Reminder that new games have a one month grace period

Reminder that new games have a one month grace period.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Come play me, nerds.

I don't know how.

I'll teach you everything you need to know. You need to hold onto the big tiles that have the single Chinese character on them, and then you need to discard everything else. Then, you put your money on the table like a good boy and back away.

Press the shit out of chi and pon buttons when they appear.

No, don't do that. You have no idea if they're what you'll need.

don't listen to just pon chii pon ron 1000点


Attached: 1.png (264x261, 83K)

>Daily: Play in two friendly matches
I want to go to bed soon, so time for some Sonic Shuffle:
>3+5 seconds
>1 Game (race to 30,000 points)

2 slots left.

>3+5 seconds

mahjong and poker and other luck based games make me want to die


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>Split your lungs with blood and thunder

I play fast but this was horrible.


Pretty fast, but I gotta take a shit.

1 more slot to play. Madmen all around.

gg assclowns

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>Instant ippatsu mangan for instant win

head bumpu da

>Win with bullshit ippatsu tsumo
>Room immediately vacataes
gg guys, I enjoyed it. Thanks for helping me grind.

I want to kill the insane chink who thought affection increasing by 40 was a good idea. 100 fucking matches doesn't even get you half of the third heart, it's ridiculous.

Two just left.

If you want your waifu's heart, you're going to have to use THAT.

That's what gifts are for.

I don't even mind free to play grind being impossible but the gacha rates seem quite obnoxious for paying customers too.

>new games have a one month grace period.
no? you can have threads on Yea Forums daily for years if you're autistic enough

5% for a new girl is actually very high compared to other gacha games.

What's the worst girl and why is it the shrine maiden?

Will probably just grind the cat even without reaching anything. Only level 5 seems to matter for anything anyways.

i don't understand a single word the alcoholic says so it's probably her

This is some really good as fuck music to play in the background if you get tired of the default song:

So, 13 orphans if someone is in for the 13 tile wait but for some reason he discarded some honor tile, is he in furiten?

Her gulp emote is great thought.

it turns out i have already listened to this album before.
youtube sometimes recommends some good stuff.

Yes. The reason it's a double yakuman is because going for the 13-way wait almost guarantees yourself in furiten, so you'll have to self-draw it which is even rarer.

Not like it matters with 13*3 possible tiles that could complete his hand.

Minus the 12 other honor and terminal tiles that the other three players discarded and will continue to discard.

Mahjong Soul CN youtube channel is a gold mine:

>That first hand

Attached: Beat Takeshi.jpg (637x469, 35K)

You don't see anything yet.

catbros, where are the rooms...

how does No. 12 count for triple yakuman?

I can't understand these runes
post the brand of runes that I can understand instead

In many rulesets, Big 4 Winds/Daisuushii is counted as double, and it's little brother Shosuushii is counted as a single.

big 4 winds + 4 concealed + all honors
south, 5+20s

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>mfw people wasted money on that game.

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I think I remember listening to this or a song from that artist on that one Lain website.

>Double-Riichi Furiten
>Gets the Ippatsu
It's like the God of Mahjong was FORCING this guy to win in spite of his own stupidity

these placement and reward calculations are kinda silly.

Attached: fair.png (850x527, 509K)

It looks like there's an UMA of 10/5, but that doesn't make sense, cause there should be a placement bonus of +20 for first.

It's based on the point differences.
>double riichi on a tenhou hand
very nice

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what's umad?
but me and 3rd have same score



It's 10/5 for east only

Mahjong is a gambling game. When you approach the table, Everyone is given 30k points, but there's a 5k buy-in pot that goes to the winner. In addition, there's the Horse, where first place is awarded X points, second is awarded Y, third is penalized Y, and fourth penalized X. Technically, these numbers can be anything as long as they add up to zero, but it's usually +X/+Y/-Y/-X, or just written as X/Y.

If you want to know, you keep track who owes you what by rounding off the scores to the nearest 1k, then subtract 30k from everyone's score. Add the buy-in bonus to 1st, apply any UMA, and then usually they go by X amount of money for every 1k points, so you just drop the 0s and that's how much money you just made/lost.

Sometime, when you avoid to win, the god will obliterate you

>Mahjong is a gambling game
sorry, please explain

quad yakuman, i think
little 4 winds + single wait 4 concealed pons + all honors

If you play in parlors or with people ballsy enough for it, you bet money.

the what now?

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Cash. Zenny. Denero. Yen. Moolah. Big bucks. The green skinned monster. How your single-mother paid her way through college.

The other guy lost rank points even though he had the same score you have because he failed the placement dice roll at the start

32000 - 25000 = 7000
7000 / 1000 = 7
7 + 15 = 22
22 + 20 = 42

You should be subtracting 30k instead of 25k unless Mahjong Soul doesn't have a buy-in.

It doesn't. That's the actual math.

