Coming up on his 65th anniversary and 35th movie

>coming up on his 65th anniversary and 35th movie
>still not a single good game in over 15 years

Why is the king of the monsters so cursed in the vidya world? Do giant monsters just not work in a game?

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No one actually cares about Godzilla these days.
>inb4 Shin!!!
There's a tacit understanding that movie is above half assed game tie-ins and the like.


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>No one actually cares about Godzilla these days.

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>Implying I'm not seeing King of the Monsters opening night

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>abandoning the most kino Godzilla in decades to copy capeshit

Are you a fucking retard?
Godzilla is more popular now both in Japan and abroad that he has been in decades.

Actually based. His trilogy from the 90s is fantastic.

destroy all monsters melee was fun
>salty gameraposting still exists
i love you. never stop.

leave kaijukino to me

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i believe the point of this thread was pointing out the distinct lack of those games

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Godzilla Unleashed, Destroy all monsters and save the earth


Godzilla: Uncaring Protector > Evil Godzilla >>> Territorial Animal Godzilla = Good Guy Godzilla >>>> Unstoppable Messenger from God to Humans Godzilla >>>> Godzilla: Defender of Justice >>>>>>>> Dog Shit >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shin Godzilla

The PS4 game is okay once you figure out the insane control scheme

Yea Forumsmblr detected

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>Didn't actually read anything
Actual Yea Forumsmblr detected.

Go dilate.

It doesn't actually make me mad if I know you're doing it on purpose.

The new movie looks like its going to be pretty fucking great.

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Your objective shit taste makes me more angry than I think I could ever make you

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>Do giant monsters just not work in a game?

they arguably don't work in movies.

I'm really REALLY on board with the giant lizard idea but like 90% of godzilla movies are bad.

I think I'm just a giant retard though because when I think about what kind of gozilla movie I'd actually like to watch I end up with basically the iron giant but it's godzilla.

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>director did trick r' treat and krampus

legit hyped desu

how is shin godzilla that different from evil godzilla?

>I end up with basically the iron giant but it's godzilla.
That's essentially the plot of the first Godzilla movie, except he's not cute or friendly and he dies at the end. But a lot of sympathy for the monster

Hes a baiting retard, just ignore him

>Evil Godzilla

Man you GMK faggots really get annoying, evil Godzilla completely misses the point as much as hero Godzilla, but at the very least Honda and Tsuburaya themselves created and developed hero Godzilla.

Shin Godzilla, ignoring the retarded inner jap politics and talking about the character, is a pretentious statement on evolution that doesn't really quite work out as anything other than a gimmick to make him a threat.


>I end up with basically the iron giant but it's godzilla.

You should check out the most recent Gamera movie then. Kid raises a baby gamera who ends up being his best friend and saves the city.

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Another user here: If you watch Gamera, watch it dubbed. It's not so-bad-its-good, but there's a couple of lines in the dub that make me bust out laughing every time from their casual bluntness.

This is both retarded and amazing at the same time.

Wow Godzilla has unplausible origins? Stop the whole fucking movie!

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>motherfucking lasers and atomic breath that torches half of Tokyo in one attack

I fucking love Godzilla but I think people can't attach personalities to the Kaiju and all the stages are just cities, and fighting games are really the only resort.

Fuck. I don't think Serj's vocals work, but the fucking Ouendan chanting is getting me hyped.

>unplausible origins?
What the actual fuck are you talking about?


I like the Racer X remake of the old Blue Oyster Cult song better.

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It's so weird but great, it reminds me of They Might Be Giants in a way

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What if we make a Godzilla game that's an over-the-shoulder fighter that's twin-joystick tank controls with pedals?

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