>reuse the engine and keep the current roster
>redo the models and effects in a japanese studio, do NOT pass it off to pooristan. make thanos look like the movie one to get the normalfags interested.
>add all the missing umvc3 characters and a few mvc2 ones like roll and cable.
>advertisement should focus on this being a return to form and an apology for infinite.
Presto, revived franchise.
Reuse the engine and keep the current roster
>keep the current roster
stopped reading right there. Go to Yea Forums if you wanna slurp that MCU cock, cuck.
MvCI roster is easily the worst roster in marvel history
MvC is dead, cope.
I mean, there's no reason to trash characters they already made
Really sucks that mvci has an uneven roster. Here's my picks for an updated Infinite roster.
If they are going to use Unreal engine again there is pretty much no reason not to keep the already done characters.
>Capcom doing any sort of work on a fighting game
Based and Demon Cradled.
i still can't even fathom why they got rid of easily ported characters like felicia and wright
let me pretend
>"Huh-ha! X-men in my Avengers game?! That's just crazy!"
I don't think the Mouse cares anymore consider Nintendo has the X-Men back for Ultimate Alliance 3.
Why are we hardly hearing any news over Ultimate Alliance 3, it's supposed to be out really soon.
Felicia is too naked and Wright is too lame.
because it's an upscaled mobile game and they're trying to hide it
at least they own them now
No scrap The Infinite brand all together make MVC4 and pretend it never happened.
>Marvel players in denial that their series has joined the ranks of all the other dead Capcom fighting game series
Enjoy your bathroom side tournaments.
'90s Capcom were so good ;_;
My mind is still fucking blown by how shitty this game looks. What the fuck happened? If you showed someone MVC3 and this at the same time and asked which was the newer one, most would assume MVC3.
What a fall from fucking grace.
I can't help but think Capcom knew this shit would flop (seriously NO X-MEN?) and just made it as cheap as possible.
>and keep the current roster
Why is Hulk there twice?
Mouse never gave a shit, it was petty Pearlmutter.
>this is on the final roster
why are there 2 hulks?
I really don't understand why Black Widow needed to be in this game. She was only ever pushed in the MCU because they needed a token female Avenger and now that that insufferable dyke Carol is around there's no point in hanging onto little miss nobody.
Infinite did a pretty shitty job promoting the MCU. Now would be a good opportunity for actual good picks like Loki, Vision or Daredevil but instead we get Black Widow who no one still particularly cares about compared to the others.
Guess they thought some ScarJo fanboys would buy it on the strength of her being there?
Why is vee so obsessed with a game as dead and rotting as mvci?
she's not gay, she's just really tsundere to everybody
Textbook example of how to kill a cult franchise.
I will never not be fucking mad that we got Chris AGAIN over Leon and Family Man
Just callin' it like I see it. If it looks like a dyke and quacks like a dyke, it's probably a dyke.
why make your game interesting when you could just reuse an asset from the last one
>make thanos look like the movie one
Get out of Yea Forums.
Chris is the best RE character stay cucked
Yeah but something different would be nice.
Darkstalkers is the only game that could survive nowadays, but the others are fun.
Really Nemesis is the one that should've got cut for Leon/Jack.
True I apologize for calling you cucked
it alright
Well the Mouse definitely doesn't care now because they own the X-Men film rights again.
Blame the shitty shoehorned story where everyone needed to be super serious because "the worlds are at stake" and they chose Arthur to be the odd one out.
When the fuck is Capcom just going to make Marvel vs DC? That shit would sell for sure.
Rumor says they tried during the "branching out from SF2" phase (same time as X-Men, Darkstalkers, etc.) but neither company would agree because they wouldn't allow their characters to be beaten by those of the rival company.
There was a Street Fighter vs DC game that was pitched and greenlit for the PSP, but it fell apart in pre-production.
Fuck all y'all niggas this is what I want
>More content bad
Fucking for real?
There is at least some concept art, right?
