do you wish there less censorship in gaming?
Do you wish there less censorship in gaming?
who cares. post more 2butt
Not really, i dont care about it, i just want the game to be good.
Buying a game just because theres a sexy girl in it is pathetic.
not really
It's stupid. Adults can research the content of a game and decide whether they're okay with it. There is no reason for steam/sony/whoever to baby consumers by forcing changes on developers.
I wish the idea of censorship disappear completely from this planet
>Buying a game just because theres a sexy girl in it is pathetic.
Not only sexy girls get censored, just so you know.
Filtered for being white
>people who like sexy girls in product like the product ONLY because of sexy girls
Every fucking time.
I wish our culture could go back to the way things were in the early-mid 2000s.
Censorship is not even new to games, so in that sense it not terribly serious.
But in the context of the censorship on say Sony is a lot more serious because it's not based on anything coherent, and it obviously intended to be unevenly enforced.
based name fag
>stop buying games with attractive characters
nah fuck off roastie
True words
only a virgin would care about this. have sex
Hell Zhang Wei
who the fuck would wish for censorship? this thread is shit
With nudity, I don't care. I just wish you could kill kids in games like Fallout, Skyrim, etc...
you're like 45 years old and still posting on a tibetan zen gardening imageboard
I am against censorship and self-censorship. Make a product and let the market decide what is acceptable.
Developers and money men have poured countless weeks of research and endless barrels of cash into figuring out how to monetize the shit out of their games by creating multiple editions, DLC, microtransactions, and lootboxes and yet nobody in the West has figured out what the asians have known for a while now - men will buy anything with sexy women in it. Look at gacha shit. Shit but the women are banging. That alone makes them print money. People hire - and have hired since the dawn of time - the most attractive looking and sounding people to put in films, television, theater, radio, etc. and yet here we are, arguing on whether vidya titties belong in vidya or not. Of course they fucking do.
There needs to be more censorship. We need to put the incels in their place. Gaming is not about fapbait for losers.
Does this include female incels
>female incels
user baka...
They exist, they're just as bitter and violent as male ones.
Depends what ''censorship'' Im alright with removing loli stuff, especially if it's the fanservice heavy type. Only pedos kick up a massive storm about that stuff anyway.
DMC5 is the only real censorship that has happened, none of the anime stuff is real censorship.
but why remove anything if it doesnt harm anyone? same could be argued for anything 18+
I am, I am working towards removing incels and femcels from gaming. They have no room in a modern Falangist industry.
>t. femcel in denial
find dick
They're just being cranky.
There shouldn't be ANY censorship. People can choose for themselves what is and is not offensive to them - if they don't like something, they can just not buy the product; no need to punish everyone else. For the record, I'm not just referring to 'sexy' things, but censorship in general. Why would you want someone else to decide what's good or bad for you, or tell you what it is you really want? You'd have to be a naive, weak-willed and simple individual to need someone else to make these kind of decisions for you and be ok with it.
>none of the anime stuff is real censorship
and why is that?
not what he said dumbass.
I wish there were none.
user that makes no sense, why is it ok for stuff you don't personally like to be censored? What about the people who enjoy the loli stuff? You can't pick and choose whats real censorship or what isn't. It's either it is or isn't. Why are you ok
with censorship?
censorship sucks but ultimately it's yet to have a real effect on games that I personally care about, so I've got no reason to get active. Senran kagura barely qualify as games and even DW9 is better than their "best" game.
yes, less because of anime titties and more because of people not invested in gaming whatsoever trying to call the shots of what should or shouldn't be considered acceptable for a product the consumer makes a researched choice to make
Yes. I want bikini clad women I can fap to, and fit as fuck men in conan the barbarian armor I can aspire to be.
Don't get me wrong, 2B is hot and I love me a nice fat ass, but I hate how fanservice like that can kill discussion of the gameplay or story. It's one of the reasons why I hate /vg/, to be honest. Too much waifuposting to keep their shit generals alive. For example, /fgg/ is a fucking disgrace.
There will always be generic fap bait games for guys and a ton of games will sell better because of sexy characters. Nier is a good example of it.
