about to go in for first time, sub or dub?
About to go in for first time, sub or dub?
Dub if you are only a half-weab, sub if you want to enjoy the effort of a 5 month delay.
The dub is unironically really fucking good, don't listen to subshitters who need text to be read out for them in another language they don't understand.
>sub is nothing but AAA-tier Japanese VAs. Literally the best of an already highly competitive field.
>dub is a bunch of literally whos
Such a hard decision.
By that logic if the soundtrack was made by AAA best selling artists like Justin Bieber and Jimmy Buffet it would objectively be the best soundtrack in the series?
The dub is unironically really fucking good
>can't even pronounce the names right
>female Morgana
>voiced by nobodies
>comparing Disney money dumped human advertisements to actual voice talent.
How retarded are you?
Matt Mercer is cool.
>actually believing that AAA VAs means shit
You would literally eat up a AAA soundtrack by artists like those simply because it's considered AAA.
>wanting to hear the same generic shitty jap voices you hear in every other anime
Miss me with that shit. The voices were terribly miss-cast in the Jap version compared to the English dub which actually chose people who fit the role instead of going for popularity to pander to seiyuufags
how to be wrong: The post
none of what that post says is wrong
>>female Morgana
I don't get it, both sub and dub is a female va?
>Tomokazu Sugita
>Jun Fukuyama
>Aoi Yuuki
>Aki Toyosaki
>Joji Nakata
>Isamu Tanonaka
All of these people are top tier VAs that have decades of experience, you stupid faggot.
Start with whichever one you watch anime in, and switch if it gets too annoying. You don't need this fucking place to tell you.
Japanese setting dubbed with generic american accents shitty inconsistent pronunciations....imagine doing that lmao dubfags are the worst
And all of them sound the fucking same as every other jap VA because delusional seiyufags like you lap up their shit because you don't even know the language so you can't judge the quality. Fukuyama and Aoi especially are fucking hacks who can't do a unique voice to save their lives.
Feels good pq2 isnt dubbed so no dubfags in discussion, the gameplay is probably too hard for them anyway
>English dub which actually chose people who fit the role
Yeah Futaba totally doesnt sound like a 30 year old pretending to sound like someone half her age.
hey OP how did you get Royal early?
P5 may be one of the best pieces of subbed media ever, the voice cast is insane as seen here
>wanting a generic squeaky voiced jap over the distinct tone that Futaba got
Futaba's English voice was a million times better, Erica did a much better job with her. She has personality and inflection instead of sounding like every other anime girl under the age of 16
Im not listening to middle aged Americans talk about weeb shit. Always go sub.
if the voice lines that are in smash are any indication, the dub is probably godawful
Dub for Xander
Too bad none of the voices fit the characters.
>projecting his EOP onto me
>Aoi Yuuki
>cant do unique voices
Sorry, I didnt realize I was arguing with someone with special ed.
>implying anyone cares about some faggot neet
>I was arguing with someone with special ed.
>ESL on top of pretending to know Japanese
No wonder you argue like a 3rd worlder.
Joker is one of the worst aspects of the dub. Probably the only dub character who I’d say is 100% outclassed by his jp counterpart
Factually incorrect
Dubbed first play through
Subbed second
Only 5000 lb weebs would say subbed first
>EOP has to defend his shitty dub this fucking hard
Keeping on eye on the unique posters and its literally just you in full defense mode. Hope Atlus USA is paying you some decent money to shill their trash dub.
Dub 100%
It’s not even a competition, this dub blows most subs ever made out of the water.
Honestly Dub
at least the jp va doesn't make him sound like a girl
We get it, neither English nor Japanese are your native language so you have to cope like this. Look at all the new IPs that say the dub is better, your argument was based on popularity and it's currently blowing you the fuck out.
>god tier va's vs literal who's
the dub isn't bad though
Only 5000lb weebs sit through all that shit twice
>not a new IP
>Persona games are supposed to feel like self insert social games with JRPG gameplay
>Weebs want to play them as if watching anime
cope with how much p5 sold
>sub or dub?
You monster. You knew from the fucking start what you were doing.
Only 5000000 lb neets browse Yea Forums at this hour
Why? Why not wait for the fucking updated version?
Man, you are seething. Really hope you arent doing this all for free.
Subfags aren't the brightest
They literally wish they were Japanese after all.
is porn allowed in persona threads?
Based retarded ESL backed into a corner with no argument
>The foreign names might sound different
>The cartoon cat has a feminine voice
>The VAs aren't e-celebs
as opposed to
>being able to understand what they are saying
Thats a 'Yikes!' from me, I'm afraid.
I did make an argument. You're the one that started ad homing
You lost and are only succeeding at turning more people against you, bow out dude
don't forget
Based retarded ESL phoneshitter
does anyone know who is va'ing kasumi?
>2 unique IPs between these two posts
>he doesnt know ad hom
>calls me the ESL
Alright, I'm out. No point talking to a retard that cant even learn Jap
>ad hominem auto-correcting to ad homing
Based retarded ESL phoneshitter not even understanding the conversation
>Makoto also had Sailor Mars is voice
>i thought it was OG Sailor Mars
I know thats dumb of me to think, they're probably so old by now...
Is it really that long? I'm playing them in release order and Persona 2 is like 5 times longer than the first one, 25 hours played using a speedhack during fights because it's retardedly slow.
caroline and justine have the same va? damn im stupid
In Japanese? Pic related.
Muh dick
Finally finished p5 100 billions hours later, yhvh what a fucking waste of time, literally the only good part is the final act.
SMTV when?
