Days Gone

Am I the only one who likes this game?

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No it's fun.

No you're not. It's actually really nice

Idk why this got panned but Horizon didn't when this is far better

You seem to be one of the only ones shilling it constantly.

>Am I the only one who likes this game?
yes you are

shut up

Why does Yea Forums like shit games and hate good games. Mongoloids, the lot of yah

Surprisingly good. I would've passed up on it and waited for a sale, but because of the drama with "game" journalists, I picked it up to spite them.

You're the only one who played the game.

I can't really say it's bad, in a general fun to play kind of way. But personally, I am so sick of zombies/infected...hordes. I don't know. I need a break from it. Like I'm not engaged at all by killing them just annoyed by them. I don't know. It's hard to say "I like it" but neither can I say it's bad or poorly done (minus the bugs).

yes you're the very first and only person

is it true that it's selling super good?

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>have to hold down the button for the radial menu
>can't choose the number of weapons you have lugged on your back
>grinding for camp trust is the most cancerous thing imaginable, game actively wastes your time thinking you need to grind for Copeland or Tucker when Mike's has the best of both worlds
>dialogue keeps repeating over radio
>game chugs like fucking mad on my PS4
>text and UI are way too fucking small (again)
This game is such a mess. But for some inexplicable reason I can only attribute to my utter desperation for good vidya, I am still enjoying the fuck out of this game.

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This. I got bored of Horizon within its first hour but am enjoying Days Gone

I've been enjoying it, and it has only been getting better.

I like that it doesn't have a lot of bullshit checklist stuff to complete. It's got just enough meaningful things to look for in the open world, and then there's random things that happen when driving between missions that are enough without being too distracting like the stranger missions in Red Dead, and the story missions do some cool fun things with the mechanics while still staying rooted in the core gameplay (bit you can still let loose in some).

The animation on characters is good, and the acting is decently above average that it keeps me engaged.

People try to slam it for being too serious or ripping off Sons of Anarchy, but it's really only moderately serious, not overly bleak, and the biker stuff is way in the background, and your biker bro is just honestly concerned about you.

It's totally decent, and journalists are way off the mark.

Great game that was panned by ign and gamespot because they didn’t pay them off or fit there political agenda

Apparently. It's baffling since it looks like the most generic shit imaginable.

best post

Yup. It's the best selling game in the UK

Deek talking to himself like a New York City hobo is fucking hilarious.

The voice actors did a good job considering the mediocre script

Game is way more fun than I expected. Definitely a solid experience.




It's okay

its universally considered meh. i see a lot of people say they like it "despite" the controversy acting like it was ever really a thing other than something one person may have said or implied.

It just seems to be a mediocre game that doesnt do anything special. which is fine and you can love, i got some games like that but today unless its niche thats considered an absolute failure. although to be honest if it was truely a failure more people would be talking about it instead of threads just keeping asking if anyone else enjoys the game

The game looks fucking terrible to me, but it didn't spawn a webm I enjoy.

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it look like a comfy game and im interested into buying it but im scared it to short or to long/empty. and do it run well on the normal ps4? i dont want to buy a pro when the ps5 is around the corner

It has constantly 2-4 min. loading times on the PS+.

The game is ultra comfy and is not short. It has enough stuff to do. Watch the Digital Foundry video on the tech analysis, it seems to run fine on the PS4 amateur

It's extremely long. I wouldn't call it empty, but it's very much of the 'tasks as content' school of development, so if repetition gets you down you're not going to enjoy it.
Performance on a base PS4 is extremely variable, driving around is a fucking clusterfuck trainwreck but 'normal' gameplay is mostly fine. Hordes are quite up and down.

Meant PSpro

That's not true at all, faggot

But I have an OG PS4 and it's never taken that long


it's fucking long dude. At least 50 hours

alright thx. since ps4 game should be compatible on the ps5 i think im gonna wait for the ps5 to come out and buy the game at a cheaper price for it


You really think waiting 2+ years is worth the ten dollars you'll save?