I got to see that
Thats fucking retarded, story and logic should come first also, so someone like Black Widow shouldn't be beating Superman
>bad content bad
well, yes. That's exactly it
Justice League cartoon roster is the most Kino
I heard that the actual gameplay is perhaps the best in franchise's history, would be a shame to lose that because of shitty game.
I think they need to release a new version with revamped graphics and a better roster for sure.
Honestly I take just about any developer instead of NRS at this point, as I DC fan I can't stand it that I can't have a good fighting game because WB insist of letting that awful studio be the only allowed the play with their characters.
The guys who made the recent Killer Instinct would be a thousand times better if they insist on have a western developer handle it.
Here OP, let me help you fix that list:
>Update the engine, or just use the one from UMvC3, keep the current roster (yes, even Craptain Marveless - include her Ms Marvel costume as her second option), and make default costumes for the Marvel characters be their comic versions.
>Re-design the entire user interface - from the attract screens, title screen, options screens, select screens, online screens, etc. much like UMvC did it: Bombastic, comicky, FUN.
>Take inspiration from Dragonball FighterZ in regards to battle flow and design.
>Redo the models, balance, attacks, character music, specials, and effects in a Capcom studio, do NOT pass it off to literal who fuck-nugget morons in Kekpooristan.
>Re-include all the missing UMvC3 characters and a several key/classic MvC2 ones like Roll and Cable. Also include more female characters, because Infinity was a total sausage-fest.
>Re-balanced for 3x3 combat.
>Infinity Stones are to be gimped, and there is to be NO DLC shenanigans like Capcom pulled with SFxT & SFV.
>Story Mode is to be dumped entirely. It was utter shit. Either get a writer for Infinity Crisis to write it for them, or only include the classic Arcade Mode with individual endings as per all previous MvC games (minus MvC2). Also improve the Online modes for the 20% of players that actually play online a lot (yes, that's an actual percentage based on the number of people who collect the "Play 5 Matches Online!" trophies in many fighting games).
>Advertisement should focus on this being a return to form and an apology for Infinite, with the fuckwits who tried to sell the world that "no-one remembers the X-whos" and "muh functions" on hands and knees groveling for forgiveness.
>Disney is to have NO control or word on what is and is not included beyond not breaking their quality guidelines (no straight-up nudity, for example). Seriously, Disney can just fuck right off with their bullshit. They wrecked Infinity with their Jewery the first time.
most of the marvel characters are recycled from 3, they only really added thanos, gamora, and yaas queen slay
Nah mate, Capcom threw too much money at the game, from advertising to Evo and such competitions, for them to think the game would just utterly fail. Hell, I think my local Best Buy still has a few large boxed sets of this turd.
>at Xbox E3 conference
>Phil says the fine people at Capcom have been working on a new game
>stage dims
>ESRB logo appears on screen
>pitch black
>suddenly DREAMS DON'T DIE
>crowd erupts in cheers
>it's Marvel 4
>the next 20 minutes is an exhibition between Mike fucking Ross and Combofiend
The ones with the Infinity Eggs?
Nice fanfic.
This is good, except
>Take inspiration from Dragonball FighterZ in regards to battle flow and design.
God damn, I miss old school videogame soundtracks.
Will we ever recover from MCU menace? I really enjoy some of marvel shit, but movie praising fags keep killing my interest in comics.
endgame made 2 billion dollars, it has only just begun
You're not losing much beyond a few stories here and there if you pretend Marvel stopped producing new comics in the early '00s. Even earlier if you wanna be particularly cynical.
It's likely that Capcom will announce something for Microsoft if last year was an indication. It's not like Sony has a conference this year.
>>Story Mode is to be dumped entirely.
No, just get a fucking decent comicbook writer to do it, I mean, I hate the Injustice timeline with how they keep pushing the bullshit that Superman and Wonder Woman need to be evil whatever retarded reasoning, but the storymode is still very well done, bringing out a ton of character to the characters.
Not to mention it attracts the casuals.
