>People are excited to play one of the worst GTA clones out there because it's portable now
Jesus fucking christ, what's wrong with the people that own this thing?
>People are excited to play one of the worst GTA clones out there because it's portable now
Jesus fucking christ, what's wrong with the people that own this thing?
Other urls found in this thread:
I love my Switch and I have no fucking idea why anyone who owns one spends a red cent on anything that's not a Nintendo exclusive.
They should have ported either 2 or 4.
>Saints Row
>worst gta clone
Guess OP just hates fun
Do you remember a time when R* wasn't copying Saints Row 3?
>Since 1989 people have loved playing handheld versions and nobody had an issue
>All of a sudden it's a crime because it's Switch
>people are angry people are excited for a game
Yea Forums in a nutshell
>people have loved playing handheld versions
People have enjoyed handheld games. Not shittier versions of games that already exist.
Is this game fun? May pirate on my switch.
Why is it not 3 and 4?
SR2>>>>>>>>> SR4 >SR3
never played 1 but I'd guess it'd go between 2 and 4
i unironically love the entire SR series. Played every one as they were coming out so maybe I was biased. It was a fun romp and I used to play the SR2 hoe yourself out minigame as a female boss and pop boners all the time when i was younger.
It's improved though
Because Deep Silver wants to pull the same jewery twice: they're going to charge full price for the expansion of part 3.
probably because they intend on releasing 4 later
Nothing has ever been improved by dropping the framerate to the 20s.
Every handheld ever is jam packed full of ports and scaled down versions, if anything Switch is the most comparable handhelds have ever been to full console counterparts if only becasue of having all the correct buttons.
SR3 and SR4 are still pretty fun in their own right. Stop being a militant "only 1 & 2 was good, muh epic story le gat was so cool" faggot. Especially considering the first game was not good at all. The second game is the best saints row and it would be cool to get, but they lost the source and assets or something and besides the engine was held together with shoestrings, no way it would play well on the switch. They would have to rebuild/remaster SR2 from the ground which they will never do because the publishers are jewish.
>Every handheld ever is jam packed full of ports and scaled down versions
Every handheld prior to the Switch was also jam packed full of exclusives. Even the ones considered failures, like the PSP and Vita.
Not really. Bare bones open world. Gimmick weapons and vehicles lose their charm after using them for a minute. Controls feel like bargain bin GTA.
Saints Row 4 isn't a huge step up, but it's atleast a more complete feeling game, since they basically copy and pasted SR3 and added super powers and altered the same open world to be a bit more unique. 4 is better.
>but it's atleast a more complete feeling game
That's funny considering it was originally an expansion pack the jew publishers decided to sell at full price.
Can I creamapi 3 and 4 with a Steam copy?
1 > 4 > 3 > 2
>Not shittier versions of games that already exist
That is pretty much what the majority of Gameboy ports were.
>Switch exclusives don't count because I say so
The most contrarian opinion ever
If an indie game performs identically to the PC version, and it's not more expensive, why not?
>>People are excited
[Citation fucking needed]
I literally have not seen a single soul mention this port outside of the few people shitting on it.
Yeah true, but in the end it's basically saints row 3 copy and pasted with more content. SR4 may not be it's own unique game, it's just a more complete 3, which is better than being a incomplete bland game shoved with gimmicks that lose their charm within seconds. Not that 4 didn't have lame gimmicky shit, but atleast it was genuinely more fun to play.
He tried to get us by saying 1 was the best. But we all know it is 2 > 1 > 4 > 3.
When was the last time ninteny.o.s have had a GTA-clone game? They won't know the difference between the good and the bad, they will buy it because
>muh switch ports xD
, Deep Silver will take their money for a subpar game, and they will be none the wiser. Then DS will port the fourth game and take their money again.
>When was the last time ninteny.o.s have had a GTA-clone game? They won't know the difference
Sad but true
I remember when 3 came out, and in some interview the director said there weren't as many hidden things in the open world because a majority of players didn't find them.
SR2 had so much hidden stuff, and so many different types of areas to explore. 2 had a ghetto area, redneck area, suburbs, city area
3 just had city area. Same looking city area, the whole damn map. And the character customization in 2 was SO much more in depth because it had a layering system. Not 3 though...
Fuck, 3 really was such a downgrade
4 was a shitfest and 2 wasn't wacky enough. 3 is perfect for the Switch
A shitty tiny map, less activities, they broke how co-op worked and also don't forget no proper night and day system (why has this become a problem in recent years? So many open world games don't have clocks anymore)
So you're telling me that's it's ok to play bastardized versions of games from the NES to the gameboy, but when it comes to the switch playing things like doom and this, it's a whine-fest. Sony Pony's don't have a handheld.
>2 wasn't wacky enough
2 had the perfect the balance of serious and goofy, the serious aspect made the goofy parts stick out more
3 went overboard and lost any sense of subtlety and nuance, you become desensitised to it all
>wahhh multiplat is bad
>wahh the PSP was a failure
ok that last one was wrong. the PSP was the definitive handheld of the mid-2000's you faggot. The vita was dwarfed by the xperia play, and sony killed them both. Fucking sony fags just give up. My vita and PS3 collect dust under all my other nintendo stuff collecting dust, so there faggot happy they're both shit and you're gay????
I wish it was GTA3
SR3 is pretty bad
>tfw pirated it days ago and beat it
not a bad port but game just feels outdated and empty
>jam packed full of exclusives
>considered failure
They do. SoA just completely ruined any and all opportunities for the thing because they don't know how to advertise and hate that they can't cram their "super hi-def" """"STORIES""""" about dumb shit on the thing.
