You see this Japanese fighting game developers? This is how you do mature, respectable female character designs...

You see this Japanese fighting game developers? This is how you do mature, respectable female character designs. You could stand to learn a lot from NRS and Ed Boon. Shame the developers for Japanese fighters aren't adult men like Boon, and instead are goofy manchildren like Harada, Ono, Shimbori, and whoever worked on Soul Calibur 6 and GG/BB.

Attached: 2019.03.28-07.40-boundingintocomics-5c9d2317f0407.png (750x400, 412K)

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mature and respectful!

Attached: 1asdd1.jpg (1920x1080, 487K)

>mature and respectable
>get magic time travel powers
>lol im just gonna keep doing muh jerb cuz im a dumb cunt. maybe il take 5 seconds out of eternity to save my mom too idk time travel is hard xDDDD

Here's what I think about your mature and respectable: eat shit.

This is why punctuation is important; and why its a key indicator in spotting a retard:

>You see this, Japanese fighting game developers?
>You see this Japanese fighting game, developers?

You see this, OP? Back to high school.

Attached: looksupcleese.gif (500x391, 2.05M)


What happens next?

They hug each other, he calls a taxi for her and walks home alone

I need that non-facemask option for Skarlet. how get?

>Japs work their employees to death
>game looks good
>Gaijin piggus work their employees to death
>dumpster fire of ugly characters featuring the worst VA of all time
Ed Boon is a fag.

Nice thread, OP. But you seem to be lacking core values that the FGC needs.

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In most fatalities they don't have a mask.
For unmasked version you probably have to gamble at krypt gacha statue

Attached: next.jpg (1920x1080, 371K)

yeah it says 'found in the krypt', but how does that gambling thing work?

You drop 75k for the gear and 100k for the skins

Post >yfw Sonya speaks in this game

Attached: 11att.jpg (1280x720, 226K)

and then it's a slot machine on which you get, out of all the gear for all the characters? fuck.

Yeah a lot of gear locked behind it

>games aren't for manchildren

Loving every laugh

Women Final Bosses in fighting games hasn't been new since 1998 with Justice from Guilty Gear, if not earlier, Boon, stop trying to make me impressed with Kronika.

Also for the record, their names are Yoshinori Takahashi, Daisuke Ishiwatari, and Toshimichi Mori for Soul Calibur 6, Guilty Gear. and Blazblue respectively.