Who the fuck still plays this garbage?

Who the fuck still plays this garbage?

I live next to a gym and I haven't seen anyone here in days. This game must be dead as fuck.

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Played it for 3 years btw.

3 years dedicated to this shit. Biggest regret of my life.

Millions and Millions of people. Not the games fault you live in bumfuck.

Quite a lot of people, apparently. Just not literally the entire world like when it was the flavor of the month. Seeing the Pokemon craze of my youth back in full force was pretty surreal.

normie and casual retard get out.
Pokemon go had a lot of people, then people left, and now people are slowly joining in again and has millions and millions of people playing.

I still see people park in front of my church when I go on Sundays.

kill yourself fag, you probably think gen4+ looks good lmao kys autistic piece of shit

This year I haven't seen a single person playing in my city. 2 years ago it was literally everywhere.

I live next to a gym too and it is always held by a group of bots

suck a cuck genwunner

t. lives in a backwater shithole

Actually dropped it half a year after it released, came back half a year ago and still play it with gf. She's autistic and once we lost a single community day, she dropped for a bit, but she's slowly coming back - I'm also opening it from time to time, but don't really know what more is there to do once I do some of the bigger quests for Mew or Celebi. Game has no goals after that.

I was hesitant to get back into it but I picked it up again a year ago and there's a huge playerbase on my school's campus. Even normalfags have been coming back recently.

Best thing they've added is PvP. The gameplay is a little barebones but it's really satisfying to beat people with your irl pokemon collection. There's also a sizeable playerbase for competitive PvP tournament play

you can breed strong mons to watch for gyms and earn gold coins
you can win raid bosses and get the legendaries
hatch eggs and complete the pokedex
battle other trainers and beat them with your large pseudo legendary cock

I do. it's fun.

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it's only for people who actually leave the house user, you wouldn't like it.

you cant expect to see every gym full of people, usually the gyms in public places are with a lot of people. College, parks, and stuff.

kill yourself autist

I do on and off. Ever since they added the function to get your walking bonuses like egg hatching and candies while you're not playing, it's been a lot easier. I live in NYC so most gyms change ownership really fast, but there's one close by where I live that's in a park that's out of the way enough to last a couple of hours

>once we lost a single community day
How do you "lose" a community day? They just spawn a certain pokemon for 3 hours with an increased chance of getting a shiny version, did you just not find one?