And that's why Western videogames are shit

And that's why Western videogames are shit

Attached: geras.jpg (1907x1461, 509K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Why is geras black?

Because they scraped the initial design for the sake of "diversity"

So why did Overwatch scrap the original design of Mercy? For the sake of white nationism or some other stupid meme shit that no one cares about?

Attached: ff0.jpg (540x405, 38K)

It was clearly used as Baptiste. Retard.

Overwatch also a shit game.
Also has nothing to do with the topic.

Then what about Rufus?

Attached: 170px-Rufus-design1.jpg (170x332, 20K)

>Also has nothing to do with the topic.
About western games being shit because muh niggers?

Because they knew Overwatch relied on waifu bait. no one gives a shit about non waifu characters

To appeal to sissy healsluts, a key part of the LGBTQAPI+ alliance.

Because agenda>decent character design

I'm pretty sure anons do considering the shit with S76

Geras is based, the one that sucks if fucking Jax

Street Fighter is made by Nips they don't really give a shit about diversity......

So what is the agenda with turning Birdie a blonde British yank, black? Diversity points?

Attached: images.jpg (180x280, 8K)

But they turned an orignial white character black!

to complement the autistic white woman time boss

Nigger at least try

Is this the "It's ok when Japan does it" post?

They turned Buddy to a fat black guy when he was originally a buff and ripped white dude


you ok there?

What's the issue here

>It's ok to complain about niggers but never complain about shitposting!
Next we should Boycott Smite for this Aphrodite skin

Attached: images (1).jpg (211x239, 14K)

What's not clear in my message?
They had set in stone cool Greek God character design and then they changed it to extremely generic bald nigger because "not enough niggers"

Exactly the same as I posted but with whites you retarded faggot.

Hey buddy, nobody gives a fuck about niggers existence, even those who do are only pretending
Also kill yourself

>He says this after #562920363038373 threads this year alone complaining about digital blacks in video games.

I don't give a fuck about your goalpost moving shit get the fuck out of here you dumb shitposting bitch

>26 posts with only 13 posters
Man I wonder who's samefagging

>nobody gives a fuck about niggers existence
>threads upon threads of people seething about blacks that make up less than 2/4 of the cast

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The one on the right could have been the monster design this game needed to replace goro, Kahn doesn't cut it

>greek mythology character
>is black
literally fucking cant they just make another character black and not do this subversive fucking shit on purpose? Fuck you faggot

I'm not complaining about niggers, I'm complaining about priorities of western companies that put shit bland niggers over original ideas.

I never once moved goalposts, only showing how retarded you are.

Geras was good though. Jax was fucking terrible and Jacqui was just unlikable

>I'm not complaining about niggers, I'm complaining about priorities of western companies that put shit bland niggers
So you are complaining about niggers then?

>never moved goalposts
Literally first thing you posted was unrelated to the topic and simply wrong.
Off yourself you shit eating bug

Attached: 1549766862307.webm (480x480, 1.61M)

Good thing I only play non western shit and retro western games.

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literally this
kronika is white as fuck with all white clothes
a darker skinned sub-boss compliments it

all you retards do is bitch about a game you dont play

Appealing to white women audience

Raiden is not actually a japanese god of lightning and has been voice acted by white dudes constantly.
Why aren't you upset about that?

>Literally first thing you posted was unrelated to the topic and simply wrong.
That's not what moving goalposts means you dumb newfaggot.

it's a little how they don't really share anything but this racial duality
he's also her slave she keeps reviving
good job nrs

no one gave a single shit about 76 you idiot, the entire point of making 76 gay was to try and drum up controversy to make people care about the game again, except 76 isn't a cute waifu like tracer so no one gave a fuck? If you can't see that the entire point of overwatch was to try and steal away league of legends thunder you a fucking idiot. The entire game is built around attractive art direction that focuses on little to no content in favor of pushing skins JUST LIKE LEAGUE. Blizzard is still fucking ASSBLASTED over league stealing esports away from them, and overwatch failed, the 76 shit was just an attempt to make people care again, and now they are saying they are making some stupid MCU bullshit cause thats the trendy garbage right now with low IQ normies

Basically shareholders were a fucking mistake and it has ruined video games

Real talk tho why isnt he Middle Eastern? I think that would have made the most sense

>different game
>different genre
>different developer
>concept was used for another character
It is faggot, go read a dictionary and stop replying to me

>Chinese ninja warrior with a heart so kold
>played by a white man

Attached: Whooooooooooooooooooooooooahjpeg.jpg (215x198, 9K)

Why should I care it wasn't hamfisted

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Why are white guys so scared of black guys

i heard they changed that to the middle finger. does this little clip no longer happen in game?

>no one gave a single shit about 76 you idiot
Nigga was in almost every competitive match

Attached: mkx-unmasked-rain-2.jpg (762x704, 84K)

only women play healers

Because they scrapped the original concept very close to release. You can see the screenshot from the crypt where he looked competely different so they didn't even have time to change that.

