Take a picture of a game that means a lot to you, and post it

Take a picture of a game that means a lot to you, and post it

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Kingdom Hearts 1


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I don't know where my boxes for city of heroes are


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Only two based so far?

Pick it up girls.

I still remember opening the Christmas present. Played until like 1 AM while everyone else were still celebrating.

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That one hits close to home

Where did the magic go?

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can I post a title screen?

I dont own the physical copy

Go for it.

>physical copies

I have one I want to post but I don't want people shitposting with the image

Let me guess, Pokémon XD?

It's a Genesis game.

Back in middle school during an assembly the vice principal calls me over to give to me saying my dad brought it in and to tell me happy birthday.
it was the last birthday gift I got from my dad before he passed away.

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I genuinely do not understand why you just enjoy everything so much more as a child. What changes? Why does it change? What kind of neurological phenomenon happens where all of a sudden everything is empty?

Do "enlightened" people get back this joy?

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Just lost my dad. How the fuck do I move on? I literally had no idea it was physically POSSIBLE to be in THIS MUCH psychological agony. I can't fucking function anymore

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Your dad sounded cool, user. I'm sure he's proud of you.

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It’s just growing up, dealing with how shitty life can be and being aware of it. Dampens the purity of what joy games might’ve given you.

Sorry user

Remember playing the only games you owned until you found every way to have fun from inch to inch of the games world?


Are you me?

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When you are a kid everything is fantastical and magical. Your imagination is cranked to the max setting. Remember all those pretend fights with your friends? Pretending to be DBZ or MK characters. Or having sleepovers and playing Mario Party until you could see the sun rising.
We grow up and forget these things. Same with videogames. As an adult you can just buy whatever, whenever. Getting a game when you are young is a fucking event. You'll be stuck playing that for a few months until the next christmas/brithday.
I remember the first time I played Mario 64. I could not fucking believe how rad this was. I don't think there has been a single game that made me feel the way Mario 64 or Pokemon Gold did.

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Fuck Pokemon Red was the first game I ever played.

I still remember my mother helping me train my pokemons while she cried to 90's television as she stroked my hair and I napped with my head on her lap.

Sorry I was a disappointment mum, I miss you and I love you very much.

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it's been 12 years for me user,once I got older he just kept getting sicker he had alot wrong with him so i came to terms that it was better this way despite how much I miss him. I'm sure your circumstances were much different than mine but all I can really say is that it'll hurt less with time you just gotta not let it drag you down. I hope things get better for you.

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only have the 3d classics version on me but me and my ex used to play puyo all the time together. our relationship crashed and burned but at least the games she got me into are still good

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its hard to choose between the two

Pokemon Gold was the first game I ever played. I was stupid as fuck, I guess I couldnt read or something(I was 6), so I just mashed through Dialogue and explored the game. finding that potion out in the top north corner of the grass, cyndaquil looking cool as fuck and suddenly learning ember, making it all the way to that next town, and even up to violet city without even using a pokemon center. Dont even remember if I beat the rival, but I fell for thinking ??? was his name. At the time, it was the height of pokemon, so of course everyone had their GB with them and we all talked about pokemon or played on them together(though nobody had a trade cable). I lost the cartridge and the GB one day, went years without thinking about it, found it again, and played all the way through, absolutely psyched to get to replay it, and I had a blast, beating lance, catching lugia(this was years after the 2000 movie came out), the red gyrados, motherfucking KANTO, it was incredible

MArio kart I just played the absolute hell out of. Me and friends all played it on our DS's whenever we could, some culdesac kids would come up with their DS but without the game, and we used fucking download play and suddenly everyone could play. I played the shit out of battlemode having a blast. My dad's internet was just too shit to do online, or we couldnt set it up, but I managed to play it exactly ONCE, and the thrill of racing against someone online was probably the most incredible moment I remember, even if I lost. Think it mightve been my first online game experience besides runescape. I fiddled around making my own emblem, I failed mission mode over and over again, still had a blast, I played it to the point of autism. No regrets whatsoever

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I know people like to meme this one a lot, but since playing my copy when I was 10 years old at Christmas, I have never played a game that resonated with me nearly as much as Majora's Mask did. I loved Ocarina, but I think it was the NPCs and all the little stories and sidequests in MM that made me feel like I was in a real living world. I replay it every couple of years, and every time it makes me feel like a little kid again snug in a blanket and playing it during break. I don't think Nintendo will ever top this game in my eyes.

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Great choice, later ones never had the same feel. The villagers actually get mad at you in this one, all the little events like yoga in the mornings, KK laying down some tunes. Damn, new one has no chance of matching this

>Feed me
This reminds me of my cat. It used to constantly snatch food out of my hands. One day I was eating garlic bread and it came over and ripped it out of my hand. I reacted and pinned him down and started forcing it down his throat until he started gagging and freaking out. He spit it out and I let him go. He hasn't tried to take food from anyone since. Fuck pussies that let cats walk all over them because "LOL THEY'RE SO CUTE X3333"

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You're not going to want to hear this, and rightfully so, but there is nothing that will dull that pain but time. Take your time to mourn. I'm sorry for your loss user.

I just went through that, and a month later my mom passed away completely unrelated. Both died thinking I didn't really care about them because I rarely called home. That was 3 years.

Hang in there buddy.

