Thoughts on classic game journalism?
Thoughts on classic game journalism?
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it's a bit outdated
It was still nearly as corrupt as it is now, except that there were a few publications that were on the up and up compared to now where virtually all of them are slimebags.
same useless shit as modern journalism, you were just a stupid snot nosed brat back then that had no taste or anything
It was always a corrupt industry, though I have PSM to thank for turning me onto games I might not have ever known about. Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, Xenogears, etc. I miss having a game journo industry that isn't completely infiltrated at all levels by progressive intersectionalist marxists though.
It's the same thing as the games themselves. Moden games take the fun out of games, just like they take the fun out of gaming press.
Look at Daxter's christmas list and tell me times weren't better back then.
except unlike now, they actually talked about games. like not politics around games, or how games affect the industry, just, you know, fucking games. remember those?
Have sex.
>Arrow pointing at her tits under "Wishlist"
I miss this era so much.
I liked Nintendo Power
Pulse was always fun because the guys running it were dicks, even into the "changed" nintendo power.
Not quite, it depends on where you live. If you live in 'Murica, then yeah, but back then at least over here we had people who actually liked and gave a shit about the games and reviewed them properly. I recall one review in EGM Brasil where the american reviewer said a lot of shit about Tekken's gameplay, clearly not understanding how to actually play the game, but our reviewers talked about the game in a very objective manner. It's the only example I remember now, but there were many similar situations.
Nintendo Power was dry, and you'd think an official Nintendo mag would get breaking coverage on Nintendo games. They never did.
now nobody has sexual fun anymore in western media in general
At least they enjoyed what they did. Why are people who hate vidya and all who play it in charge of reviewing games? It's like asking somebody who hates reading to go over a novel.
Not really. It was already shit, just a slightly different kind of shit.
Kiera made me get big pp over green haired girls. it rarely looks good irl.
did the same artist that drew the blue SIGNS OF BEING A GAMER shirt draw the cover for this? it looks similar
Maybe if you actually opened one up and read an article instead of looking at the sexy girl they put on the cover to get you to buy it you would have a different opinion.
>Is actually 14 years old in the first game that this illustration is based on.
She's a cartoon who gives a shit, she could be 14 or 40 and nobody would tell the difference.
>Article written by someone clearly having fun writing it/responding to fanmail etc.
>Here's why you're toxic and cancelled if you like X
Great. In retrospect the magazines were more about promotion, entertainment and assistance than critical analysis, but this created a world where video games were viewed as awesome by default.
Now we have "serious" journalism and "serious" gamers, and all we get is nitpicking, politics and cynicism. I'll never, ever become one of you. Games are still awesome to me.
How did things get this way? I want to go back.
Gamer Gack
I weep for the past.
Hey I'm not complaining, just find it hilarious in comparison to modern gaming 'journalism' retarded moralism progressism bullshit is all.
Things haven't really changed in Japan, aside from Miyamoto dropping the occasional A-bomb on the US.
If you're implying that was the cause for journalists being tremendous fags, they were already doing that for years before they decided that "gamers are dead." Just look at the whole DmC debacle. That shit would not have gone down at all in the same way back in the 90s and 00s.
Ok character from codename: kids next door
I still have the old Australian PC gamer magazine that came out when HL2 was released, got it for Christmas.
Reading over it, yes definitely games were a lot less political and Just good old fashioned blokey fun. Only political thing I remember in it is some shit in the back about the post 9/11 era.
I also have a large collection of FHM magazines from that era that were absolutely masculine in tone.
adult tyranny ruined videos, it all makes sense now
Idk. I had it before I had easy internet access, so it was interesting to me. The interviews and such were neat as well. One in particular had an animal crossing piece about patterning a town theme that works across all AC games and I still use occasionally.
Slate used to work for PSM?
PSM is based as fuck
It was nice to have something to get excited for looking ahead in gaming, shitting on bad games, making fun of old shit games, and covering oddities and interesting stuff each month. Now it's boring corporate dick sucking and taking huge bong rips of their own farts.
There are a few online.
And after all this time games still rarely ever do romance well.
Dog Whistle
EGM was the best and it's not even close. Fight me.
EGM was pure kino and peak game journalism in it's prime. It's all been downhill since.
I miss when an image of cleavage and midriff was considered lewd enough
Everyone is too horny nowadays
remember this shit show with Nintendo Power and that faggot reviewer who wouldn't show his face?
Adam Warren?
gOod sHit
As a species we need to be horny.
I have a "Holiday 2002 Game Guide" that says it's made by EGM
It's great, it looks over all the consoles of the era and behind it. GBC, GBA, Xbox, GC, DC, N64, PS1, PS2.
Peak comfy. Back when it wasn't about the politics.
So what will it take to get back to how it used to be?
I'm guessing strict hiring practices and a chief editor who isn't a pushover.
I don't remember a shitshow but I remember even in the finale of the magazine, he showed up as a Slime.
Well "we as a species" have skipped straight from horny to thirsty, and I don't like how licentious the common man is now.
this, it was literally all just about the games. I love looking through old magazines just because of the cool shit they used to do in them.
Nintendo Power was the biggest shillshit ever made. Published by the same people selling the games. Nothing ever scored under a 7. I saw them give Antz Racing on the GBC a fucking 8.
