>on the Intellivision Amico
WHO thought it was a good idea? WHO thought that a 2d game like this wouldn't be a good Switch game like Cuphead, Rayman legends, Skullgirls,etc...?!
>on the Intellivision Amico
WHO thought it was a good idea? WHO thought that a 2d game like this wouldn't be a good Switch game like Cuphead, Rayman legends, Skullgirls,etc...?!
Other urls found in this thread:
Do these devs not realize that the console wars ended years ago? My only explanation to this exclusivity is that they want to compete with the three big parties and PC.
Yeah I guess, but making it exclusive to a literal who console is a very, very bad move : I only know of its existence after reading that a new EWJ is coming, and that catalog won't make me buy it. This console is probably the next N-gage/ouya failure.
The intelliviion will see some success because americans will always buy american, no matter how trash it is. They'll consider it a strike against china or some shit.
>Earthworm Jim thread
Fuck yeah a fresh topic on Yea Forums
>evolves into Switch port begging
...come on guys, you can do better than this
>making it exclusive to a literal who console is a very, very bad move
I guess they they wanted to make it retro-hip friendly. My theory is that they'll announce a Steam port sometime later. The whole Intellivision move is just to create the initial buzz
Yes, that's what made the ouya a success.
>I guess they they wanted to make it retro-hip friendly. My theory is that they'll announce a Steam port sometime later. The whole Intellivision move is just to create the initial buzz
But wouldn't they just make a bigger buzz if this was a Steam game from the start?
That was a very liberal system, which americans hate. Intellivision is hardcore deep south conservative redneck vidya.
That's a very misguided claim
You're a fuckwit, but I agree.
Nobody is going to buy a brand new console for a single game that was popular back in the 90s.
You're better off waiting an extra 2 years for it to be dropped on Steam of EPIC store.
So will Amica-tan be a hillbilly?
how the fuck is this going to work
The Amico is a novelty product and will definitely generate some attention from the media (and no, I'm not saying it will be successful. People will just talk about it). At most I suspect it will be a timed exclusive, then they will release it on Steam and maybe the consoles.
Bonus points if it's an Epic Store exclusive.
I'm guessing this is because Tommy Tallerico owns Intellivision.
Based and Intellivisionpilled
Probably much like how the old one did
Is it just me, or were the EWJ games just used to gain traction for the show to be made? Because while I love the first 2 games (or their music at least), the cartoon is actually a lot better.
The cartoon is better but ultimately died pretty quick while the games were crapped out one after the other.
probably not going to be great for a platformer like jim
>Intellivision Amico
>on-screen controls
well it could be worse
Unironically old people and/or boomers
What the christ is an Intellivision Amico
Gotta take our games back from those gosh darn chinamen! Remember that Pac-Man and Donkey Kong is the enemy
Newly announced console.
>console war between Intellivision and Atari
The guy that created the concept of Earthworm Jim is an alt-right, hardcore Christian from Kentucky. That's why the game is on a shit console.
Using the screen on the 3DS was pretty good for OoT 3D because your thumb could reach without having to let go of the console. Still needed shoulder buttons and the A and B buttons though
Yet another one of those mini nostalgia consoles.
>implying the vcs is coming out
He was actually from Northern Ireland
Earthworm Jim was always sub-par compared to what else was on offer at the time
Looks like a peripheral for the wii.
Name a more cucked fanbase.
>Super-arrogant marketing on par with Sonic
>Utterly and irrevocably BTFO by DKC, so bad that they vented their frustration by drawing Donkey Kong with an arrow through his head and put it in the game
>Sequel such a terrible piece of shit that Shiny considered is the worst game they've ever made
>Earthworm Jim 3D utterly BTFO by OoT
>Can't even do a re-release properly
>The biggest spokesperson is a guy whose only contribution was arranging a few tunes for the first game and jumping around like a tard on stage while performing other people's music without their consent
...And there's absolutely no gameplay shown : huge red flag if you ask me.
>Sequel such a terrible piece of shit that Shiny considered is the worst game they've ever made
Source because that's hilarious, I always hated how it became a collection of gimmicks rather than a game
In terms of animation & humor? Nope. (Mario & DK are still superior, but EWJ 1 & 2 animations are still great now)
>Sequel such a terrible piece of shit that Shiny considered is the worst game they've ever made
Loved the EWJ games on the Genesis back in the day, tried replaying them recent-ish and honestly they kinda suck. Every other level is some bullshit gimmick, the core gameplay is not polished at all, terrible hitboxes on everything, hard to tell what part of the stage is solid or not etc etc.
It's got a quirky art style with very good animations but the gameplay is honestly pretty ass.
The only things you got right here is 2 not being that good a game and Tommy Tallarico being a spaz, you got some bad bait going on otherwise, son.
In his time Earthworm Jim was a hit, a major multimedia success that, like most major multimedia successes at the time, didn't last half a decade.
