Is there anyone, ANYONE who actually liked this game?

Is there anyone, ANYONE who actually liked this game?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Me . But not as a fallout game . Was more of a fallout and mass effect combination.

Everyone except Yea Forums.

Me. I slapped on this mod and it was easily one of the most grim games in a long time.

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Me. Then again, I hadn't played Fallout for nearly a decade before picking this up last year. Put 100 hours into it, although I could see the flaws.

Yeah, but they’re all plebs.

I liked the robot pirate ship

Honestly yeah it was fun. Not amazing as much as the press around it would have you believe but it was fun.

Best quest despite that place lagging like hell.

The people who like this game are more lifeless than the NPCs that inhabit it

Yes. There was nothing wrong with it. The only ones who disliked it were obsidianfags (who hate everything that isn't a st turd from obsidian) and immersion fags upset about voice acting

A lot of people liked this piece of shit.

Don’t t get me wrong I played probably 40 hours before uninstalling but it really wasn’t good. I just didn’t want to admit I wasted 40 bucks. It wasn’t the worst game I spent money on but it was certainly the worst fallout in the franchise.

Playing on Survival mode as diet STALKER is ok with the right mods

i put about 100 hours in it and never touched it again, didnt even buy the dlc. It was ok but it got too samey. Compare this to the 500+ hours i have in new vegas

Then you actually start playing the game and interacting with npcs and your immersion is completely ruined

it's good in survival mode with mods
>get rid of dialog wheel
>darker nights
>darker interiors
>stalker enb
>build anywhere

Are we going to beat this dead horse again? 1 and 2 came out over 20 fucking years ago. Drop it already. 4 has strong elements, they just focused on the dull ass building mechanics too much. It's not perfect, nowhere near peak Bethesda but that was also about 20 fucking years ago. At some point if you're getting burned you need to stop licking the stove, fucknut.

Combat was good the rest is shit

As long as you don’t care about story and can dal with base management, it’s a fun exploration game, probably the same comparison between Skyrim and oblivion

*raises paw*

I liked it with mods.
Does that count?
The base game was 'fine'. I bought into it knowing I'd mod it though.

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Gun fights in this game are funas FUCK bro

Loved the settlement building/material-acquiring funded by water merchants, and the slow sprawl to settle the wasteland. Unfortunately there's just far too many bugs and locked content for it to be playable

this nigga knows the finer things in life

>it good with mod
glitter doesn't make a turd any better, only shinier

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>critiquing ANYONE for their taste
fucking kek

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Are there any mods that fix the story or is it just shit? I sure would love to join the Institute and reform it from the inside without having to kill the Railroad.

Yes, I really liked F4.
F1=F4 > F3 > FT > FNV=F2
Can't wait for F5.

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user, we're talking about a video game. V I D E O G A M E. Not a turd. You should stop playing with your poo. Maybe loosen your helmet - it's exasperating your retardation.

Not really. I stuck to a character suffering from depression so I picked all of the sad sounding options and it worked out really well. Imagine dead space but focused around the mod's atmosphere.

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Fallout 4 is a turd masquerading as a "video game" though

H-heh. Good joke...

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It's a fun shoot some nigga game, and I loved the building system, bad fallout game tho. I had got up to level 102 or so on the xbox, built a 5 story vault to store all my shit in and made really cool stores and restaurants (stole cups and containers from nuka world for my restaurants) inluding a store that only sold pristine kitchenware, a paint store (for all my paint buckets) Put all my favorite armors on about 100 mannequins in a room (this room is extremely crashy) gave every guard vault armor kept it lore friendly, built raider fishing settlements in parts a brotherhood of steel base and an enclave base. learned a glitch to go past the pop and settlement limits cause I wanted to keep it legit (i played with some mods after tho) and it runs like 10 fps and if I sprint it tends to crash. Sold my xbox will buy a one X when next gen starts just to play with my vault no desire to build it again maybe one day I could dump the vault to PC IDK, I have fallout 4 on PC and haven't booted it up once

I liked it. I still play it occasionally.

I mostly just like working on settlements. I treat the game more as a city-builder than an actual Fallout game, where i'm actively working to make the commonwealth a better place through my settlements.

It can be pretty cozy. A few mods help. I'm a college professor, so it's nice to just zone out and build shit.

Piper is cute and its fun to shoot things in this game

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it's not bad. i kinda liked it.

The scenery was quite nice.

