Strong independent woman or trash incel bait?
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trash incel bait
trash incel bait.
imagine if those costumes were removed and all of the frothing rage we would have to deal with reactionaries obsessed with outrage culture.
Trash incel bait. They flat out said that's what it was.
Amen, I wish they did it just to enjoy the incel outrage. glorious
>I want censorship because lol incels
While Bayonetta's overt sexualization is tongue-in-cheek (and I respect that because it makes for a stronger, confident, and unique character), ironic sexualization is still sexualization.
> localization is censorship!
> you better adhere to my power fantasies or else i"ll harass you on twitter and /r/gaming, game devs!
How is censoring something a localization, are you retarded
More like a sleep paralysis nightmare. Bitch looks like slenderman's daughter.
Id love for the costumes to be removed ;)
Don't care, was fun game.
Incel trash. Bayonetta was created by some basement dwelling virgin who never met a real woman.
The only thing attractive about Bayonetta is her face. If she had more human proportions then she would be way hotter.
did you play the fukken game? shes an umbran/lumen fucking witch. quit fucking with witches u fukken retarted retarts
>Reddit spacing
> greentexting like this
Holy shit kill yourself.
This is like the second or third thread like this i've seen tonight on Yea Forums and the use of "incel" is the highest in these threads. Are we being raided by resetera or something?
2B vs Bayonetta who would win in a fist fight
bayo would beat the fuck out of her
Why did not a single costume in Bayo 2 come close to the Witch outfit in 1? Gives me a good boner
Bayonetta is more proof that the less attractive a character is, the hotter her VA is.
Shit taste
Bayonette would probably beat 2B, i'm not even a fan, I like Nier Automata. I just think her supernatural abilities might trounce Toobie.
my dick
futa fetish fuel
>30 hours of torture kills
You should know by now that trolling has to be on the cutting edge of what can make people upset. They're not here to give you a hearty chuckle, they're here to make you mad.
do yourself a favour and have sex
Wtf are these people doing here that spout incel this and once I that doing here?? This whole sites audience was based around dudes that joked about there's no girls on the internet and we're all dateless. Everytime I see this pissing and moaning I know they are not what made this place. Fuck off to where you fags came from.
I'm not mad, i'm just disappointed.
Incels get incredibly mad when they're accused of being incels so you can throw it out like confetti and get a reaction. Yea Forums's fucking full of incels obsessed with their side of outrage culture whether you like the term or not.
people who spam "incel" and "have sex" do it for (you)s. it's always accompanied by vapid liberal diatribe to get a rise out of the alt-right wannabe memers
If you ever feel bad that others keep taking the bait, don't. Just remember that this board is dead anyway.
I miss when we used "robot" before redit took over
why the genuine fuck is incel not censored yet
Itt: Tranny incels get salty that a video game character is more attractive than them.
This is why everyone hates libtards.
>making these posts
>calling otehrs reactionaries
Yea Forums is basically dead, what you're seeing is it's remains being decomposed. I got banned for posting a video game thread, meanwhile the 5am thread posted at 7:50 hits the archives.
They browse this place regularly.
But certainly not my anime tiddies! you antisjw spergs the biggest hypocrites.
Trannies can't be incels. They are definitely fucked.
It should be filtered to chad.
Fucking why? That's like if i'm a regular here but also on the side browse fucking feminist forums. For what purpose?
reminder dilating trannycels and similar resetera abominations will never be women and should collaborate to make the 40% rate go higher
fuck niggers
fuck faggots
fuck trannies
fuck kikes
fuck the jannies
Because mods are cucks, they only censor words that upset SJW fags like onions or faggot and nigger back then.
Hiroshimoot doesn't give a fuck.
this but also fuck /pol/ just for good measure.
user people who post here trawl reddit, resetera and twitter regularly for stuff to shitpost about. both SJWs and robots just want to stir up emotions online because their real lives are boring and dead, and they'll gladly admit it.
kill yourself
I bet you unironically avoid eating delicious onions with your meat because you're terrified of getting even bigger boobs
literal who and a waste of a smash character slot
Not that user but I don't even believe 95% of the stuff I say here, I just say it to make people upset.
that sausage looks like shit but fried onions are a long-time weakness of mine
That's not the meme, you dip.