Fuck gacha shit is successful due to lack of censorship. Honestly if EA just released meme anime titty skins as dlc they would probably double their profits.
That being said if a developer does not want their characters to be portrayed in certain light, or anything like that its their decision. The fact they are willing to lose sales due to this means they have integrity at least some what and i cant find fault in that.
Vote with your wallet as always.
Yes but not because of anime tits but because i find censorship bad, useless and a waste of money and dev time
If you don't like it don't buy it it's that simple, of you find it offensive don't but it but if someone likes it why should you care
Thanks for the offer but I don't like trannies
Because fanservice shits up every game and loli fanservice is the biggest culprit, also I dont care to see sexed up kiddies.
God damn what a stupid idiot you are. Censorship doesn't stop on sexy girls you dumbfuck tranny.
Everyone with a working dick enjoys them btw.
Hey aren't you that faggot who's an obnoxious cunt whenever you play RoR with Yea Forums?
Yes. For both Gore and nudity
I enjoy games being censored just to see the overreaction of incel anti-sjws fly into absolute rages. Worth it.
I wish there wasn't any.
Oh no that video game has a girl showing her legs? Thighs? Oh my we can't have that it will corrupt the minds of our children
Here take this gun and go to school
>Censorship doesn't stop on sexy girls you dumbfuck tranny
Its the only part you stupid niggers care about though.
You sound like you have a lot of friends.
Waifu shit is the only reason that fighting games are alive at all, sadly.
You really owned the incels this time, user
Yeah, I got a discord full of them laughing at you incels LMAO.
yeah, but some fat chick is gonna cry about it anyways
>Everyone with a working dick enjoys them btw.
Pretty sure that most women do too. I read that all women are bi (and lesbians aren't real).
A lot of girls do seem to like 2B.
It's ok to cry sometimes, user.
>Lesbians aren't real
You're retarded.
Saying fuck you is a sexual threat now
Saying fuck you is literally rape
Npcs can say ill fucking kill you and it's fine but players can't insult anyone because the weak minded kiddies can't handle mean words
It starts at anime tits and mean words
It always has to start somewhere
a working dick isnt even required. men and women simply respond more positively to attractive characters. look at the sheer amount of women who've done 2b cosplay
2B is better with the dress on.
Stupid nigger
i'm from germany and grew up with games being censored left and right for a drop of blood or a evil symbol that only looks like a swastika if you close your eyes and drink enoguh alcohol even your ugly mother seems fuckable
censorship is always wrong and developers should do what they want without a crowd of sjws forcing them to change their game
Eh, a chick i was seeing dressed up as 2b for my birthday and we fucked like rabbits yet she had no interest in the game due to the fact she thought the characters were fap bait.
I think they just like the attention because the character is sexy as fuck.
>I read that all women are bi (and lesbians aren't real).
Well, if someone wrote it down then it must be true, right? I mean, nobody puts bullshit in written form, do they?
>Because fanservice shits up every game
What exactly do you mean by that, because there can be good fanservice. Not only in the sense thats there sexy women, there a whole bunch of different way to inject good fanservice into a game. If a game has fanservice in a sense of its only sexy women you don't have to buy that game (if it has bad fanservice maybe you can just consider it a shitty game, i dunno).
>loli fanservice is the biggest culprit
The biggest culprit in what way? Maybe to you it's the biggest culprit, but loli's arent a mainstream way to "service" fanservice, you're looking at the niche odd Japanese games, again you don't have to buy those games.
>also I dont care to see sexed up kiddies
Am glad you feel that way, i hardly care for loli content, but just because i don't like it as much doesn't mean no one else should be able to like it, again you don't have to engage with those things you dislike. But it's also wrong to completely snuff it out for people who do like it.
Shame. Sounds like she didn't even play it.
Faggots are still attracted to girls, I say it goes both ways
Censorship exists because people are insecure, just don't be.
lmao'ing at you you stupid fuck.
>i'm from germany
You unironically deserve it.
Well obviously I applied my best critical thinking skills to determine if it was credible or not.
Holy shit, dude.
>because there can be good fanservice
No, there can't. By definition it's literally impossible.
I wish there was no censorship at all. Vandalism is what I call it.