Game is meh.
Good here, shit there but playable if you're down to the bottom of the barrel in what to play.
Is there a way to make the game not run like shit in borderless?

Cool story didn’t read but respect xbro

>replay it recently
>want to do melee/big guns build
>no ammo for heavy weapon early so put all my point into melee for now
>encounter random deathclaw while chasing Cereal
>barely damage him and he kills me pretty quickly
>reload use a legendary wounding 10mm I found a while ago with no perks or gun mod
>nuke him in a few seconds
That's when I uninstalled

Why are all my settlers black or mutts, But all the raiders are white people? Answer me that todd.

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I enjoyed playing it for a while but got bored long before finishing it and it felt more like a spinoff than an actual fallout game


Well as you can see from this thread a whole bunch of retards did. Game was a mess, forgotten for a reason.

My biggest annoyance with the Legendary system was how no legs were better than the Freefall legs (especially when you kept reloading the save so they weren't leather) and the fact you can't get legendary power armor Pieces to drop from creatures even though the power armor was a fuckin vehicle in the game, and unless you like the BOS (I don't) you get like legendary pieces of Power armor my dudes normal outfit was better than any power armor in the game

>nv and 2 are the worst

I was proud of my automated ammo factory. Had to use a couple mods that allowed the junk in my storage to be pulled out by ammo machines (or something like that - can't quite remember), but essentially had a row of buttons I could press to make ammo be built.
Good stuff.

*you get like 2 pieces of

>Taking such obvious bait
Based retard

>tip 110 armor fedora

What's the right mods?

It was rad gunplay in vr.

everything else about it. EVERYTHING else is garbage.

On survival mode with a couple of mods (disable fast travel except between settlements with a supply line) and quality of life improvements, I had a lot of fun for a while. Decent gunplay

Obvious downsides were performance, shit dialog and story, radiant quests.

8/10 with some mods, 6.7/10 without mods

source? thats pretty funny
underrated post honestly.
stale try again.
mods make Bethesda games tolerable yea

All those crafting perks are annoying me

Worst fallouts.

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that's hot

It's actually not bad if you mod it to add bullet time and a jetpack. Otherwise it sucks.

I couldn't get into it at all because the dialogue looked so badly written and the world so unoriginal, but props to those who could play the shit out of it with mods and salvage something.

Anybody who played vanilla more than 100 hours is NPC tier.

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For those who hate the game, which is almost everybody. Here's a guide to fix it.

>which is almost everybody

>shoot some nigga game
based chadwardenn poster

this actually looks pretty fucking hilarious

They all look cool but isn't the game piss easy already?

Set in on max difficulty. There are probably mods to make it even more difficult too.

I liked it more than real life atleast.

Bethesda didn't make fallout 1 and 2.

Fallout 4 was so bad that not even mods could fix it.

I liked the game, but voice acting was a mistake, not because of the actual acting, but because of the way it limited responses. Hell, even Todd admitted it was a mistake.
Did make the Silver Shroud quest much more enjoyable though.

Do enemies still spawn inside settlements?

who mentioned anything about fallout 1 and 2? fallout 4 is just a straight up shit game regardless of its past

Have a Steam friend that does. Well, it's not like he enjoys the story or any thing. He just installs a fuck ton of mods to make attractive female NPCs to dress up and to put in various poses.

When's Van Buren coming out? I've been waiting very patiently for black isle to release their 4th fallout game, loved 1,2 and Tactics, can't wait to see their elements combined in 3D!

I was pleasantly surprised Bethesda added small improvement to the engine a bit. Like you could see the wind/dust effect as the Vertibird lands. Also the lighting and god rays especially in Far harbor.

If I but armoured clothes from the railroad guy can I remove the ballistic weaving and apply it to something else like a normal armour mod?

it was good as a sci-fi shooter with RPG elements, sort of like a cross between Borderlands and Mass Effect (but even more watered down), plus some settlement mechanics. Its main problem is the screwed level scaling (wasn't a huge problem for me since I stopped after 40 hours, but towards the end I was still beginning to notice it) and all the guns being fucking awful in both appearance and function.

It's not good as a Fallout game, though I wouldn't call it outright bad even in that respect. The world and branches were decently thought out on their own, but still had gaping holes and didn't come anywhere near living up to the standards New Vegas set.

i like it. with a fuck ton of mods

Played it for like 30 hours though
played 76 for over 100

Everyone except Yea Forums's ass and their shit taste in anything that's not New Vegas. As a Fallout game was it a little on the weak side? Absolutely. The writing was 6/10, but was it fun? Hell yes it was. New Vegas is my favorite of the Fallout titles and I enjoyed 4. Has much better gunplay and some good mods too. Overall 7.9/10.