Why do the rounds require players to be above 30k in order to win then? That's usually only done because that's where the initial point value starts.

Because they just do it that way I guess. It's 25k. It's on the wiki. If it were 30k it wold never add up correctly.

32000 - 30000 = 2000
2000 / 1000 = 2
2+20 = 22
22+20 = 42

On today's episode of the stupid cat doing retarded calls:

Attached: kan nya.webm (1150x650, 1.34M)

Actually, now that I've done the math, it should be a 30k subtration, a 5k buy-in (meaning +20k points to 1st), and it seems the uma is actually 20/10/0/-30

Fuck 4th I guess.

classic cat's open kan call.

there's a description somewhere (i think if you click the ? button next to the ranked rooms) of the payouts


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gg cowbros

Here now stop acksuallying when you don't fucking know.

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Is that a dragon discard?

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>get curious after seeing these threads and spend a couple days learning the rules
>jump into first game online
>get a baiman my first hand and start with a huge lead
>next hand is a draw
>deal into someone else's hand the rest of the game and finish last in the negatives
maybe i'm not meant to play this game...

Attached: tfw.png (1200x720, 598K)

>she sees your mangan

>confortable first place
>2nd place riichis
>retarded fucking stupid ass nigger fuck toimen does a random kan
>2nd place tsumo
>3 Dora 3 Ura Dora
>9000 points in the lead


first time playing Mahjong, someone invite me.

you need to learn to play defensively. just throw your hand away by dealing safe tiles if someone is obviously in tenpai and your hand is nowhere near completion.

Where can i download Akagi OST? The only site i found begging for donations.

>its a cat makes a kan's during a riichi episode
>riichi is actually forced to pay
>actually ends up second after 2 dealer hanemans and making me sweat for my first place again.


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Attached: SakiisBULLSHIT.webm (640x360, 1.88M)


ara ara

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wait i thought this game was new? how is there a 2018 best?

Eng server is new. Game itself has been out a while.

okay i actually laughed. thats a nice bait

I'm still trying to learn how you would see something like this coming.
Problem is, I'm usually so greedy that I'll refuse to break my tenpai even if I'm getting risky tiles.

you don't
dude's already in last place at south 4
gonna have to take that risk

I miss being able to hear the voices in this game. I recently went deaf. I can still hear the last thing I heard, that sorepon. It haunts me in my dreams.

Well, good to know although I'm still having trouble with the obvious ones.
Yesterday I dealt into a full straight because I neglected to look at my opponents three open melds in the same suit.

>try to avoid dealing into an obvious flush
>calls ron on my discard
>was actually half flush hell wait on wind

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That always sucks, but at least I don't feel quite so stupid for dealing into hell waits since I'm nowhere near the level to see those coming in any shape or form.

share some secret discord tech about raising bond, +40 is way too little and I want Miki to undress a bit for me

>Got down to 3000 points because I'm tilted as fuck
>Suddenly 3 dora and 2 akadora
>oh shit I think I should start calling then
>Keep getting good tiles without needing to call
>Kamicha drops for my ippatsu
>Uradora is my triplets

Simply outplayed. Dora is a fair and balanced mechanic.

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Honestly not sure why I keep playing when shit like this can happen.

Why is it I am fine with saki having see through hair but I hated it on star butterfly

>tfw don't even play mahjong or plan to
>just read these threads to see if I can make sense of the rules without actually looking them up
I still don't know what the fuck you're all on about.

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I used to be like you, just give it a try.
I'm still terrible but at least I (mostly) understand what's going on.

>akagi would be later known as the ruler in the darkness
>fast forward to ten
>doesn't even control a fourth of jap yakuza
what the heck

literally learned the rules in 1-2 hours playing the game and then other 3 days to learn some other basics.

he was big dick not big shoes.

it's poker but the dealer is yourself and the three people against you and there's like 15 or more hands, with modifiers

why was #2 on that list?

it was a fucked up tenhou

do you guys feel luky?

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Any good guides to learn?

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Sometimes people don't want to be lucky.

Attached: IdontWanttoWin.webm (640x360, 2.78M)

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So I started playing and I keep doing furiten to myself, what I can do in that situation?

I'm a shitter myself but imo his mistake was declaring riichi that late into the game. I guess he was last place and it didn't matter but if he didn't, he could've kept the dora and maybe tried to wiggle his ass out of it/gamble on the dealer finishing in tenpai so the game would go into south.

what's with the emphasis on the 1pin?
Just the missed yakuman?

He miss 2 chances to win after richi (first is the 1-pin, second is the 4) then get triple ron-ed

If he kept the three 1 pins he would've won by tsumo in the twelfth round. Not only that, it was a better wait on 3,4 (and as far as he knows there are still 3 of each potentially still in the game and not in the discards) with a higher yaku than on a single 5 .

>not discarding haku to go for single suit
The first rule of majan is never go half retard. If you're going retard, you're going full retard.