All the affection I have for Jim and at least the first game and the cartoon doesn't blind me to the fact that his entire franchise was just a way to make Playmates toys a whole bunch of money in the span of about three years.
Anything after Earthworm Jim 2 is beyond irrelevant.
>Sequel such a terrible piece of shit that Shiny considered is the worst game they've ever made
Considering they also made Enter the Matrix, Terminator 3 and The Golden Compass, I find that hard to believe
There's a difference between using a touch screen menu to consolidate some buttons, but having touch screen controls in general is ass.
Games like Kid Icarus, Rhythm Heaven and Kirby Mass Attack made great use of them. People are just kneejerking casuals who couldn't get used to innovation.
What arrogant marketing?
They were required by contract to make another game, so they just rushed out EWJ2 using some of the scrapped/cut ideas for the first game.
touch screen buttons are not innovative in any capacity, but using the wrong technology for the wrong purpose. This is why mobile games are in such dire condition.
Only thing I can think of is this little campaign.
Honestly it's pretty fair, way better than just having the load of praise from magazines be the only stuff on the ad.
Wish Doug Tennaple was my dad
>that first quote
Given EWJ1 came out the same year as MMX2 and S3&K....I'd say EWJ was pretty btfo. I love the game, but its gameplay isnt the tightest.
>but its gameplay isnt the tightest.
I still don't know what people mean by this.
Everything is responsive, movement is smooth, barring a couple things like the bungee-jumping and submarine-driving it's all built on a solid gameplay concept, but now everybody hems and haws over it or gives it the big stamp of "all style no substance."
Maybe it's people playing something that isn't the special edition.
those games don't care about button placement.
It said "trust no one, play it yourself." How is this arrogant? It invites you to remain critical despite the review quotes.
I thought the game controlled like ass. Stiff, shit level design, dark humor. Even the gun was a lame mechanic. Shoot abazillion rounds at an enemy just to see them repeat an animation of taking damage, then dying. Not as fun as it sounds.
I'll never know why this game got a pass other than the machine behind it pushing the cartoon and toys on us. I think they were in too deep.
I guess, according to that guy, being in-your-face and 90s at all is arrogant.
>make console
>put game people want on console
>people want game
>people buy console for game
Thats why dummy
Absolute zoomer detected
Learning the positioning and timing on the whip to swing is aggravating for awhile. Unable to move and shoot (thanks OG Genesis controller limitations). The environments were also a little too detailed to the point where sometimes it wasn't obvious what's part of the map and what isn't (not helped by a bunch of hidden routes through the environment itself).
You already mentioned bungee stuff also. Submarine I never actually had a problem with. Too much Andy Asteroids also, but at least it wasn't remotely as long/tedious as the Pete minigame in EWJ2.
>Unable to move and shoot (thanks OG Genesis controller limitations).
That doesn't have anything to do with controller limitations, it has everything to do with that being how the game was designed, you stand still and shoot or you run and jump, the whip is more powerful than the gun and can be used in mid-air, but the gun is essentially hitscan and has no fixed range. It's all down to timing and rhythm, the very first boss for example is all down to timing when he moves or attacks, then shooting when he's not.
There's also levels with moving platforms or conveyor belts where you have to keep managing your positioning so you can still attack, it's all really specifically put together.
Maybe it's kind of a bummer that Jim can't run and shoot like Mega Man or Samus, but it's not the same kind of game.
>Unable to move and shoot (thanks OG Genesis controller limitations)
Vectorman proves you wrong. You could shoot in 8 directions in that game, even when running or jumping.
I more meant in the sense that they wouldn't have been able to do both run&gun and allow stationary shooting with that controller without having to bring up a pause menu or something to toggle between them. Game already used all three buttons up for gun, whip, and jump.
Vectorman goes around this by simply not letting you shoot diagonally when stationary.
How was his second point not right? Put the code in and look at the DK head yourself
It’s a very fascination history, the console wars.
All the failures that came around the height of Nintendo and Sega’s Relevance. Sony being able to steal away 3rd party devs from Nintendo with the invention of CDs replacing cartridges. Microsoft following that up. PC being taken over by Valve and steam because people really wanted a centralized DRM to control their entire gaming culture but it’s cool because Portal and Half life. And of course, Epic games and other publishers trying to impose themselves on the land of “No Steam No Buy”.
And now the future apparently might end up being Googles little streaming box that will kill the physical market because “don’t you have an internet connection in 2025?”
The code is real, but the getting "utterly and irrevocably BTFO" isn't.
The vent is more about the whole 3D factor, almost everything in EWJ is hand-drawn and animated, DKC is all computer generated, it probably felt "cheap" to a lot of developers at the time that the computer was doing all the work, even if that's not true.
>in the sure case it fails you can just turn it around and use it as holder for soap bars or pantyliners