>one thing is stupid so its okay for something else to also be stupid
fucking brainlets lmao

user we were talking about WESTERN GAMES and MUH NIGGERS at first stop being retarded and an hero or as the famous kids say, Kys.

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To serve his white overlord

The point is that Mortal Kombat isn't about how white the greek gods were becuase they're not greek gods, you fucking troglodyte, so stop trying to inject politics into it by getting upset about it.

Yes and you posted nigger design that wasn't removed but used in another character.
What about you killing yourself first buddy, show how it's done.

Why do black people trigger Yea Forums so much?

It's only stupid to people who get offended at the dumbest shit. Like The Ancient One being white or Hiemdall being a negro or the Madarin being whatever the hell Kingsley is.

Attached: AncientOne.png (804x993, 553K)

Diversity, not black it can be any shade of brown ethnicity

Look at these cats

One will never be a Cinderella

Attached: BfZiSWOCEAANTGt.png large.png (833x710, 608K)

>Real talk tho why isnt he Middle Eastern
why would he be

MK's Geras is not Greek nor a God. He just shares the name.

>Yes and you posted nigger design that wasn't removed but used in another character.
user the only things the two share are being healers and being black. By your logic they used white Birdies design for Alex since they're both white Blonde grapplers.

honestly the truth is that MK in general is a fucking joke and it always has been, no one actually cares about the game itself, its always just some shock value edgy game with poor gameplay in comparison to other fighting games. Before smash came along it was MK that was shit on by everyone. The forced diversity shit or whatever may as well be more of the same, attempting to get attention for the wrong reasons

Attached: samsho.jpg (700x220, 47K)

you sound like a assblasted retard

All those concepts fucking suck ass.

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>Tfw if I call my son McHagas O'Reily he'll become a drunken Irishman
Damn us that how this really works?

I don't give a single shit about orangewatch but the only those two instances have in common are west and niggers.
The whole situation is competely different and it's unrelated to the topic.
Stop posting.

Most of Yea Forums is too retarded to understand this and would rather go along with the shitty /pol/ bait than ignore and actually discuss video games

I didn't realize the name Geras was as distinctive as McHagas O'Reily.
Just admit you're triggered that he's black.

concept art always looks better than the real thing

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 265K)

Just like the ones I posted share racechanges in concept art with the OP user so it's on topic.

people only boycott games anyone gives a shit about, its why no one shits all over paladins for its ridiculously oversexed skins

user I was agreeing with you by making fun of how stupid the OP is

Geras was removed and your guy didn't.

forgive my retardness then

More people complain about the overpriced battlepass shit than anything plus Smite is way better

Well his abilities and clothing have kinda an egyptian vibe to me. The sand manipulation and sand of times theme also reminds me of the Araby of Warhammer and Prince of Persia. It would gave also been a good opportunity to introduce a middle eastern character in MK.

But Rufus and white Birdie was, also like I said. Saying Concept Mercy is the new black guy is like saying Alex is Birdie. You're litterally doing the MVC funtions meme

>Raiden, japanese thunder god
>is white

Read the sentence in OP and fuck off

The Mandarin was utter horseshit. Chink or otherwise, that's literally one of the biggest Iron Man villains ever. He cements the idea of this battle between literal magic and science, which is why Stark is contrasted against him so perfectly. Kingsley being a TV actor while them only sorta hinting that the Mandarin was actually real was an insult, and we'll literally never get an MCU Mandarin now that Endgame happened.

Attached: file.png (500x507, 503K)

>Shang Tsung, evil Chinese warlock
>played by a white guy

Attached: 1O27272829jpeg.jpg (256x197, 6K)

The one about western games which means my first post is on topic?

If you were reading the comics it shows that Raidem has multiple identities, and is best known as Thor, and probably Zeus

Waifu bait, but this design is marginally better anyway.

Raiden is technically not suppose to be anything since every religion in Earthrealm has a different name for him.

/pol/ slideposters pretending they're board natives, just like on every other board. The existence of more than 1 nonwhite character in a game is evidence of white genocide created by jew media conditioning et al in all regards until it suits their argument. This applies to all other media. Cartoons, comics, television, films, novels, songs, it doesn't matter.

Fuck this autoposting shit I meant to say I agree with you and hope to God they figure something out. Even if they have to use War Machine and Nebula I want my damn Mandarin.

Subzeros are not chinese. They were kidnapped by the lin kuei when young. L2lore, at least it helps if you want to bring Cyrax

He's something Asian

Attached: mk11-sub-zero.jpg (1920x1080, 201K)

user Bi Han and Kuai Lang are Chinese

Bi-Haan and Kuei Liang are literally Chinese names. Quan Chi even calls him Chinese.

>The brothers aren't Chine-

subzero half chinese you fool

fuck they made an amazing job with male characters in this game and somewhat the opposite with female cast.
Almost like it was intentional

Attached: upgr.jpg (2618x1258, 841K)

>be Chinese
>get adopted by Germans
>you are named Hans
>you are not genetically Chinese because you have a German name and were raised in Germany

They were full chinese in MK1/2. Mythologies pulled that half-white shit out of their ass because they had to justify John Turk playing Sub-Zero in MK3 and MKM: SZ. Stop with this horse shit.