Yes, search for mahjong tutorial 3.5h video on yt

it's a double sided wait for 2/5 but he's in furiten for that wait
if he waited one turn he could've potentially tsumo'd for a yakuman but the 3s comes out way before the 4s does

Splushwave has a lot of h-mahjong games based on popular series like granblue, fate, dq, saki if you want to play and fap.
just google image 'splushwave'

completely break down the set your waiting for and set yourself back to isshanten while your making a new set.
or if you have your hand closed/riichied. you can win from tsumo.

not at all, this game fucking hates my guts.
>start with slow as fuck hand
>it starts to build up into nice honiisou
>get my hopes up
rinse repeat 4 times

Fucking hell, just played a round where some lucky fucker won with toitoi two times in a row.
I've been trying to get that to work forever, and it's just not happening.

Attached: NoYakumanToday.webm (640x360, 1.41M)

Damn, this is painful to watch


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am i actually playing the other servers in the ranked rooms? else i cant see how i can be top 200 while there are 1600 games in silver

Below jade english and chinese servers play together, after jade everybody plays together. There's some dumb myth that low level jap players are better which is why they are separate, but play ippan games on tenhou and you'll see very fast that shit ain't true

>60th draw
>chinks ponned 4 times already

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I just did exactly the same thing this morning, call a kan and my last winning tile for chirontou go right into the dead wall.

What I can do when I only have one tile?

fuck how do i even grind to jade. i thought it was gonna be a long road to expert from adept 3
>inbf just get triple yakuman sumo for 200 free points

Honestly play defensively, you lose more ranking based on your position each game but also based on how many points you had. A fourth place loss with 25000 points is less bad than a fourth place with -2000

starting to get the hang of the game. my legend as the retard that descended into darkness begins here

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Pray the lord that your wiinning tile come out.

gold lobby is a completly different world user try your best.

zawa zawa

>ladder anxiety
>in fucking mahjong soul
Fucking christ, I haven't had this happen since SC2. Why am I such a fag?

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you probably wont be playing it in a month from now, just do it.

>When it's late game and the light lingers on you after dealing a tile
This is not good for my heart.

This is why I quit dota.

Ahh yes, Smash has had daily threads forever.

I need a long break. I feel like I may have won one hand in all of these games.

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>when it's been 7 turns since your riichi and the chinese cat starts pon'ing

Learn chink you fag

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>When it's the last turn and the chink cat deals into your hell wait

It kinda looks like the graph is giving you the finger

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fuck nyaggers

RIP pure chuuren

holy shit

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>it's a chink early riichis and you deal into it with your baiman hand episode

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Shitter here? Any other begginer here up for a match?

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Looks like no yaku

It's a 2 Pin for Houtei.

But all 2p are on the table

begginers only, 60 seconds of big think time

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>60 seconds
Are these rooms for real or just experienced players baiting newbies?

I'm as new as you can get, Is 60 seconds bad? I can make another room with less time

It's easier to shitpost on the side.


I played in a 60 second room the other day and everyone was discarding in 5 seconds and playing defensive against riichis
Don't believe the beginner room lie

That's just smurf from Tenhou like that Kiriya Rinji.
Lesbians get dabbed on

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luck means nothing if you fall flat on your face right before the finish line. flawed luck is even more cruel than just having a round of mediocre draws.


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7 pairs chads, rise up

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So after playing for a bit I'm starting to understand the gist of the game other than one concept: Furiten. What is it and what does it seem to fuck me over? I can only assume that I'm a shitter and screwing myself over


you cant call ron/tsumo on tile you have discarded previously

It means you discarded a tile that would've completed your hand, even if it satisfies no yaku. You can only win through a Tsumo if you're under furiten.


if you've discarded any single one of your potential waits then all your waits are invalid unless you draw them yourself

If you haven't discarded any of your waits and you're waiting for your winning tile and for some reason you decided to forego one of your waits( or are unable to win on it because it gives you no yaku) then it puts you in furiten until your next draw
In the case where you're in riichi when this happens then you're considered to be permanently in furiten

well yeah sorry you can tsumo but remaining in furiten is retarded.

>discarding in 5 seconds
I only need more time at the start of hand and if some difficult choice pops up.
>playing defensive against riichis
That's pretty basic.

It's pretty easy to do both those things. Defending especially.

Got any rooms? The previous one is already full. Default rules are fine.


When is Yea Forums going to grow out off majsoul and move to Tenhou or MJ?

Attached: sjk11.jpg (238x400, 26K)

The day they have stupid cat girl players.

>first ranked mahjong game ever

Attached: kek.png (1632x878, 1.24M)

tenhou is two fast two furious four me

MJ has all kinds of animals and anime girls.

standard hanchan
join nya!