In terms of actually trying to learn which games were good or trash, unironically worse than now. The amount of corruption and publisher favoritism and rating boosts as a result of oversaturation of the market was quite staggering. In terms of other aspects of quality (artwork, detail, information about the game that wasn't a review, even the advertisements on them), much better than what we have now.
>tfw read through scans of old game magazines front to cover and play old vidya through emulators for games that look interesting or were highly recommended.
I just wanna go back bros.
I miss when video games were just an underground hobby, and the only games normalfags knew were Mario and Grand Theft Auto.
I miss when game companies didn't try to scam you by making unfinished shit games.
I miss when the most consoles could do was play movies, and everyone was okay with that.
I miss when "weeb" meant something and retards didn't just scream it a games they didn't like
I miss when Western devs just tried to make games they wanted and didn't try to pander to whatever misguided attempt to seem "hip" and "woke".
Where did it all go so very, very wrong?
please don't answer, I already know
Ey, good man
I love looking through my old magazines
Less games I anticipate these days but I still enjoy them
>ads ads ads ads ads ads ads
Nothing has changed, really. Pleny of sites just talk video games. But they don't blow up by being political, so you've never bothered visiting them since you're too busy fuming over some bullshit that doesn't matter.
Not him, but I visit them almost every day.
The ads were fun in the early 90's, but then they crept into the "WTF were they thinking" realm.
>Pleny of sites just talk video games
Name 5
Buy game plz. It have boobies
I actually don't visit gaming websites at all except occasionally here.
Maybe you can take your passive aggressive bullshit over to one of the other ones where you'll get heaps of upvotes for it and even form your own clique?
>I don't like how licentious the common man is now.
Tough titties and hard cock.
Good for you.
Or I could just tell you the best one. It's all in Japanese, but their standards are unmatched.
>I actually don't visit gaming websites at all except occasionally here.
You poor bastard.
>Imagine Resident Evil 2 online
This boi blew his fempenis when Outbreak 2 came out.
Back when most gamers were incels. Luckily the industry isn't quite so cringe anymore.
>Remember when Square use to tackle other genres?
>back when games were games and fucking normalfags weren't there to try and "shame" you for having fun
Fixed. Here's your (You). Also fuck you.
>Luckily the industry isn't quite so cringe anymore.
Oh the irony
The industry is massively cringe, brainlet.
I also don't remember work practices being as fucked up (eg: MK11 development) outside of perhaps Japan and don't use the shitty excuse of "you just didn't hear about it" because it's bullshit.
Not even worth actually respond to
GamePro is the only one I've found that is interesting on any level other than as a time capsule.
Also, Playstation Underground demo disks are worth seeing.
Marketers have shown countless times that they REALLY hate sheep; no idea why though.
I miss the innocence of yesterdays or the ability to feel that innocence in things.
>Nothing has changed, really. You've never bothered visiting them since you're too busy fuming over some bullshit that doesn't matter.
>case example is a website entirely in moonrunes
I appreciate the suggestion though.
They were always marketing material but they could be enjoyable.
Oh, you mean back when the reviewers PLAYED games, didn't suck dick at them, and didn't give a shit of political messages outside of the game's theme (like Bioshock)?
Is this game good? I always wanted to play the first one but never could find it.
You belong to a world that no longer exists. You can never go home again.
Something about this feels so comfy. You feel it too, don't you anons? Looks like something I'd read while playing runescape after getting home from school. God I want to go back.
they tried to warn us
anyone remember Mortal Kombat? Sub Zero was pretty cool.
Holy this takes me back
Not him but every time I ask for names of good gaming sites on here it's either ones I'm already familiar with or the copout excuse of "I'm not telling because I don't want Yea Forums to ruin it!" because they're bullshiting.
Do you still have your old game magazines Yea Forums?
I've got a few Tips and Tricks, some Nintendo Power, and a few Gamepro ones (but I don't usually read those much).
Look at this bullshit. It's clear only one of them even bothered to finish the first level.
I'm just happy I lived through those times. I went from some faggot 7 year old in 1990 with no internet to now, an old fuck with internet that would've been considering magic back then.
There's still enjoyable things coming out even now in these dark times, and I still go back and play old shit and bask in the nostalgia.
Somewhere in my closet are a bunch of Computer Gaming Magazines from around when Call of Duty 2-4 came out
Yes.If you could try to wrap your head around the concept of a survival horror JRPG, then PE/2 are well worth tracking down
>tfw one of the magazines I still own has a section dedicated to whiny fanmail
I think one of it was about how the magazine didn't put a warning up for how hard a game would be but then they responded with paragraph that could be summarized as: Git gud
there were plenty of games that scored under 7.
But yes you are right.
Alan was always the outlier of the reviewers. This is why it came as a shock when he didn't show his face despite him being the only reviewer of interest
That sounds great
Even though I don't really like the guy, Mr. Quartpounder's site is shaping up nicely. He really seems to be following his ideal of 'no politics, only games'
wow, SHES HOT!
even as kids we knew it was a shill magazine. It still was worth it for the in depth scoops and shit, though.
I love EGM.
Don't open this.
Are you offering?
it warms my heart there's quite a few oldfags left in here and we're not 100% zoomer infested yet
>Back when Square made games that were worth a shit
>Brave Fencer Musashi
Yeah, no shit. That game came out on the NES in 1993. The SNES was old news and the fucking PSX was literally just a year away.
go outside
Have some EGM, Play and Edge collection
I threw away the Game Informers though, since I didn't feel they were valuable enough.