>Sorry, I didnt realize I was arguing with someone with special ed.
Never forget that you're on Yea Forums , besides what do you expect from some dub defending fagggot
>Having hope for SMT after SMTIV: Persona Edition
Persona 5 is long but it's also designed for a second playthrough. There's absolutely nothing wrong with playing a game twice either way
Why do SMTfags always come to persona threads to seethe? Your series got dropped for a reason, it’s trash and was only good in the PS2 era
Big yikes P5 is a better SMT game than the disaster of IV Zander IV:F
I don't want to sound like a typical weeaboo but goddamn I cannot stand hearing anime/japanese games with english voices. It just makes me cringe thinking about it. It doesn't help that a lot of english va's don't try to at least sound younger to match the characters age and they make them sound like middle aged adults. Just hearing english va's using honorifics makes me cringe. That's just me but for those who watched dubbed anime/games, why do you do it?
They think they are edgy for not liking persona while not realizing the SMT community HATED IV and FUCKING DETSTED IV:Apocalypse, their franchise has been shit for years after Kaneko stopped directing
Grats you do sound like a typical weaboo.
Cope, enjoy ur rerelease and your shitty musou
And what do you think SMTIV:A is, user?
Enjoy Apocalypse part 2 in V bro
Ryuji’s english VA is reason enough alone to play with dub ngl
>Yea Forums made a big fucking stink about not having the option of playing the game subbed.
>Yea Forums played it dubbed anyway
I own it too you nigger
Its 8AM here
>Yea Forums is different people
Woah, really? Had no idea
Relax user. Yea Forums isn't around to judge you. we've all played it dubbed.
Why are you trying to speak for me? Sugita is one of my favorite voice actors so I prefer the sub.
don't play it, the game is shit
A sequel. It's not a $60 DLC like P5R, retard.
They gave you Y.Aoi for free and you didn't use her? What is wrong with you?
Yea Forumsfags get so pissy about this because it's literally the only input they can have on their medium, so it's their only chance to be elitist pricks.
Thank you based Atlus
She's so fucking good.
I have read your paragraph at least three or four times and it still doesn't make any sense.
Atlus dubs are never a bad pick
Atlus dubs are sometimes a bad pick
It's amazing how writing meant to be spoken aloud just doesn't make sense when read, huh?
Are we having two separate conversations?
>if you play with subs you're a weaboo
>when you're already playing a weeb game
Should ease up on the anime watching
No. It just doesn't make any sense. How is sub v dub the only input you have on the medium?
With video games, there are these things called "controllers."
It's like the thing that turns your TV on, but instead of using it to click on your favorite slice of life Crunchyroll schlock, it controls the entertainment itself.
>all of this strawmanning
Those aren't even remotely the same type of input.
>also implying that anyone on this website uses crunchyroll
Crunchyroll is literally banned on Yea Forums
>thought this was going to be some shitpost with some literal who from the thumbnail
>pleasantly surprised
Good on you.
The Crunchyroll thing is another example of anime fans clinging to the only possible way to look down their noses at people, no matter how objectively pointless it is.
The medium itself doesn't have skill-checks, filters, literacy requirements, etc. Anyone could watch Moe-blobs Beach Vacation 7 if they really wanted. Imagine clinging to that as a way to feel superior, it's pathetic.
>being elitist while simultaneously complaining about elitism
Crunchyroll is an incredibly shitty platform for a multitude of reasons. You will reduce this and claim it doesn't matter, because you want to feel superior to people who have preferences. You yourself are being elitist and yet are too much of a bitch to deal with it so you have to claim others are instead.
thanks, i made it off of my own desire to fuck morgana
No, yeah, I'm elitist about video games, but you absolutely have to be just to acknowledge the basics of the medium.
Even if a game doesn't directly filter anyone (e.g. a walking sim), it's still going to be a smoother experience for an experienced player compared to a new one, and the player with more knowledge is going to come out with the better, more enjoyable playthrough 9 out of 10 times.
If the game has any challenge in it, then by definition there's clear elitism going on, since whole parts of the game get withheld from the uninitiated.
There's no way to even define what pleb taste in anime IS without appealing to what is popular among self-appointed experts, none of whom are distinguishable from the hoi polloi beyond them not having what they describe as pleb taste.
It's a circular argument.
You're not entirely wrong here, but I don't think you're entirely correct either. Yes, video games reward knowledge of the genre, and unlike other other story telling mediums, including anime, it is easier to measure that knowledge. But in storytelling mediums it is still possible for someone more knowledgeable about the genre and the medium to gain a different
experience, maybe not one quite as objectively measured as in video games but one that still exists.
Of course that's possible, otherwise art critics couldn't exist at all.
But if someone wants to say art critics don't know wtf they're talking about (e.g. graffiti), that opinion has to be measured equally with any of those critics, no matter how long they studied.
To me it's like the federal reserve note versus money backed with Gold.
Can you not read?
Fair enough.
I wonder if this is going to be a technical sequel masked as a remake like Eva 3.0
dedicated. I'll give you that!
>using the word ‘yikes’
Sub if you want to play correctly. Dubs are only for if you can't read, but P5 requires reading no matter what anyway so there's no point.
Yeah it’s going to be some crazy shit desu
Dubsfags are the worst. Imagine playing a anime games with american voices. They should go back to their shitty western games. They don't deserve japanese games.
>dub has Japanese honorifics
It would have been fine otherwise. Whoever thought this was a good idea needs to take a knife to the gut
The only voice of reason in this shitty thread.
Dub is better
Sub, Dub if you're american.