>Not to mention it attracts the casuals.
So did the individual Story/Arcade Mode as I also included - along with your suggestion after the part you quoted.
>tfw not even the ones bitching about everyone forgetting about classic Capcom fighters remember Ring of Destruction
he deserved to be fired
i don't even care if he wasn't the one that made that bullshit up, that was some of the worst PR i've ever seen
Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II also never got a home port.
Because WB owns both DC and NRS. They would never let Capcom make that game.
How come Marvel doesn't have any female hero as iconic as her, no one even remotely close.
Would have loved to see her facing someone as iconic with Chun Lin.
I actually miss the 3v3 format, I think it would work better with the stones system
I would argue Storm was their Wonder Woman until the MCU happened.
You forgot the most obvious correction.
That's a shame. They should include it their next arcade bundle. Red Earth, too.
i do solutions, not miracles
They tried with Ms Marvel and, in a certain way, with Storm. Both utterly failed. Now we're stuck with bull dyke retard Kiptin Marvel.
NRS is apparently working on a new original IP, they will probably not do another Injustice for at least a decade at the earliest if at all.
WB needs to have another developer work on that game instead, also, maybe actually show your heroes being heroic now that their movie universe is finally picking up speed.
None of that bullshit of Superman being a dictator and Wonder Woman being a major cunt, it completely betrays the characters.
Or at least do 3D the way ASW did with GGX3rd & DBFZ,
What was the last sprite-based game Capcom made?
Sue Storm was pretty loved in the FF's heyday, to be fair.
Capcom side has a repeating Spencer & Chunners, too.
Remember when she fucked Black Panther after she just got married?
The original Blacked.
Why can't my man get into a fighting game?
True. And if any team deserves to be included, it's the Fantastic Four.
Calm down, Mark Millar.
I'd also say Elektra is up there based on what Frank Miller did with her in the '80s before the terrible movie came along and torched the character's image.
Bring back all the Fox properties now that they have the rights, that would help a shit ton.
The only times anyone got close to breaking them up were in alternate universes. Susan is strangely dedicated to the Absent-Minded Asshole.
Why do they keep doing tag team fights only, would like to have the option of just using one character with more health.
Because he's a lame ass who keeps getting into slap fights with Frank and making both of them look like retards.
Capcom could just reskin Rolento and you'd have a pretty comic-faithful Matt.
Play Skullgirls then and stick to it.
One of the staples of Marvel comics is that every hero, even the solos like Daredevil & Spider-Man, join teams.
>elektra movie
i remember she kissed typhoid mary and that's it
it doesn't feel real
Remember in the Tim Story Fantastic Four movies when they covered Jessica Alba in make-up in an effort to make her look whiter? God, imagine if they did that today.
If we're going to get more SF representation, I'd love to see at least one of the new characters added, preferably someone who can fit the crazy versus mold like Menat. It would also be great if Capcom acknowledged Rival Schools existed again and added Batsu or something.
What is wrong with cutfags
Jokes on you; Boon said he’d love to do a Marvel vs DC game. I liked INJ1&2, but Sub-Zero and Raiden being shoved in INJ2 instead of two DC characters or two other comic characters really pissed me off. No comic accurate costumes pissed me off too
>Asura will never be in a Vs. game
>return to 2d sprites, reduce the size of the game to a fraction and sell it for peanuts to increase accessibility across the board
>expand on tatsunoko vs capcom's minigames so that even people who aren't fans of fighting games will buy it
>include classic characters, obscure ones as well as currently popular ones across all franchises
>update the game going forward with dlc packs to include more game modes, reducing the number of resources needed to maintain it to basically zilch
>keep it going for the full generation instead of rereleasing it with malibu stacy's new hat as "ultimate edition"
Minimal effort for large returns using indie game tactics with AAA resources.