>grow out
have sex

What's the advantage of MJ? In case of tenhou there's literally no reason to go there. It doesn't have all recent social features and fan service, it's just an old client for boring games You can't even play in higher lobby without retarded version of a client so it's not even full free to play model. If i want to spectate some good game of pro player i'll go to tenhou but i'll play majsoul.

where's the antibully ranger when you need him

Attached: dsa.png (1620x893, 1.2M)

Already play Tenhou. Don't really like the graphics/UI of MJ

MJ makes better use of all the screen space than Tenhou.

Attached: IMG_20190504_152032.jpg (1334x750, 216K)

tenhou is a dinosaur

To me it's too closed in and cramped which makes it hard for me to see everything at once. I prefer the more backed out view of Tenhou. Not to mention the tiles are ugly af.

Attached: TwoSidedWait.webm (1280x720, 1.02M)

i'll be out of silver in no time if this continues. Prayers to the cat gods.

Attached: silverman.png (554x410, 135K)

Holy fuck those tiles are ugly as shit though

>top-down view
Why though?

Why not?

It's past 30 min and the room I'm in is still in East 2.

Attached: HolactieTheCreatorofLight.webm (1280x720, 1.43M)

The hags FEAR the cat.

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the longest East round i have played yet

Because I don't hover over the table when I play in real life.

Sometimes I swear the chinks are cheating with the amount of bullshit luck they have.

Kan, not even once

This is online Mahjong, not real life.

There's no need to censor my name. I played recklessly and got destroyed, fully deserved.

Don't mind me, just posting the ideal maajan interface. Can't improve perfection.

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Playing silver is stupid, i dont think i've seen a hand come to the end everyone just chinpons and whoever gets more dora wins, i was winning with barely 30 k and in the last hand some dumb chink in 3rd place goes for 2k hand and cant even get out of 3rd, where is the logic or fun in that?
At least in bronze people are stupid and you can build hands.

This transports me back to 1998

how do I unlock the other cute characters

this cow is using black magic

Time to switch to 3P.

Pay for blue tokens or buy gifts with copper then turn them into dust to buy a summon roll.

Why are you shilling it so hard?

wrong. tenhou displays scores with actual info

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gotta take a break to eat

Thanks for securing 1st place for me and 2nd place for other guy.

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Attached: Now this is mahjong.jpg (640x480, 40K)

It makes sense to do this if you don't have a better hand, you'll lose less ranking if you have more points at the end


like 80% of my starting hands last game were like this
what else can I do but to start calling tiles like a nyagger...

Attached: 2019-05-04_09-52-49.png (1341x367, 401K)

with 9 honor tiles you can press the 'draw' and force new start of round

Just force a redraw, i don't see what's the problem.

they have to be different terminals for the button to appear, newcuties


Forcing a redraw is definitely the answer here, that being said don't let the calling stigma stop you from calling completely. If you're in the lead already it's good to make fast hand, or if you think someone else has a big hand that you can stop.

Maybe they dont know how to count point and just try to win the hand and hope for the best.

Seven pairs with two pairs in one's starting hand? I'm no statician, but those seem like terrible odds to me.

Gotta play with big boys now, guess it's time to say goodbye to my streak

Attached: silver here I come.jpg (626x262, 30K)

Just do it user, trust me, it always work.

nyaver tell me the odds

There is no such thing as terrble odd with chitoi as long as you have the will to do it.
i do chitoi with 1 starting pair all the times
South, no akadora, no open tanyao

>It makes sense
Not really. 1300 is nothing, you're more likely to deal into someone else with that horrible wait and lose much more points. If he wants a second place than he need to hit exact person out of 3 people AND get uradora. It's still early in the game, he should've made a better hand with ryanmen wait for easy 2 han and possibly 3 han hand. Besides it's more likely to get your tile later in the game when people start a pon-chi struggle.

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>stop liking what I don't like

desu I didn't really look closely at the hand, yeah he shouldn't have declared riichi with that wait

>Gaming Journalist mode
No thanks

>no open tanyao
oh no no no catbros we got too cocky

Attached: catnyaggers.jpg (728x546, 46K)

Just remove aka dora and you can chilling there watching these cats doing tanyao for 1k while you only need 1 mangan to get 1st.

I made a shitty meme

Attached: Ichihime-5a.png (100x100, 23K)

You're lucky they fed you as many honors as they did desu

I just think it's more fun when everyone goes for different hands instead of open tanyao + dragons/wind + red dora if possible.
This way toitoi and pinfu become more prevalent at least
p-please join

>tfw no taNYAo

Attached: 123923892.gif (500x283, 992K)

go for nyanta

You have some middle tiles which is a good thing. I would say start by chucking that north and see what you get.

>get north tile again

Not bad.


>Big boys
Until you graduate to Jade and the servers are merged, you're still playing with the chink nyaniggers.

I mean, finishing 3rd place doesn't lose you that much points, the most important thing is to not finish 4th. If I was 3rd and no hope to get 2nd or 1st i'd rather try to end it fast and cut my losses than risk getting ron'd and finishing 4th.