>what is vidya journalism
Yeah it isn't like there are whole campaigns run to destroy every game sjws don't like
>i'm from germany
absolutely based, kusoge buying incels seething
>Yeah it isn't like there are whole campaigns run to destroy every game sjws don't like
Oh no people crying on twitter and tumblr and all 10 of them aren't buying my game!.
She didnt even touch it because of it.
>i'm from germany
All I wish is for American SJWs and American feminists to stay out of video games.
Call her right the fuck now and tell her to play it.
Did you read my post faggot? It isn't just a few sjws. Every big vidya journalism site stand behind them.
If you meant it only in a sexy way, i guess you might be right, i was talking about a different way y'know? More like do stuff the fans were asking for or something along the lines of that. I guess i misunderstood. But i think my other points still stand.
Sadly the idiots listen to them not the consumers
You're right, Germanon, Don't let the tranny's put you down
I mean, yeah. I believe in respecting the artist's vision, and that dumbing it down because "muh social justice" is fucking stupid. If you don't like like it, don't fucking play it, just let those who want to enjoy it enjoy it.
>gets triggered by anime of all things
I will never understand this mindset. Or it's just the usual over the top racism from whiteys
>More like do stuff the fans were asking for or something along the lines of that
Fans are, by definition psychotic retards, so pandering to them inherently involves doing something psychotic and retarded.
Name one time fans have ever been right about anything.
>reddit spacing
>defending game devs
>Every big vidya journalism site stand behind them.
And doing what exactly? writing opinionated articles to an ever dwindling audience? Or are you somehow stupid enough to think that game journalism is big money and they're paying publishers off to censor their own games?
Thank you for proving my point.
I'm guessing you are too young to remember life before the internet, These game journos were releasing magazines that cost like 10 euro every week, And they were the primary source for game info other than tv ads, Devs had to go through them to get to the players. Point is they made bank, It's how they are still around today, They have a lot more power and influence than you think.
I want pretty people in my games, period. That goes for the men and triple for the women. I already see ugly people all the fucking time in the real world and I dont want to see it in my escapism.
Whenever I see some dumb buttass ugly linebacker in a dress and out of one, I roll my eyes and feel less enjoyment in the game. Unless the character is the comic relief I can let the shit slide but main characters? Fuck that!! I want my DOA girls, i want my FF pretty boys, I want my game characters to look like unatainable beautiful things that could never exist in the real world.
Bitches think somehow censorong hot chicks in games and movies will make dudes attracted to their doublechinned blubbery ass but thats just not gonna happen.
Can you point me to any other forms of media besides anime that has sexualised kids constantly? You cant btw.
i support absolute freedom to put anything you want to show in a game and have zero consequence for it
i JUST want an action adventure game where you get to play as a hot naked chick before i die. PLEASE it's my fetish
Well you said anything, just recently wasn't there a stream hosted by the Dev Mortal Kombat team about the tower thingy being to difficult and grindy or whatever? Fans basically said this shit was to crappy and the devs went right up and fixed it, just as the fans wanted.
I don't think fixing a difficultly setting on a game for the fans is "psychotic and retarded"
And if you're wanting me to give a fanservice example think about it like this...
Why would the fans complain about fanservice? Who would be in the wrong? The Devs? Why they're giving fans what they want and why would the fans be upset? They got what they wanted. You may not like what the Devs would be doing, but again games like that obviously aren't for you.
I also still think my other points still stand. Even if am wrong about this one take me up on the next one, show me how am wrong.
He didn't write that, you dishonest snake!
Define "kids" for 2D.
Also the microtansaction debate for MK 11 was insane. The game literally has 5 microtransactions on a 24 hour rotation you can get for free by playing the game.
Vidya journos and youtube literally where bashing it for that, while there are a million games with worse microtransactions.
Not that microtransactions are ok, but MK 11 was one of the best examples on how to do them.
They acted like it is as bad as ea games without ever playing the game themselves.
MK11 would have more players right now if there wasn't this crussade against it.
Sometimes i really don't want to live on this planet anymore.
My opinions on MK 11 microtransactions are "flushed". I don't care for the game so i can't say about what type of tricks they're trying to get people to pay, from what you described i wouldn't really call it fine personally, i would rather there be none but whatever.
