did not happen until Cao Caos death.
If you phrase it like that then I can claim the fucking yellow turbans destroyed the han or Dhong Zhou or eunuchs.
Hell with this mode of thinking I can claim Liu Bei killed the han by declaring himself the ruler of a new dynasty and not upholding the old one after Cao pi ascended.
Cao Cao was the only one actually hold the emperor and keeping him alive prolonging the period of Han what would have died in anyone elses hands other than maybe liu baby himself.
Did they fix sieges yet?
What work are you on about? Romance wasn't written until way after the period. Jin was long gone
Why the fuck didn't they do an Imjin war game?
It's practically untouched in vidya and would be the perfect setting for TW
>implying that western people aren't degenerates
jesus christ how horrifying
>Cao Cao has a bad reputation because one of the great works of all time was written by a Shu guy
Not necessary. Deposing Han emperor, even with Cao Pi care to go through the steps, was seen treacherous. While the novel greatly affected western perception of Cao Cao, it's not the sole reason of Chinese antipathy.
>Later Chinese historians would be a lot more neutral about Cao Cao and even some movies and the current ROTK show was a lot less harsh on Cao Cao
There's been historical revisionism, yes, but that's more recent. Like Liu Bei actually wanted to take the throne for himself. You actually brought a good point, but it wasn't just the novel: Jin really did have an interest in suiling Wei reputation. However doesn't change that nostalgia is the main driving force for Cao Cao villification.
>bruh ure wasting ur time
>is incel posting on Yea Forums
>Battle of Chibi without this song :
Yeah nah I'm out.
Alternative history Wei side Battle of Chibi was the hypest best level in the history of DW and 3 Kingdom games.
romance i thought was a compilation of plays and oral traditions that were handed down I though
Certain natuons had Augustus as their title Holy Roman Empire was one of them.
People talk about Ceaser because he founded the roots for the roman empire. and exploits in Gauk
Augustus is really well know also as he was consider one of the best roman emperor that lived and brought Rome to its peak.
>going against Lü Bu
Great idea.
>Cao Cao has a bad reputation because
Because he was a hardcore Legalist and didn't make apologies for his decisions to anyone. Pragmatism was his bread and butter and the common prole doesn't respect that.
>the Han was not dead until the new dynasties arose and that did not happen until Cao Caos death.
The Han dynasty died with Wei, which first emperor was Cao Cao after death.
>If you phrase it like that then I can claim the fucking yellow turbans destroyed the han or Dhong Zhou or eunuchs.
Not really. Zhuo, eunuchs, yellow turbans didn't remove the emperor and start a new dynasty.
Hell with this mode of thinking I can claim Liu Bei killed the han by declaring himself the ruler of a new dynasty and not upholding the old one after Cao pi ascended.
Liu Bei couldn't have killed something that wasn't dead.
Also, going back, you need to remember that Liu Bei at the time declared Shu as the spiritual successor of Han.
>Cao Cao was the only one actually hold the emperor and keeping him alive prolonging the period of Han what would have died in anyone elses hands other than maybe liu baby himself.
If Han died earlier, whoever did it would also be villified. But doesn't change that history went as it did and that Wei was the end of it.
Alright, fair enough.
Funnily, media made Bu into the supreme fighting melee warrior while in reality he was an excellent archer.
Weird way to spell winged hussars
It's impossible, it wasn't a matter of population but logistics, humans achieved the logistics to support those kind of numbers only by the napoleonic era and even then with all the european technological advancement napoleon got fucked by logistics
Im not excited desu, looks like they learned nothing on why total warhammer was popular, in fact they had wrong conclusions to why it was popular. Game looks way to fucking small in scale, way to focused on MUH HEROES, I get there are 2 modes, but the historical mode looks just as ridiculous. Also the whole
>You dont recruit units you recruit generals who come with troops
Why do they keep pushing changes to the recruitment system? No one liked it in Thrones of Shitania, and no ones going to like this system.
>he wants his nation to be lead by faggy enuchs (literally had their balls cut off)
What the fuck were the chinks thinking
Is this the new tv show?
Think of it as a form of term limit. Eunuchs couldn't have kids so when they die some shit eating kid wouldn't inherit the position.
what's the difference?
new compared to the old one
what a nice way to out yourself as a zoomer pophistorian
winged hussars are literally youtube comments tier. and if assuming they got down against mongols they'd get absolutely dabbed on without mongols having to even get close to them.
>chinese poetry
>a ching, a chong, a dong
it's just like mexican intellectuals.
It can be pretty touching:
>ching chong ding dong
Is this in Gaiden or something? I don't remember this
*stocks up on 30 thousand dog carcasses and 20 thousand salted cat carcasses and 50 thousand fetuses and other human foodmatter*
ahhh, time to march my fullstack to conquer the city of ding ding! I think i'll use general chang to lead this stack.
This, fucking give me Empire 2 but with more natives to subjugate. Throw in China and Japan for the hell of it.