Hello Zoomnigger

My Aunt had gotten an SNES after I had gotten mine for Christmas and became obsessed with it. We bonded over playing Link to the Past together, Mario games, Donkey Kong Country, but i will never forget the day I came over and she told me she bought a new game and she left it paused on the TV in the Den. It was Final Fantasy II (IV). I had never played an RPG before although I knew what they were from a Final Fantasy 1 Strategy Guide my Parents had bought me to shut me up one time when they took me out shopping. The game was paused mid battle in the desert right before first arriving at Kaipo with an unconscious Rydia. Dark Knight Cecil is the only member in the party at this point and he was face to face with 1 Imp. I didn't even know which one was the player character. I made myself learn what as happening, how to play it. I had gotten to the octopus in the cave right after that before we went home that day. My Aunt was not a fan of the play style but she saw how intrigued I was with the game and she told me to keep it. I took it home and started my own save file. This game and my Aunt's generosity with what I can only assume was an $80 game at the time is what started my love of RPGs. I'll never get rid of it.

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Mario Kart DS and Mario Party DS were honestly my most played DS games. My neighborhood friends and I would get together at one of our houses and play that shit for hours. Fucking download play was a godsend.

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I know it’s probably a dumb pick, but Neptunia Mk2 is a really special game for me because I was in a really deep dark depressed place mentally when I played it, and it pulled me out of that. I had just got out of high school, just got fired from my first job, my first gf just broke up with me, and I slept all day and was up all night and decided to use the last of my money from my job to buy a PS3 with Neptunia Mk2. This game is so cute and happy but also has elements of darkness and depression that the main character overcomes and it was everything I needed at that time. I’d still call it my favorite game of all time just because of how it emotionally affected me.

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The name of the game is your mom and lets just say im already playing it

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For some reason I love reading stories like this. It's really cute how many people get into certain genres.

absolutely based

But why? WHY does that change happen? Why can't we continue to see life this way?

>lost my pokemon red and silver
feels bad.
I can't take a picture but I still have my original Spyro 1 CD.

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>LAST PLAYED Yesterday

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My brothers got rid of most of the games I played as a kid so I don't own the original copies anymore.
But my favorite game ever is smb3.

>Shit taste in games
Congratulations on a successful bait.

>I genuinely do not understand why
Gee I don't know. Maybe because you are quite literally carefree and impressionable. You probably hadn't ever experienced a story "like that" before, when you first played FF7/OoT/SotN/KH1/Pokemon/whatever. Also most videogame protagonists are children, so it's easier to relate to and latch on to, especially in adventure games, because kids naturally have that exploratory nature / desire to go off on their own as some cool champion chosen one type rather than be stuck in school (pokemon master, hero of hyrule, whatever) On top of that, you have less games and less control over what games you had, so you make the most of each game you purchase. Instead of having 500 unplayed steam games, you had maybe like, one game your parents would rent for you for the weekend based on the cover art, and you gotta make sure you get your money's worth / time's worth. And you didn't have any other pressures from life - you don't have to work, or pay rent, or deal with money at all, really, didn't have any pressure to be "doing something else" like improving yourself / studying (as hard) / reading shit on the internet, or dealing with your constantly connected friends, social media (including 4chins in this), whatever - it was just like, maybe someone could come over, or you'd go over there, and you'd play games, and that's that. You're not dealing with bills or your car or your aging parents or shitty boss or landlord or credit cards or student loans or researching purchases to make sure you get the best deal or any of that shit. you just had games to play.

Also, when you are young you don't know how much better other games can be, so you can enjoy even mediocre games.

Last but not least: Games were better (Yes really, find me a true successor to Jagged Alliance 2 or Terra Nova: Strike Force Centauri)

Don't know what to tell you, I'm the first one to admit there are no words. Won't go into details but I didn't play any videogames for a few months after my mom died.

Reminds me of my neighbors and friends and all those weekends staying up late, hooking up the lan and shit talking/laughing with with strangers online

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This would probably be my gf's pick too actually.

I don't think this site scrubs exif data so you wont get any real pictures
but its impossible to pick just one.

you must be black, right?

When you're playing a game as a child you're fully immersed. There's no self hate in the back of your mind, nothing a character says brings back foul memories, you don't feel like you should be outside doing something productive. You just played the game and had fun.

The first cod game I have ever played

It ain't so bad had plenty of fun with this and pestiged once because I have no idea what this meant

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it's unironically because of (((them)))

I'm sorry, user. There really are no words. The only thing I can tell you and somehow worked for me before is that he's somehow alive deep inside of you: in your DNA, and in your memories.

Never ever

The memories...

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I too bought games at my costco user. Ty for reminding me of my colorful youth spending time at the costco. Did you buy sims 3 urban for the ds?

I love this game, i love the soundtrack and the aesthetic. My dad loved it too so my whole family would play this game, except me mum because she got motion sickness from vidya.

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Really? Fucking why? Tried playing this yesterday, its fucking awful.

I've moved about 4 times in the last 5 years, I carry this one everywhere I go.

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This reminds me of being 14 and playing this on Legendary with the cute half white/mexican girl that was my age that I was friends with. I should've married her bros

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Due to when I bought it, I always associate Animal Crossing with cold winter air and going to get a Christmas tree

I left the game at my parent's home, but getting Dark Cloud was a nice memory for me. My dad made a treasure hunt around the yard using easter eggs painted to look like Precursor Orbs from Jak & Daxter. At the end of the hunt was a box of candy and a note to come back in, where the game was waiting.

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