It's been fun for two days but it's just too luck-based to be fun in the long run.

That was the original idea but I just suck and it didn't fit.

Should repitch the original song so that it sounds female, then force the pon/kans into the rhythm

I think you should keep playing. While it's luck based it's also skill based. Compare that to other gambling games like poker Texas Hold 'Em or Blackjack, Riichi Mahjong is IMO the most intense gambling game.

Should I grind to Expert or watch Dota 2 Major?

just expert 1
Tbh chitoi is the way to go when you feel like other kind of hand is too hard to get, you dont want to reveal your hand, you want to make use of dangerous pair or you get a hard-to-use hard-to-discard dora.
or when you want to snipe someone with a tile that they already discarded

Thanks sensei.


So far so good. Fourth place was going for all terminals and honors with 10k points and discarded dora

Attached: first silver game.jpg (1364x762, 286K)

Anyone in silver or above? What can you get from chests exactly? Just gifts, or can you get cosmetics?

>Until you graduate to Jade and the servers are merged, you're still playing with the chink nyaniggers.
Japs are doing the same lowball shit in lower rooms on tenho. If you want to show your skill go play on ron2.

based yumi in the last game

Attached: Yumi_chankan.jpg (1920x1080, 110K)


>cosmetics from silver chest

Attached: gifts.jpg (597x812, 70K)

The server merge isn't at Gold? That's such a letdown. The grind will be very tough and there's no chance to play against jap at all, then.

>man i want to play in euro football so much but i am stuck with shitters from latin america

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wrong thread?

I think he's metaphorically saying that the chinks can be surprisingly decent players, and the people complaining about not getting to play against elevens are silly.

Nice, I can soon play with the japs then.

There's so few cosmetics in the game at the moment I'm not really sure they could give them away, I don't really understand how the game has been out in china since last year and there's only 1-2 cosmetics in each category

Play Yakuza.

It's apparently from the makers of Azur Lane, so this is probably just a side game they made because they wanted to play riichi mahjong.

Can I get a discard that won't backfire for ONCE in my fucking life just end me

Isn't yostar just a publisher though?

Come play nyaggers

I was so close bros... I mean, not really.

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>match already started

im fast as fuck boi

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If I remember having 3-4 pairs in your hand is when it gets inefficient and you have to decide to pon your shit up or reach for the stars

Is it just the publisher? I'm just repeating what I've heard on Yea Forums.

Since this shit will take a while to get ported, does anyone know a decent riichi mahjong game for android?
Against cpu is enough, just to form some hands while riding the train.
All I can find are those retarded soccer mom memory versions

Big brain plays.

Attached: why.webm (1160x646, 833K)

east or south?

lol it's the same shit, even the hand is very similar

The general guideline from starting hand was 3- pairs is pon palace and 4+ is seven pairs.

Welcome to your first day on Yea Forums,an anime website,redditor

is that how you feel so?
dam must be shitty to think like that OP.

>gacha player
>silver room

I see a bunch of whales down here in bronze too.

Which items give me the most Dust?

It takes time to reach silver. You don't magically rank up after buying an anime girl.

Higher tier items give higher tier dust.

Green 1
Blue 5
Purple 25


>tfw single digit speed
I'm almost able to play in silver rooms.

nice kan faggot

>It takes time to reach silver

Attached: 1484230747283.jpg (1036x1195, 149K)

>need to go to the bathroom
>shit nigger dealer 3 repeats


Fucking this. This is some constant high adrenaline shit.
Yes. Keep the fanarts rolling.
Alright. Thanks, user.

Managed to install MJ on my linux machine. Time to play some maajan

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>Rinshan Dora 12
what the FUCK

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>new games have a one month grace period
So why are DMC threads not deleted? There's been like 9 everyday since release

>8 characters
>only free ones are the oppai lady and the cat
>therefore, we only get fanart of the cat

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He probably just wanted the hanchan to end and doesn't care about the point loss. I've been there.

poor chinks didn't get any coppers :^)

Attached: rekt.png (1291x689, 920K)

Eh, give it time. They have to learn how to play eventually.

15500 (4-Player South)
Get in ponfriends

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what is the differences between kan and kanya?

The second one is for big brain plays.

Some day I'll win a friendly match.

Get in here, nyaggers.

Kan is something good players do to get themselves out of the 4th place or increase their ura dora chances just before a riichi. Kanya is something stupid cats do.

I cant seem to be able to hit more than 8k, but alas I'm not even sure what I'm doing most of the time so that's decent I guess.

Attached: file.png (856x471, 557K)

>It's apparently from the makers of Azur Lane
It's STUNNING how stupid you are. Both azur lane and mahjong soul are published by Yostar (global and japan versions). Yostar isn't the developer for either and the developers for both are different.