>Vidya journos and youtube literally where bashing it for that, while there are a million games with worse microtransactions.
Well of course, it's the hot new thing so they gotta report while it's still fresh, getting the ad revenue money and journos getting exposure.
The millions of other game with the worse MT probably have already been talked about or are niche gacha shit or something, i dunno,
>Not that microtransactions are ok, but MK 11 was one of the best examples on how to do them.
I suppose it's serviceable for the suckers who wanna pay, but i feel like the majority of people would rather not have any at all.
>They acted like it is as bad as ea games without ever playing the game themselves.
Well again, people live for the "hype" of something and if a game is doing something they don't agree with everybody is gonna bandwagon onto it, some for the noble reason of actually caring, some for the fun of it.
>MK11 would have more players right now if there wasn't this crussade against it.
Well am pretty sure theres no one else to blame other than the Devs, i would hope that they're self-aware enough to people would make a huge stink about MT, even the slightest bit because somebody is always gonna be complaining.
When theyre children and not 1000yo vampire girls
If your dick doesn't dictate the quality then you are just wrong
Sure, why not? I mean, why are there age rating if they are going to still push censorship?
The problem was it was totally blown out of proportion. The game doesn't even tell you it has a shop. It's a small symbol in the bottom right corner. They give you AI to grind the towers for you and the AI is good enough to beat them all without much of a hassle. Every microtransaction you can get in the krypt or in the towers of time.
The grind wasn't even that bad, just towers were to hard for casuals. A decent player could beat almost anything. They didn't playtest them enough, so they changed them and changed the rate of currency so you are showered with it.
Frost a character you can unlock in the story is only a DLC for tournaments so some poor fucker doesn't have to play the story everytime someone mains frost.
Why would they give you a AI farmbot that is really decent when they want to milk all your money? The only grindy shit is unlocking some stuff in the krypt, but it's there to keep you engaged and give you something to do for monts. The only culprit is WB in all of that.
I would bet my ass they made them include a shop and NR did their best to make it as shit as possible. That's how it looks. I don't say it is true.
Bases tripfag.
i wish there was more
i'm sick of THOTS in my fucking games
>doesn't care about censorship
>reddit spacing
If you remove the 2D thots supply, they'll be replaced by 3D e-thots to meet the demand.
I don't get how niggers find this ugly whore attractive
hi NRS
I just like how much she triggers the other thots desu.
It's finally time to an hero. I really don't want to live on this planet anymore. All hope is lost.
Nier wasn't censored though what the fuck are you talking about?
can we kill all só ›¡oó ›¡yboys
I want a nier 2(b)
I actually agree.
You know, on a day likes I could be shitposting, but I wholeheartedly agree with your statement.
get raped
Bah. There are people who make this much in a day just because they inherited a trust fund or some shit.
At least she's doing something that people enjoy.
I want there to be no censorship in games. It's the duty of parents to keep their children away from influence they deem unwanted, not of the fucking game developers. Those ESRB ratings exist for a reason, literally every fucking game is rated and comes with warning if there's even a hint of explicit language, imagery or use of alcohol or drugs and yet it's still not enough for these fucking monkeys, it's like they want to be told what to like or what to hate because using their own fucking head is too fucking terrifying.
Kids of CEO's make even more and they don't even have to sell their dignity for it. She's smallfry.
Dumb rebuttal, loli shouldnt even be suitable for adults and such. It's up there with the worse types of fetish shit.
and who the fuck are you to say what's suitable and what's not?
Not really. It doesn't bother me much,although I will say that it's dumb as fuck that Mortal Kombat or DOOM or whatever can get away with buckets of gore no problem but a little cleavage these days triggers the fuck out of people.
I live in the USA though and people tend to be pretty whiney.
>trying to justify mk11s lootboxes and gacha grinding
Nigger, fuck off to nrshill threads
Go back to ResetERA. Censorship sucks.
I dont know, maybe that adults enjoying loli is rather pedoish?
Does this shit count as a bait anymore? It's just lazy.
They don't make money with it. The store literally prevents you from buying too much shit.
