Why does he exist?

Why does he exist?

Attached: P5_Morgana_character_artwork.png (336x461, 151K)

Marketing tool for the Fatlus masses

To make you realize the importance of sleep.

To give you confusing urges

He's cute

because people liked teddie so naturally they had to rehash the same idea and fuck it up

personally i think teddie was better but not by much

i want to cuddle with Morgana and give him pats on his head

I wanna tickle his little kitty paws

How fucked up is your libido that you want to fuck that thing? Has porn desentitized you or something?

this, there's a template of characters that are carried over everygame since p2, with a few standouts each game to carry the experience

get a load of this newfag


I'd say it's more embarrassing that you can't do it.

1. Mascot for the game
2. Lore reason

To be the animal mascot

Also to start off as decent character only to devolve into a terrible one as the story goes on by reminding you of his existential issues over and over all fucking game only to rush through them in like 3 sloppily handled days that are only there to introduce Haru while making Morgana seem like the whiniest bitch ever.

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>"Are you still shitposting on Yea Forums, user? Let's go to sleep already."

>mods deleting completely worksafe images of video game characters

Atlus got the strange idea that since People liked Persona 4 that meant they liked everything in it (Including Teddie).

Having a little kitty snuggle with you every night and be in your bad 24/7 is cute as fuck.

Attached: 32C22820-504A-48A9-B0A6-645CB8408477.jpg (1323x1478, 288K)

Animal mascot
Teach mechanics of game
random drama in middle of game for no reason


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Because Atlus thinks that mascots are best when they're insufferably annoying.

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this transcends faggotry

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To ruin the first half of the game.

>kissing your pet makes you a faggot
ren is like mona’s dad/big bro

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Would it be possible to sleep in the Metaverse instead then?