Why do zoomers equate watching a lets play on youtube to believing they have personally played the video game?
Why do zoomers equate watching a lets play on youtube to believing they have personally played the video game?
They do?
Well if you've seen all a game has to offer can you not say you've played in in Heart
>"dude I know ALL ABOUT planes, I've spent years studying them and watching long-indepth videos, films and documentaries about them"
>"uhhhh sorry but that doesn't count if you haven't actually flown one"
Have you seen the state of most triple A shit nowadays? If you've watched Ninja or whatever play AssCreed10 or whatever you've basically played it.
We do?
because I don't want to fucking play Devil May Cry 2 and none of you faggots can make me do it
Because modern video games are trash. I actually have to think for a second to remember whether or not I played certain games, or just watched them. There isn't much of a difference in experience anymore.
i dont think it means i played the game, but sometime it does mean i experienced the game. i watched a playthrough of kingdom hearts and the ending made me cry, years later when i played it i didnt cry. same with kingdom hearts 2, watched a playthrough and cried, later tried to play it and it was some of the gayest cringe shit i ever saw in ma life holy fuck that was awful.
Yeah that's how it works. Or would you trust a pilot who's never flown before but "read a whole lot about it, though"?
A whole generation that couldn't git gud.
I watched Detroit: Become Human because I don't have a ps4, but I feel like I've played it.
Does that count or am I a fag because I wasn't the one pressing x or square
Because with sony movie shit they have
>Why do zoomers
Stopped reading there.
The Jews won.
Sony's cinematic experiences are the exception.
It and its companion word would be legit terms if only they weren't born out of cancer.
Playing is part of the narrative experience. Watching sports doesn't mean you win or lose. You can get some things from watching someone else, but there will always be more that you're missing. There's no tension of your own risk of failure or triumph. So solving a puzzle, or getting through a tedious ordeal. Games are active media, and can't be wholly consumed passively.
What should he say, "Gen Z people"? Even "millennial" sounds less clunky.
what bothers me more is that we have this curent drama of games being inaccessible because it's too challenging for a minority to finish (or journalist) but we already have the existing solution for that in lets plays
As long as you understand that millennials are not gen z. Zoomer is fine for them. "Boomers" is more of a joke to refer to anyone older than 20 at this point, instead of the actually baby boom generation who are in their late sixties at least.
Look nigger there are just some genres that are unfun to me. If it's not a tactical RPG, a fighter, an ATLUS dungeon crawler, or a 2D Capcom-influenced side scoller, I'm not gonna waste my time.
For a second there I thought that cat was detective pikachu.
Then why even watch them? Not even being judgmental right now, I legitimately don't understand.
Sometimes I want to discuss things or enjoy the story
I watched my friend play through the entirety of OoT and I feel like I have no need to play it myself
Generation Z began in 1995/1996 user
Everything you read about something gets thrown out the window once you start doing it in practice.
I'd say once you've experienced something in the same genre, there's no need to play a game (versus watching it) unless you really want to.
The only exception is maybe fighting games or those based on that type of input; otherwise it's incredibly hard to know the difference between things like DMC3 and the reboot DmC
David cage games a glorified movied so I'd give you a pass there
If he never flown before, then he isn't a pilot. You don't have to be a pilot to know a lot about planes.
So someone who hasn't played the game isn't on the same level as someone who has played the game, a player.
Fair enough. As long as you don't spout off nonsense it's no big deal. Personally, I feel a little cheated watching someone else. But that's me, of course.
They don't. Most people who listen to let's plays use it as background noise while they're doing other shit.
I'm talking about airplanes. What are you talking about?
Because the majority of zoomer games are movie games
I never played Detroit: Become Human. I watched some skinny lesbian with a cute sister play it. I can safely say my opinion on it is the same as anyone who played it.
depends, was it a visual novel/interactive adventure? those aren't video games so watching it is the same experience
if it doesn't require reflex and a braindead monkey could make his way through it then it is not a real video game
Because some games (RPGs especially) you can get everything out of the experience just by watching it. The gameplay only exists to service the story, music, and visuals. Example: the persona series has awful, monotonous gameplay that just pads out the time between plot points.
I disagree. I think the labyrinths, and that particular brand of dungeon crawling not only provides an interesting break, but is also key to telling their story. Just because it isn't twitch skill, doesn't mean that you aren't planning, problem solving, and coordinating things. No one can stop you from watching, except that you could just watch the anime, but you are missing something fundamental by not playing it.