They're in boxes.
Actually I think back then fewer gamers were incels, if anything.
Why didn't I listen
can you blame them? I thought the same the first time I played the game. there's not much driving you to reach the later and better levels
When a game did though, you knew it was really fucking bad. Geist in particular was noted by them when they got accused of being shills.
They absolutely were (and it was blatantly obvious) but it didn't make the magazine any less fun to read. I wish I got the final issue. Only got the one before it, because it came with a pack of Kid Icarus cards.
Game Informer, GameNow, PSM, EGM. Threw out my nintendo power and gamepros, rain did a number on them.
>when Square wasn't just the "FinalFantasy company"
To be fair I'm not american so I only ever read the local version of nintendo power. If you want an example on how bad things were before the internet, I remember a question that a reader sent it.
>Q: Hey I just got this game called mega man and whenever you beat a boss you get his weapon. However after beating Gutsman I equip his weapon, press B and nothing happens?
>A: That's just how it is. Gutsman doesn't give you a weapon.
>Bushido Blade 2
Man, such a good game
>Remember, as of the twin towers and spin recovery above Times is a pilot's first you buzz the 42nd floor rudder into a power-off Square, safety and foremost concern.
Till the bitter end user
I distinctly remember fapping to the girl on the right because of her muscles
I wish I had a scanner, instead I'm taking phonepics. I still have a bit of my magazine collection, here's the progress art from the OP issue.
I'm assuming you're smart enough to infer user's complaints about games journalism is in regards to western journalism. Do you think being "too busy fuming over some bullshit that doesn't matter" is the reason user isn't finding good gaming sites through translating ones in a foreign language?
If the best games journalism has to offer nowadays is a Japanese wiki then games journalism is in dire straits.
God I fucking loved coming from school and pop open the fresh bought magazine to read it, the full version games that were in the magazines were also mostly fucking dope.
>Possibly the greatest game ever made.
I like this unwavering confidence.
It's almost like different culture. What the fuck happened in the west?
>Do you think being "too busy fuming over some bullshit that doesn't matter" is the reason user isn't finding good gaming sites through translating ones in a foreign language?
I cannot guarantee it in this specific case, but in all likelihood yes. It's how most people function.
>If the best games journalism has to offer nowadays is a Japanese wiki then games journalism is in dire straits
How so? Japan knows their shit. I have to assume they were always the best at it.
Women and trannies.
Single moms.
so that's what a westen loli equivalent looks like.
The internet.
it was a different time
Butthurt Americans.
>Japan knows their shit. I have to assume they were always the best at it.
Supposedly Gamest was a great arcade game magazine back in the day, you can hardly discuss 80s and 90s arcade games with Japanese players without Gamest coming up eventually.
He was editor-in-chief.
Nothing really. Moral guardians and censorship was much, MUCH crazier when I was a kid, and supposedly even worse before that.
Like that one "death car" arcade cabinet where big pixles collide with small pixles that was considered so offensive that not only was it recalled, but every cabinet was DESTROYED to make sure they could never corrupt people's sensibilities.
Last I checked most people don't comb through sites in a foreign language (except maybe English) in order to get their daily news or reviews
thought this was interesting, viewpoint on the evolution of video game graphics from 15 years ago
how many offshoot publications did those gamefan people make anyways. I feel like there was at least half a dozen.
>"But a stinky woman is always a turn off."
Are you sure about that?
modern games journalism in Japan is arguably just as bad if not worse than games journalism in the west.
Well, no; it's terrible for news that considering they discuss games for several months after release before coming to a verdict. But taking their time really pays off in the end.
>Move over Pokémon - Monster Rancher 3
This level of satanic idiocy should be punishable by death. Also that's the ugliest "Mu" I've ever seen in my life. Covering up their flaws with tits.
I miss this 90's/early 2000's anime-ish artstyle.
With the exception of some UK-based PC magazines almost every example of good gaming magazines are American publications.
I remember busting many a nut to the PSM swimsuit editions back when my only access to the internet was dial up on the shitty family computer in the main room.
GameFan was great for their Japan only releases and anime reviews as well.
shit that just gets lost in time
based as fuck
you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain
you meant to say NES not SNES
Super Power was amazing. Cheat codes, maps, screenshots, reviews and even special guides on what to import. No editorials, no ads, no bullshit.
have sex outside
there's something strangely wholesome about it but I'm not sure if I'm just getting old. it's like everything was made by the artists with love and there was little interference from middlemen, now everything is approved by committee and needs to look exactly the same, cookie cutter polished shit
No, you troglodyte. The SNES was old news while the NES was buried and being feasted on by worms by the time gimmick came out. Battletoads was the last NES game that people took seriously and that came out in like '91.
Ah yeah, Mine Yoshizaki got his start going video game art for Gamest. Way back before Sgt. Frog and Kemono Friends.
What the fuck did he mean by this?
What would a "passive game" even look like?
Something made by Telltale.
the first one is significantly better
just emulate it
I guess he means games that rely heavily on long cutscenes and exposition.
>Salsa Frontier
I wished the second game didn't try to ape resident evils playstyle. The semi-active RPG combat the first game had was really unique and deserved to be expanded upon.
the latest kirby game
you would need to be braindead to ever lose
It at least didn’t go around blatantly calling its viewer base racists and sexists and shit.
I beat my dick so many times to Ashelin Praxis.