Chad wouldn't fuck you even if all the prettier girls dissapeared.
Fuck off back to resetera
Yes, they have a strong interest in conditioning any resistance into a corporate toolbar who pushes nu-christian socjus moralism and act like prudes raised by 90s christian soccer moms
>anti-sjw is a bad thing
Lmao at this newfag normalfaggot
The fact that some people find Bayonetta's design hot is ridiculous. She is like 12 heads tall, that is beyond ugly.
You should fuck off to your home site.
I've been trying to induce sleep paralysis so I could fuck and possibly marry cute thinn tulpas but I can't go to sleep on my back.
The reverse of this is true.
makes trannies seeth.
Bayonetta fucks black men
>The fact that some people find Bayonetta's design hot is ridiculous.
Interesting take user. What do you say about homosexuals finding men hot? I need your take on this. Don't be afraid to sign off with your real name.
Well I ain't a faggot so that's good to know.
>there are people out there who feel their sexuallity threatened by bayonetta
bayonetta was designed by a woman as her power fantasy
she is ugly as fuck and only women and gays like her design
can confirm
Men have human proportions, retardo. They aren't 12 heads tall abominations.
Bayonetta was created by a woman dumb trannies
S-o-y os filtered s-oyboy
Requesting Bayonetta performing fatalities on the #1 Bayonetta hater Anita $arkee$ian.
That's the joke
characters like bayo make incels froth at the mouth in impotent rage
they despise the idea of a woman enjoying life and enjoying being a woman instead of devoting her existence to serving some man's happiness. thats why they hate sluts, nerd girls not into the same nerd shit as them, lesbians, asexuals, and divorcees. it goes against their delusion of women being a buffet of slaves-in-waiting for them to pick their favorite like some fat unwashed arabian oil merchant
>she is unrealistic therefore not attractive
Guess how I know you’re a woman
Well I’m an incel and I don’t like her design, personality, or voice. So definitely not incel bait.
Bayonetta is a kike
>Men have human proportions
Besides the point. You don't get to judge others on what they do or like. Unless you're of the fascist persuasion.
human sexuality is ridiculous. you just gotta accept that everything produced within an absurd universe is gonna be inherently absurd
She looks stylish and the character designer's art style doesn't translate well in 3D. Bayonetta, Jeanne and Luka look like they were for a fashion show because of their exaggerated proportions, not a video game
>getting baited
This is why everyone hates post-election reddit refugees
Huge fucking liberal with tons of queer friends here, they all genuinely love Bayonetta for being powerful and in charge of her sexuality.
The first to be completely honest
I'm still looking for an assertive girl that'll avatar as her for ERP on Discord, I'm so fucked from playing her game bros
i want to be__ bayonetta
looks like you're both in luck!
High quality incel bait.
Gameplay is kinda trash tho. Le ebin cinematic qtes out of the ass.
>ERP on Discord,
You're not making a good case for this game being anythin else than incel bait user.
Mmmmm Natalie Mars Bayo Cosplay
Hi, how to contact you
She's already done it once.
how do you pronounce haute courture anyway? i've never heard it said out loud
I knoooooow, it was amazing and it was half-assed too. She should go full out for a Con or something. Or better yet, full out for a porn shoot.
owt cootair
it sounds a lot like "hot culture"
haute = hoe-teh
couture = coe-tuure
t. 3 years of middle school french
The latter, that is why Yea Forums loves her so much
It's bad enough be a closet fag that likes trannies but this is just absolute reddit tier. Probably samefag anyway.
Let us not forget that 4channel literally has a lgbt board where behaviour like that is the norm. We ARE the reddit. You are delusional if you believe there is a difference between the people on reddit and here in 2019. All that differs only a little is the behaviour because people are anonymous.
something about her just turns me off
the face and those long limbs make her seem like a caricature
we invented wanting to be the little girl. if anything Yea Forums should have more trannies. how dare reddit steal them
Why not both?