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If you are OK with LITERALLY the only enemies being raiders, super mutants, deathclaws, mirelurks, and insects. For the entire game.

So Fallout 1 with Mirelurks.

basically the entire series

no, because fallout 1 has decent writing and isn't a first person shooter

I liked it after downloading 250 mods to fix all the bullshit Bethesda did

It's also aged like shit and is a slow slog compared to games today.

There really isn't a middle road with fallout 4. Either youre guns and power armor are big-time OP or you're going to waste 100 5mm minigun bullets to take away half of a super-mutants health

It's fun to explore but god its a horrible rpg. I started nuka world today and after far harbor I doubt I'll ever play it again.

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It was OK until the power armour and death claw

t. Zoomer

Do the creation club updates still break your game and ruin older mods because todds a homo?

Not a zoomer, neck yourself you fucking clown and take your poorly aged game with you. It was good for its time but doesn't hold up today.


Hold up compared to what? Dying light? No shit sherlock, your grey matter is too fresh to appreciate games made before 2000

I feel like only consolefags seem to try and make this argument. Imagine not having options

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I don't give a shit and I've played plenty of classics and appreciate 99% of them. Fallout 1 is a boring piece of shit only good for the lore. Go fuck yourself.

I mean what do you consider classics, doom, Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Secret of Mana, Mario 3, Tetris? Me too. Fallout 1 is completely inferior to 2 but if you don't like 1 you proabaly don't like 2

I like how they did the power armour

I'm playing it in VR and it's pretty cool.

wow gay, at this point i'll have to wait a few years after they neck their support for it to try a modded playthrough. Might be for the best though.
It can be boring but it's not as bad as you claim drama queen faggot.

Daggerfall, DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D, all of the popular 90s shit I've played through and enjoyed thoroughly. My opinion is just as relevant as anyone else's here.
Don't care, faggot.

Remember when they bitched at all the mod makers because their mod wasn't on xbox then people started stealing them and making packs for xbox. Console babies say so much stupid shit like "plug and play" 2013: "who cares about graphics, it's all about the games, you can have your 4k it's pointless" 2017: "4K 4K 4K!" Fuck Em they fight for scraps instead of leaving their cage.

You ever play Postal 2?

Absolutely. One of my favorite games that I've run through a dozen times.

Amazing game

Aged like shit though

Atom bomb baby, loaded with power
Radioactive as a TV tower
A nuclear fission in her soul
Loves with electronic control

Agreed, it's a little worn nowadays, but still a good time if you just wanna play some stupid shit and dick around in. Would a Postal 3 ever work nowadays, user? With the current political and social climate and all.

A mod for extracting materials from the Workbench and the Workshop DLC
A good addition is the mod that adds an automated butcher so you can throw corpses in and get meat and bones for your skull throne.

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If they make it play like doom 2016 and they go all in on the humor like 2 the gaming world would shit it's self because of racist they depict muslims in P2, let alone everything else

It is a decent game if
you never talk to preston
you don't care about the story
get the dlc
dats it


I did. Combat was great, world building was good, mods are great, gameplay is fun.
If they had implemented better RPG mechanics and had written a decent story it would have been one of the GOATs

I enjoyed it about as much as Fallout 3 on the whole.

>you never talk to preston
General. Another settlement needs your help. I’ll mark it on your map.

Eh you could skip nuka world it's cute and all and adds an AK but Far Harbor really set my expectations too high for Nuka I thought "Well the main story is okay, and far harbor is pretty cool, a raider society DLC like the Pitt? Hell yeah, then I played it and had to go around and fix the join like thrillville shit and when they let me divide up the land I wanted to only give what ever mags black faction was called (There was the pack and the disciples I don't remember the others) the whole park cause they spoke $$$ but I had to keep the pack alive unfortunately (they kinda quirky tho)

You are forgetting robots.

they run with no problems on consoles


Operators. Shame they didn't have actual faction quests. Either way the DLC had better quests than the base game. Also I killed Dima because fuck his gay ass mini game.

I enjoyed the base building

With Mods

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I liked it well enough, was a decent time sink.

THe biggest way they could have improved it to me was making it so you only have one suit of Power Armor that you can build up over the course of the story (Think of it like the Magnum Opus from Mad Max), and you don't get it in the first twenty mins.