You're the troglodyte, you nigger. In 1993 the SNES was still very relevant. 1994-95 were the prime years for the SNES.
I wish I could draw and draw pictures of hot chicks all day.
But it wasn't news, thus it was old news. I could do this all day.
have kids
this can't be real please tell me it's real
Those who do that don't care about games. They're just using games as a platform for their political views. Same goes for people crying about transvestitets, girl power etc.
Practice a lot, then you too can sell your soul and make lodsemone in commissions for the most degenerate furry porn you can fathom.
Not to game magazines. At that point the only SNES thing that interested them was the super fx chip. It was all about PS1 + Saturn + even the fucking Jaguar and 3DO
I miss old game journo, it was pretty scummy depending on the magazines you bought, and your could only depend on the competence of the reviwer since internet wasnt that big or mainstream yet. so you still had to rely a bit on what others said before you bit the bullet buying a game.
It was more of a paid advertising with thrown in bonuses, cheat codes, demos, artwork (god those bikini specials) and funny writing for the most part, also fan mail and getting to see other people art work.
It was like a bro club with some sponsor.
top tier comfy.
Also looking at the screenshots of games you didnt have was fun.
It's OK, but the first game is miles superior.
t. played both for the 1st time back in 2015. Square never released the original in EU.
Also most of the time, it was your source of news regarding future gaming releases or previews. even if they were shit that never saw the light of day.
Felt like they were cashing in on the resident evil craze, but failing to understand what made survival horror compelling by shoving in a bunch of RPG shit.
See also Koudelka.
>even if they were shit that never saw the light of day.
I want you sooooo bad it's driving me mad it's driving me
this is an official Nintendo advertisement for Super Mario Advance 4, featuring Mario's head pasted onto a statue gripping an enormous phallic mushroom.
There's something to be said about someone curating a magazine-like thing that has reviews that are aggregated from metacritic along with art from people on Twitter/Pixiv/the such.
Nobody cares of your late 70s biblical insanity, grandpa. This thread's about the gaming culture and its journalism of the 90s and early 00s, when those two terms were still related.
I clearly remember playing that game to near completion, but being absolutely clueless as to what was going on with the story and just giving up partway through when my best weapons broke.
Was it just me or was the game also really short? I think I remember switching disks not long after starting.
You had Super Power in Sweden as well? Cool!
>final fantasy 3 till slut
Why would you stop playing once you meet celes?
IDK if it's because I was young, but back then I used to be able to re-read the same issues over and over and most everything was interesting, and it had some funny banter (EGM). Then in more recent times I tried some and they were really boring. Prob doesn't help I'm not looking for new games nearly as much anymore. I liked EDGE magazine though.
Yeah, you have to switch the disc as soon as you watch the cutscene downstairs. The first disc probably blew everything on the intro.
Nice to see Finland got them too.
She's not in her birthday suit for half the game. Anyway it's a pun because "till slut" means "finally".
>9-10's were yearly sports games or designated high scoring games
>Anything below a 6 was likely boring or busted
>7-8's were a treasure trove of neat games
Old game magazines were still pretty corrupt, though at least the writing quality was better since reviewers were at least semi-competent at games and didn't need to rely on clickbait for revenue.
However, having that range of interesting but flawed games to pick from was bliss. Blow's Yea Forums's Shill or Shit rating scale out of the water.
>Calls it a "beat 'em up" when it's actually a variety game and literally only the first level is a beat 'em up
>All the screenshots are from the first level
>Complains about the difficulty
>"Just the one tune"
I'll take sexism over this shit any day.
What magazine is that from?
>in germany we call fighting games beat em ups and beat em ups are fighting games
Never understood why we did that.
The only magazine that mattered wasn't even a magazine.
>classic game "journalism"
It was never journalism, ever. Nothing's changed, they were always intended to sell you products and make ad revenue by publishers and people selling their third party hardware.
>People calling Contra a shoot 'em up
Chancing on this magazine probably guaranteed the path my life would take.
>Zelda killer
at least the Dark clouds got rereleased on the ps4.
They appealed to whomever they figured was their audience. More people play videogames, so in their minds, the new crowd is a lot more sensitive and more politically charged then before, thus they need to involve more progressive stances. You might say gamers don't, but you're not the majority nor am I, unfortunately. The majority are the ones on Reddit, Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr where this shit is popular.
I do like the term Jump 'n Run for platformers a though.
To be fair, journos are still doing the same thing nowadays, going by the astronomical levels of shitter-shattering that every mildly difficult game causes in the industry. Only now their hivemind about it is transparently obvious.
terms were different back then. there were plenty of games called "doom genre" instead of fps
let me tell you the majority doesn't give a flying fuck about inclusivity / progressive stances, and they sure as fuck don't go on reddit
Reddit is ultimately where any game dev goes for interviews with communities of any kind or rather to speak to their audiences. If you think they don't bend down and kiss political correct ass from Reddit then oh boy you're mistakened.
My favorite term is still "Sidescroller". Because SMB was the first real game where the screen scrolled to the side. That was it's most defining feature and other games basically sold themselves by having that feature.
>SMB was the first real game where the screen scrolled to the side
Reddit is a vocal minority that some devs interact with because they see them as an extension of their advertisement campaigns.
But no one actually believes reddit is ever representative of the majority.
wtf naughty dog made this?!