As long as it isn't there to milk you i don't see why everyone fraks out about it.
Is it a good system? No it isn't, but literally every other big fighting game has worse microtansactions. Only Tekken 7 is better.
do you like violent games user?
And who are you to determine what should be suitable and what shouldn't be suitable for someone?
>all this loli scare in the current year
Just comes to show how effective lolis are as a normalfag filter
>umm maybe this one fetish is bad if it's fictional, we gotta ban it hehe
Maybe you should jail those that actually commit crimes instead of attempting to prosecute people for wrongthink, you cretin.
>Buying a game just because theres a sexy girl in it is pathetic.
Buying a game because you want to play with toys is pathetic too, we just don't tell you.
This. The game is after your time but not your money.
We jail people for pedophilla, beastiality and other smut. But you keep telling yourself it's just wrongthink. I also live in a country where people actively get arrested for loli stuff, but keep it up.
I bet your 3rd world shithole is really nice this time of year.
great, now show the child abuse rate in your country
Canada is pretty nice though. I think you must live in a third world country if you tolerate this stuff honestly.
Every man likes girls between the age of 12 and 18 in a sexual way. That's just a fact no matter how hard people try to deny it. So should we jail every man?
There is a difference about liking something and doing something. I don't see why loli should be bad as long as not the majority of people who like it are pedophiles.
I really want to see the proof they're pedos.
I think it would be interesting if someone would study it.
What makes you think I have to tolerate it at all? I keep to myself and other people should learn to do the same.
Captain Cacuck
thanks for the filter
>no it isn't a good system
so idk why you're wasting time trying to propagandize how it's not a big deal when it's a bad system and shouldn't be around
this is what games with gacha-tier mechanics with microtransactions do to your brain, it acts like a comforting cancer that says, "Oh it's not so bad, is it? just accept it."
>literately every other big fighting game has worse transactions
I highly doubt this.
>The fact they are willing to lose sales due to this
They aren't. They misinterpreted retards screaming "serxism" on twitter as meaning that social justice pandering is what sells games when in reality those people don't even play games.
You're probably some low rank faggot who cries about unfair moves and thinks we should discuss how to "balance" things
Discuss anything else about Nine Tomatoes without mentioning her ass. I dare you you dumb motherfucker
>so idk why you're wasting time trying to propagandize how it's not a big deal when it's a bad system and shouldn't be around
Because people criticize it for something that simply isn't true. I don't like the system and think it shouldn't be there, but lying about it isn't the right way either. It*s not as a big deal as people make it out to be,
Did you even play the game? I honestly wan't to know that.
>I highly doubt this.
Because i highly doubt you played the game. SF V, DoA 6, DBFZ and some more are worse offenders.
I..I can't. I literally can't! I just can't. wtf
Yeah, just because it's silly to keep messing about with what devs originally intended.
But I'm also really tired of the constant screeching about how much skin has been covered up by whom. I'm just tired of the constant outrage. I don't know where people get the energy from.
>did you even play the game
why the fuck would i waste time on a game which promotes gacha-tier gameplay if I'm railing against games with gacha mechanics? any sort of mandatory grinding or lootboxes with microtransactions is AAA asscancer and should be voted against with our wallet and voice
the bad thing that sfv has is microtransactions, yet at the same time there is no necessary grinding to unlock lootboxes or anything with rng. You don't need gear slots or any other rpg stuff. You used to be able to grind for all of the characters and stages and purchase it with fm. You can go for weekly capcom special unlocks with fight money, but it's complete shit that they nerfed FM gain and it takes too much time to get a decent fm flow without needing advertiser skins. microtransactions are all crap, but sfv managed to make a way for their cancer to flow with the game that doesn't include needless grinding. it's shit though, and microtransactions shouldn't be in games at all.
Sometimes I wish there were more censorship but only because I don't like other anons jerking off to my wife.
>actually buying censored shit
imagine being such a cuck
you're no different than an cuckold who let's other men fuck your wife while you stand there and watch while they climax together
I like tits, put them in games, if the censor pre existing tits then shame, if they make a game from the ground up with no tits then that is ok.
Fucking BASED.
So we agree weeb. Have a nice day.