They also should have scaled back the number of settlements considerably, and not tied shit for settlements to the perk list. Maybe 3 big settlements, like Sanctuary Hills and the Castle, and a half dozen small ones, like the Red Rocket one. They also needed to let you be able to clean them up more, instead of having piles of trash and grass and weeds everywhere.

I think that at least would have been a good start.

I killed everyone but far harbor, when we raided dimas compound the beanie guy killed the Asian bitch, I kept trying to pacify her but she just really wanted to die I guess. Crazy Bitch

You could get 3 power armors in the first 20 minutes but not that many cores on top of them being LEVEL based making them pretty shit. But yeah at the end of the main quest you should have like 14 in your settlement. Agree on the settlements looking like shit. You have a world where you can do crazy shit but houses look like something out of Somalia.

You ever done the Children of Atom ending to FH? Was really fun desu.

Good. That fucker was a hypocrite that was making synths out of human flesh and then deleting his memory so that he was guilt free anyway. Bonus points if you are BoS or Institute and snitch on them lol.

By the end of the game I had something like 30 armors, and like 200 cores.

>There was nothing wrong with it.

Those ten hours of finding nothing but pipe weapons still triggers me.

I built a floating vault on top of sanctuary so I didn't have to look at it and I turned the drive in into a baseball field and made all the settlers baseball players they should've let you delete structures so you could have fields I can destroy a house in like 30 minutes IRL imagine with a suit of power armor

Yes children of atom very funny had to destroy them tho it's karma for them all shooting at me in the base game

The tattletale quests are so funny you literally call the feds on them

>I can destroy a house in like 30 minutes IRL
What tools are at your disposal, user? Do you do this regularly?

Yeah...wish they weren't such dicks in the Commonwealth. Fuck those gamma guns early game, dude. I remember going in thinking the CoA were peaceful like in F3, goddamn was that a mistake.

Fire and explosives can easily destroy a house. However the mess...

No but I got gasoline, a tractor, a Metallica tee shirt and 3 AR15s I can easily level any house in the suburbs

So you light your metallica t shirt on fire, then burn everything and use your tractor to clean shit up while you shoot people with your AR15's?

I want to get pegged by Piper

Piper is fat. Fat!

Piper is a complete sub no way she'd peg you

Go get those housefags, tractoranon.

I made a giant sign and put her on those restraint things from the nuka cola dlc that read "anything for a story". She is there all day because that is her job.

haha wow

It's good for making little houses :D

I really don't want to turn on my ps4 user. That shit is loud. But it is easy to do. If you have the dlc you can do it in like 3 minutes tops. Just make in top of a pillar so that everybody in your settlement can see her. I made one for Cait but I'm not smart so her's just reads as "Junky Bitch".


The broken houses in Sanctuary bug the shit outta me. Most of the time, I just get a mod that lets me delete so I can build something more solid in its place.

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I tried to mod it but the game is so boring and bad that I just stopped and said "why even bother" and deleted it.

I've done this 3 times now.

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I pretty much did that with that one pissed off bitch you save with Preston (the sad bastards wife) but my sign read "Test guns here"

People still get kidnapped despite a 70+defense when you talk to preston vs never talking to him and people don't bug you.

Based. Glad there are other sadists in this thread besides me.

Awesome and mods fix like most of the issues with settlement building like being able to build anywhere and NPCs actually staying in their spots


finally, after 298 mods I can finally play fallout 4 and enjoy it

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Supermunants somehow get into my vault dispite all entrances guarded with turrets and goons (they spawn in the middle I know) and they die so quickly all it does that's actually meaningful is lock my NPCs in fighting animations (only the guards have guns in my police state ass vault of course)

i know theres a mod to specifically spawn attackers well outside of settlements

>master locked pre war safe
>hardened pipe pistol

Yeah laser turrets are amazingly effective lol.

Level based?
It is worse when you fight like 10 legendary faggots only to get like leather armor of faggotry.

>kill a legendary
>get *assassins left metal arm*
>kill random gunner
>covered in heavy combat armor

I really like using this one brick wall mod. You can make some really comfy buildings out of it.

I already really son't get why you can't tear down ruined buildings in fallout 4. You could in RDR2.

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To this day, I'm still full of hatred towards it.

Shit game, wouldn't waste my time again with it.

About 14 million people who bought it.