It's just funny to see they didn't even get past Level 2. The level after this is the Turbo Tunnel, which is way harder than on the NES.
you mean the first "console" game. Scrolling was very common for games on pc, at the time it was the thing they had over consoles and arcades and why everyone thought that PC was king.
"Real" as in having multiple levels and worlds and shit. I've always considered that to be the point where video games jumped from entertainment to experience.
The only thing people played on PC then was Alley Cat.
Alright, well keep telling yourself that.
blue dabah dee
>ports of the GB games instead of the NES games
Into the trash it goes
still have no taste clearly
I still have my old Gameinformer magazines floating around somewhere
The GB games are better than the NES games thanks to having tighter level design.
I love how "early to mid 2000's video game magazine" is a art style in itself.
It amazes me just how ametuer these illustrations were. Today even if you go to pixiv or deviantart you see casual artists whose work looks like a renaissance painting compared to these pieces. Why did the expectation for artists get so much higher?
We can't even have cleavage or midriff anymore.
Why was 6th gen so fantastic?
I mean... I get that you can't really call this high cultured. Its basically a page 3 girl.
Era where developers were wanting to do more "artful" things in games while not forgetting they were making a game first and foremost. Ps2 was also easy to develope for, a lot of projects that probably never would have existed were made as they cheap to develope on ps2.
Thanks to PCs, everyone has access to high quality image creating software (or just straight up professional software via piracy), access to an endless amount of information and advice as well as access to other artists. Perfect storm for potentially endless improvement. Theres even a market for anyone to sell almost anything too.
based as fuck and PSM was king. i remember over the course of two or three issues they were fucking with this kid who wrote in saying his friend told him PS2s in england were steam powered. they told him it was the truth lmao
the fact that I can jump on any game that isn't blatant momcore or legit casual shit and shout the nigger word at random players repeatedly with 0 consequence is proof that this is complete horseshit.
As a complete ass pull guess? It was the first time where all the people behind the games were perfectly aligned. The directors and leads for art, design etc would all be people that had started in the 80`s and spent 20 years honing their crafts. Meanwhile everyone else on the team beneath them would mostly be fresh 20 somethings that had grown up with games since birth and had a new wave of ideas as how to improve basically everything about games.
I wish there was an archive somewhere, I would love to nostalgia and reread some old Gamepro and EGM2 from the late 90's
This right here, it was actually common practice for parents to keep you away from violent-media as a kid.
They both seem to be well represented in various online archives.
>Why did the expectation for artists get so much higher?
That's Ryan Kinnaird. He's an actual industry comic artist. Somehow.
It hasn’t changed since games like OOT, FF6, Super Metroid, Mario 64, SoulCalibur & Chrono Trigger still top every fucking list
Keira got THICC
The world will never return to pre-2013/Apple bringing normalfags onto the internet ever again
SJWs and Liberals will continue ruining every single medium under the sun by shoving/forcing their politics into everything
Worst timeline
got tips and tricks and nintendo power aswell?
What I miss are non asinine review scores and the writers being people who are just happy to be able to game for a living. Not wannabe art house critics desperate to justify their bullshit as a meaningful art form.
I remember this page out of a magazine that was advertising mario kart (GBA I think) and the image was of a car's dashboard but it had symbols of mario kart items such as the banana and shell.
I can't find it again.
Nevermind, here it is.
jfc look at this beauty
Please tell me some friend
I miss the more laid back flow of information. You would get bits and pieces once a month and the developers and publishers could better organize how to present things. Then when the game came out you where enticed but still left with a lot of things to discover on your own.
Now if you don't have news feeds every day you're behind the curve so everything no matter how banal is a headline. Videos are shown covering huge chunks of the game well in advance and nothing is left to discover.
You are a cunt
They were just as shillly as they are know, except they were filled with people who actually liked video games and the culture surrounding them.
I'd be fine with modern journalism if there wasn't some big controversy surrounding every goddamn game that lasts a week, doesn't affect the actual game or is straight up wrong.
Look at sekiro, you could never publish "we want an easy mode" in some of these old mags
>It amazes me just how ametuer these illustrations were.
I honestly appreciate that. It adds a sense of personality. Professional illustrations are neat, but can get too sterile in a sense.
Again. He is a professional. He worked for marvel.
This is incredibly based. Glad Miyamoto can take a stand against secondaries.
But they can't, trannies can't reproduce.
Being edgy and counter culture was cool, know you just get laughed at and ridiculed if you didn't see the latest marvel schlock.
Imagine rubbing lotion on ashley's tummy and breasts while she squirms
Had a reason to exist but it was just as corrupt and paid off. But it was harder to get your info about games pre-release unless you bought a mag (or knew about IGN or UGO gaming or some other site like gamefaqs).
Nowadays they have no reason to exist. There are literal thousands of people putting up their reviews/opinions on game every day, there is bound to be one who meshes with you. If that doesn't work, game companies now give random fucks copies of games bef ore anyone else so you get an untainted look at them on twitch. I remember seeing MK11 crash 3 times in one stream before it launched, saved my ass $60.
But, back then, when you had nothing better, you just had to trust you weren't being scammed.
Soccer moms decided not just to criticize the industry but to get jobs in it.
The entire PS4 library
It was good when the average video games journalist didn’t believe that the road to salvation comes by killing all white men through cultural marxism.
Well see I'd argue we need them now more than ever. The internet is too wide a net and very few of the voices know how to actually present themselves. You can take as much page space or time as you need now. Back in the days of magazines you had so much page space to write a succinct yet entertaining informative review.