>No comic accurate costumes pissed me off too
Make peace with the constant disappointment. Injustice and Marvel are always going to steer as far away from actual comic book style costumes till the end. Cap is never getting his scalemail again, Supes is never going to have trunks, and the Flash is going to look like a shitty model kit drowning in kibble. Bland realism sells too much.
the time they couldn't use iron man so they brought in his palette swap black friend instead
Here you go
>Keep roster, anyone who advocates for cuts is a moron
>Pull a Smash - "Everyone is here"
>It's all about the fucking roster baby
>Actually show reverence for the characters with intro dialogues, etc like Inj1/2. I don't give a shit what you think of NetherRealm but they nail making their characters feel alive and connected to each other
>Fix designs, menus
>Keep engine, gameplay
After how bad they fucked up, I reckon they can go the extra mile and have a GOAT roster
They could at least make them unlockable or DLC, I see a lot of fanboys buying them.
They don't have to be the default look.
>100 replies in
>nobody mentions the sale
Game is on sale for $7.49 freedom dollar or $10 maple dollar, simps
Fucking hate the art direction in the Injustice games. One of the worst Batman designs I've ever seen
>nobody mentions the sale
Why would I want anyone to buy a bad game?
Also, fix the fucking OST, no more generic Hollywood garbo, bring back the groovy style these games always had.
>bottom corner
what functions are those?
There are multiple corners. Are you referring to the watermark?
I guess what pissed me off the most about it was the wasted potential. Like, each piece was slightly different, and I do mean slightly, but they claimed thousands of gear pieces! It took fans bitching for a straight year and a half just to get a hood for Green Arrow. Like, when it was announced and all that, I was super excited; I was like "I'm going to have Affleck's cape/cowl, with Arkham City's gauntlets, Flashpoint's Symbol, etc. But man, was I so fucking wrong.
jacket function and snikt function
The art direction in NRS is beyond trash now, its outright fucking regressive pushing the typical sjw bullshit agenda.
I mean, they outright said so.
>post your dream newcomers for the next mahvel
>Cloak & Dagger
Not based
Way too OP
I'm actually surprised she hasn't been in any of these games, especially since she was popular when these games started.
Regina was in Namco X Capcom, for what it's worth.
every mahvel is worse than the last
I mean, I don't mind the art direction; I get it, mature games for mature gamers have a realistic style, but for once, I'd love to see a comic inspired artstyle for a DC game. Like, if they took Manapul's work and turned it into 3D, it'd be absolutely gorgeous.
Anyone from Onimusha except Samanosuke or Soki. Personally, I want Guildenstern.
Also bring back Colossus
Agreed, loved the way he makes heroes look.
Him and Cliff Chiang have my favorite styles, not too realistic but also not too simple.
But seriously, I would like some styliziation for the next game, Marvel also suffered with Infinite by trying to be more realistic.
Donovan seems like he would do well in Marvel considering that he was designed from the beginning to control lots of space, to the point that they actually had to keep nerfing him during development because he was too good for the relatively more limited mobility of Darkstalkers. They could just undo that nerfing for Marvel and he'd fit right in.
That would take effort in direction, when realistic really just needs the manpower to create the polygon count.
Vengeance. Though i'd be happy if just GR and Blackheart were in the same game.
Chiang is nice too. But hell, if they wanted to get crazy, toss in Rocafort.
I know, right? But at the same time, with Manapul, for example, his figures are very simple. I'm sure they could churn out a model quite easily; it's the coloring, shading, texturing, etc, and making the models stand out against the same stylized backgrounds.
Alt costumes as other characters are so heinously underutilized. One of the things that Injustice 2 did right. Superheroes go through so many alternate costumes and have so many analogous support characters that there's no good reason not to do it.
>no Pheonix Wright, Amaterasu, or Viewtiful Joe
Into the trash it goes.