Nobody brought up interplay

>4 has strong elements
Like what

>kill legendary radroach
>piercing minigun

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It's legit garbage. People ITT that keep droning about "good game, bad Fallout game" retard shit are basically NPCs. It's boring, with a Zoomer crafting loop that disconnects the actual gameplay from what is going on in the game's world. Janky ass gameplay with Gamebryo's floaty combat. The story has no fucking stakes at all, no motivation to keep playing because of how contrary it feels to the sandbox hobo simulator. The worldbuilding is also trash because that it's a tonal and thematic mess that doesn't know what it wants to be and where it wants to take the player.

>American Revolution theme with Minutemen and Robot Ship
>Baseball theme with Diamond City MUH SWATTERS
>Irish Boston theme with Cath and whatever the fuck else
>Film-Noir detective theme with Nick (but then the mayor of Noir City is a ghoul pirate for no reason)
>Lovecraft theme with Cabbots
>70's Sci-Fi and Androids theme with Institute and Railroad

Most of these except the PKD Androids theme are dropped later, and have nothing to do with anything that's going on in the game.

It was widely popular and got good reviews from both users and reviewers. The people who wrote NV said they liked it and the storytelling direction Bethesda tested out. It's a pretty good game.

They're aware of the issues, and in particular they said they'll be doing dialogue differently in the future. Which is good.

Fallout 4 is a good example of Yea Forums contrarianism.

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I dont know how people make multi-story buildings. Everytime I try and build a sky-scraper shit will just refuse to clip into eachother. What kind of fucking retards designs a building system where walls can't stack unless you have a floor attached to it?

I liked it.

bro the story telling was absolutely retarded and the fact that vanilla fo4 forces you to either join or destroy the institute is double retarded

what about fallout 76? is it even still alive?

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i thought it was ok. only played it for half an hour though.

I still like it.

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Mods probably
I can't get into settlement building because I have zero creativity


That first paragraph could not be more wrong.

It got good critic reviews.
it got good user reviews.
Avellone is on record saying he liked the more character-centric storytelling and even went as far as to say "it's probably the future of the genre".

These are all a matter of fact. You're ignorant.

Of course you have to either join or fight the institute. They're the main antagonists of the commonwealth. This is like complaining you have to either join or fight the Combine in Half Life or the Enclave in Fallout3.

That's not actually what I said. But it's there for you to re-read if you want to try again.

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>Of course you have to either join or fight the institute.

Shut the fuck up you 22 year old faggot, the fact that you cant take over the institute is retarded

I liked killing everyone but the minutemen then making preston cry (literally) when I let the operator's take over


It makes sense why Maxson doesn't want to. This is explained in the game and it fits with Maxson's character.

The MM and the RR should be able to. It was laziness to not add these two factions having some sort or takeover or compromise ending. So the MM and RR not being able to is an omission from the game, on a long list of similar omissions in bethesda games (skyrim had a bunch, etc). I'm not here to say everything was perfect. I'm here to say that Yea Forums has a strong desire to be contrarians, so they point at a few flaws and jump to the conclusion that the game sucks. When in reality, there is a spectrum of quality and the game actually lies a lot higher than Yea Forums likes to say.

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I agree it's stupid tho that you can't run the bitch, I'd just produce enough synthetic gorillas to clean up the commonwealth

Eh, kind of liked it. I won't deny that it is disappointing compared to New Vegas and Skyrim.

A friend of mine told me long ago that more recent Bethesda games are "as vast as an ocean but as shallow as a puddle." I began to come to this feeling so fucking quickly into my initial exploration of the world after the intro. The shit speech system sealed it for me. Gone was my ability to relate to my custom character, gone was my ability to role play in this role playing game, gone was my immersion almost immediately into my adventure. I had moments of enjoyment while traveling the wasteland but there were no missions or quests that stood out to me nor were there any NPC's I could even enjoy carting around (except the robots I built and assaultron Curie). The only time Bethesda releases a good Fallout game is when they don't even make it. Bethesda makes decent tools at best but they have the writing abilities of high schoolers.

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Are there any good mod these days? It's been a few years now.

Depends on what you're after.

There were too many immersion ruining things that pissed me off about fallout 4, and the fact that nameless modders fixed many of them only made me even more mad.