These people actually where "journalists" if in only the sense they went to actual school to learn how to fucking write.
How the fuck do you even become an independent game journalist? It seems like the one's Yea Forums likes to parrot just summarize shit from various sources.
Lmao 2000s "art"
Yes. Bent down
i miss Joker, fuck Alpress
>How the fuck do you even become an independent game journalist?
It just meant that sony wasn't their publisher. EGM is also independent but more spread focus.
Lmao 2010s "art"
A time when people saw the bullshit money grab cosmetics were. I hate the fact that theres going to be a day when gold horse armor is going to be industry standard instead of a joke worth laughing at. Assuming that day hasn't already arrived, which, let's be honest, it has.
That's what I mean. It feels like the modern news giants can get stuff out there so fast there isn't any way to compete other than to join them and then branch off after networking.
>let's be honest, it has
We are way past that day. It sounds like you haven't played a modern game in years.
People are screaming for lootboxes and microtransactions now if a game doesn't have them. I shit you not.
6 was never good, 6 has always been OK.
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
stop being relatable you cunt godammit
>reee muh discs
>Discs are already being phased out again in favour of superior solid state memory mean all-digital distribution, right?
PSM and EGM always made it seem like such a fucking fun job to have. I actually went to school for journalism initially because I wanted to write for PSM, but I eventually lost interest and changed majors. Kind of glad I did, in hindsight.
>People are screaming for lootboxes and microtransactions now if a game doesn't have them. I shit you not.
The fuck? Why? I understand stuff like DLC, because its actual content, but wanting fucking microtransactions. It's not even the industries fault at this point, consumers are just braindead retards.
It's retarded smash players who don't want to bother playing the game to unlock characters.
It's always Smashfags.
Because the mindless fools erroneously believe that if a game has loot boxes or season after season of nickle and dimed DLC it's somehow EXTENDING the life of the game and not just making a game that was incomplete from the start.
Getting the official PS2 magazine every month sure was a good time for me
It was a bit lame towards the end of the generation where all the demos where demos from previous issues
I'm pretty sure Adam Warren still does comics with girls wearing almost nothing.
If you're asking more broadly about society, it's because women are increasingly single and when they don't have a man to protect them, they will try to make the government and corporations do it instead. Men are also increasingly single but nobody cares when men complain because it's annoying and makes you seem like a woman.
based. i was subscribed to EGM and EGM only for about six years. i loved the seanbaby articles, always great
I honestly don't get this. I've talked to younger people about how we used to have unlockable costumes for free, by completing various challenges and/or takes, and they're willing to accept it since it's only cosmetic.
yeah, rip
I've never accepted "It's cosmetic" as an answer. Because that's bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. Yes, "cosmetics" don't take away from the core game experience but "core game experiences" used to mean more than just the basic frame work of the game. It was the whole presentation. It was a way to reward your player and make them want to replay your game over and over. Developers used to put this stuff in as part of the original game. That shouldn't change now. There's no excuse for it.
What's more is that it starts the slippery slope. It begins with "It's only cosmetic" then it becomes "It's only a side quest" then next you thing you know we're paying out the dick for a game that despite being a billion times more technologically advance is more anemic than games released decades prior. Games feel cheap and retards line up to encourage this shit. I mean jesus fuck we don't even have manuals anymore.
Video game magazines in 2000
>here are the new upcoming games, check it out!
>we played the new games, here's what we thought!
Video game websites in 2019
>this new upcoming game is AWFUL and RACIST
>gamers are AWFUL and SEXIST
>you, reading this right now, are AWFUL and HOMOPHOBIC
>oh yeah AAA Company released Overly Marketed Game, 10/10 but it's still kinda sexist
post your collection Yea Forums ... mine is polish CDaction.. and yea ... the oldest i got are from 2007 ... but still , post dem
>What's more is that it starts the slippery slope. It begins with "It's only cosmetic" then it becomes "It's only a side quest"
I know. I sincerely believe we're inches away from in-game health packs or ammo being monetized. When that happens those people will only have themselves to blame. I know World of tanks already monetizes specific ammo, but I have feeling it'll get exceedingly more egregious.
Something about the second most recognized landmark in the US was printed. COINCIDENCE??
i miss gmr magazine
>piercing mutilation
So other mutilation is allowed?
Mój brat!
I used to buy PSX and Neo plus at times back in the day. I think I threw away my collection some years ago.
I'm not sure what to think of actually being an oldfag. Time is a cruel bitch.
>back when you had reviews of giant robot games right next to latex fetish CDs and German brothel guides
Those were the days.
I've been fucking longer than you've been alive. Not everyone on four chins is a incel loser like you.
They were all misogynist nerds on the wrong side of history. Always talking about gameplay, game systems and design and not inclusivity, diversity and basedbean products. Shameful.
I blame Yahtzee
Commies won the cultural war.
Enjoy your gulags in the next decade.
Was everyone high on LSD in the 90s, why did everything have wacky zigzag shapes and tacky colors?
>buy a games mag in the 90s/early 2000s
>every fourth page was full of sex line ads
who green grill
>Dougram just chilling in the corner
It was a thing in the 70's and 80's too. There's probably something to be said about the popularity of acid in the 60's and the potential impact on design for the next few decades.
I mean hell, there are modern theories that psychedelics are part of the origin of consciousness. On obsession with bizarre patterns and shapes permeates nearly the whole of human history.