MvC would be better if it was just Capcom versus Capcom, prove me wrong
Aren't these games like not even popular in Japan because they don't really care for Marvel superheroes in general?
here's a realistic attempt at a pseudo-sequel to infinite roster. they probably wouldn't take everyone back from MvC3, just the important ones. that's to say a reboot of a reboot. thanos snapped his fingers and half the marvel and capcom universes are killed. that explains the absence of some characters. m.bison might as well get the infinity gauntlet as well. them mcu tie ins. vergil is dlc because honestly wasnt sure if people like him after mvc3
in this day and age i dont think sentry has a chance not because hes mega op , just because hes a superman arquetipe muscular aryan i can see dozens of american journalist bitching
Who told you this? Japan likes a lot of super heroes.
American comics are slowly growing in popularity thanks to the movies over there. Some books have been translated and theres actually a tokyo comic con.
kys. Endgame is the biggest cultural event in the past 200 years. I will be remembered throughout history.
He's a shitty character and a complete plot device.
>i can win any fight
>but oh no, my agoraphobia lol ttyl
At least Hyperion has the dynamic of some versions coming from an evil universe and sabotaging other characters to make himself look better..
They were popular enough, just moreso with casuals and less so with the competitive crowd. There are income charts from Japanese arcade magazine Gamest that can be found online and all of the Marvel games were always up there with the other big fighting franchises of the 90s.
The problem with Sentry is that he was supposed to be a oneshot character, a dig at Superman and how powerful he is often portrayed as and how he would break the story.
But then Marvel for whatever retarded reason decided to try to keep him around.
the marvel side its too MCU sided for the newcomers no thanks , if there is a new marvel and it is like that ill pass like i did with infinite i know it is realistic but if there is a new marvel someday i beg capcom not to lean on the MCU
The perfect roster.
For every writer who makes a retarded decision, there's a boardroom of execs who want to see more.
It's fine, I guess.
I'm thinking the DLC would be Vergil, Nina (Breath of Fire 3 or 4) Demitri, Super Skrull, MCU Shill #54 & Cable. Nothing against MCU, just figured that's a safe bet.
>The Vampire
>The Vampire Hunter
>The Vampire Savior
>Oh, and Morrigan of course.
Perfect Darkstalkers representation.
shit makes billions, I dont see a reason why they shouldn't. plus Loki, Scarlet Witch & Falcon would be fun. Couldn't guarantee Star-Lord would be 10/10 but with a Drax assist he could neat enough.
>Black Widow
Seriously, why are we still pretending she is relevant, she works well as a spy but in a superhero movie or videogame she is just another chick with a gun
Demitri will always be a never ever because Marvel wouldn't allow Midnight Bliss on any Marvel character. The fact that many Marvel characters have a female version at some point in the comics makes it a goldmine for potential references too.
He doesn't need Midnight Bliss, it was a joke move that was only in one game of a trilogy.
Normalfags want NRS to make a marvel and I can't comprehend why. WB owns them anyway so It will hopefully never happen
WB owns TT and they make the Lego games.
Vengeance could actually work with his own moveset. He has a chain and bike but he opts to use melee, hellfire beams and toss spikes. Alt costume for GR would be sick too.
Someone made a Mugen version which shows off what he could do.
Fuck, I don't even want them working on the next DC game.
The whole Injustice storyline is fucking awful and nobody but retarded edgelords should like it.
I seriously hope another developer works in the next game and just drops that terrible alternative universe whole.
It needs to get remake honestly
>apology for infinite.
And why exactly do they have to apologize?
Yet it has the best gameplay in the franchise
Retarded nigger
The fighting engine and mechanics are great though, everything else needs to go.
Keep the animations for the characters you already have though, since they work.
The skeleton can be used for a new MvC game, hell, its pretty much what Tekken has been done for a while now.
if you're one of those sycophants that thinks gameplay is entirely unaffected by a shitty samey roster and awful visuals, then I can't cure your retardation
NRS won't make Marvel.
They'll make Marvel vs DC.
Yeah great. Instead of iconic thwip sounds, we'll get some fat woman sucking jello through a straw recorded with the microphone under water.
90% sure it would sound like his MCU version.
100% sure NRS would do it exactly how I said it since that's how they've been doing sound effects since Injustice.