Geras problem isn't that he's black, it's that his rock gimmick was already used by Tremor who they finally added, and Kronika has the time gimmick. Geras' designs in that OP pic are also shit, not just the one he has in the game. They should have just made Kronika and Tremor playable instead of being fucking redundant. The same way that Jacqui and Cassie should either be in the game and their parents out, or their parents in and Jacqui/Cassie out. We don't need redundancy.

Cetrion, Skarlet, Cassie, and Kitana are all hot though

Han is chinese user

nice image you have there fucker where did you get it from

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190503165442.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

I really hate how I just see Injustices' graphics and style instead of mortal kombat

what the actual fuck are you on
apart from the actual fucking inhuman characters they all look pretty normal to me

what is the difference from what I posted? headband?

>not gameplay
Don't care fag

>get the worse mid animation poses
>people believe it
wew I guess that's the price from good facial animation


In reality, he would have looked a brown arab man, not the blonde haired you white-washing ango-germanic eurocentric mutts try to whitewash in your media.

she frost and kitana are fine too

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190423214120.png (1920x1080, 2.05M)

It's using a lot of the same visual tech from IJ2, like the material-based lighting, which is what's giving that effect.

Protip: Injustice 1 looked just like MK9.

what am i looking at here? he's not old?

Have you even played the game, you fucking retard? Geras' abilities are all SAND-based: something never-before-seen in MK. If you wanna get mad about Tremor, you should be complaining about Cetrion. She has Tremor, Fujin, and Rain moves.

>I really hate how I just see Injustices' graphics and style
what the fuck does that mean

Then why did they make such hot husbandos?

Attached: 1540674914254.jpg (500x634, 77K)

If you claim those were made purposely ugly post counter-arguments. I'll wait


Another way of saying earth based, he makes rocky stuff, same shit.


>what's the difference
Are you actually fucking blind?

are you a dumbass

Attached: etrhaet5rhadethht.png (1637x908, 1.41M)

what about 9 other girls?

No fucking way. Go look at his grabs and his quicksand special. He is literally a spirit of an hourglass. Tremor doesn't freeze people in time and drag them in sand.

im still going to call you a dumbass

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190503165657.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

literally no difference from my image fag

>annoyed when female characters look like women
man I've seen this episode before

By that logic Quan Chi, Shang Tsung, and Shinnok are all redundant. Scorpion, Blaze, Sektor, Onaga, Liu Kang, and God knows how many more fire users I missed are all redundant.

keep the tears coming bitch

Not even that user but you gotta admit that Jade looks like a fucking monkey she is easily the most unattractive girl in the game.

there is something wrong with you nigger, it's either your brain, your eyes or both.
Go visit a doctor

Attached: noshit.jpg (1124x604, 137K)

ok bitch now tell me how she is ugly

>add blur and DoF
>look how different she looks
Ignorance is a bliss

>Not even that user but you gotta admit that Jade looks like a fucking monkey she is easily the most unattractive girl in the game.

Goddamn this fucking lying and delusion to push a narrative

look at this mad fag

Attached: cage c.png (1638x915, 1.36M)

>keep the default graphics and not low res PC specs
>"lol why does it look like it's intended to look"

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

>sonya's actress in MK11

Attached: ronda-rousey-jobs-after-mma-entity-1320x720.jpg (1320x720, 93K)

She literally just looks like an above average like Indian or Middle Eastern woman. None of the cast are gorgeous per se, nor do they need to be.

Except for Johnny. He's so handsome

Listen here you motherfucker, she is goddamn ugly and she is mixed. I don't know under what rock you crawled all this time, but this bitch is considered not attractive from where I'm from.

It's too bad he was originally supposed to be named Terminas
Because the devs decided he should have dark skin
Mortal kombat has been diverse for a long time user

That's the highest PC specs you can get but without eyecancer bloom which only exists to hide imperfections and shit textures.

why are you so insecure

Mortal Kombat only has room for one giganigga and that is Jax

this purple faggot is a pretender

Attached: thatsayikes.jpg (1024x683, 82K)

>Listen here you motherfucker

Attached: 5763428843_c0285eb227_o.png (250x272, 72K)

They did and an MK dev said on twitter it was because of "Nazis"

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190425135702.png (1920x1080, 2.08M)

she's a qt for a brown girl but brown girls reach a hardcap of 4/10 so she's ugly

Boomer politicuck trying to spread propaganda is really sad
Go back to Stefan Molyneux or whoever you worship.

>pulling out "le /pol/ boogeyman"
I guess I finally struck a nerve

[Spoiler]Me too[/Spoiler]

There is only room for one Molyneux in my heart

Attached: 582263-petermolyneux-620x349.jpg (620x349, 32K)

Raiden is a Chinese God, yet in game he's white. Does this bother you as well?...

ok user

user, you're talking to NRSfag who will defend NRS til the heat death of the universe.