Because it was a wonderful, magical time and I miss it so much.
it was terrible to be honest, I hope it makes a comeback soon
I grew up with "nintendo magazine system" or nms here in australia (least iirc, have the magzines but lost the damn covers and too far out of reach) and while sterile, was very much enjoyable to read, treating games with respect (and often sticking to the games keeping opinions to a minimum outside of score numbers), was sad they never reached issue 100 but the magazine NEVER mentioned their financial woes, only after their final issue did they reveal the truth and sent refunds
When I went to unofficial nintendo magazines I couldn't get into them, for as free as their opinions were (being UK based) I could only hear their accents and snickers when they expressed any sort of opinion, more often than not negative, but nothing like today's journalism which really pushes too FAR away from actual games coverage and TOO much into the meta into the games
Granted I moved onto being a nintendo fanboy but I would rather have a dull nintendo only library than the sjw filled trash multiplatform gaming has gone these days.
If the current stuff isn't sjw filled it's so safe you might be reading something that came out 6 months ago, and no news ain't good because game boxes do fuck all
anyone still get Game Informer issues?
I used to way back when through Gamestop I wonder how the issues are these days
>F O U R covers of ANTHEM
I wouldn't expect anything else from Gamestop magazine.
thanks for the link, some cool old ones
My soul-gland is throbbing
It's always fun going through all the games that got a front page cover that turned out being shit.
The government started supporting single mothers and making their exs pay them alimony, regardless of whether or not the man wanted the relationship to end.
Women started leaving their husbands in droves, because why stay with a man and work on the relationship when you can just fuck his best friend in his house while he, his former friend and the government all pay you to do it.
Generations of boys grew up with no fathers to make them strong.
Single mothers made their kids weak, by coddling them into adulthood.
Men started realizing marriage is risky and laws are all biased towards women.
Women stopped taking care of the home and their children because they moved into the workforce and politics.
Men now have less purpose and meaning in society since women fill all the roles.
Marriage is now less desirable, to men and women, because men are weak and useless and women are unsupportive of men and all about themselves now.
Colleges, Universities, Media, everything promotes female empowerment and toxic masculinity propaganda.
I miss demo discs. Looking back it was cool to have access to time capsule alpha versions of games that would later be seen as classics. Even better when magazines would include competitions to reach high scores within the bundled demo games (take a photo of your tv and mail it in). It was great for games like DDR and point blank.
His calling out all the people that want an easy mode in dark souls.
My collection got fucking ruined when I was like 17 and my little cousin used it as a fucking piss drawer.
You dumb nigger. Ports of the NES games wound up on GCN/PS2 with extra features. This one was for the Gameboy games, which were actually unique, with their own stages, and borrowed robot masters. Except MM5 which was fully original.
there's no way most of these covers would fly today
Games are no longer made by male nerds for male nerds.
It was better when it was provided in a monthly format so journalists didn't have to rush to put out a constant stream of "news" to get the most views and clicks
why does the final sketch look so much better than the final pic?
>t. Father
Sketch has chaika face, final is dreamworks tier.
The vast majority of game devs are still straight, white male nerds and the vast majority of gamers in Western countries are still straight male nerds. Your statement is correct but that image isn't. It's more like 10 nerds sitting around playing games, then 1 girl shows up and now half of them are trying to impress her.
>Dark Cloud
>Zelda Killer
If only.
Which countries produce western media? Which countries do you consider to be western?
We'll go from there.
Back in the old days, they used to release VHS tapes with some of the gaming mags.
Which of these characters identifies as a non binary mer them within the lore of the product they are featured in?
Name a single video game character that identifies as a non binary mer them.
>I miss demo discs.
Me too.
In the new days, video is easily accessible and far less tedious to verify.
With literally the internet.
You can simply download demonstrations of gameplay within seconds.
before the articles were made by gamers.
now, articles are made by blue hair fat SJW activists. not gamers.
You're so right, it simply never happens... wow...
>not forgetting they were making a game first and foremost.
What will it take for things to go back to normal.
im saying the majority of people now write about political shit, not games.
Did this game actually get made?
no it's april fool joke.
any french fags here that got his Joypad every months ? Gonna give it to the french ,it was the best ,200 page every month
>look up PSM scans
>only a few issues online
What gives? Is Nintendo Power the only gaming magazine the Internet is willing to preserve?
Wakfu/Dofus doesnt exist, the west is chaste, white genocide is real.
Keira was my first video game crush, this cover does things for me...
When I was a kid I had a dream that Daxter laughed at how small my penis was and I woke up with a boner
>don't want to bother playing the game to unlock characters.
That's the best part.
You know actually playing the game to achieve the reward. Not having it handed to you.
>24 MEGS
Fuck yeah
I don't remember writers for these magazines to be glorified bloggers that only do the job so they can use it as a highground on social media.
>jesus fuck we don't even have manuals anymore.
My nigga what...
Since when?
games that cater to all in equal amounts
top one is referencing a show trying to recreate history. bottom is a video game that is set in a completely alternate reality.
if top were in an alternate reality nobody would care
God i miss Keira's tight body
I don't miss paper. But I miss the fact, that their main income used to come from readers and not from advertisements and sponsored articles.
Ive got a collection from Feb 2002 to about 2009.
