Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan
Other urls found in this thread:
titties and no gore
teenagers kill god
It's fun
If it was developed by Nintendo it most likely was made in Japan.
Teenager with massive big tiddies.
Yea Forums likes it
Good-looking, cartoony designs with no hint of irony or edge
it says "Made in Japan"
There's a MADE IN JAPAN sticker on the backside
censored on playstation only
Panders to pedophiles.
It isn't a movie
muddy, photorealistic environments that contrast with heavily stylized characters
It has boss fights.
100% diverse dev team made out of all Asians.
the female characters are attractive
Nonsensical deciptions of religions that aren't shintoism and buddhism
Takes place in a highschool.
It's good.
the game is set in high school or a razor thin allegory for High School
convoluted plot that nobody gives a fuck about
It gets shilled on Yea Forums despite being total garbage.
The best sword in the game is a katana.
It involves time travel with people under 18 years old
shit game.
> Outfits are full of weird shit like belts and zippers. Very nontraditional clothing in general
> Main character is either happy and super out-going or super edgy and reclusive
> Love interest is either abducted or killed for character development
> Ending is generally melancholy or bitter-sweet
> If the main is a guy hes always some skinny twink for Japs to self insert into and almost never well built or with a reasonable haircut
The main character is some really pretty 15 year old with no real life experience but meets several friends and they defeat some really evil shit by using the power of friendship and love and save the world.
And fuck it, while im at it, throw in some magical sword or have the main character unlock some ancient power or some bullshit.
"It can't be helped"
There are two bathrooms, one with a shower and the other with a toilet.
It's a good game
It's an action game in third person that doesn't use licensed characters.
The main method of attacking is literally anything other than a gun
>final boss
>1st form is just a normal human shell
>2nd form is human + evil boss fused
>3rd form is giant floating head/hands on platfrom
The game is more about the game itself than it's developers. Only in the rarest of instances does it say "Game made by Hideo Kojima" in the prologue.
heroine has no personality but everyone wants to fuck her because she has huge tits and wears skimpy, impractical outfits
No shit
The female characters don't look like they just got slapped in the face with an uglystick.
There's Japanese """""humor"""""
What if it features the SKULLS unit?
Post em user
severe pedophilia
It's good.
Circle to select, X to back out.
chucks suck and fuck
It features the Dinner Danceā¢
>final form is just a dude again
belts. but not where you think.
>Nia kicking her legs
That's too damn adorable.
>gameplay is the same as for the last few generations in that particular franchise
>engine from 2 generations ago
>graphics from last gen.
Game is filled with womanlets.
Bowing as a form of thank you.
It's bad
It's bad unless it's a horror game
>not allowed to reference sex
it has good gameplay and attractive female characters
it's not filled with insane american political shit
online sucks
The existence of skirts as a valid choice of public women's wear.
its shit
Japan studios
partake in coitus
Protag is a teenage boy who either looks as generic and unremarkable as possible or is hilariously overdesigned
One of the girls looks 12 but is actually 1200
Another of the girls is 12-16 but looks like a 20 year old pinup model with massive tiddies
Humongous swords and swords with non-sword parts
At least 3 characters have a cowlick
> If the main is a guy hes always some skinny twink for Japs to self insert
Not just that, sometimes he's made attractive enough for women to be into the character, but average enough when it comes to personality and behavior for both men and women to self-insert. In Japan they care about female customers a lot more than in the West, even though the West tries to virtue signal so much.
orchestra sound tack
*Japanese drums*
forcing you to replay parts of the game to progress to story (e.g. nier autoamata)
*the story
It Cant be helped.
So this is x?
Every character is defined by their ludicrous clothing designs.
Fucking Sekiro making you go through the same area three times.
People talk about it like they like it but they only talk about the underage female characters
its basically a tradition to make you replay parts to bloat the gameplay time... I guess the japs don't mind it
Yea Forums is crying about it being censored
it's still much better than Nier, Nier makes you replay like 10 hours of the game with little to no difference
Constant talk about food and every other character behaves like an honorable doormat.
>game recycles the fuck out of its own assets to the point where even the sequels reuse the same areas
No auto-saves.
Melodramatic plots, teenage protagonists, weird costumes, overly busy UI's sexiness is fine, blood and gore is toned down or missing entirely, prat falls, breast jiggle, power of friendship, evil gods/spirits, fat little old ladies, older scarred guys offering advice, weird hair colours, complicated and meandering plots, greater focus on gameplay than graphics.
That's mostly low budget garbage devs like Falcom, Gust and Compile Heart, though.
An inordinate amount of people on this board hate it on principal instead of by it's merits or lack there of
>the gameplay is good