They're not even ugly. They're just painfully plain and boring. Their outfits are pure shit though.

That's why you never go full realism

is this some meme you retards made up

Cared enough to reply, RETARD

I can tell you about gameplay.
Game is so dull and fucking boring with it's retarded variations that top players including /ourguy/ SonicFox are preaching to NRS to allow custom variations to be playable in tournaments

SonicFox is also saying he loves the game

What is more funny all men look like pumping testo chads and women like maximum betas. Just like somebody Ed "Cuck" Boon sucked all the fun and spark out of them. I don't even understand why would you do that. Not like women care about MK anyway. I guess we can't have our boys toys anymore without infesting it with some progressive bullshit.

What else he's going to say, are you dumb?
If he really loved it he won't be asking for such a drastic changes to tournaments

Yeah, exactly. Even if he tried to appeal to niggers why did he remove big titties and sexy outfits?
Niggers love fanservice just like any other men.

>If he really loved it he won't be asking for such a drastic changes to tournaments
Yes he would because he isn't a dumb weebcuck who defends and praises poor decisions like ArcSissies do. It's like 3S fans defending poor character balancing and normal whiff meter building. MK11 has a clear flaw that needs to be addressed and it doesn't even fuck up the entire game since you can play customs in casual game modes.

have sex

But that's exactly what we asking for. More sex please.

he is kronika servant do some math

your MOM is SHIT at sucking my DICK.

>doesn't fuck up the game
Yeah it does, competitive causing variations are forced in ranked.
We're not talking about single player only fags obviously

>competitive causing variations are forced in ranked
Ranked is competitive my dude. If you aren't comp you can always go to player match, rooms, koth, etc. and use customs

Do you understand the difference between ranked and koth?
If I want actually to play against good players i will absolutely have to play ranked, because those variations they have there are balanced.
And also they have kombat league that will be starting next month and guess what? It's going to be with competitive variations
That problem is not exclusive to tournament players

Raiden's canonically every culture's Thunder God, if I remember correctly. He technically doesn't have a race.

Gotta be woke! (but fuck over the workers lmao they were even threatening people with the FBI wtf netherrealm)

they better be adding 1 or 2 more ranked variations because now it fucking sucks

Geras is not a god, he's based on one

SonicFox got a fucking Human Rights Committee mad at him this time

Attached: 1503028387107.png (1920x990, 1.41M)

Yeah they said they will. Now sure how soon tho

Do you understand the term competitive? You shortened it to tournament, not me.

You missed main point when they only balance the game around competitive variations.

Ethnically diverse casts have been a hallmark of fighting games for over 25 years. Just shut the fuck up, Yea Forums.

God I love biceps

>put another bald amerinigger in the game
>it's more diverse now!
Amerikeks ladies and gentlemen

How'd he manage that? Didn't he just make fun TERFs? Nobody likes TERFs.

UK is obsessing over twitter posts so they can drag the attention from disaster that is going on in their country.

Let me tell you why you should eat a dick with two word, Alternative costumes. The original Aphrodite funk skin was white. If anything people didn’t think that fit at all so they added a skin variant that you could roll out of a chest. That’s not an example of forced diversity, it’s not like they erased white disco Aphrodite and acted like it was the right thing to do, troll harder.

You also love men and dicks

>She is godamn ugly
>And mixed!
Okay? Doesn’t change the fact that she’s ugly.

I meant there is no chance that anyone can consider her pretty because she's mixed

>all the concept art is interesting designs
>nah bin it give me a generic negro on roids

>no chance that anyone can consider her pretty because she's mixed

So, same as Demoman? He was white in concept art

Because niggers hate mixed and whites hate mixed

>actually unironically being fucking triggered Geras is black
Holy shit how sensitive can one board be? And the left are the snowflakes?

I thought you guys disliked when their race was the core aspect of the character? Geras being black is never ever ever mentioned.

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Attached: halle-berry-2-2000.jpg (1333x2000, 1.82M)

but the fact he is brownwashed is more a sign the left IS triggered.

halle was hot for a mixed woman at her peak. Doesnt matter because shes was a brainlet and picked trash men and paid the price.

So let me get this straight, Kronika was supposed to be a guy, and Geras was going to either be an interesting greek looking God or a cool artificial golem with a good design, but instead we got an ugly and bland bald bitch and her BLACKED costar with an equally unappealing design, all for diversity points?

So, the left was triggered by demoman?

most fighting games are diverse, but westcucks only think niggers are "diverse", this is what is most frustrating, its like the shit with black panther which is rent free in my fucking head because people unironically think a movie with 99% black people is "diverse"

Imagine caring about the things weebs care about. Itd be exhausting to be so mentally ill

>game has Nips, Chinese, nogs, Americans, an Aussie, has had a native before

the need to even race change is a symptom of the left.
Stop being a disingenous fucking liar.