>These posts are still getting this many replies
It’s amazing how something so simple can trigger so many people over and over again. It’s not going to stop until you stop replying first, you people know that right? Or do you enjoy these posts, maybe? Why though? Its a complete shitpost with no redeeming factors.
This so much. Part of my soul died with EGM.
I haven't seen a single Marvel movie and nobody cares, tho.
Sex sells, unlike virtue signaling. Deal with it, commie
I also got every issue until the last one which was supposedly the biggest one.
DESU it was pretty terrible when I was getting it since it was literally all ads but it was probably better when it was in the 1990s and they included comics and posters.
>unironically being too young to remember gamergate
It's already standard.
Oh we have achievements for that now. No longer do you get a costume or something for doing something, no, it's just cosmetic after. Instead, you just get a sweet achievement to show others that you did.
It never was.
Mine is EGM + others.
>cherry picking
also, do you see any crazy colored hair there? no.
why? because back then psychopaths weren't playing video games, instead trying to leech off other sub cultures
fake news
>this guy predicted ten years of vidya companies graphics obsession
>back then psychopaths weren't playing video games
The creators of Boppin and M.U.L.E. say "hello".
Just as bad as current journalism, just in a different way..
This is literally cherry picking though. That double fine girl is like one of the only girls there, even though Tim Schafer is AAA left wing cuck. Even far lefties like him struggle to find a decent balance of women.
Though she also seems like a really cool girl from the documentary videos I've seen. I can only assume they are accurate reflections.
EGM was pretty based but that base-ness is why they went out of business.
It ain't pretty, but I've managed to hang on to pretty much every magazine I subscribed to. Just a big ole dusty pile for the most part, sitting in and around my old bookshelf in my childhood bedroom, along with all my other childhood toys and books.
It's a mix of GamePro, EGM, PC Gamer, Nintendo Power, GMR, and Game Informer. The most recent ones are at the top of the pile; I stopped receiving them long, long, long ago...
>Disproving the claim
>Cherry picking
>hey ther are no numbers between 4 and 6
>What about 5
>OMG you cherry picker you
>Disproving the claim
What claim did you disprove?
Probably the thickest magazine out of the bunch that I could find.
I spent so much time reading through these, man...
>two titles are set to change video games forever, but politics, big money, and your mother could make it impossible
I just want to go back, bros
>Games are no longer made by male nerds for male nerds.
Doubly ridiculous when you remember games were never made specifically for men or nerds. If something has ruined the industry (which I strongly doubt) it's not that.
No games are made by male nerds for male nerds? That's what you're saying you disproved?
game devs could theoretically come to Yea Forums for interviews, that doesnt make Yea Forums retards the mainstream.
no one uses reddit. next time you hear people talk about video games IRL you should bring up reddit.
spoiler: they will call you a faggot
Yeah, just went through my old box of them. Not a lot when I look at them now. Only around 30 or so. I got
Expert Gamer
Game Informer
Nintendo Power
Tips & Tricks
I just probably get around to scanning these.
What were the titles?
Yep, they knew who was reading these magazines...
I still have this game.
Bottom right that you can now read.
My favorite was Lamepro
>ordering them backwards on the shelf so you can't read the hidden messages on the spines
I had a few CD Actions from around early 2000s I think, but mostly it was PC Gamer.
Are you retarded or an sjw who likes to rewrite history?
I saw false information and disproved it. Get rekt, son.
It was shit, but a fun and freewheeling brand of shit you could revel in. Now it's all miserable politically-charged shit without any of the good stuff.
So Yea Forums, basically.
You tried to claim that:
>No games are made by male nerds for male nerds
which was never true and certain;y isn't true now.
Cherry picking isn’t disproving. You showing a handful of women does not equate to millions of people. Sorry you’re wrong
Oh, well maybe they succeeded but in the opposite direction.
I love keira but ashelin is best girl
just a Damn shame that there is barely any good art for the Jak & daxter girls
I lived thinking God Hand was a mediocre game, thanks to EGM en español giving it a 6. I'm still trying to find the review to see why they gave it such a low grade.
This and EGM were the only mags worth reading back then.
>How did things get this way?
Because journalists are desperate, greedy leeches. Calling Mario a Nazi propaganda brings in way more clicks than saying something positive/informative about it.
Do you want to? I’m not doing anything later today so I’m available.
I lost my virginity 15 years ago when I was 15 but I always reply to those just because of how stupid, normie and underage it sounds.
Everyone was an incel at one point, using it as an insult is fucking retarded. Plus, people normally use it when they don't have an argument.
would you please delete this kind sir?
Outrage culture.
Clickbait articles and ads giving revenue based on views is what has ruined the internet.
Same. Scores are so skewed nowadays that people actually dismiss anything below 75/7.5 for being a an unenjoyable game. A 6 or even 5 used to mean a game could be enjoyable.
6 is literally considered good in the music, TV and movie industry.
Go look at Metacritic and see this in action. Movies, TV shows and albums stay green until they go below 61. It's only video games that turn yellow below 75.
PSM was the best game magazine ever published.
why is she sitting like that?
By the time consoles were playing DVDs the deline had already begun, I agree with you but have been watching longer.
How is it they can release that many winners in a year and now they make a good game every four-six years? ;-;
do you store your digitally distributed games on a hard disc drive or a solid state drive? pro tip: you should store on a solid state drive so your lossy files don't get worsened in quality over time
less detail so your mind fills in the blanks with what it wants to see.