>vanilla minute men are literally a bunch of fucking dickheads and pussies wearing normal street clothes, running into your random ground troops always sees them getting anally raped by basic gunners or raiders, ESPECIALLY the BoS
>You're the general of the minute men but cannot navigate troops anywhere without manually selecting settlers individually
>vanilla development system is literally broken, cannot set down anything evenly square on the shitty terrain
>the combat zone is literally broken and left unfixed because Bethesda couldn't figure out how to strip the player's items and leave melee weapons into a locker in the basement
>settlements often glitch out in a number of different ways, from disappearing resources, disappearing settlers, to over-estimations of settlers that dont exist once you visit

>Power armor is not split up into 5 different pieces that all have to be maintained individually
>get it at the beginning of the game along with a mini-gun, the more you level up the more enemies just become bullet sponges like yourself
>hurr durr you cannot craft this because you do not have enough "adhesive"
>literally no point of gunners. Barely any back-story or explanation is given as to why they are always hostile despite being mercenaries

That last one gets even better as I just downloaded a quest mod that attempts to flesh out a story in Bethesda's place.
>Why the fuck did the gunners attack Quincey and just shut down trade? Who would pay them to do that and what would be the overall benefit to occupying a ghost town?
>Why the fuck does nobody notice Quincey was destroyed except Preston Garvey? Piper even convinces DC guards to let you in on a lie that you are a trader from Quincey, so even she doesn't know what happened

It's enjoyable if you don't think about what you're doing beyond:
When you actually pay attention it falls apart astonishingly badly.

fallout 4 fucking trash game

NV is pretty amazing

this pretty much sums up my autistic rambling

The Autistic Perk is amazing. Even at Higher intelligence (which you need to have to build shit) you level up so fast and it is always funny hearing the retarded ass song.

this. FO4 is just a skeleton for mods you can actually have a good experience but you do 40% of the work to get to that point.
which is ridiculous but can be fun if you have the time.

if it was

>make decision that affects the story or world in some way

I think I'd enjoy it more

progression on loot or levels is boring shit but making role play decisions is fun

i liked it, mostly

yes, yes ...i was my first Fallout game... i don't care!

The world is huge, lots of quests, even when often a bit too similar
Basebuilding was fun...the first few times, at least

sure, the minutemen was faggots.
god i hated them.

however, for a "modern" game, alot of content.
you often play MP-only games and paying even more.

it is good enough for me and i don't give a fuck about "oldschool" fallout fanboys opinion.

base building is literally impossible in vanilla fo4

actually has good followers, unlike 3 or Skyrim, imho they're on par with NV followers

>>Power armor is not split up into 5 different pieces that all have to be maintained individually
have you even played the game?

Lone wanderer is so good though

Have you?? Power armor is literally two legs, two arms, a torso, and a helmet on place of a "power armor frame." Kill yourself. Also thats 6 individual pieces.

who do you mean that?

i've build pretty decent/large "settlements"

I'm guessing that the Minutemen as a playable faction was added later on in the game since they really don't have much of a stake in the whole Synth plotline or any real beef with the other factions. They only attack the Institute because you make them.

There should been a mission where you lead a company of Minutemen on an attack on Quincy, where you face off against the leader of the Gunners. There you discover that the Institute was behind the Quincy massacre, giving the Minutemen a reason to hate the Institute.

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I mean try setting down something level on the weird ass fucking terrain without it constantly "turning red"

Wow, a better plotline gets written in a half hour on Yea Forums. You don't happen to be a transsexual with purple hair, are you? If not I doubt you can get a job in the industry

>tfw like the hq, music and technology of the railroad but have a hard time siding with them

Still play it once in a while

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to try out some mod

the minutemen are literally you, it's your faction so if they suck it's mainly because they don't grow.
every Fallout faction had to start somewhere, some, like the Brotherhood and Enclave for example had ups and downs too.

OP meant to post Fallout 76. What the fuck was this shit?

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It's not an unlikeable game as much as Fallout autists screech about how it's not true Fallout. It could use a great deal of improvement but to pretend it's as bad as some have misrepresenting it

>improved followers
>improved looting
>improved combat
>nicer looking world
>varied locations
>substantial story DLC

I can see right away there's someone whining about the colour pallette. Yeah, people said Fallout was a drab piece of shit and now it's a colourful mess? Flip flopping fuckers.

>Implying they're separate
Fallout 76 is one and the same with Fallout 4, it suffers all the problems Fallout 4 had with its janky ass boring gameplay, but they became even more apparent because the story and the setting became even more perfunctory.

Have you played the game? What about synths? Pretty major enemy group you left out there.

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It's wrong to say they're the same. 76 is a gutted 4.

