Does she still have any chance of getting in smash?

Does she still have any chance of getting in smash?

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My wife is in my heart.

I think it's clear that spirits aren't going to be included as fighters

non lords are never ever

post fat Tharja

Better than gator nigger at least.

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

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Chrom only happened because he could have his final smash model pasted over Roy, so unless the Smash team decides to paste Tharja over Robin or something, probably not.

And then theres how her 3DS trophy was axed by the ESRB for ratings.

Fuck smash

She has about the same amount of chance to get in Smash as I have getting in her

I'd say she's fairly far down at this point. I'd say the order would likely be as such among FE girls

>FE16 MU
>Fjorm or Veronica
>Tiki (Loli)
And then maybe Tharja

>Fire Emblem “””””women”””””

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I wanna fuck her daughter

This is the only other rep Fire Emblem should ever get. No shill picks, no waifubait, no more swords.

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Literal who...the user

Not unless they want to bump the age rating and they nerfed Samus' tits and Palutena's weird upskirt shortshot to keep it at its current level.

None at all. Look at her spirit and compare it to every other FE spirit. Her spirit is the only one that uses her in game portrait instead of her official art to avoid showing her scantly dressed self.

please god yes

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Are Tharja threads daily now? Not that I mind. I just would've liked to know.

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It wasn't axed by ESRB, it was axed by CERO, which is even more of a deathblow

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>never EVER

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>upskirt editing
>nerfed Samus' body to Lucina-tier proportions
>gave Mithra leggings
>covered Camilla's tits with hair
Yeah we'll need Smash to be T-rated again for Tharja to have a shot based on that alone.

>Lucina tier
no let's not get crazy here. Even Nerfed, Samus' tits are still better than Lucina, in the way that you don't need a high power microscope to see them.


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Ok fair, though there isn't that huge a gap between As and Bs.

>that one where she impregnates her daughter

Girls cannot impregnate other girls.

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This but unironcally

What about soren

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don't be so certain

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post more yourself

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Do you have any proof to the contrary?

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I would, but I’m not at my house at the moment. Probably won’t be there til tomorrow evening. And my collection is not as big as it should be, anyway

I think that ship has sailed. She gets censored when it comes to trophies and spirits and Awakening isn’t the most recent Fire Emblem game.

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What about Tharja's past life?

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Off topic, but lots of anons in entire Yea Forums are getting ImageRangebanned now without reason. Like sadpanda banned some of their content.

Thankfully she has no chance.

no you fucking idiot there’s 3 characters from awakening already and most people moved on.

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>she is her own mother

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Why does Tharja make my pp hard

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No but I really wouldn't mind SMASHING her!!!

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As likely as my wife. Aka never.
Least I had some fun memeing about her in smash in the months before ultimate released.

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i want tharja to sit on my face

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I wish, I ove her character, would make a great robin's semi echo

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I want to _be_ tharja

Please no

>black lipstick
Yes please.

How big is Tharja's futa cock?

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>signature on this trash

Only two inches hard. She likes when you make fun of it.

just for you

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Why not?

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How much money do I need for a girlfriend like this?

she doesn't believe in love from a pot

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Not entirely, I only made that thread the other day because of reasons that I'm sure some anons here know about.

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what does that even mean

she doesn't use love potions. Idk. Gold in a pot?

I know it's bait, but there are people who actually think like this.

God i hope so

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I read as she has a chance to get smash sexually

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I do because Donkey Kong is a shit franchise :)

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Post discord

these highly idealized women torture me. The happiness is temporary.

god dammit tharja is hot

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Life is temporary.

Best chance is her being a returning character in FEW2, if it ever gets made, which also gives you a freer camera control

Hot and Smelly

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I wanna fuck those tits

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Too sexy for a nintendo game maybe?

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I read this with the King K Rool theme in the background. Very funny :3

God i want to fuck Tharja

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Why the fuck are there no more than 2 good Tharja doujins?

Fire Emblem is not popular

>Reverse image search shows nothing

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I want to marry Tharja and make Noire with her while holding hands.

use tags you buffoon

I want to fuck Noire, father-in-law

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I love my wife!

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Trip back on and seethe hard on

What is it like to have a girlfriend?

You are always poor and also constantly nagged at.

Worth it, latter seems kind of hot

No, but I would love for that to happen.

For Smash Bros since it's a rated E10+ game.

>Gacha """"game""""

Tharja is my waifu!!! I love her so much!!!!

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Same but unironically.

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Is this a picture from your wedding?

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Aversa is better.

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I like Tharja and Rhajat better, but Aversa is the underrated wife.

She barely made it into Fire Emblem Warriors, and even in a genre known for titty fanservice she wasn't allowed to fully be herself.

>Recreate her statue pose as her win sequence.
>But zoom the camera in so much that you see nothing but her face.

Hell her Smash spirit has a book covering her tits if I recall correctly, and she got cut out of being a trophy in 4.

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That game was just full on retarded and wasted potential throughout.

It's a picture from heaven because there's an angel in it.