The americans have arrived. Prepare for anal bleeding
why do the graphics look like dogshit?
>Total War in Japan
>Total War in China
Jesus Christ people.
Winged Hussars spent most of their battle history chasing steppeniggers across the Ukraine, I'm sure they could deal with steppeniggers from 400 years before their time. Winged Hussars got outdated the moment Europeans invented bayonets and squares, not by some chink muslims horsefuckers.
*stocks up on 30,000 civilians*
hah, you won't win this logistical war!
God, this and Napoleon was so fucking good.
hey poopoo, cumans are not mongols. cumans and tatars are scattered tribes with no organisation. Mongols conquered one of the largest empires known to man in less than a century and had a decimal system more organised than what the pooles had for the next 600 years.
Alot of people were hyped for a modern day shogun, I personally hated it, and feel bad that my friend gifted it to me to play coop with him. I don't see the appeal of chink or gookshit.
But my favourites are Empire and Rome 2, so clearly I have shit taste.
Yeah, that's why the invincible mongol march west stopped when they tried to invade Poland and Hungary.
Anyone remembers what was that pedo anime where 3 kingdoms emperors traveled into the future and turned into little girls? Looked a bit like moetan.
The changes to diplomacy and some of the campaign changes look nice, as does some of the overall progression, but the battles look decidedly average and that makes me disinterested. Maybe I'd be more interested if I knew more about the period.
i remember the live action about lu bu where everyone is a kid
Bump for our lord and savior!
>he doesnt know about subutai litrrslly btfo the shitty armies of both hungary and poland in a single day
they literally raped hungary you dumb fucking retard, they went in and out of hungary like it was some roadside prostitute and annihilated it's army in a few pitched battles. They had plans drawn up to carve and invade hungary and poland after a few years of keeping two armies under Subutai rampaging them and keeping them from uniting their forces and storming the smaller countryside castles. The only thing that stopped this plan from going through was the death of Batu Khan and the subsequent political issues with succession. Open a book you retarded slavnik.
>slavnigger education
I'd love a Mesoamerican total war game, but i'm not sure how you'd effectively make that work given that the lack of beasts of burden meant that armies and formations tended to be a bit more homogenous. You still had different types of polearms, maces/clubs, swords, and atlats vs bows vs slings, but there's no calvary and there's only 1 type of siege weapon (siege towers).
You'd probably need to either implement magic as a gameplay mechanic alongside stuff like sacrifice, or put a higher emphasis on diplomacy then in most total war games, to mirror the sort of intense realpolitk-ing you saw with mesoamerican states and dyansities using spy networks, political marriages, installing rulers, aiding coups, and allying with each oither to take their rivals out that happened in history; and needing to more carefully manage diplomacy with your own cities and their rulers/kings to prevent them from working against you; since the aformentioned lack of beasts of burden meant that directly governeed mesoamerican empires were rare and cities tended to be ruled indirectly, which led to even cities inside a given empire or dyansty still viewing themselves as discrete political entities and doing the above shit
But that might be too big a shift for Total War, would probably be better suited to a Paradox title. There's actually a pretty cool overhaul for EUIV being made by acttual historians called Mesoamerica univeralis, pic related, and also see these vids which
goes into the map overhaul and religion overhaul; elements of the mod in particular, though both also serve as a very short tl;dr crash course of the state of the region's politics and religious status in the mid 1400's in general
but I want a proper title.
Jesus is the king of Poland, of course he intervened and smitten the pagan ruler. Divine intervention is a valid strategy you godless heathens.
This exactly.
Medieval 2: Total War: Kingdoms: Americas campagin exists.
I legitimately did not know that colonising the americas was a thing in M2 when I played Kingdoms, I felt like I discovered a hidden easter egg when my ship arrived and I started slaughtering the natives.
>tfw you can control the weather
>in the end it defeats you
>the only people hyped for this game are dynasty warrior fags and actual chinks
poor CA, hopefully this doesn't interfere with WH3
I'm aware, and I give the devs some props for actually bother to include the Purepecha empire and the Republic of Tlaxcala (EUIV does as well, alongside a few other states like Tututepec, etc, but it's got it's own issues like putting them all at a lower fucking tech tier then random african tribal kingdoms) but it's still pretty limited thing, I want a full game designed around the setting.
ToB was a much better game than shithammer
only fantasycucks think wh2 > Attila
>decisive tang strategic victory
Literally any TW > ToB
I'm only talking about gameplay and not about the boring era of insignificant men in a boring place with no variety part too
Don't forget the return of captains becoming generals.
Mao was fucking similar to Liu Bang. From a rag tag band in the land of Chu to a formidable power in the land of Qin.
That's the only thing the engine they built for Empire is good for, though. Melee fucking sucks in all games after M2TW
holy fuck thats based
Nah it was that the trainwreck they've turned the series into got success by fantasy zoomers so now there is no hope of them fixing their shit.