So, you don't want him to be white?

take your meds you slimey woke rat.

>user wants to change black characters to white
>thinks this is not trying to change race
Are you a lefty now?

How would you feel if lefties wanted Mercy made black because in her concept she was a black dude? Would this be a fine complaint? It's the same as yours.

you are literally mentally ill and lying constantly.

No seems like Kronika was supposed to be a woman from the start

Attached: kron.jpg (1875x987, 324K)

the point is all these characters started out as not black and the mercy one was just a silly variant.
Thats brownwashing.
Half if not more of the minority characters in Overwatch were white before being brownwashed in the last minute.

>Nobody likes TERFs.
spotted the leftie

Wow Boon really changed her from the concept art

Attached: 1556703354350.png (2280x1080, 1.2M)

Yeah she looks much less human and much less retarded in concept art.

theres honestly a massive problem when the end result looks nothing like the concepts.
The artists vision is lost, meaning and symbolism is lost, narrative is lost.

>the gameplay and mechanics are shit because a character model looks like a black person

the real biggest losses are these alts for Kotal

We could have gotten these instead of his

>dude tribal shit lmao


Attached: QqNjWbD.png (1916x675, 1.29M)


You are dodging an argument due to the inconsistencies in your world view.

>pretending they're board natives
They literally are, more so than the retarded retardera and trannies itt.

So, it's only fine when you do it. Got it.

>/pol/ slideposters pretending they're board natives
You're such a little lying fag.

but concept art doesn't show her sexy legs

Attached: DASH_4_8_M.webm (1280x538, 423K)

what is my world view you sped retard? tell me my opinions.
Go back to leftypol you woke retarded faggot.
You are lying, making up peoples positions and committing ad hominem in every post.
You are also wrong because demoman wasnt black to begin with neither was geras and so many other characters brownwashed like symmetra lucio and sombra.
You projecting little woke worm. It you who have the twisted worldview that you think this is ok.

just wait for shang chi mate

ive never done it care to point where ive done it?
You going to bring some rational argument you female brained idiot?

fuck you Geras is muh nigga

Sorry, epic*

Except he isn't his original name wasn't even geras

>ad hom, buzz words
You have literally been worked into a seething shoot.

you posted the wrong art buddy, let me fix that for ya

Attached: kotal.jpg (1111x836, 195K)

Oh no, we got
>dude tribal shit lmao
instead of
>dude tribal shit lmao

Doesn't matter that her legs are sexy, she's fucking abomination

>gets completely told
>wtf u mad
pretty obvious you are black with nothing intelligent to say and underage.

Why is this considered a viable excuse for female characters and not male ones? Are males realistically all 7' 500 lbs muscle beasts like Kotal Kahn? No, just like all women aren't 10's with huge tits and asses, but this is a fucking video game and I fail to see the logic in refusing to make ALL your characters nice to look at unless their design is intentionally made otherwise.

>So why did Overwatch scrap the original design of Mercy?
Clueless retard detected. "Mercy" was Pharah's original name. Mercy as you know it was a woman from start to finish. What you see there is pre anything concept art so there was no "change" because they were spit-balling.

his design is ripped off the miniature war game Dark Age

I actually like that they started moving away from unrealistic comic book style bullshit and started making people look more or less realistic.
It just looks fresh.

Attached: index.jpg (225x225, 8K)

Cuz nobody wants a nigger healing them. It's fucking gay.

>screams buzzwords
Do you think you win arguments by just screaming, or something?

anyway why are male characters allowed to look interesting and cool while female characters are only designed as jacc-off bait

Attached: 1338949067021.jpg (539x447, 39K)

>Why is geras black?
Because it's considered acceptable to blackwash characters but not the reverse because the high priests of diversity have said so and if you disagree you're dead.

Because NR knew they would get thousands of cucklet whitebois who scream that they don't hate black people but they're still upset about Geras being black.


Attached: 1480369267717.png (513x1117, 934K)

Because if they aren't designed as that, incels go apeshit.

>thinks big words used accurately are buzz words
Its still accurate whether you think they are buzz words or not. Brainlet.

So, if I was designing a character and had him white but then made him black, I blackwashed my character? That sounds wrong.

Its actually kinda rudiculous how often this happens.
The gaming industry is fairly bankrupt in the imagination department.
Overwatch stole ideas from miniature wargames too.

Attached: IMG_1464.jpg (1000x638, 192K)

>screaming woke and insults
>big words
So, yes, you think screaming is an effective way to win arguments. This is your last (You), retard-kun. Your attempt at an argument didn't even make sense.

but you are a woke fag thats why you are a seethoid itt screaming at people.

just admit you have nothing constructive to say but sperging at imaginary white posters.
You havent said an honest or relevent thing itt. Just resetera talking points.