How the hell did so many devs get so much more out of the PSP than they did the Vita when the Vita is and has more going for it in terms of power? Even western shit like GoW: Chains of Olympus, Daxter, and R&C: Size Matters may not have been the best games ever, but for fuck's sake at least they tried to make original entries that actually played well and were not just ports of the console games handed off to the most incompetent porting studios Sony could find.
>3 went overboard and lost any sense of subtlety and nuance, you become desensitised to it all
You realised how shit it was when you realised some of the content was just rehashed versions from SR2 but made terribly (like the lion/tiger thing in SR3 is just a bad version of paparazzi from SR2)
Legit one of the few good SR3 activities was that kitty adult swim thing
Have you played 2 recently? That game does not hold up. Not saying 3 and 4 aren't worse, but 2 definitely doesn't deserve that many >'s.
I always wanted to play skyrim on a handheld and not against playing saints row either. Also i just prefer playing on a handheld, but there aren’t much newer stuff, good thing i skipped doom and hellblade on pc,
>Have you played 2 recently? That game does not hold up.
I played 2 with a friend before we played SR3
We both agreed SR3 was a pile of shit.
skyrim on switch is really good now
>can pirate it
>can transfer your PC save
>all on the dump
>We both agreed SR3 was a pile of shit.
Because it is, but 2 isn't exactly a great game either.
Nice, but can you play online if you hacked your switch?
>but 2 isn't exactly a great game either.
This is just wrong - here's the top 3 GTA style open world games
1. San Andreas
2. Saints Row 2
3. Personal preference because there hasn't been anything as good as those two (so it can be Jak 2, Sleeping Dogs, GTA VC, etc, doesn't matter)
SR2 literally has two campaigns for the price of one, one with you as the first player and one with you as the second, with variety in how the game controls in certain activities
The only one I ever played was 3 and it was fucking terrible and unfunny
Should I give 2 a try?
3 is inherently unfunny trash and has 0 side content
2 actually tries comedy in the character humor sense, people that do and say funny things appropriate to them, not because it's le wacky meme xD and is full of content
4 was a really good crackdown clone, 2 was a legit great game. 3 is the shittiest of the series if you don't count that awful gat out of hell expansion or Agents of Mayhem.
Reminder that SR3 didn’t have a day & night cycle.
4 is literally the worst game i've ever played
>remember how great a city Stilwater was and how they then just did a complete 180 and made that piece of shit known as Steelport
What went wrong?
Imagine coming on Yea Forums to get mad at someone playing a game.
>What went wrong?
Removal of stores for regenerating health+no items in SR3, you lost easy to use iconography like Freckle Bitches or liquor stores
As someone who hasn't played Gat out of hell, please tell me everything it did wrong in your personal experience. Most other opinions I've read seem conflicted.
Giving a shit about ANY of these game post SR2
Correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t they remove Freckle Bitches because they thought it was too crude?
It's the same city yet again, except with a hell theme instead of cyber. Also you can only play as Gat or Kinzie. I feel like you're just redoing missions from 4 but don't quote me on that. It doesn't help that the plot is really dumb, and the production values are much lower.
>Giving a shit about any of these games
>giving a shit about video games
Apparently the staff were mixed and thought the name lacked any subtlety.
Yes, somehow, subtlety was in the design documents for SR3, where you swack things with a dildo bat.
That just tells me more that SR3 was probably altered to hell and back midway through development to try and fit the new, "wacky" style they were going for.
They refer back to it in SR4 constantly, but they explain that the store chain had a massive failure and closed all their branches, although you can still get guns and costumes based on it.
I give a shit about good video games
Thanks, I appreciate it.
No games will make you eat just about anything, even the smelliest and putrid shit ever conceived in the face of the earth.
>he gives a shit about anything
>People are excited
[citation needed]
I agree
I would prefer a 1 & 2 bundle if possible
nincels are subhuman scum
Have you literally never seen a portable game?
I hope they port Agents of Mayhem next, her thighs alone make the entire game worth it.
This is the same series where you hose people with liquid shit from a truck and shitty a fart gun but Freckle Bitches is where they draw the line honestly this series died after 2, 3 was alright but starting from there on they became on par with Borderlands for being shitty dated meme Reddit humor games
Septic Avenger was in SR2 though, they got rid of it in future games probably because it was an actual fun activity
I remember being hyper disappointed with SR3 damn near none of the things that made SR2 fun made it back in to 3
so glad i skipped 1 and 2, got to enjoy 3 and 4 without being a bitter no fun allowed contrarian faggot Yea Forumsirgin
And the stuff they brought back, they messed up, where instead of having to share 1 chopper, you're given 2 helicopters and it becomes easy as well.
*easy as hell
Oh shit, they're really making a movie based on this crap.
OP is a massive faggot
Be aware that 2 is one of the worst PC ports of all time, basically because of the way it's been coded to get it working on the 360 it's fucked at an engine level and despite many years of mods and fan patches is only acceptable at best. As for the game itself it's a high-tier 3D era GTA clone that despite being dated now is still pretty enjoyable and has a lot of content. It's definitely exaggerated and cartoony but nowhere near as grating and try-hard as 3 was.
friendly reminder the final boss dies within the 3 hours of the game.
What were they thinking? I was so baffled that they spent time building him up only to off them in favor of the Mexican luchador gang. And then theres the autotuned pimp, jesus fuck.
I still believe Saints Row 3 went through a hell of a lot of mid-development plot changes. That's why we get weird tonal whiplashes.
Just compare the intro of the game where Johnny fucking dies and the Saints are bankrupted, to the end of the game where you're throwing fart jars to save Burt Reynolds.
Then you haven't played SR3
>Sasha Grey is now on a Nintendo console
Truly the weirdest timeline