No newfag, it was a joke until actual degenerates thought they were in good company. Pretty much the same thing always happens when a place gets worse
she is a caricature. everything about her is a caricature of womanity. its like drag 2.0. especially since she's just a sentient mass of hair that merely disguises herself as a human
the whole reason moot made Yea Forums is because somethingawful wasn't degenerate enough for him. if you wanna avoid degeneracy go to a christian mums forum
>still wears high heels
what the fuck it's like she's walking on stilts permanently
I think that is just a manlet's reaction to her
>a woman in control of her own sexuality and constantly in charge of all situations
No incel would be into that. Strong Independent Queer Woman
>implying getting baited is new
strong and independent but also appeals to incels cuz of sex
western stronk waman would be ugly as fuck
Probably enjoys making manlets like you feel insecure
Kill all trannies
Long legs are top tier
other board are being attacked too
the best thing about Bayonetta is the fact that has a pretty complete design. Female characters like her are rare.
Bayonetta is only waifu'd by high test 6'0+++ people. Anyone else is too afraid of her
Strong independent woman
I think it looks unique and not in a bad way
>appeals to incels cuz of sex
Im pretty sure everyone wants sex not only incels . The only people who complain about her design are manchilds and self insert landwhales.
Nah, I avoid them for the oxalates.
asexuals don't want sex thats kinda their whole deal
What the fuck this is going into scary territory. Why would anyone be THIS cucked? Im actually curious as to how
there's a good chance just its just their gimmick to get people talking about them
Ehh would someone really give up their dignity for attention?
passes the bechdel test
attention and money, the two things people are most willing to give up their dignity for
>Why would anyone be THIS cucked?
useless BA in a degree where he couldn't hack actual work so now he writes about games and tries to sound like his work is meaningful.
>that webm
I feel like this is the kind of fag that tell others to "have sex" because they enjoy some eye candy in their entertainment
>incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel incel
You realize that this is what everyone sees when you make any of those posts?
Your opinions don't matter. Your say doesn't matter. You're just another buzzwords spewing retard adding to the problem. The word no longer has any meaning now. It just became slang for "man i don't like or agree with" or virgin.
Whore who sold her soul to Nintendo
>he doesn't like amazon women
Try and stop me, fag.
Saying "incel" unironically implies you think men shouldn't have standards.
Bayo and it's not even close
What is it about Bayonetta that is so unsexy
Give me any other character in Smash and I can break masturbation world records
Its like her design goes full circle and becomes shit
>being a sex negative mysognist
you really do just hate sexy powerful women
it's 50% lefty Yea Forums and 50% people baiting
Exaggerated proportions turn you off. Compare Bayo in her games (they shrunk her down in Smash) to Samus.
Baiting dumb T_D kids by acting like a yuppie lib is.
incel is just a rebrand of virgin, the fact that this shit flies on nu/v/ shows how filled with normalfags this place is as Yea Forums has always naturally been Yea Forumsirgin central
Something something key that fits every lock Vs lock that opens with any key
(you) too
she sold her soul to literal demons. thats an explicit plot point
At least one user who's not retarded
That's a standard web design though
Closest thing to a Bayo thread. Is going for PP worth it? Feels pretty tedious to get PP on every verse, especially when you have to do Alfheims and some verses require backtracking
It's French for "high fashion" so go to google translation, type haute couture and listen to how the robotic voice pronounces it.
neither. feminists are dumbfounded by her and incels prefer to fap to cunny porn. Seriously, the bayo/touhu porn ratio tells everything there is to know.
what do you think
a man who isn't sexually active because he hasn't found anyone he wants to sleep with isn't an incel because its not involuntary. incels are involuntary celibates because even people with virtually no standards don't want to sleep with them.
>lefty Yea Forums
Reading that makes me want to puke.
>Bayonetta, Jeanne and Luka look like they were for a fashion show because of their exaggerated proportions
That is literally the entire point of their character design.