One spot still open

Who's the translator for this game?

Attached: Screenshot (108).png (689x401, 313K)

kanya is when you kan after someone's riichi while not being in tenpai



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It's STUNNING how rude you are.

>deal in 4 times in a hanchan to complete bullshit odds
God it fucking makes me mad

if you don't want someone to be rude at you then maybe don't be so stupid. simple as that.

Attached: stupid.jpg (895x944, 61K)

I know it's their site, but it's wrong with the rules presented. If there's no buy-in, then it doesn't make sense why minimum points for out is 30k. Honestly feels more like the dumb chinaman made a shortcut to the calculations. Either works.

>get haneman first turn as dealer
>get a mangan next and give my turn away safely to an obvious tanyao cat after that so I can win since its only east
>chi nya
>discard normally as its only one chi
>ron nya
>see some great fast hands
>build one and even riichi within 5 turns, 4 way wait
>200,000 turns later near the end of the game
>ippatsu honitsu dora reds
>4th place
fucking east

>need to login
lmao get fucked

well, good luck getting me to deal to your hand

... I have lost last two games by getting tsumoed to hell

Attached: thegreatwall.png (473x175, 47K)

>not making quick hands just to fuck with monster hand builder 2nd place dudes when youve already lost.

>that second song choice

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completely neglected learning this game after watching the animus
but dont wanna view that retarded dweebs channel where he has 4 hour long videos explaining everything
isnt there a pamphlet or something i can read

Is it really shilling if it's the most popular server in Japan?

everything that you really need to know to start playing is in the tutorial

tile efficiency and defense can come after that

He believed in the turkey!

First and Second song are tribute to series of DoTA 1 highlight videos, which are massively popular in China.

Just keep a yaku list on hand, that's really all you need to begin.

>40k points, 1st place
>one player with 400 points, about to get killed by a noten penalty
>get the last draw, just discard it
>double ron'd back to the 3rd place
>never recover

Are you Chinese? I feel like only Chinese would notice that.

>literally worthless hand with no yaku
>kan to magan tsumo

Attached: 1445887581746.png (660x400, 318K)

How many tiles are there for every kind?

WoDotA highlight videos are popular in SEA too, and DOTA1 community in general, which can still be seen on youtube.

Man, I could have had that. Literally had an all Honor hand with a chance at Daisengan. However the stupid cat literally drew their tile. Though it probably would have been discarded and ron'd I guess.

Remember to always reach

calling pon on a dragon tile and and going for a quick trash hand is the perfect response when you see some hag going 1 suit

Attached: afhg.jpg (192x286, 14K)

4 copies of every tile for KAN.

imagine wasting over 30 minutes just to get last place
fuck me

2 Slots left!

Kan was a mistake.

name 1 thing that wasn't a mistake

What's your speed?

room 21383
Three-player lobby is up.

Chii, pon and furiten.

hm I wonder how this starting hand ends.

Attached: 1k tsumo tnx.png (998x133, 106K)

We need 1 more player here

suu ankou or bust

You're 4/7 of the way there user!
You know what to do.

I'd love to see what all of hte players faces were when they saw they were using and waiting on all of the same tiles.

Now that the dust has settled, what could I have done here?

Attached: whatdo.png (962x245, 197K)

You again? Stop shitting up the threads, you fag. Nobody gives a fuck about your "Score with actual info" whatever the fuck that even means.

>Now that the dust has settled
I haven't been to Yea Forums in years but I guess some things you just can't shake off

can someone make a login for me? I don't want to make an email to sign up but I do want to play.

2 4th place in a row aaahhh

can someone make a login for this user? I don't want to make an email to sign him up but I do want him to play.

Pon red dragon, start building sequences, easy quick 2han hand. Even better if you pick up a dora tile or your seat/the round is south.

Just use one of those temporary mail services, you only need the number that they send you.
While I'm at it, is there a way to delete your account? I want to change my username but want to use the same email.

East Only
room 13028

>got hit by obvious baiman
>got hit by dama mangan
I fucking hate this game

Attached: sad.jpg (296x201, 16K)


Reminder that folding is not a sin, user.

Attached: 12.jpg (728x1057, 131K)

aaaand got hit by mangan agan
-100 final point
-80 exp

if they're obvious, how did you deal the tiles

just start breaking your triplets dog.

Is there a guide to the game (not mahjong) in general? I have no idea what the different currencies do and there's like 8 different types of them.

i dont get this panel

I'm guessing it's from that one mahjong manga with historical characters and that guy's a pope or something.

I can make a login for this user. I wont but I can. Instead I will make a gofundme page to pay for someone to make an email to sign him up. I don't want him to play, but I do want to enable him to have the ability to play.

