What am I in for?

What am I in for?

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Tumblr and a need for SFM porn.

a terrible "game"


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Choices don't matter except for the very last one

Comfy slice of life plus fun Scooby Doo mystery with a shit ending.

a high school simulator with some puzzle minigames that attempts actual characters instead of predictable archetype shit

Run user, run as fast as you can because once you're in you can't ever get out...if you're up to it just prepare yourself for blue is the warmest color, diamond is unbreakable and scooby doo had a threesome and no one knows who's the real father, just skim through it without expecting much and jack off to the sfm afterwards.
Shit, tumblr-core game that's ironic kino

Vertigo. Prepare for many odd headaches out of nowhere for seemingly no reason. My advice, don't play for more than one hour.

60 year old heavy set dude wrote the entire script, imagine a corporate pig chinned bigwig, and he wrote all of it
also dumb shitty scot pilgrimish smut

Cute girls and comfy atmosphere.

Why does nobody talk about the sequel? Nobody is even shitting on it.

It's garbage and that's all there is to it. There's nothing else to say.

>It's garbage and that's all there is to it.
and yet, people still talk about the first game.

The sequel detached itself from all the waifufags and kinda became it's own thing, it pulled a DmC and just showed the place the first game takes place in completely destroyed, it's not bad at all for the genre it just got fucked over by its title

Objectively it's better than the first game, the cast, the politics and the franchise are what's weighing it down

>just showed the place the first game takes place in completely destroyed
False. You choose at the file creation screen whether the town was saved or destroyed

No time travel, no "cute girls"

Dude no one saved the town

It's got the same low-quality animations and lip sync, along with tons more audio issues and animation bugs. The story is so disconnected that it's impossible to feel attached to. And characters we only see for 2 or 3 days before they skip forward 2 months so we don't feel attachment to them and our choices feel meaningless in their overall character development because of said timeskips.
It's objectively a worse game

Max Caufield is hella CUTE

53% of all players did actually

Don't listen to the hate. It's actually decent. Episode 5 isn't as good as the rest but still play able. Look, it's no masterpiece, just play it and enjoy most of it.

Why would anyone choose Chloe over a town full of likable characters?

Why would I save the ugly cunt?I only kissed her to make her love me so her passing without me would be more painful

>our choices feel meaningless in their character development
Despite the fact there's 3 or 4 different outcomes depending on how you interact with Daniel

>a bunch of druggies, hobos, psycopaths and a literal mafia is likeable

Sequel definitely seems way better than the first in terms of character writing and dialogue, nobody uses that weird 'totally tubular' type of stilted dialogue that everybody used in the first game, which makes it easier to actually take the characters seriously. The relationship between the MC and his brother is cute and Yea Forums only hates it because it's topical and left-leaning in terms of political content

A game that poorly rips off a movie from the '90s, extends it to five times its length, and only adds lesbians to make up for it.

Post waifu

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get splatted, slut

> versus one girl who is all three

Because what I liked about the first one was comfy Oregon town and school drama.

ventrue as fuck

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It's gotta be Max for me

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They didn't understand that what people liked about the first one was the setting of being in a small town and in a prep school/college. That's part of what makes Persona popular too. No one wants to be a fucking anchor baby fugitive.

use a trophy guide so you can get all achievements on the first playthrough
it isnt going to spoil anything for you, just do it so you dont have to bear through a second playthrough

It's fun raising Daniel as an agent of chaos

i only saved chloe because my retarded character went that far to do it in the first place

I accidentally let Captain Spirit get yeeted. I cried.
Shut the fuck up, I know it's pathetic. But it was sad as fuck.

It has moments of peak comfiness. Sometimes the characters seem genuine and tangible. Theres enough control in the choices despite being your standard Telltales rip off.

That being said. Some of the dialogue is incredibly forced and cringy, even for teenagers. The story drags into some weird shit thats not really good, just sorta sappy. And honestly I dont even know what to think about the ending.

Its unique, I'll give it that. It has its moments and probably worth playing through at least once for some memorable choices and characters and the music and artstyle really make the game shine. 7/10

>not letting Daniel yeet the cop car out of existence

The best part of the game, by far, is just walking around the school, talking to people and using the rewind power to get to know them. Every time it tried to go deeper than that the game fell flat on its face.

Yeah, the supporting cast are pretty cool, even if they start out kind of annoying.

Victoria Chase's wild ride

faggot shit

Victoria is the best girl.


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A pretty damn engaging ride if you take it for what it is. It isn't a good example of game design, but it certainly delivers its characters well and manages to make you identify with teenage girls who share nothing in common with you. I was mostly in it for the soundtrack, which is comprised of genres I really don't listen to frequently (a lot of indie shit I'd never heard) and it gripped me pretty quickly.

Characters are very human, often shitty, but mean well.

It's worth a play through, and an easy plat. Got 1st game free on ps+ and bought the 2nd on sale. 2 plats.