Bayonetta's figure is the epitome of graceful femininity and her personality is the opposite of it, together they form a character so strong that I get a chub every time I see her
nice cope you got there
>r34 is almost non existent
So true
> feminists are dumbfounded by her
There are many types of feminists though. Many think she's an exaggeration of women and femininity and it's bad (usually the ones who don't know much about video games, especially Japanese ones), others are neutral and only care about activism that impacts real women and not fictional ones, others think she's a feminist icon because she's cool, sexy, stylish, strong and funny but not in a "girl power marketing strategy" way and she's exaggerated enough to be impossible to take seriously.
Bayonetta 1 clothes with Bayonetta 2 hair style.
That's what I'm saying. They look hot and I hope Luka will be in Bayo3 and be as cute as in Bayo1
The idea that there are some faggots (not gay, don't have an aneurysm) coming to Yea Forums and Yea Forums of all places to cry about tits in video games sounds insane.
oh yeah i agree
so you're just gonna openly admit you can't handle logic and scientific facts
There's that word again
Saying "incel" should mean literally nothing in 2019 or this century.
Original meaning of celibacy was "abstention from marriage" not "abstention of sexual acts" imbeciles forgot the term chastity was already a thing so they "changed the meaning" of the word.
Priests take both a bow of chastity and a vow of celibacy, this should be enough for the retarded masses to understand that "incel" is nothing more than a rubbish word.
as a gay and a faggot, I come to Yea Forums to cry about tits and the like because its more entertaining. like lathering yourself in honey and flossing into a bear cave
r9k came up with the term I just like using it to mock their cognitive dissonance
She fucks black men
>she fucks black women
Bayonetta is legitimately the most feminist video game character ever made. She exemplifies raw feminine power. Also she fights the patriarchy and God is a woman.
They keep saying it because it's working
inb4 cope
It still effectively means the same thing though
She fucks black men
Do people actually see her in an obvious fapbait way? I enjoy her character and fantastic CLAMP-like design but I would never fap to her. I think she's overtly sexual but more in that classical, beautiful, majestic way that you put on a pedestal and appreciate from afar, like a Greek goddess.
Not really the big-boobed-half-naked-made-for-horny-teenagers-and-incels type.
It has basically repressed the old virgin term we had, bit with a bit of media narrative, they've spun it into something much worse.
words are just sounds and corresponding symbols that are used as a crude means of communicating ideas. if you make a certain sound or symbol and successfully communicate the idea then thats the meaning of the word within that conversation.
if I say jozxyqk then whether thats a word or not depends on who I'm talking to. and all I have to do to make it a word is explain what it means to them if they don't already know.
its the sound you make when you get your sexual organs trapped in something
i'm not aroused by bayo, more like intimidated
okay i'm aroused too but way more intimidated
Ahh yes, you're not getting sex because of your standards, that's it.
I feel the same way about Sorceress really. It's obviously a sexual design, I'm not surprised people fap to it, and I've gotten off to sort of off model art of her all the same, but I'm not exactly stricken with lust just looking at her in game. She's just kind of too goofy looking. That said, I like Bayonetta 2's design for her head, ie. her hair, a lot, so when you can't really see the rest of her it sort of gets me.
>They're not here to give you a hearty chuckle, they're here to farm (you)'s
cool videogame character. nothing else to it.
That would be pretty funny
No because she is pretty not like you
I have it on Pc and despiste running flawless in gameplay the cutscenes just shit the bed super hard, anyone has a fix?
There probably isn't one. Maybe some sort of mod, possibly. These sorts of PC ports usually just take basic video files used from the original console releases. Or even worse. FFXIII is infamous for using the terrible 360 compressed versions and only fairly recently had a mod to put in better PS3 originating versions. To add insult to injury, I believe the XBONE backwards compatibility for FFXIII has the best quality video files for the cutscenes currently. Or at least the best ones in an official release.
Incel bait baits money.
I would rather censor have sex.
>The fact that some people find Bayonetta's design hot is ridiculous. She is like 12 heads tall, that is beyond ugly.
what an idiotic post
Reas up on the term "periphery demographic".
>tfw read that as "frotting rage"
personally I think cope should be wordfiltered to "I implore you to reconsider"
>Lololol incel
>Incel this
>Incel that
>How about we nuke Japan? That would make incels sooo mad
This is your brain on white ""people"""
Neither, shes a pinhead.
Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel Cancel
Strong independent woman
same thing
People are always up in arms about these fictional characters designed to please a majority of people, either for the character to be sexy or handsome. People give other people shit for liking these characters, but i gotta ask, for those of you who really dislike characters like Bayonetta what do you think about the designers? Instead of giving shit to people who just enjoy other people creations why not take it up with the person who made them? Why not just leave people who like these types of characters alone? I haven't seen a single person talk shit about the actual character designers when it comes to characters like Bayonetta. Please tell me how you feel about them instead of how you feel about other people.
Can i have a Emylia Argan Bayonetta cosplay instead?
>Strong women can't be pretty
i wonder who could be behind this kind of post
certainly not hamplanet uggos
>Bayonetta's designer is a woman
that would be sexist user
It's projection, read up about femcels.
I'm a non-english speaker, what does the word mean?
You landwhales have too much free time. Get a job.
>trolling has to be on the cutting edge of what can make people upset
thats not trolling thats just being edgy
trolling is tricking people into getting upset over stuff that they didn't care about to begin with, like what color this chair is
involuntary celibate
basically virgin but harsher
which chair? you didn't make that clear you FUCKING FAGGOT
someone who desperately wants to have sex but nobody wants to have sex with them, yet they refuse to just visit a brothel
there's only one chair in that picture, nimrod
nothing like waking up hangover check your bank account and see a 438€ charge from last night
youll never pass
then what is X sitting on? checkmate fucking bitch kill yourself
thats an automobile you rancid dipshit
Who told you that so you could parrot such a retarded thing? A localization is ideally just translating everything important in the game into another language. The stupid shit comes when idiots think changing entire chunks of dialogue to force a character into being something they weren't or removing sections of game is the problem
holy FUCK you retard that is clearly a HOVERCHAIR SUCK MY DICK
kek this is worse than the comics trannys make
You good? I don’t think anyone in the history of bayonetta games has said that at any point in time and the original has been out for 10 years now. I don’t know what places you’ve been in that time to see these supposed opinions but clearly it isn’t healthy for you to see them. Go take a nap or something alright? Don’t hurt yourself getting this pissed at a videogame man
4channel also has a mlp board but that doesn’t mean everyone here is a degenerate pony fucker. Containment boards are made for a reason
>I wish they did it just to enjoy the outrage.
>Sex appeal and fan service is problematic
>Sex is empowering to women
>Anime tiddies are incel bait
>Sasha grey licking a toilet bowl and getting fisted is empowering to women
>There is more to women than just objectifying them for sex
>Have sex
Bayonetta is the most beautiful woman in video games.
Discord trannies, here's hoping they contribute to the suicide rate soon
Strong independent woman. Her sexuality is tied to her strong personality and dominance in battle so for me I like Bayo mostly for her fun personality while her ass is just an icing on the cake. It's the opposite of Something like Senran Kagura because the creators intended for SK to mostly be tied to your enjoyment and would put the girls in tons of embarrassing and de-powering situations. Both are good though.
Reminder that you will never be human and should join the 40% to make the world a better place.
bold of you to assume I can die
>sausage needs to be pink
She functions as the reverse of DMC3 Dante's design but with 1/10th the soul as a character
I don't give a shit about games enough to be bothered with whatever you call censorship in games.
I just come on Yea Forums to troll, shitpost and make incels mad
Bayo > Dante . any day of the week
user has probably never seen pork or turkey sausages before
she's not a reverse of dmc3 dante she's an inverse of dmc4 dante
sounds kind of masochistic
Says no one ever.
I see it as more like stress-proofing any drunk arguments I might get into IRL, like VR training my rhetoric but pretend I used a less chuuni analogy
I bought bayonetta one on sale. I have never given up on a game quicker. Ridiculous characters and uninspired combat with wave after wave of uninspired clone enemies
It's actually one of the few cases where its somehow both
Yeah, like calling somebody racist right? They said that word so much, nobody fucking cares if they're called it anymore.
That's because they don't care that they are factually racist. Incels care about getting laid, though.