Just give me UMvC3 with some Infinite characters like Jedah, X, Sigma, Venom, Ultron, and Thanos. Add in some more MvC2 vets plus Gene and I'd gladly spend another 60 on the game.
>mfw UMvC3's online is dead on every platform
why was firebrand brought back?
god, id love to ee bachalo do the art for a vs capcom game.....
You're right, gameplay is affected by roster and visuals, so if MvCI has shitty samey roster and awful visuals how then does it also have the best gameplay in the franchises?
why couldn't they?
I think he was licensed to a different vidya project that didn't end up happening
Gene pretty based
learn 2 english you hopeless shitskin
also it doesn't, marvel 1 is better
In a perfect world jeddah would have midnight bliss and we would see all sorts of totally hot shit.
When are they going to do a Capcom all-stars fighting game? So they can give their other IPs some attention, because at this point I don't think they're gonna give us a new darkstalkers ever again.
Jump vs Capcom would be pretty goddamn awesome so long as they let Capcom make it and not make it a fucking arena fighter
80's-90's Capcom music should be its own genre honestly
>we made it 2v2 to appeal to casual players
also marvel:
>people who buy our massive character based fighter don't actually care about the characters at all just their movesets. this includes casual players who we are trying to market to
whoops it was crapcom side who said it!
they obviously treated this like your typical mobile cashgrab
too busy swimming in chinkbux to care about the studio they've historically collab'd with
>leon over chris
You were so close
capcom really learnt their lesson from street fighter x tekken
it's okay to leave half the roster out of the game and sell it later, just don't get caught with it on the disc. you know that is what they were going to do with MvCI
2v2 with active switch was better gameplay wise than mvc2 and mvc3. Fuck assists autoplaying neutral. That was one of the few good ideas of MvCI
kino. is there more?
> Phoenix looking at L
yeah but the point of my post was the massive contradiction in the marketing for the game. treating the characters like they don't matter yet they are the reason why casual players look to the game in the first place
i know, i just hate 3v3
>capcom can make a free to play fighting game featuring all these franchises Ala league of legends style.
>preferring chris over leon
it's people like you that killed resident evil in the first place
Oh for sure. That's why they put the unsellable characters from 3 in the base roster (Nemesis, Firebrand, Spencer) while the characters people actually give a fuck about (Phoenix Wright, Wesker, Felicia, Vergil, Tron Bonne, etc.) were gone.
I know, right? He almost made a single mistake.
I don't get it though, even MVC3 wasn't safe from the MCU only difference was the X-Men weren't cut.
there were also some for x-men vs street fighter but that's it for mahvel
>yfw Mike actually returned for a Podcast with Gootecks this week
He's coming back bros, he's gonna save the FGC
the actual shill picks in infinite were actually alright except maybe black widow and bucky which i think punisher would've had the same "function" but better. if we also had ant man, vision, wasp, falcon, war machine etc it would've been much better
Why the fuck is Saitama and his sex robot there?
They arent part of jump.
i wonder if there is any reasoning for who is paired with who
Come on Yea Forums, let's see that MvC4 dream roster.
36 characters with 4 DLC packs with a character from each company.
from sf someone like urien, oro and rashid. fang would also be a good addition if people wouldnt hate him so much.
its umvc3 cuck
I miss SFxT pair play gootecks and mike. That was peak entertainment for me.
Replacing Chris with Leon.
You were close to not being a faggot but you failed.
hey jackass, i don't care about who you like but leon is objectively better than chris and would make the roster better
leon is the better character
>mvci has an uneven roster
MVC1 has an uneven roster.
>jump vs capcom
>can no longer have shaman king characters in it
this hurts me
Most of the roster are characters from previous games anyway. Characters that always show up, were liked in the previous game, or are already requested vets.
I really don't get the MCU complaint sincr there are barely any, and Carol (granted as Ms Marvel) was the most requested NEW character for the Marvel side since 3.
>also marvel
You mean capcom?