It looks lazy and uninspired because that's what it is. It saves NRS a lot of money to just make the characters scans of real people. "Fresh" is quite possibly the worst word you could use to describe this ugly bullshit.

thats exactly what it is.

are you fucking retarded those designs was based on mayan glyphs

same woke nigger

>I know basedwatch lore and am proud of it
Not him but u r gay and kys tranny

Boon confirmed kronika was gonna be a guy named kroniko

>resetera gets called out
>they stop posting

Whats that Nicol Bolas shit

Attached: EN_NicolBolas_Header.jpg (1920x1120, 447K)

False equivalent

wow, you guys really go in deep to find things to get angry about, thats impressive

Jax is shit. He really does look the best in MKX

Attached: jax.jpg (1869x701, 323K)

>Black Character: Exists

its literally a game made for gays. Ironically sexist to both male and females.

>say anything that triggers
>get banned
>blatant anti-white racism everywhere

Well then it was before concept art were created.

Except it’s not because it was just a concept. It would be “washing” if he was an existing character in the story and they just changed his race for no reason at all. The only character in this game who was “washed” was Kitana.

Attached: CD20EF85-8F34-4424-AB62-09217495F1A7.jpg (546x455, 62K)

Kano was washed, as he was originally Chinese

If you make a white character spend months on it fleshing out the design and background then at the last minute turn it into a brown person.
That is a wash. Term comes from just washing ink over a design in old school graphic design.
And ive literally seen examples of this where some one just got a brown texter and coloured over a character.

welcome to Yea Forums

No, it isn't, user. What the other guy described is a wash.

Noooo that is the very definition of brownwashing.
Dont give me any of that it doesnt apply to whites bullshit.

This. Just from the art concepts you can clearly see that every male character was gaywashed to appear to barafags and faggots.

you are gay thats why

>characters design changes from concept art to the final product

This shit happens literally every time, but omg he was white now hes black D: better go cry about this fictional character all over the internet. Then you try to tell me you guys aren't just like the SJWs.
You both are anti-art.

Post that image with the dude in a mask, npc monkeys.


actually it doesnt a hall mark of good games is the finished product captures the concept art.
Its bad design when the finished product looks nothing like the concept art.

So, as a creator, if I was designing a new character and had him white and then at the end I just feel like making him black, this is bad and I should not do it?

That's fucking retarded.

Attached: 1545008027046.png (420x420, 399K)

this pic is hilarious because half those phrases are regularly used on this site

>Almost like it was intentional
It literally was

your arguments gay anyway because the concept artist obviously didnt do this in ops example.
Someone else did.

but muh white genocide

Kitana and Frost look the best they ever have. Cassie looks hot af.

>at the end making him black
Nigger do you have eyes?
They already started putting him into the game, it was clearly a forced decision and not just a change of mind from artist.

So, it's you jumping to conclusions. Christ you guys are sad.

imagine believing in nazis like some babayaga

Denial is real. Why are you even arguing with me?

My issue with Geras, Cetrion and Kronika is that they look like they belong in a MOBA rather than in MK

>215 years ago on a small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

How much of a snowflake do you have to be to actually be offended by this? This is the most nothing outrage ever.

It doesn’t matter how long you work on a character or when you decide to make changes to it. These are all concept designs that were intended by the artist, especially the final design. The iterations of Geras’ design before the final were literally rough drafts, second drafts, and so on. You should know that a lot of things like this can vary wildly while in development. Geras isn’t even human anyway so they likely didn’t even account for his race, although they probably thought towards the end that making him a WE WUZ who controls sand would make sense.

I'm pretty sure MK Geras is not literally THAT Geras

He isn't, but alt-sjws gonna outrage

Way to pick the lamest possible design, NR, what you needed the token black guy card? A card that's already taken by Jax, his daughter, and fucking Jade (though frankly I think half the staff think she's black middle eastern with how tightly she covers up her hair with that retarded little hood in her past version).


But seriously, his design is boring as fuck

cetrion is totally out of place in this its like some bullshit leftover from injustice geras and kronika are ok

Why did they take away the only Native American character, Nightwolf and the best black character Cyrax?
Hoping they'll get in the game eventually, been my lads since UMK3 along with Kung Lao

It's breath of fresh air to finally get some good facial animation in a fighter. Generally it's been stale as fuck outside of SFIV's attempt. ArcSys is literally soulless on facial animations outside of the rare exaggerated emote for an intro or instakill cinematic.

Nobody is saying he's an exact copy of a Greek God.
I'm saying they had design in stone and you can even find it in the game but they changed it to competely bland nigger with some retarded gadgets

i wish they didnt make jax a KANG he was always was the AMERICA FUCK YA guy in my heart.

No it isn't, holy shit.
Concept design is just a bunch of ideas the artist brings to the art team that is subjected to change or not after being discussed.

Concept art is developed through several iterations. Multiple solutions are explored before settling on the final design. Concept art is not only used to develop the work, but also to show the project's progress to directors, clients and investors. Once the development of the work is complete, concept art may be reworked and used for advertising materials.

>Scorpion isn't an actual scorpion
>Mr.Satan isn't a demon
>Bison is not an actual bison

You have NO proof of this, you just feel like saying it because you don't like to have a blackie the game.

