There are """people""" on Yea Forums right now who don't stand with gooper

>there are """people""" on Yea Forums right now who don't stand with gooper

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[This user was banned due to violating HypnoSpace law]

Shit OP, beat this yesterday. I wish it were about twice as long. Enjoyable as fuck.

I thought the length was alright, I dont know how if I wouldve enjoyed it as much if it forced itself to drag on for any longer

Now that the dust has settled, was FRE3ZER really lipsyncing or did he play the wrong track as a genuine accident? I actually saw him on his tour after coolfest and honestly didn't notice anything weird.

he did nothing wrong

Attached: Zane.png (255x249, 6K)

I didn't necessarily want more time skips, but just maybe 1-2 more zones and more cases. The time you get into taking an actual case with interesting mechanics it's basically post-game. There were definitely some loose ends that could have been tied up better as well.

Fuck off Zane you cunt, we know that your "girlfriend" is actually just you

You're gonna get banned for posting this you moron.

Seepage is garbage

The one with the eye of horus cult was my favorite, and that one turned out to be a postgame dead end. I think I read somewhere that the creator is planning to add more content to it in the future, which would be interesting.

how long is it exactly? Is it similar gameplay to Papers Please/Obra Dinn?

lmao I already reported this, thx for the free hypnocoins retard

what is lmao?

>there are people on this board who haven't eaten Granny Cream's Hot Butter Ice Cream

Attached: granny.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

it's a few hours long, possibly longer depending on how much of a brainlet you are when it comes to solving the puzzles. the gameplay is essentially you being the internet police and going out to solve cases of cyberbullying and copyright infringement with deeper conspiracy shit coming into play later

I think if definitely could have supported some more and longer cases.

The time spent is almost entirely spent reading and enjoying a fake internet. The game itself is super short. There are three parts and if you just focused on completing each, I would guess even on your first go it would take sub 2 hours. With everything I will say about six hours if you read everything and aren't slow as dirt at reading.

Best song in the game.

Game is Hypnospace enforcer, ya?
First time I’ve heard of it. Looks interesting.

I forgot to mention... the gameplay is just flagging posts for deletions, mostly. Along with a bit of net-based investigation by doing things like finding a password or webpage. It isn't nearly as much of a mindfuck as Obra Dinn. That is another excellent game.

Hypnospace *Outlaw

Oh yeah, my bad. Gonna go do it for free.

Not for free, for HypnoCoin!

"Chowder Man's Hotel Room" is an amazing song in terms of structure and composition.

meme game

Capa cash me $50 for a minx inv

>tfw having to copyright strike a first grader's artwork off the teacher's page while she's mourning her dead daughter

I'm not cut out for hypnospace enforcement

don't worry guys, I got exactly what you need....

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what the hell do I do here? I tried using the 3y3 but didn't see anything and none of the links work.

Attached: stumped.png (1436x800, 33K)

>he can't read M1NX
got another scrub bwl

If want a hint, you need to upgrade your browser via some software. If you want the solution, just ask.

I just want the solution, this game can at times be too cryptic. I wasn't even aware you could upgrade the browser. And Is there any other way to get hypnocoin other than cases? I only have like 100.

Yes. You'll need some coin for this, actually. Play janitor and you'll get lods of emone. It doesn't take too long for the amount you collect to grow exponentially. Then go upgrade your virus protection to max, which gives your browser safe mode and makes it compatible with those old pages that are otherwise no longer supported.

ok cool, thanks. Am I just a moron and it was hinted somewhere that the max protection would help decrypt things? That seems totally unrelated.

i didn't strike any of the artwork, just one of the gifs

It is hinted that old pages need safe mode, but I can't recall from where. I think in the freelands with that dancing page

>strike dylan's pirated music
>get banned for it
>come back when the ban term ends
>see that he's reuploaded all the music
>strike it again

whoa... badass....

Attached: smokinskull.gif (100x97, 17K)

Yeah, there are several places where they reference safe mode and someone is angry that they have to pay all that coin just for that feature. Honestly, the only reason I even had it was loading up on coin in one massive janitor play that gave me 1k+ so I could just buy everything I saw.

Can't you find the hypnocure off of someone's FLIST too? Or is that just a rumor.
I got stuck for a while during that part because I didn't realize the password you buy is actually a working passwordr

wouldn't it theoretically be possible to softlock the game if the player were to take down janitor without downloading it and not have enough hypnocoin to get hypnocure pro once they've reached the post-y2k chapter, because i'm pretty sure you need safe mode to find some of the info and i can't think of any other ways to get hypnocoin at that point

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The best way to go get hypnocoin post y2k is to download the dreamtools from the freelands. It's down south of the entrance page and let's you automatically clean your desktop

Hey buddy you are violating copyright laws

You can get dreamtools and it lets you give yourself infinite hypnocoin

i didn't recall seeing any way to get hypnocoin using dreamtoolz
unless the "donate" option lets you input negative values and i never noticed

That part is annoying because the user?pass all has to be typed into a place that just says "password"

Hey guys just came back from hanging out with Zane, he's such a cool fucking guy let me tell you,

Exactly that way, actually

That too.I also feel like an idiot because it took me forever to figure out how to unpack sandwich files

I unironically felt sorry for him. He was a dick, but he didn't deserve to die.

Apparently you can save Zane If he's not on Hypnospace during the Mindcrush, he can't get hurt

Yeah, but I didn't know that until it was too late. Of course, I didn't know anybody was going to die until it was too late.