Bought a rift last month

>Bought a rift last month
>Next gen VR coming out this year

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Other urls found in this thread:

Do you want to design a video game with me!?

We can make VR great again!

there is no standard for vr yet, they're constantly going to be making new models until the tech tops out
stick with a shit vr headset or wait it out entirely

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Thanks for beta testing

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VR is still shit anyway. Wake me up when we're not just strapping monitors to our face like spergs.

Virtual reality is really neat.

Attached: ViveDog.jpg (1536x2048, 373K)

>Bought a rift
imagine supporting facebook

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Why would you admit to this? Why would you post this publicly?

>PSVR doesnt require a PS4 to run
woah i had no idea

the only differences between all gens of VR is:
>which games you can play
(they are mostly all cross-compatible unless you're talking about PS or phoneshit)
>how the controllers work & feel
the Index has the ability to "squeeze" things but support for that is currently unknown
>how the headsets track
and most importantly
>how good the game looks in the lenses
but that's preferential. if you have a Vive or Rift and think that looks good enough, that's fine.

so what i'm saying is you actually made the smarter move by buying entry level VR instead of waiting a month to spend three times the amount on something that plays the exact same games, has a heavier hardware entry point, and only a single new featured gimmick to its name.

The godless hedonistic age we live in. There's no such thing as feeling shame anymore, everyone has to share their depravity with each other in a constant internet orgy of validation. Yea Forums does it too, constantly announcing what they're into with nonstop porn threads and even ERPing.

honk honk

>rift and vive don't require a PC to run
woah i had no idea

>tfw people who order the Index now have to wait until September to get it

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Your shitty LWA Anime will never be good, Triggernigger

Just don't ever buy anything and when the latest version comes out don't buy it because the next ''thing'' will be out but then don't buy that because the better version will be out shortly and then after that the final product will be out but don't buy it yet because the next ''thing'' after that will be out shortly after it

Attached: Best Gun.webm (1000x422, 2.84M)

Bought a Rift, pirated a few games and played for 10 minutes, haven't touched it since.

I'm just waiting for No Man's Sky VR.

>be ps4
>have this game called No Man's Sky
>can barely keep my 30fps without dropping some frames
>''lets make it VR''

Just how BAD will the game look? They need to get this piece of shit to run at 90fps and it's an open world multiplayer basebuilding game.

Yeah but on Yea Forums it's anonymous. That guy is announcing his degeneracy to everyone in his life.

A lot about VR HMD specs sounds like pointless gimmick stuff when you don't really know the context for what they tech is doing. The Index for example will run its displays at 120hz by default which is a big step needed to reduce the number of people that feel motion sickness. the new displays are also incredibly low persistence displays so you won't get as much blurring / smearing when whipping your head around which again is really important.

There are other examples as well but looking at the 1440 x 1600 resolution of the index and the odyssey plus / vive pro and declaring that there isn't much difference is missing quite a bit.

Wow, you guys are really playing together in VR! I'm astonished! You already found people to play with!

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>he fell for the only good for porn meme

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I got an Index on the way but it feels like my CPU bottlenecks super hard playing games sometimes.
What should I think about upgrading too in the future?
My graphics card runs everything fine and the only time I've seen it hit 100 percent at all was in Apex, and I think that was just a bug.
The only time I get framerate problems is because of CPU load.
I might snag a RTX 2060 in the future since they're only 350 but I'll see if I need it or not.

Attached: .png (773x581, 43K)

index dominating in every category

>for full body tracking you need 300 dollars, 3 sensors, and 3 usb ports to plug each sensor dongle into your pc.
Who fucking greenlit this Jewery?

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Why does it take him so long to get up?

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Fake and gay, she doesn't have FTB pucks.

He probably had himself a little rest. Tumble like that takes a few moments to come back from.

This is pretty great for the usb clusterfuck

Attached: usb extender.png (546x433, 110K)

He literally fell on his knee before tumbling down, it wasn't a full drop.

Oh yeah, I have one of those except as usb 2.0
I mean I might get FBT in the future but all those plugs, plus 300 dollars, plus plus PLUS having to buy body straps.
I guess if I have the Index I might as well go all in in the future.
Doesn't mean I'm happy about it though

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Take it from a lard fat myself, it's all the same to us. Any fall is a full drop on the body.

i bought one in January, rip

Attached: knuckles.webm (1280x720, 2.71M)

Alright guess i have to say it
He's fat
Also, in VR you don't know wtf's around you and you don't want to smack your 500$ toy on a table corner

>bought a rift
deserve it desu. shit was obsolete the moment the vive came out.

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sup retard.
VR is cheap compared to back then.
stop being a poorfag or save money.

Does 2 handing guns work fine on inside out tracking?
Wouldn't the controllers occlude each other?

Add labo

Well, unless you were planning on spending $1000 on Index, you're still fine for the money. Despite new shit coming out there isn't anything at the same price point which is straight-up superior. You only get that if you pay more, so it's not so bad.

>tfw living with parents and dont have to pay for rent or food so i can just waste whatever money i make into useless shit

Just ordered the full index package bros

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Nah. Cemu VR is literally better and free.