Yes, we know what a cuck is, you didn't need to say all that, we know.
>replying to tripfags for any other purpose than to scold them
this is true
You'd get nowhere in court.
>"sexy girls" is pathetic
I really don't get this argument. If you have some computer graphic designer making a model of a human, you want them to purposefully make ugly people or something? Should artists only paint pictures of chubby girls or something?
Describing from experience, eh?
>jury of the court, this pedo faggot seems to think he isn't a sick retard because he jacks off to "drawings of 8 year olds getting raped."
You'd get destroyed in an American court
>a literal I know you are but what am I response
maybe you shouldn't respond to tripfags you dumbass
There's a pretty wide range of ways you can design a female character other than "sexy woman in a thong" and "fat woman in a burka".
this is a common argument used by plenty of tranny anons. The MK 11 threads were full of em
The only time censorship pissed me off was in Fire Emblem Fates but I can't even exactly say that it was because of censorship because the game was completely butchered in the english release, putting in fanfiction instead of the real translation half the time.
You have to understand that this argument is falling on deaf boomer ears. In the 90s and early 2000s, "female gamers" were demanding female characters "show off their skin and femininity." The pendulum has never been in the middle, but at the end of the day, the video game market is saturated with young men. So what the fuck
Censoring T-rated games I can understand, but it's dumb to censor M-rated shit.
So that's a yes then?
Yes. Censorship is outright immoral it shouldn't be anywhere.
>the worst tripfag on the site has the shittiest opinion
checks out
I've been bitching about censorship for nearly 20 years, so yeah, I wish it would die. Not just the censorship of sexy things, which is all that the loudest people on Yea Forums seem to care about, but censorship in general. At least when it comes to Japanese games, I can generally just play the older ones in Nip and that's usually good enough, but even Japanese versions are affected nowadays, either by CERO or just this "One version for everyone" bullshit, or Sony doing their best to set themselves up for failure in a few years. Though at least the dialogue is usually okay in Japanese versions.
I wasnt even the user you were arguing with, I just think it's funny that you are literally not denying that you would enjoy watching other men bang your wife, your simply projecting it onto someone else
That very same study also revealed that women are turned on by watching bonobos mate yet they were seldom to conclude that all women are into bestiality.
Canada isn't America, you retard. You wouldn't last till lunch break. You think you're getting anyone in jail for liking japanese cartoons?
So that's a yes then?
>Describing from experience
Imagine being a fucktard in this modern age with the ever reaching vast amount of technological advancements far beyond the planet and 24x7 the internet access who doesn't know the terms what does a cuckold mean
I really do hope that 3000 meters asteroid wipes out every human race and anybody who survives the ordeal dies a slow and painful death
fucking imbeciles you people are not worthy to exist to reach out space just to spread your filthy genes and ruin the universe
its a no. Now you answer
I would care more if the games being targeted right now weren't weeb trash.
are you jelly that she give them nudes and not you?
I don't like weeb trash or copious amounts of fanservice in non-pornographic material either, but I still don't want to see them censored. It's the old "They came for [x] but I was not [x]" thing. Unfortunately, most people are too shortsighted and stupid to think of this.
yes i want all mainstream games to have as much sexual content as all the most perverted patreon h-games combined while not even focusing on it but just regular games. This kind of content should simply be as ubiquitous as concepts such as 'having a UI'. When you walk up to an npc in in any game you should be able to rape it.
You do realize that sexual content isn't the only stuff that gets censored, right? Even the kids I knew who complained about censorship 17 years ago were less one-tracked about this.
I wish there was no censorship at all so developers and writers could make a game they actually want.
everything can be sexualized and so everything should be allowed under my criteria
i wish there was less censorship in general
>all the fags defending censorship in this thread, a lot of them probably unironically
Yea Forums really is just reddit at this point
>he doesn't know
I wish there was no censorship in media PERIOD.
This makes no sense. You're implying sexy women and good games are mutually exclusive, which they're not. Part of the reason Lara Croft got popular was because of sex appeal. You're part of the reason why the game industry is as screwed up as it is.