>its basically fallout 4 but without any mods that fix Bethesda's bugs and it's online with no NPCs and broken PvP

What a fucking nightmare

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>anything I don't like isn't a video game
What is it with these fucking retards? Character interaction, quests, levelling up, combat mechanics, exploration... nope, not a video game. Like saying something is not x even proves anything apart from what a colossal retard you are.

Lmao the institute was such a shitty faction, with so many horrible "plotholes" for lack of a better term.

They are so contradictory.

I wish I had the autism to make good levels for it

Settlement system saved the game for me. Loved it, especially with mods. Far Harbour and Nuka were good too. I like that Fallout 4 was a return to the wasteland environment, as opposed to Vegas too. Shitty RPG tho, even for an ARPG.

its the laziest fucking writing on earth.

>okay were just going to take blade runner and apply it to fallout universe
>wel.....just....take blade runner and make it a fallout thing

It's Fallout 4 without
>a story
tiny things that don't affect the experience much.

you have to be over 18 to post on Yea Forums

same happened to me, with skyrim also.
its just so shallow it hurts.

>These other people like it so it must be good!

It falls apart the second you get past the "oh lol fallout, wacky nuclear world xD" stage of things.

It's feels like a wet cardboard box covered in good looking wall paper.

I want to punch you just for your gay fucking formatting. Just from the the way you write I can tell you are at the bare minimum, a homosexual.

i thought it was kind of neat messing around with building the first town up.
Then i progressed the actual game and realized it was intolerable.

>no NPCs
Oh they will be bringing those back in a future update, believe you me. FO76 already has a number of non-player characters you can interact in, but they're all robots for no reason because absolute retard lead designer and writer Emil Pagliarulo decided to rip off Everybody's Gone to the Rapture. The only thing he didn't count on is that without proper, actual humanoid character NPCs, and hub towns, all the autistic "muh exploration" is pointless because there is no visible reaction and context to it.

It makes for a decent Call of Chernobyl alternative when you mod it enough. Story is fuckawful and the gameplay still isn't fantastic but it's enough to get a passing grade.

Have you considered therapy, user?

this still isn't an excuse, even remotely. How the fuck did NO ONE in that entire fucking company raise a red flag when this was pitched?

I've always hated any kind of management in games, turf wars, perpetual housekeeping gameplay and infinite, procedurally-generated shit, but ignoring all those aspects it was perfectly fine. Maybe not as a Fallout game, but then I felt the same about 3 and to a lesser degree New Vegas. I think it's still my most-played game on Steam (from one playthrough) and there were some great quests like the stranded robot ship and the hotel murder mystery from Far Harbor.

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Because they're incompetent retards? Bethesda games will never be good until they fire Pete Hines and Emil Pagliarulo

>Because they're incompetent retards?

I havent slept at all and this actually made me lol

I liked it. Didn't just love it, but I liked it. If you didn't or cant admit that it's a fine game, you might actually be a sperg.

>I've always hated any kind of management in games, turf wars, perpetual housekeeping gameplay and infinite, procedurally-generated shit,

I agree and disagree. On virtually all occasions when those game mechanics are included, they aren't implemented well. What those games (including fallout 4) lacks is an actual cohesive feeling like your "turf" is actually relevant, or operable.

I found it closer to something like Borderlands with the heavy shoot and loot aspect. Frankly as an RPG it left me horribly disappointed.

Bethesda games are only playable because of their various 'systems'.

When you're done adventuring in Skyrim you can go home and do some farming/sorting/alchemy in your comfy mod home. It's the only reason I ever reinstall these games.

Honestly okay with the games being a deep as a puddle since it's easier to expand stuff like base management rather than come up with an entirely new system.

Should I even bother finishing it?

It was ok, it's not great, it's not terrible, it's just a run of the mill game but fails as a fallout game

Nah. I stopped short of building the teleportation device, and then just looked at all the endings on YouTube. It's meh.

As someone who liked the settlement building in Fallout 4, the base building in Fallout 76 was a complete disappointment.

The settlement building had a reason in Fallout 4. You were building a city for settlers are work as shop keepers and farmers. There's a lot more they could of done to improve this system, but at least there was a point to making a village.

In Fallout 76, you just building a shack in the wood to store your stuff and do some crafting. There's no point in building a house because you spend most of your time out exploring the world and you don't want to waste your limited amount of junk building anything you don't need.

It's ironic because Fallout 76 was suppose to be all about rebuild the world, but Fallout 4 does it way better.