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How the fuck does it even track the fingers like that?

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For Index I'd guess you'd want a faster graphics card first. Pushing 120-144FPS at its higher resolution isn't going to be easy. Having at least a 4C/8T CPU would be nice too, but I don't think it's worth swapping out your i5 for an older, compatible i7. Better wait and get a whole platform upgrade.

>for full body tracking you need 300 dollars, 3 sensors, and 3 usb ports to plug each sensor dongle into your pc.
more like $50
get a kinect

I would empty internally into Akko, if you know what I mean

So how long until PC VR gets real games like pic related?

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Were getting Half Life VR this year

Does that even play like a VR game or is it basically VorpX-tier? Like do you "hold" and aim the gun via a motion tracked controller and can interact with the world with your hands, or is it just 3D while you play with a DS4?

It's just with the DS4 controllers, no motion tracking.
You can use VorpX and with some tweaking it'd be the same thing.

The latter. But it was made with VR in mind so the game is full of corridors and jump scares that utilize the player's 6dof perspective, and it's more enjoyable than 100% of indie games for VR for it.

The Rift / Rift S with the default facial interface has a 97 degree FoV, the default setup vive is noticeably wider for FoV.

It's on the tip of her shoe

>You can use VorpX and with some tweaking it'd be the same thing.
But that doesn't help the industry flourish into something better.

That means you can play it in VR on PC with VorpX and get the same shit, if they haven't actually implemented a proper VR mode on PSVR either. The Alien Isolation and Doom 3 mods are probably better.

See Talking about VorpX is absolutely pointless. The question remains, when the fuck is PC VR going to get real games? If everyone sticks with VorpX to get these experiences, the answer is never.

Remember when they said VR was coming to PC after a timed exclusive period and then just never mentioned it again?

>have a Vive since launch

Should I get an Index?

Capcom, like every other intelligent and successful developer, is hesitating to invest in PC because all evidence points to it not being worthwhile.

PC does not need to "get" VorpX-tier VR games because you can already use VorpX if you want such a barebones experience. When is PSVR getting Overload? This shit was fun as fuck, 6DoF spaceship action fits like a glove for VR.

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Do you want an upgrade, and do you want to spend $500-800 for it?

Oh hush you

Stop being a wise ass. The question wasn't "when will PC VR get VorpX games" but "when will PC VR get real games," and you know exactly what "real games" are. Overload ain't it.

Where is the chart with the WMR headsets?

>Overload ain't it.
Well, I'm pretty sure it has both a longer campaign and more actual gameplay than RE7, plus it has much better VR integration by the account you gave of RE7 VR, so I'm pretty sure it qualifies.

>buying gen 1 products

What a lad

>Next gen VR coming out this year
Huh? The Index or what?

>>Next gen VR
that is literally not what a "next gen" means
you will still be able to play all the games without any issues, I literally bought a vive yesterday because Im not dropping 1k on a beat saber machine

>so I'm pretty sure it qualifies.
It doesn't. Low production values, no cast of characters, no narrative, no art direction, lacks AI / boss fight variety. RE7 Gold is about 20 hours of content and that includes a main story campaign, extra story campaigns, and several side modes. The fact you can use the controllers doesn't make up for it lacking all of this at all.

the fuck are you talking about?
He is referencing the fact that next to the price of vive and rift there is a little * that says it requires a PC to run as in the PC is some kind of additional cost while it doesn't do that next to a PSVR

>no cast of characters, no narrative, no art direction, lacks AI / boss fight variety.
It has all those, though. The main campaign alone lasts 20h. You haven't actually played the game, have you?

>It has all those, though.
If it does it's VASTLY inferior to what RE7 offers in that regard. So inferior it's not even worth mentioning.

>The main campaign alone lasts 20h.
Not according to HL2B. It's about 8 hours there.

>You haven't actually played the game, have you?
You haven't played RE7, so you don't get to make this point.

Why are you pretending you are capable of having an opinion when you haven't even played both games?
>You haven't played RE7
Yes I have. I haven't played it using VorpX, but I've played it.

Attached: blade & sorcery come and get it.webm (1920x1080, 2.16M)

t. faggot with no argument. VR continues to have an underwhelming library because of retards like you.

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Is this you giving up and attempting to deflect from the fact that you're trying to pretend to have an opinion on a game you have never played?

What does this shit even mean? Quickly skimming only 1/10 things have a price and they're all in the ranges of thousands to multiple thousands.

Name one PC VR game with the production values of RE7 that isn't VorpX since it being VorpX related has no bearing on the state of VR.

Lone Echo

Nope. Try again.

Attached: toad labo.webm (868x488, 2.68M)

Indeed, it's much superior as a VR title. It does not deserve to be compared with VorpX-tier trash.

So I was right all along, PC VR has nothing compared to RE7. And you just have to keep shilling for it despite that.

>has nothing compared to RE7
Well, no, not comparable to RE7 VR, it has much better things.

>it has much better things.
Yet you can't name one.

>Pros: Backed by Facebook

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