Wouldn't a "female incel" just be called 3rd wave feminist?
notice how theres multiple instances of loli shit being brought up unprovoked by the defenders trying to equate loli shot that to things like a vidya character being sexy. its a slimey, lazy tactic
>this one extreme example makes censorship ok for all examples
trannies all deserve to die
Why are you so upset about a person running her creative business with success?
Looks like a struck a nerve, eh /fgg/ot?
Envy is a powerful thing.
People will start defending vidya titties' right to exist when you start defending other people's right to exist.
Why does it always have to be envy? It just shows how fucked the world is.
vidya titties literally have more right to exist than trannies
Other "people" are faggots and should all die.
a real female incel is stalking me
she doesn't even know I'm also incel ahhahaa
but she's really fat and ugly, there's no way I'm gonna touch her
Daily reminder that waifushit is a cancer that has ruined more game series than feminists ever have, and should be resisted. Autistic beta waifufags will kick and scream and defend ALL waifushit no matter how bad things get, no matter how terrible the games. If it gets their dick hard: it's great. It doesn't matter to them how fucking awful the game is. They're exactly like furries who will hand over $100 for some piece of shit drawing just because it tickles their fantasies.
A rejection of waifushit sends the message that you care about gameplay, not about lonely faps. Reject waifushit; save videogames.
>Clothing covers slightly more of the ankle
Do you underage kids know what real censorship is? Try going outside and say "White people have a right to exist"
Then you'll see real censorship.
Whats fucked about it? Patronage of the arts has existed for thousands of years. No need to get upset about our culture.
>he replies to tripfags to scold them
>Because it's the only time in his pathetic life he feels like having any authority at all
There is more tiddy games today than ever before
There is more tiddy art online than anyone could ever consume in 10 lifetimes
Pornography, millions of hours worth, is now readily available to everyone at a touch of a button - even on your phones, which are in your pocket
Mankind has never had titillation so readily and easily available to everyone at any point in history
and still you faggots chose to spend your lives reading blogs about censorship and fuming over some pixel cleavage being covered and raging about this shit for hours every single day and developing a genuine persecution complex. you think you're at war. you think western civilization is at risk. meanwhile everyone else is getting erectile dysfunction because they've literally got too much porn to jack it to. you will refuse to let go of this persecution complex because it defines you. you have an "enemy" and you're not even sure what you'd spend your day doing if not for obsessing over them.
Bluepilled homosexual
I love 2B!
damn so edgy
Exactly. Wanting your white race to survive is now considered "edgy". That's social censorship at it's finest, unlike you retarded underages definition because you can't fap to pixels in games.
>we're only talking about censorship of titties
we've had this conversation 14 fucking times in this thread you inept retard. not just porn, censorship in general
>i'm so oppressed and a victim waaa
grow up already
Yea Forums literally does not give a shit about any other form of censorship
give me 3 examples of censorship issues Yea Forums cared about that wasn't just fanservice
you won't, but you'll still insist you're right and I'm wrong even though you can't back your position up at all
Not today, Schlomo
Sorry, i said you we're right because i thought you were joking about the white race, it turns out you're serious. Sorry, didn't meant to make fun of mental illness.
>defending a literal tripfag
>lowkey admitting that you're a projecting retarded fag
>johnny cage doing the ok hand sign
>literal nazis in cod multiplayer not allowed to have swastikas
>the gore in silent hill being toned down in other countries
kill yourself
All the retards that defend this humongously retarded tripfag are by themselves also hugely retarded and those that attacked it are men of culture and wisdom.
No you utter moron, i'm telling you to not reply at all. There's no "right" way of talking to them. And your pathetic power attempt to scold them just let us all know you're a sad little creature.
Wise. Finally someone who gets it.
not based but definitely truthpilled
>johnny cage doing the ok hand sign
I'm glad it's gone, fuck these faggots and their LOL I TROLL U "gotchas"
Based discord trannies itt
Is this cuckmuncher still selling alexs dick pills?
Imagine being this butthurt at facts. Truly a trait of the anglos and slavs.
nobody likes watson
thats still no excuse to take it out on vidya
>post garbage opinion as a tripfag
that's not how it works tranny.
>nobody likes watson
/r/thedonald boomers do