Now that they are all dead...

Now that they are all dead, which one of these long built-up end-of-saga villains had more accomplishments and had the best end?

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Thanos is the best villain of all time, even better than The Joker, Darth Vader, Maleficent, Kefka & Ganondorf

t. hanos

Xehanort had the "best" end if that's what you mean

Xehanort. He literally got off scott free after succeeding. Sora only won through an asspull.

what a fucking joke of a villain.

Why didn't he just create more space and more resources?

These ugly chumps are overrated
Once the Grunty saga ends they'll be hated

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Either Thanos or Xehanort, Night King went out like a bitch and had no accomplishments.

Night King and Xehanort are peons next to Thanos.

Any of them but the Night King. Absolutely pathetic. Those two jews absolutely shat on GoT. Idk why I continued watching after the pile of shit that was Season 5 anyway.

Seriously a fucking waste. I don't give a fuck about Cersei and her gay pirate BF.

Xehanort wins because he got a "dude I was pretending to like the darkness" ending

I am going to have to say Xehnaort because:
1. I know shit about Thanos
2. Night King seemed like a generic ass zombie overlord

This is why

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The amount of matter in the universe is finite. He can't snap more into existence, so he gets rid of things consuming it.

Arthas is the only good longtime villain in vidya.

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Xehanort was pretty much invincible. The heroes win by:
1. Cheating death with time travel.
2. Giving Sora plot armor that lets him and couple Disney characters beat Xehanort- merged with his 13 other selves, in his Keyblade armor, wielding THE X-blade.


Pretty sure you can create matter with the full powered gauntlet.

Thanos >> Xehanort >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Night King

>He can't snap more into existence,
That's not entirely true. Assuming the MCU stones follow normal rules he can literally do anything he can imagine within the confines of the universe.
That's also where the problems come into play, he has infinite capabilities but a finite room.

too bad wotlk shit all over him

The MCU gauntlet is massively nerfed compared to the comic

>That's also where the problems come into play, he has infinite capabilities but a finite room.

Do you know how outer space works? There is a LOT of empty space. A lot. A fucking lot of it.

truly embarrassing if you believe this

NK dies like a bitch
Xehanort gives up in a "he was a good friend" fashion which is so insanely dumb.
Thanos actually completed his plan and came to terms with the fact that once he did the snap to get rid of the stones that would mean his death would come soon after. He gave up everything for his plan, even if it wouldn't have really worked in the long term of things, and even gave up his own life to secure it. Only reason he failed his because he didn't kill Tony or account for time travel.

It's utterly massive but not infinite

NK was a fucking waste of potential and Xehanort is a fucking retarded character from a retarded series

>Xehanort was invincible
>loses to Terra
>loses to Terra again in Terra's body
>loses to Aqua
>loses to Riku in Young Xehanort's body
>loses to Sora
>not even counting his various split forms


Notice all of them are bald.
Coincidence? I think not.

Prove it.

And this is what happens when you fill it with unchecked life

He's Darth Vader in an ice fortress.

>posting spoilers on my fucking board

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What is this?

The infinity gems can't work in other universes.
Other universes mean that something is keeping them separate.
If they're separate they can't be infinite.

They killed death and then an eldritch abomination corrupted everything in it.

Thanos at least won once even if he got snapped
Xehanort got to be a dindu even if he failed so he objectively got the best end in terms of final fate
Middle guy went out like a bitch

And after each loss, it was "all part of the plan."

That's what you say to save face afterwards, user. You can't tell me that Xehanort intentionally intended to get beaten so hard that he developed amnesia and forgot about the X-Blade for 10+ years.

What comic?
>They killed death
Whose retarded idea was this?


Infinity Wars Thanos won. He indisputably was victorious.
End Game Thanos was a weird bitch though, don't know how he changed so much in only five years


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the night nigger is a jobber and xehanort was turnt into a sympathetic villan despite having committed some ugly unnecessary shit
Thanos wins and it takes the heroes 5 years to undo what he did. he wins in every fucking timeline, the heroes could only win because a rat freed Scott
the time-skip happens after Thanos dies.he was weak cause he destroyed the stones, plus every heavy hitter besides wanda and strange had the jump on him. he still won in endgame,it was 2014 thanos who lost

>End Game Thanos was a weird bitch though, don't know how he changed so much in only five years

Realm of Kings I think?
And I say killed but it's more that they removed her.

>awful normie shit
>awful normie shit
>gay anime shit that normies also like now for some reason
>not even video games except for the last one
I hate Yea Forums a little more with every passing day

He literally did, you dumbass.

It's 2014 Thanos I'm calling a bitch

He was rather peeved at the fact nobody liked that he killed half the universe


On behalf of all Yea Forums I apologize and admit we should talk about blacks and trannies more just for you to appreciate this place even more!

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>he still won in endgame,it was 2014 thanos who lost
wait, so the timeline where thanos snaps and rests on his farm is still intact?

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It took Time travel fuckery and an entire group to defeat Thanos.

laugh at this user

You're not wrong, but
>using the word normies
You're also exactly what you hate

Same with Xehanort

With how marvel's timelines work?

Yes, of course it is

Yeah he was boring. I think he grew restless and having Gamora leave in Guardians 1 really changed him.

Is that not the current timeline? Or do you mean a timeline where the Avengers don’t find and kill him.

>snap shit into existence to help accomplish your goals
>snap it out when done with it
it's just that fucking easy


The Night King isn't a villain, he's literally just a walking plot device.

And it's obvious that no one ever actually had a plan for Xehanort.

Started very good in IW, was a great villain. Gets his head chopped off and turned into generic monster man for Endgame, but still alright.

>Night King
Started as a boring ass one-dimensional villain and ended as a shitty deus ex machina plot device used to prop up the series' biggest marie sue. Easily the worst of the three.

Was a throroughly entertaining villain with an amazing voice actor (RIP). Also had the most kino bossfight in the series. Was somewhat ruined in the end when they decided to pull a "he was actually not evil!!!" twist at the last seconds of his life.

He definitely seems like less of a warlord in Infinity War - on. I feel like once he got the first two stones in the gauntlet it became less of a conquest to him, almost a spiritual journey, given that he sheds his armor and doesn’t kill unless absolutely necessary.

>Snaps veggies and berries into existance to feed the hungry
>snaps it out off existance when the hungry eats
>The hungry are still hungry since you snapped the food in thier stomach out of existance.

Are you a fucking idiot?
If you make an apple, eat it and then snap it out then you're not solving anything. You're basically getting nothing but the taste out of the apple.

Thanos was the only one that won though.

the OP image in the catalog isn't spoilered

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Who gives a shit.

Xehanort by a mile. He got what he wanted AND a happy ending. Thanos got what he wanted but then it got reversed and he died. Night King died like a bitch, so much fucking wasted potential.