lol so true
Lol so true
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lmfao, that's right!
Only works if the Artist had a artistic vision.
apparently the Sonic in the trailer was already a alteration from what they originally had. And they play to change it again. Just shows they had no fucking clue what they wanted to do from the beginning.
>dannyodwyer liked
does he think we don't remember him calling for tracer to be censored and saying it was a good thing because censoring "anime arse" will result in "less rapes on women"?
Well yeah, Sekiro is fine and doesn't need modal difficulty. That Sonic looks beyond awful. What's his point?
>different people and companies handle different situations differently
Hey look its exactly the same subgroup of people that called him a shitter that demanded sonic to be changed
To my knowledge nobody actually asked them to change anything, they just mocked the design.
Nobody was threatening a boycott or a riot or accusing the filmmakers of being "problematic" or anything.
>artists complain to corporate they wanted to change it to a more true to the source look
>they ignore them or dismiss it
>trailer comes out
>everyone collectively shits on it
>suddenly corporate listens and lets artists change it to how they want
>"DOUBLE STANDARDS" cries faggots on twitter
Well at least we know that the SJWs have a stake in Sonic's hideous movie design. It's like these people defend things because they are ugly.
What a fucking faggot.
the fact that they are now going to bend over backwards to change it and try to appeal to people means it never had any artistic vision leading sonics design, only a corporate vision.
Lmao this faggots still salty that he got universally called a shitter by every person alive
Is this coordinated or do all these lefty people think the exact same thing at once?
Show me the journalists who demanded that Sonic's appearance be changed because it hurts their fee fees
Ill wait.
>Brian "Sonic Was Never Good" Altano complaining about people thinking something related to Sonic is shit.
Journos saw Sonic making the cuck face and instinctively decided they had to save that design
>Some literal who lives in your head rent free
but they didnt make sonic, they just adapted it horribly.
get this false equivalency shit out of here
These guys just despise whenever fans get listened to over their clique of journos
Nobody "demanded" Sonic to be changed. People watched the trailer and decided it sucked.
These "journalists" don't even want people to have opinions anymore.
The attack on Sekiro had nothing to do with artistic integrity. It was just another victim in the war on competency the left is waging right now. Even the Sonic trailer is extension of that; "how dare you claim these film makers are bad at their job! Merit and competency are completely subjective!"
I can't wait until the day that the ad revenue on these clickbait factories completely dries up and these wastes of oxygen are out on the streets.
>changing that fan alienating nightmare fuel to look more like the actual character is the same thing as dumbing down a game that was meant to be difficult because inept retards cant beat it
They don’t actually own Sonic though
I don't know who Brian Altano is, but Paramount doesn't even own Sonic, so he can fuck off.
Oh yeah, because that movie director was respecting the original "artistic vision"
Reminder that Resident Evil is and will always be the only truly successful Vidya to Live Action series adaptation
>using twitter other than porn
yes because everyone defending one completely different thing were attacking this other thing that has nothing to do with it. dumb liberal
lol, kys
Kill yourself