I will make a gofundme page to raise funds for you gofundme

Coppers are the default currency
Jades are premium
Wish stones and star stones come from dupes
Faith stones are for summons
Star dust are converted from gifts and are used to buy better gifts, among other things

Well basically it's a reprise of that time Jesus was chilling in the desert and the devil tried to tempt him multiple times with Ratzinger (Pope Benedict XVI) as Jesus and Hitler as the devil. He was being tempted to play a risky tile for a high payout with the notion that God would let it pass if he was cool.

What about the bond thing with individual characters? What does it do?

what do you do when you THINK you're dealing into someone's ron? discard a safe tile? or hope your read is wrong?

Betaori is completely abandoning your current hand. True jonger is able to abandon even a yakuman tenpai.

>seat/round is south
At least I got something right. I'll try to improve my chii pon kan game, thanks.

>played 3 games while drunk and extremely tired at 4 am which meant i didnt look at other people's ponds or discards
>got 2nd or 1st in all of them
chinese and japanese players are a bit embarrassing

Attached: 7C3A03B2-D6FB-4AB4-B440-90ABB4DBCB3D.png (893x903, 750K)

Discard a safe tile. A lot of the time, when you think it's a dangerous tile, it is a dangerous tile. Some pseudo science for you, basically you've already learned enough of the game and built up a bit more instinct. So something is telling you it's bad mojo, but you can't pinpoint why since it's experience.

It's nothing aside from bond 5, where you get to hear your waifu say all the yaku ala Saki. Also, after reaching bond 5, if you fulfill the orb and item requirements, you unlock an alt costume.

actual brainlet

pic rel
in all seriousness though more more often than not deal a safe tile

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whats the point of south when the chinks just turn it into east anyway

>d/c through like half of an east-only game
>still get second with a dama san an kou
that was fun, too bad i couldn't draw my suu an kou

the comeback

I'm seriously doubting that you're high enough ranked to play against japanese players. Also the fact that you're saying "pond or discards" like they're two different things.

Attached: chucklinganime.gif (500x354, 255K)

The cats are motivating me to brush up on my Chinese, I want to be able to read their dumb names.
I know the basics of chink when it's in phonetics, but I never really learned to read the runes

go for safe tiles of course. your potential hand is worth nothing when you deal into ron.

Thanks for the games. I'm gonna post screenshots of some of the ridiculous shit that happened, then get a long night's sleep (I were up all of last night grinding in Silver)

Oh shi I missed the fun with tiny thinking window friendly match, if you are still around I'd join.

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-04 Mahjongsoul.png (267x209, 16K)

Whoever played NYAA, you're a fucking demon m8

>delay riichi by a couple of turns on a whim

Attached: 1525588490193.png (662x669, 476K)

>dont call riichi when you reach tenpai
>tsumo next draw

Attached: 1507546641650.jpg (800x450, 42K)

>delay riichi on a shitty wait
>uh t-tsumo dora 2k

Attached: shit hand suit in sponges with chair orchestra.jpg (1280x960, 159K)

>I can improve from this shitty closed wait to a pinfu hand with one tile!
>draw my shitty closed wait instead

Attached: [revelations intensifies].jpg (680x802, 62K)

>don't call riichi when you reach tenpai
>don't call it for three more times
>ron someone for 12k

Attached: matthew-san.png (313x372, 266K)

>under the river
fuck you !

>shimocha keeps dealing in, 2800 points
>South 3, I'm at 21k, got mangan tsumo, still third
>oh shit is he going to bust out?
>remains with 800 points (yeah I still don't remember score and payment table)
>all last, he kans 4s from the start, leaving me with 23s single wait on 1s
>hoping that I'll pull out either 2 or 3s for a pair
>it's 6p for my 56p
>might as well go full retard at this point
>it fucking works

Attached: riichi ippatsu tsumo.jpg (1364x760, 314K)

In 3-player you have more freedom to do crazy shit, since there are more honor tiles. In this one deal, I decided to hoard dragons and it ended up paying off - I ended the game in the first deal.

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>play with anons from this thread
>get bootyblasted to -34000 points

y-you guys are fast

How Furiten works:

If you have previously discarded a tile that could be used to form a valid hand, EVEN IF the tile you've discarded would not have given you a yaku, you are in furiten. If you are in furiten, you CANNOT ron off of another player. You can still tsumo though.

Tiles that are stolen from you as part of Kan/Pon/Chi calls still count for this, and this is why the tile is turned on it's side to indicate who it came from.


If someone plays a tile that you could make a valid hand off of, even if it would not give you a yaku, if you pass up calling ron on it, you are in TEMPORARY FURITEN. Until you have discarded, or until someone makes a Kan/Pon/Chi call, which ever comes first, you are in furiten and cannot ron to win.


If you are in Riichi, because you can no longer change your wait up, if someone plays a winning tile and you decide not to call on it, rather than temporary furiten, you are now in FULL-FLEDGE PERMANENT furiten.