>primary selling point is battling huge hordes of pursuing infected
>the only time this is well implemented is at the saw mill
>every other horde in the game can be tore up by bottle necking them and then hosing them with an LMG

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horizon had an ugly femcunt protag

majority of the game buying public just buys the most boring shit imaginable


Waiting for a price drop but otherwise cool stuff from what I've seen

Horizon had strong independent wombyn matriarchal society genderqueer uglypretty Aloy with the full Snoy and games """journalism""" propaganda machine, Days Gone Man is a CIS white heteropatriarchal male with zero support from Sony or the press

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Not only that, but there are maybe 3 times in the story where you have to fight a horde and they're only at the very end of the game. Ludicrous waste.

They're called freakers, idiot

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>shill thread
at least be less obvious with the samefagging and fuck off with this shit game

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it not really about the money. i just dont want to play a game i wont be able to enjoy because it stutter like crazy when i see a horde.

>Shills YouTube e-celebs

Uhh, the horde literally has no effect on the framerate. The game was designed around it, you really think a AAA studio wouldn't polish a game's selling point


Not true (on a base PS4) but also not false. Hordes are weird, sometimes they're a happy 30fps and sometimes they drop to a very unhappy 2fps for a second or two and it's never obvious why.

Whaddya need, St. John?

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literally the only game I feel like I don't miss anything if I just watch someone stream it desu
actually, it feels better this way, maybe it's because I'm not the one playing it and the streamer sucks, but the gameplay looks really clunky, I mean people shit on rdr2 for it's slow pace and animations, but at least you can pull off satisfying stuff both with your firearms and in melee combat, in days gone it looks like you're just punching the air everywhere and sometimes you punch the enemy, it just seems weird, can you even lock-on on enemies when fighting?



>*under his breath*
>"what do i need, Cope? What i need is for you to hop off my sack and quit making me do jobs where all i have for company are freakers and your truther bushit radio messages, goddammit, you sonofabitch"

>retarded normalfags buy generic looking trash
Who knew?

>Crazy frog music not playing

Wasted opportunity


To add to this, there is a set limit on the number of infected you can kill at one time, the size of the horde is nowhere near what would actually be considered a threat, and you can bottleneck the horde and spam molotovs at them. The game is fun but but it on sale if you can

I can actually hear deacon's voice as I read that. don't know if that's good or bad

I'm up to the militia encampment just after he finds his wife alive and working with them. How much longer do I have to the end? I'm assuming pretty close to the end by what's going down.

I really enjoy it

Is crowbcat such a snoyshill that he refuse to make a video on days gone?

it's a 7/10


after playing for about 5-6 hours its 8/10 for me right now

this is fair

nah 5/10

is the story decent?



I dont know about you guys, but i've experienced so many glitches in the game like people just randomly flying up into the air and zombies that wont attack me at all. this game was 100% rushed.

and that's from being delayed twice

when's the paycheck coming in and how much were you fucking shills offered

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>people like something means shills

Not buying it until they add the option to remove all the hud

>baaaawwwwww why do these 'shills' living rent free in my head get paid when I have to be a contrarian for free?


i really like the story


>Yea Forums hates on good games
>likes shit games

color me surprised

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Just buy dying light and drive around the following

for a open world game story is great

Sony did good

Holy shit know I know you guys keep making these threads just to jerk off yourselves and Bend

>physical sales are 27% lower compared to God of War

>its the best selling game in the UK
every new game is the best selling game in the UK

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Game is surprisingly not shit. I have a whole list of problems with it though but it doesnt keep it from being enjoyable somehow.

I mean the game at times feels super clunky, deacon will call out bear or screamer and theyre nowhere to be seen, freaks that spawn/despawn out of thin air, though i think it was patched as i havent experienced it after launch day. The weird shit is enemies spawning really close to you after killing others, like i cleared an area and then suddenly 3 or so marauders spawned basically right next to me. At least i didnt see them materialize out of thin air i guess. Also i wish there was different animations for escaping the bear, having 1 is so jank.

>27% lower than the second biggest PS4 exclusive
that's still fucking good

I'm not even a Snoyfag but what's his gripe with theme?