>west caters to SJW's and CoDfags
>east caters to pedos and gachatards
>global-aimed east is still mostly safe from both sides

Been my preference since the 90's and I'm still sticking with it. Also maybe some indies and older-but-active games too.

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Yeah kind of how i always felt about him, his ending should have been some corny shit like making sure America was always on top

>when his daughter has a better ending than him

The only design there good is the last one. The others suck.

holy fuck why do I have to treat you like 8 yo and draw those fucking circles?
get your shit together faggots

Attached: 1asdd1.jpg (268x448, 55K)

I was really surprise how good her ending is.

Please put this retarded thought back in your ass, where it came from.

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what is this?

Discussions between Dessalines and his advisers openly suggested that the white population should be put to death for the sake of national security. Whites trying to leave Haiti were prevented from doing so.[14]

On 1 January 1804, Dessalines proclaimed Haiti an independent nation.[17] Dessalines later gave the order to all cities on Haiti that all white men should be put to death.[14] The weapons used should be silent weapons such as knives and bayonets rather than gunfire, so that the killing could be done more quietly, and avoid warning intended victims by the sound of gunfire and thereby giving them the opportunity to escape.[18]

>he didn't even play the game
It's a krypt where you put heads of characters on pikes and open their respective chests with gear. Obviously that mask should resemble the giganigga face and not the one from concept art.

He isn't considering he wasn't even named geras originally

In parallel to the killings, plundering and rape also occurred.[20] Women and children were generally killed last. White women were "often raped or pushed into forced marriages under threat of death."[20]

Dessalines did not specifically mention that the white women should be killed, and the soldiers were reportedly somewhat hesitant to do so. In the end, however, the women were also put to death, though normally at a later stage of the massacre than the adult males.[19] The argument for killing the women was that whites would not truly be eradicated if the white women were spared to give birth to new Frenchmen.[21]

Before his departure from a city, Dessalines would proclaim an amnesty for all the whites who had survived in hiding during the massacre. When these people left their hiding place, however, they were killed as well.[20] Many[quantify] whites were, however, hidden and smuggled out to sea by foreigners.[20]
As elsewhere, the majority of the women were initially not killed. Dessalines's advisers, however, pointed out that the white Haitians would not disappear if the women were left to give birth to white men, and after this, Dessalines ordered that the women should be killed as well, with the exception of those who agreed to marry non-white men.[19

yeah if its so retarded you dense nigger why even hire a concept artist? its a waste of money.

lmao, it looks more like him than it does the others form the concept

What does this have to do with video games or mk11

are you fucking kidding me holy shit

hes delusional woke tard screaming about whites he will never acknowledge the proof

dude you are arguing with the woke fanatic itt he will ignore everything you say and lie and twist everything.

That's so weird none of the designs in the concept art op posted looks like that

Why would you not have a concept artist on the design team to help develop drafts of a character throughout its creation as new ideas emerge? How do you think something like Crash Bandicoot came from a wombat named Willie? Or how Sonic wasn’t originally thought of being a hedgehog?

Attached: 795F8B69-6EFD-423D-AC51-3199EECC782D.jpg (1190x1278, 189K)

We know you won't acknowledge the proof now stop screaming and crying because a character didn't get a different shitty design

>hire a concept artist
>he makes a bunch of designs
>settle on one of his designs
>completely do over his design and get the moddeler to do it.
Then there is no point in the artist.
The concept artists job is to make the design the modeller job is to recreate it.
Even gook games can get this simple idea.

When are we getting black only videogames. No white characters

>only chinese can fight chinese
the reason why "western diversity" is trash. It's just lazy racism with new coat of shiny paint.

make a prison sim.

its ironic because sonic was the creation of concept artists trying to create the perfect mascot.

If you are offended by this your skin is thinner than paper.

>blacks are so sensitive they need characters turned into negros to protect their feelings

Muslim Cuckbat: Uglies at War

When is Johnny gonna have his way with Cassie?

mk11 is for Kucks

i dont get it

Here is an actual video from the game, not a low quality image that looks like he may or may not have a mustache.

He looks like how he does in the game.

and it makes not sense. Why would they change the whole model, and not change the crypt statue?

And yet here you are crying about it on a imageboard

sounds like you are here crying about people having opinions.
you delicate snowflake.

Unironically for quota reasons, same reason Jacqui is in the game.

They really did nothing with this design, he should at least have a top-tier beard for a connection with time.

>making the masters of time bald and baby-faced with nothing to indicate what they are related to.

this is exactly what happened in other games. Some bitch came a long and shouted "change it" and the moddeler had to switch the model with a generic human template model.

putting a nigger in your game doesn't make you a good person

>no u
user you shouldn't be here this site is 18+
Also I'm not crying im just disappointed

That also don't increase your sales numbers that's for sure

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

>waah someone has a different opinion than me make it stop

why does frost have a human head?

