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They're both aged like milk.

What little Keifer voiced, it was better than David's post mgs1 snake voice.

lol @ virgins who believe men age like “wine” compared to women

stay mad roasties

Why can't he move on already?

I could see them both working together in a Metal Gear 1 remake.

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Move on to what? The man's life has literally been failure after failure after failure. The closest he ever got to success is voicing Solid Snake.

Two hacks.
A shitty actor and a shitty voice actor.
Who once worked for a hack director.
A director in one of the biggest hack developers and publishers.

I don't understand Kiefer the Reefer's reaction. is Hayter yanking on his testicles or something? Here's 15 hours in mspaint for demonstration purposes

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Hayter wrote X-men, X2, is a successful screenwriter, is a good voice actor, is gorgeous even at his age now and was a model when he was younger.
He's accomplished more than you and most of Yea Forums has
they're in their 50s now. And still look handsome.

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They both hit the wall harder than the average woman lol. Inb4 roastie implying a literal pedophile incel website has women on it get rekt you ugly nigger

Hatyter has always been able to do the MGS1 voice as shown by the Ford MGS commercial

The problem is whoever was voice directing him for half the series is bad at their job

>has worked in a variety of different areas of multiple industries
>is basically famous as THE voice of Snake
>probably has loads of money
I'm not much of a Hater dick-rider, but you're fucking delusional if you think this man is a """failure""".

Why are Yea Forumsirigins always attracted to trannies?

There's a reason X-Men failed as a franchise yet the best movies are all the recent ones like Logan, user.

because real girls don't play videogames

He literally makes a ton of commission money nowadays saying meme stuff in the Snake voice, it would genuinely be better for him not to move on

Huh are they friends now? Haven't heard or looked up much on Hayter since his tantrum about not voicing snake in V.

Kiefer was never a good-looking man and only made it on the strength of his father's career.

The greatest snake to ever live and some faggot with a writing credit on the first X-men movie

You don't have to be good looking to be a good actor. He was great in 24 but nothing else

>There's a reason X-Men failed as a franchise
Shitty movies that Hayter had nothing to do with.

Big Boss AND BiBo!

Check the fucking catalog

X-Men failed because of the third one and everything after. Especially X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Hayter didn't write the entire scripts for the first two, either, just the action scenes if I'm not mistaken

>Thread was made literally 20 seconds later
Shut the fuck up


You'd let either one fuck you in the ass nancy.

post the commercial?

They're pretty good looking though. Your shit taste doesn't change anything

>forgetting the third Snake

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Does this faggot's entire life revolve around the fact that he voiced Snake?

>not enjoying him as the same charcter in both The Lost Boys and Stand By Me
What a respectable opinion even if I disagree.

There was some vaguely lewd anime I stumbled upon that had both him and Kazuma Kiryu's voice actor in it. It was entertaining for that alone

so true, he even tried to save the shit fest that was mgs4 but kojimbo chose to laugh at him instead

Mine would.

Are there any other gaming voice actors out there besides Charles Marinet and David Hayter that really hold interest in the series they're voice acting for?

they do if they dont live like shit
kiefer is a huge drunk


>some faggot with a writing credit on the first X-men movie
and X-2, and Watchmen and has starred in a ton of popular anime
and is extremely handsome

Attached: hayter.jpg (350x261, 9K)

Steve Blum definitely enjoys being TOM. And Spike Spiegel. Neither are video game characters though, despite the massive amount of games Blum's appeared in. Reuben Langdon definitely enjoys his status as Dante though, and a few of the other DMC voice actors (especially Dan Southworth as Vergil) seem to as well.


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Women age like shit. Old men can be hot if they look in-shape and manly as opposed to old and frail. Women just get gross and saggy once they're old enough

>Best ones are the recent ones
>Names the ONLY good one since 2

You don't need to make up lies just to try and sound right.

>Hayter finally bends the knee

Dark City, Phone Booth are kino too.


Blame Tom Rothman
I do.

just like their careers

I've had a crush on David Hayter since I was in my teens and I still want him to be my daddy and push his penis into my spread boy pussy. Is this normal?

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Both Kiefer and David Hayter can be Big Boss, sure.
But there can only be one Snake, and his only true voice is David himself.

Attached: snake2.jpg (951x594, 27K)

Is Kiefer based?

Agreed. Big Boss never should have been voiced by Hayter in the first place honestly, but if they replaced him as Solid Snake for anything I'd be pissed

Based. Big Boss in MGS3 is a phony autistic ripoff. Despite the rest of the story and the amazing gameplay that V had, I would rather have 3 not exist at all. Fuck Kojima, fuck him for making Big Boss a Snake.

Fuck everything after MGS2.

Kiefer Sutherland is no brad pitt. He's a 6/10 even in his prime. And David Hayter is a voice actor for a reason.

Hayter is a fucking SJW and I had to unfollow his twitter

>brings up reddit tier redpills on Yea Forums
Go back, stay there.

cringe nostalgia material, should have never voiced BiBo
based patrician with a badass gritty voice for a terrorist warmongering antag- uh, protagonist.

Don't you have some propaganda to shove into a kids game?

go dilate.

>But there can only be one Snake, and his only true voice is David himself
>There is room for only one Boss and one Snake
Mah niggah. Both Naked and Venom can go fuck off as the evil loser named Big Boss while Solid, the only Snake in Metal Gear worth the title kicks everyone's ass in that regard.

If they live reasonably healthy, yes they do. It's a saying for a reason.

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the most based voices of all time

admit it Yea Forums

The woman that voiced Bayo loves it and responds to fans.

>And David Hayter is a voice actor for a reason.
Hayter is hot and so Kiefer
If Hayter wasn't 50yo now, he could have played Solid Snake in a movie

Attached: hayter.jpg (400x300, 17K)

here you go

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yeah he looked GRACEFUL in the mummy bros

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Avoiding hard drugs and alcohol and doing some regular exercise will do wonders for you. Remember to get up and move around every hour Yea Forums!


More like they aged like infused vodka heavy drinkers.
Drink responsibly.

Well Jack Flowers kept getting DUI

You try looking good in a head scarf that accentuates your face pudge.

>Body thetans aren't rea--

X-Men 3 was schlock
Origins was schlock
The Wolverine was pretty decent and is underrated, I give you that
First Class was okayish
DoFP is one of the best time travel movies ever made and Endgame wishes to be that good
Logan is so great because it had a great screen writer, a great director and Jackman giving the arguably best perfomance in his entire career as a big goodbye

But you are delusional if you not think That X-Men 1 is a good movie and X-Men 2 at least on par with DoFP. Hayder is a decent script writer and Kojima was a retard for sabotaging his MGS movie project (he even had Hugh Jackman as Snake in line since they both are close friends). Given the quality of Hayders prior movie scripts it would have been the best game to movie adaption to date.

Because no one else can