Here I was tenpai for a ryuuiisou. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Attached: 2019-05-04-192432_1920x1200_scrot.png (1577x894, 1.06M)


Attached: earbleed.jpg (275x183, 6K)

tfw f2p scrub

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Can someone post tianamen square copypasta I think some chinese are infiltrating our AMERICAN Mahjong fun.

You have to go back.

there's an auto 1-day ban on the pasta now, we can't have our wholesome mahjong experience sadly


>tfw you accurately predict someone's wait

Attached: 59748963_p0.jpg (392x495, 161K)

here you go

Attached: 1543822252014.jpg (849x1200, 567K)

blessed image

>in second place in the last hand
>go in riichi with a good enough hand to take the lead
>chinaman in 4th place rons me for 1000 points

Attached: 1555998781463.jpg (523x520, 77K)

>some dude just did a rinshan kaihou at my room
>always dream of doing this
>results come in
>he gets only 1500

jesus christ, what a waste of good luck


>he doesn't know the difference between the two
hello ippan shitter!

Are they going to add new girls at some point? The best character is the cat, and she's already free so there's not much incentive to unlock any other characters

It's only a 1 han yaku

Bond with your cat.

Did we just play? JUST ron'd with this shitty hand to push me above 30k and end the game.
There was a riichi out by some dude close to 30k also

Attached: file.png (1670x855, 1.26M)

I thought that not ronning put you in 1-turn furiten, but it was permanent? I lost like a baiman because I wanted to hit 1st place.

>the fucking cat is laughing at me even at my own profile

Attached: Untitled.png (610x150, 32K)

If you are in riichi and you do not claim a discard you are in permanent furiten

nah it was some chinese name that didn't even change the rankings with his one han yaku

oh wait you said 4th place, then not I guess.
But anyway dickmove felt pretty great

the more you know, thanks user

Cool bookmarks, lad


link the touhou song cutie

ah shit. I was hoping the adept rank would rank up over to whatever was next after getting the third star. God damn grind

i posted the wrong picture pls no bully, here's the right one

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What's the grind?

>no yaku
There is no hope for me.

Attached: trash.jpg (533x532, 56K)

F11 will help with that.

4th, 3rd, 2nd.
Should I play another one to get 1st?

I saw it.

Attached: pic.png (1115x637, 42K)

/vg/ thread is dead

New thread: social link w mahjong girl

I pulled this one, is she one of the better girls or one of the bad ones? Is there any tier list yet?

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I don't like her

She's amazing. Honestly the only one i don't like is Nadeshiko but that's just me.

She's trash.

The only bad girl is the old hag

>Is there any tier list yet?
Pon cat > all

I feel like characters are all about the emotes, that's why cat is best. But the maido's not bad too.

Depends. Check out her voice lines and see if they provoke a reaction in your penis.

I'm waiting for the inevitable lab-coat girl stereotype myself.

Maybe one of my experiences would appear there.
At the very first round (East 1), at the very first turn (Turn 1), I started (because I was the dealer) with a double riichi, and the guy that played after me played into my hadn for a ron. So the game ended in less than one turn. The reaction of the chinks was amazing too.
I could find the replay if anyone cared to see that

Attached: 1548139125257.jpg (400x300, 43K)

that one decreases your luck

The only good answer

People weren't joking when they said play south. No ponya's every round felt re-invigorating

Can somebody explain how you get not hit by shit? I dont really understand it that well, sometimes I have to pay even I did not discard the ron tile?

sore PON

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If someone wins by Tsumo(they drew the winning tile themselves) everyone needs to pay. The dealer pays double.

Oh nevermind it wasn't an effort to find.
Literally check just the first turn of the very first round.
>the other two players lose without even having the chance to draw a tile

Attached: 1547933191172.jpg (184x184, 8K)

If you get 3 duplicates, you can combine them into this.

Attached: 1523371291248.jpg (708x1169, 335K)

Tsumo/ self drawn wins are split, even split if dealer if non-dealer 50/25/25 with the dealer paying the lions share.

And if the dealer wins through a Tsumo, the winner gets a 1.5 score multiplyer.

These are her emotes. They are meh from what I see.

Attached: 1543977426090.png (520x484, 379K)

What was #13?

show me nagashi mangans

It's really strange for a game like this not to give out some free rolls, even more so at release.

>cat and cow have the best emotes
what were they thinking?

Not that strange considering that there's only 8 characters to roll for. People would create new accounts until they got the char they wanted

The smug one is pretty fucking good.

i really like this emote, the other looks pretty average

Attached: Kujou_Riu-5.png (100x100, 23K)

come on

>no rooms

>Get into early riichi on a good open wait
>7 turns later, still haven't seen my tiles
>Across riichi's
>2 turns later, Right deals in
>About to get mad
>Across reveals that he had a Pon each of all of my winning tiles
Not even mad. Bro, if you're in here, and you knew I had a 14 man wait based off of that single 6m discard, I'm just impressed.