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possibly the laziest level design iv ever seen.
the lore is basically none existent.
not a fallout game by any metric

i found myself unable to even build anything in vanilla fo4, I have no idea if it's the same for 76. Essentially anytime I would try and place anything on the shitty terrain it would always block me, but if I wanted to balance it on some rock 2 feet off the ground then I can build

dude blade runner lmao

Fuck me it was so fucking bad, what a mess.

Instead of fallout 76 the retards at Bethesda should have turned F4 into a 4 player coop game and it would have been great

Voice Acting killed the role playing aspect and made secondary skills useless as shit
Making the Brotherhood OP again just justifies the House ending even more since it takes place after a few years from NV
Synths are interesting but not to the scale of being a major plot point

In one of the earlier interviews on 76 Todd let it slip that it was originally supposed to be a multiplayer/co-op for Fallout 4, but they just couldn't make it work, so they dumped it on Bethesda Austin.

>Limiting choices on a RPG
Damn 4fags are worse than I thought

What a bunch of losers
Who the fuck thought that F76’s design was remotely good?

It was kind of good at the start but it gets really boring/devoid of new content after a while. The problem the fallout devs have are how they relentlessly rip off the concepts of other games (randomly generated guns/enemies and legendary npcs from borderlands, crafting/building from minecraft, build mode survival sandbox for fallout 76 from rust, dialouge wheel from mass effect, etc.) And have no creative bone in their body.

If you look at it for a few seconds it's obvious bethesda treats fallout as a mass apeal cash cow first and only, don't expect anything beyond a ripoff of other games when you play the next fallout.

>It's fun to explore but god its a horrible rpg

This sums up the game pretty well

>game's premise based on Blade Runner
>doesn't have That Gun
One job, Todd

Attached: FNVThatGun.png (1750x1050, 949K)

Possibly, but how would you know if they're badly-implemented (instead of a bad idea to begin with) if you don't have anything good to compare them to? Anyway I get turned off whenever they force any of that stuff in games, be it Assassin's Creed or GTA or Stalker Clear Sky.

I'm the complete opposite, I just want a good, finely-crafted adventure RPG, not Second Life or ・:*RADIANT™ *:・

This is why the "Place Anywhere" mod is a must have for Fallout 4.

But placing anything in Fallout 76 is an absolute pig. Making it so you can't put down a floor piece on any surface too uneven in a game where the terrain is 90% hill is a bit of a dick move.

It was Skyrim with guns but with the main quest sucking hard start to finish, and most subquests also sucking major dick. I hear some of the DLC is alright, but I never got to that point.

The reason I'm saying Skyrim is because there was a noticeable leap from FO3 to Skyrim, but complete degeneration from Skyrim to FO4. It felt mostly the same game, but it played and looked uglier in every way, with the worst crime being is that they all but killed a player's ability to roleplay as they offered no to little options in the voiced dialogue. I think the only slight improvement (compared to FO3 that is) was the slightly better level design, which was compacted to reduce much empty space. Although they absolutely crammed it full with mostly meaningless diversions, making it really annoying for the player to stay on-course quests.

>if you don't have anything good to compare them to?

By just using my imagination to realistically think of a reasonable implementation. Speaking of fallout 4, if they made settlements able to be self-sufficient with some kind of mode to navigate MM troops, (seeing as you can become the General early on) I could see myself being able to overlook the shitty story-line and other mechanics

I remember on my first run of vanilla 4 I would just hold down my click and have objects rotating constant 360s while trying to find a space to place something

Lets take 1 seconds to step away from the atrocious story line...

>MacCready: Hey we need to get this special serum for my son
>Virgil: Hey when youre in the institute can you grab me some special secret serum?
>Cabot: Hey, can you grab me some secret serum?
>Cait: Hey, can you take me to find some secret serum for my addiction?
>Hey, do you have the secret vault serum cure?

Diamond City/Goodneighbour area had THREE radio-themed quests... Emil is a fucking retard hack, he wouldn't be able to find a job anywhere if he wasn't friends with Todd.


Man that mod is fantastic. Thanks for sharing it, user!

I hope you get a terminal disease.

Me, but it felt like a far cry game with quests

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As long as we're complaining about Fallout 4, you know what I found weird? There are no tribals.

In a world where everyone lives in broken shacks and the only school in a room building in a Ball Park, everyone is not only literate, but surprisingly tech-savvy.

Even the most remote raider talks in perfect English, is able to set up turrets and has their own digital blog.

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Mentally ill