Who did it better?
Who did it better?
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If Keifer had a better script and wasn't written under the idea that Venom was going to be a mostly silent character, he would have been better
me ;)
Jack Bauer sounds more natural and like an actual man
I actually liked Keef for the 5 minutes he played Big Boss.
I liked Keifer in MGSV but for me no one can replace Hayter, even if he is a whiny manbaby.
Sutherland did a better job of acting, but his version of Snake is dry and boring, even in his most intense moments. He just doesn't feel like he fits within that setting alongside hammy fucks like Kaz or Ocelot. Hayter's Snake was a more fun character. He was goofy and over-the-top, but he fit in with that universe and cast and felt charming, in a very "video game" kind of way.
Overall, the problem wasn't so much Sutherland or Hayter, but the direction Kojima decided to take the character in V...and MGSV in general. Snake and the universe he lives in don't lend well to serious and subtle, and trying to redefine his overall feel as a protagonist just ended up conflicting horrendously with what was established about Snake and his interactions with other characters up until that point.
My vote goes to Hayter, but my real issue is with Kojima's poor decision making as a director with MGSV.
This. The worst part was that Sutherland's performance bled into Ohtuka's voicework, which was a shame, since Ohtsuka's at his best when he's allowed to be as camp as possible, and this time, he was forced to dub a boring old cunt.
This pretty much. However, I'd put more emphasis on Sutherlands preformence being a result kojimas direction. I suppose you can apply that to Hayter as well, but he was much more campy, so Kojimas writing didnt have that much of a significant impact on Hayters preformence, in fact it mightve enhanced it.
Troy Baker as Ocelot also didn't feel right.
Keef was unironically better
Why didn't they just make it so Sutherland voiced Venom Snake (because he was fake) and then have Hayter voice the real Big Boss in those sections?
That way you can have them both.
>I am Big Boss
>and you are too
What a fucking fag, still believing there is such thing as a real and a fake Big Boss. They're both Big Boss, just that one is a phantom.
Phantom does not imply fake. Fake means counterfeit and illegal; reproduced without authenticity. Meanwhile, phantom means something that may be apparent but doesn't exists. Learn your words, dumbass.
MGSV is supposed to be the first time Metal Gear gets serious overall. It actually tries to depict the horrors of war in a very grim tone, at least with Ground Zeroes and the Paz rape scene.
My vote goes to Kiefer because he did everything well and he actually sounded like an old man.
Nostalgiafagots who argue that shit has SOUL and anything else is SOULESS; are probably genwunners and KANTOOOOOOOOO idiots on /vp/. Cringe and bluepilled.
True men of patrician taste who have no comfort zone and able to experience and see the soul in the freshest of the fresh. Based and redpilled.
I am going to be 100% honest here, but MGS V made me realize how stupid Snake's voice is in previous games.
>MGSV is supposed to be the first time Metal Gear gets serious overall.
You say that like MGSV handled said shift in tone well at all, and that it was an acceptable direction for a franchise known for embracing the absurd as much and as often as possible within a world grounded loosely in our history.
All it did was result in an inferior cultural product overall in all aspects save for mechanics and the cinematography involved in the cutscenes. Other than that, the "serious and mature" direction resulted in a boring story littered with piss-poor narrative beats that still manages to be just as silly and bonker as previous titles, just sans the charm, an inferior cast compared to previous games, laughably juvenile attempts at depicting the horrors of war, and what might be the most flat protagonist ever seen in a Kojima title. There's no genuine depth or cultural/thespian value to ANY OF IT. It was a colossal waste of time.
If I seem like I'm butthurt, it's because I am. I was beyond hyped for this game, and even for Sutherland's casting, but the product we got is objectively and proveably mediocre compared to the rest of the franchise, and the worst part is retards like you pretending you have any business telling anyone what to think of not only this game, but any Metal Gear title or preceding legacy the franchise had.
MGSV is shit. It'll never not be shit. Get over it.
I think they have to pay a retarded amount of money to Hayter because or repeated gigs or some guild shit like that
Kojima genuinely hates Hayter as a person and as an actor and tried to replace him every single game after mgs1
I 100% agree, V was even more disappointing than Spore for me.
Your real smart genuis
Horrors in war are supposed to be serious, not juvenile and humorous. This is why I praised Metal Gear Solid V for at least trying to actually make a serious message integrate with serious context, even if the game is crap.