Dessalines did not try to hide the massacre from the world. In an official proclamation of 8 April 1804, he stated, "We have given these true cannibals war for war, crime for crime, outrage for outrage. Yes, I have saved my country, I have avenged America."[13] He referred to the massacre as an act of national authority. Dessalines regarded the elimination of the white Haitians an act of political necessity, as they were regarded as a threat to the peace between the black and the free people of color. It was also regarded as a necessary act of vengeance.[21] Dessalines' secretary Boisrond-Tonnerre stated, "For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!"[24]

incest is illegal user

Because she's a forced inclusion that still has to be recognizable despite her connection to the story making no sense given Sektor is there.

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

I doubt any of Geras concepts even reached the modeling phase. Why can't you accept that it was the artists decision to change him?

Kevin C. Julius writes:

As abolitionists loudly proclaimed that "All men are created equal", echoes of armed slave insurrections and racial genocide sounded in Southern ears. Much of their resentment towards the abolitionists can be seen as a reaction to the events in Haiti.[5]

when i have my way with you

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

You are a bad person

But historical events are used all the time user, like slavery meaning blacks are entitled to gibs, or Templars meaning western nations are deserving of sandnigger behavior.

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

Philippe Girard, author of Caribbean genocide: racial war in Haiti, 1802–4, described it as a genocide and stated "when the genocide was over, Haiti's white population was virtually non-existent."[32]

You shouldn't project your feelings onto others little timmy
Also i didn't say you couldn't stay on this on site but if the mods find out they might ban you

how do you know?

Man they really hate bare thighs don't they?


Never realized how many seething trannies are on Yea Forums

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

>replying to yourself
this is sad and pathetic kill yourself

>moooods ban this meant he is saying things that upset me
>n-no i dont care if he isnt breaking the rules it UPSETS ME

So you would rather waste time creating several different models (with revisions potentially to each one), along with several varying meshes and textures all while risking coming up with an uninspired character with no real frame of reference?

wtf this is supposed to be our alt right safe space

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

are you honestly saying someone should be banned because you are hurt by feelings?

haha oh man, owning the conservatives by downplaying the rape and murder of over 3,000 women and children, epic

thats not how it works you idiot. Thats the point if a concept artist the artist draws it the moddeler renders it.

meant for obviously

Not him but
>How dare you prove me wrong!
>How dare you not be brainless and know things about games on the videogames board

>shhh don't say things or you might get banned

>215 years ago on some small island of slaves that revolted
woah guys white genocide is real

Tranny seethoids in full seethe mode ITT holy shit.

Why isn't Geras old?

Yes user let it all out maybe once you finished projecting we can have a meaningful conversation
Show me where i said that user because so far the only thing i said about bans is that the mods might ban him if they found out about his "secret"

That's litterally the exact design we got aside from the feathers in the art being a bit longer.

By what fucking measure is what you see in there "tribal shit"? The last one on the right, sure, but the others are have gold and metal armor, fine cloth, etc. The first one in particular is regal as fuck, most kings in Ancient Egypt, Mesoipotmaia, etc wouldn't even be that decked out.

That's the whole point. Look how sick it looks

Why is /pol/ so fucking obnoxious now?

What did i say about projection timmy

>ban the person for responding to me
You really are retarded just fuck off you projecting simpleton this site isn't for you. Fuck off back to retardera.


that was some good shit honestly, we should repeat it some time later

Sgt Johnson says hello

t. 2016 tourist

id love to get the screencap of being banned for responding to you.
Complete with reason "responding to another user and upsetting them"

Stranger things have happened.

Attached: 1519344298149.png (877x284, 94K)

Like i said user stop projecting it's a very childish thing to do
I never said i wanted you to get banned i said they ban anons under the age of 18

Why all the needless straps and additional metal pieces on the body? Guess over design was the set of words to describe the character designs for MK 11

Looks good. Whats the problem if any.

can you be any madder and impotent. Talk about being a sensitive baby. Do you need some ointment for your bottom?

Projection isn't good for you user

giraffe neck and Brianna Wu face with extra pronounced philtrum and andle of the mouth. Looks amateur, ugly, and garbage

>comes into a thread and gets so booty blasted he starts screaming for bans because an user replied to him
lol only one projecting is you chocolate waffe.

And where are you from hick? Some Southie shithole?


Truth hurts, monkey.

That's what you are:

1. pink/pale skin
2. hairy/dog-like hair
3. lice
4. occasionally born with tails
5. rhesus monkey DNA
6. thin lips
7. neanderthal DNA
8. originate in caves

Thankfully for the planet, your days are numbered:

1. Pig skins are a global MINORITY
2. Pig skins are genetically INFERIOR
3. Pig skins are at a NEGATIVE birthrate
4. Pig skins are GLOBAL criminals
5. The sun even hates pig skins as it should


Attached: 2cffe04bbcd46b320df3510035195412[1].jpg (236x331, 17K)

*unzips 13%*

>cops are racist

Yes user we know how you feel

quota has been raised
now every western game must have at least 3 black characters befor it can be released