How would you fix the Street Fighter series?
How would you fix the Street Fighter series?
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make chun's outfit nopan
Bring back Poison
What's wrong with it? Only r/kappa and 09ers are mad about jive now, and neither of those groups matter.
Never trust a big butt and smile
I'd let it die, sendt his genre back to the grave in the 90's where it belongs. Fighting games are a cancerous rip off.
We need an MvC2 4k port, then MvC5 needs to return to arcade style with lots of characters.
I want to take you for a ride.
Give SF more single player content similar to MK towers.
A ripoff of what? Why post retarded shit like this?
MvC2 is only fun casually, it's broken as fuck if you try to play it remotely seriously.
No one but normalfags care about single player content in fighting games. Maybe if you actually put time into a game you can go online and fight other people, the main point of a fighting game.
why don't you want normalfags playing the game?
All characters played by Anri Okita circa 2014.
seriously. Not putting in casual friendly single player shit in your game not only makes it harder for the game to get sales and thus continue, it also means the only way they can appeal to casuals is by dumbing down the actually gameplay and thus resulting in the shit we have right now.
Fuck every retard that says fighting games don't need single player content. Yes they absolutely do. It's like a containment board for buy and forget players.
Anri Okita is ugly AF.
Bring back Darkstalkers.
SFII, KoF98, MvC2, SvC2, and SFIV had shit all for single player combat and those games attracted thousands of people.
It's not that I don't want normalfags to play, it's that they won't be happy no matter what. In the end a fighting game requires hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to become even remotely decent, normalfags simply would never put in time like that when they go through trends every week.
Gib mommy milkers
switch it back to 2D
not let you play it.
Not let overrated dishface pornstars cosplay as characters, for one.
More feet
you're ugly AF.
Enjoy sub-10K sales.
>Anris post pregnancy milk engorged tits are bigger than Hitomis now
bring gen, Oro, and Gouken back. SF is best when it's old men fighting eachother
make all the females have big dicks
Stop I just took a shower dont make me fap now
I love Anri!
Did she ever post her post-pregnancy milkers?
Make SFVI more complex than third strike
Yeah, let's kill the franchise for another 10 years, great idea user!!!
By ignoring the new players requests and accepting that every new game will recieve hate no matter what since it is made by capcom
boot ono
actually fucking hang woshige
make game
>boot ono
You already exposed yourself as someone that doesn't actually play this genre.
seethe harder
I can use Yea Forums meme words too
ITT: Faggots who don't know fuck-all about fighting games
>MvC5 needs to return to arcade style
>a fighting game requires hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to become even remotely decent
>Make SFVI more complex than third strike
>switch it back to 2D
>a fighting game requires hundreds, if not thousands, of hours to become even remotely decent
How is that wrong? Even most people don't reach silver in jive until around 200-250 hours.
wasn't planning on it tonight, but let me get the code for this one, user?
what's wrong with it ? im having fun with SFV i legit dont see whats the problem
I miss her so much, bros.
make SF good again?
>remove all the shit SFV added (v-trigger, v-skill, crush counters)
>bring back hit-confirms
>get rid of jab anti-airs or at least don't let them beat out cross-ups clean
>bring back actual combos, not this cookie cutter shit in SFV
>revert character back to their legacy playstyles (fuck all the SFV changes)
>bring back 1f links, let execution monsters do their thing
>make DPs invincible again
>let chip damage kill
>give us more meter
>bring back FADCs so we can cancel our moves more than once per round
gib milk mommy gf
>bring back actual combos, not this cookie cutter shit in SFV
Now cr.lp cr.lp cr.lp cr.lp xx MK spin scythe, THAT was real SF.
Are pornstars in Japan even treated well?
chip damage kills are boring to watch. I'm glad it's gone. Actually explain to me why they're good
Not really. A lot of them are runaways, failed idols, or girls who probably couldn't keep up with their ridiculous education standards.
>another shitter crying over elena
she was in the game for 2 fuckin years before everyone thought she was good
>first Nemo's rolento was fuckin everyone
>then Decapre was the new OP because Nuckle and Infil beasting on everyone
>then Hugo was the secret low key top tier cuz Valle beat bonchan, and some black kid was fuckin everyone with him
>last year of USF4 people find out Elena is annoying
>no one even picked her in the final Capcom Cup for Ultra
>B...B... But Xian, Gamerbee, and Sako picked her in qualifiers,she is ruining the meta
>Fuckin Yun and E.Ryu GF
because depending on resources, and some amazing plays a good player can come out on top
just because you are a hit away from death shouldn't be a means to accept defeat you fuckin faggot
Adding parries but removing chip kills is a weird design choice
I agree with everything except the FADCs for the same reason I don't want parries back. Those are the signature mechanics of their games, so following SFs need to do their own unique thing instead of ripping off its predecessors.
You realize you can still chip out people in SFV, right? It just requires your critical art, even if the opponent is blocking it can chip.
Just make a roster full of characters with fun and varied combos, as well as fun mechanics. Pic related is a good example.
Parries shouldn't come back regardless. It's difficult to balance them, they either end up way too weak or far too strong. Look at Remy, an entire character that is made irrelevant just from their existence.
>That third floating titty that the world isn't allowed to know about
"You know how infinite meter in training mode lets you pull off some ridiculous combos? What if we based a character on that?"
They tried that with the V system, but they still haven't really achieved it. I think the problem is the V skills aren't really general purpose enough for most characters so you can't really actively play around building the gauge, and making V trigger a powerful comeback mechanic limits how much you get to use the fun stuff it grants you. Part of that is just how the game is designed but they certainly could work on it quite a lot with some simple changes. Just for fun I'd like to see what an infinite V gauge mode would be like.
>no mommy anri
>no aunty hitomi
She's hot, but also ridden with STDs
>no oneesan Rei
>no imouto Atomic
Would rather have an Asahi gf senpai desu
More complicated inputs for attacks that you can piano into each-other.
Hitboxes and hitstuns set up in such a way that if you hit an enemy player with just the edge of your attack it stuns them for a few extra frames, so if you really know your spacing you can string together much longer combos than otherwise.
LAN play.
Anri face model for chun-li
Rei has amazing eyes
>mfw when anri retired
God I wish that were me
Combine 3S, SFIV, and SFV's system mechanics into one game.
Just fuckin make Third Strike again, dude.
who bitch is this?
I played Capcom Fighting Evolution and wondered what a modern take would be. Why can't they make a standalone fighter with 5-6 fighters for the major series and other iconic ones? Like they have to do Versus everytime?
We don't want casuals infesting the genre and ruining it more than they already have. The games sell enough to be profitable, if fucking weebshit can get made fighting games will always have a place. The more people playing, the more retards you have voicing their retarded opinions and influencing development.
idk her name I just have a few images
SF5 didn't sell well and non-EVO tournament viewership is in the toilet.
You can't, no matter how dumbed down the controls or functions gets, people sucks ass and they are going to lose and quit the game cuz they can't blame nothing but themselfs and idiots can't deal with that, prove me wrong.
Lads I..
Are you retarded friend? by "rip off" he means that it's a waste of money
Street fight alpha 3
Or CVS 2 grooves
I'll be down