It's PSO time motherfuckers. Talk about comfy times in PSO, gossip about server drama, your hunts...

It's PSO time motherfuckers. Talk about comfy times in PSO, gossip about server drama, your hunts, complain about Sega ruining PSO2, or whatever else you want.

To start things off, what are your

>favorite race
>favorite class
>favorite weapon
>favorite area
>best girl
>best boy

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Holy Ray
>The nurses

God damn it, OP. I miss PSOBB so damn much. Nothing will replicate the lulz and the drama had on the official servers.

I was excited for the PSU private server but it's too much of a work in progress to want to play now, especially since they want to do regular server wipes.

>Stag Cutlery
>Caves 2

ultimate forest 1
best girl is bank lady
best boy is bernie

I love Ephinea, but reminder that the Clementine rewrite for PSU launched and its been pretty damn comfy.
I love pretty much everything Phantasy Star except for PSO2, but even that has some good stuff in it.

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My only wish is for an HD remaster of PSOBB with full online support.
The reality is that they'll stuff it full of microtransactions and major game changes to make it more """modern""", ruining the soul of the game.

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>HUmar (even though they sucked)
>Daylight Scar
>My HUmar

Reminder that the PSO2 TCG has cards for PSO1 characters like Ash, Kireek, and Elly.

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Currently playing PSUC. It's hella buggy but still fun as hell. Also CAST and beast are op.

Additional things to add (if wanted):

>Favorite Mag
>First class to 200
>Favorite ID
>Favorite enemy
>First dropped rare (we all know which desu)


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>Only got to 188
>Photon Drop (lul)

>all of the phantasy star fans excited for psu clementine
>never played psu so i feel im out of the loop

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You didn’t miss much. PSU was fun with bros that migrated with you from PSOBB but on its own... ehhh...

>Sinow Beat
>DB's Saber

PSU wasn't a very good game until late in it's life, mostly after the expansion dropped.

Not sure if Clementine has AotI content supported, but you're not missing out on much if it doesn't.

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The wipe makes me not want to play it, but its really fun. My friend was telling me I shouldnt be a robot and do melee because Ill do shit damage or something. Is that true or is it just min maxing?

This. Trying to play now and it's basically unplayable solo. Everyone who is actually making strides in the game is playing in groups where they can do content twice their level and share items/money between everyone, meanwhile I can't even do things on my level because everything I find is trash and everything is super expensive. It's practically been designed from the ground up to force you to play with other people.

Casts doing melee will do decent DPS. If you want max melee DPS though, go with Beast. I mean this is PSU we’re talking about; you shouldn’t worry about min/max that much.

I dont care about min maxing but my friend made it sound like id do dog shit damage making it unplayable later on.

Yeah Beast especially. It seems like their damage output is insane. I'm looking forward to my human SUV weapons though.

I have a question.
Does this game have a part of it where a character is presumed dead, but inexplicably comes back?

Nah man, you’ll be fine unless you’re playing a Newman melee character.

I have no clue if PSU's community is that different than PSO's, but don't the Phantasy Star games have a nice enough community willing to sherpa you?

I wonder why they don't just bring it back through Xbone's backwards compatibility function. Would it be that risky for either MS or SEGA?

On paper CASTs are expected to be gunners, but they're actually one of the best if not the best melee attacker. Only Beasts have higher attack power, but Beasts have reduced accuracy while CASTs have the highest accuracy, so I think you end up having a more consistent damage output. The only things that really hold true as far as race/class roles is that CASTs shouldn't ever bother with magic, Beasts shouldn't bother with guns and Newmans shouldn't use any full on melee class unless it's like Arcotecher.

Phantasy Star 0 any good?


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The intro to this fucking game is so fucking good I still get goose bumps re-watching this shit nearly 20 years later

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What's the definitive way to play this game, for both single and multiplayer with friends?
What should I know before jumping in?
What are casters like?

now is the time to learn because they're gonna do a wipe on large updates

hello uwu

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Hello > Blueno


It's okay. If your DS touchscreen was broken like mine was in the day PS0 was a godsend by not using it much at all, and the devs deserve credit for making a PSO-like experience on the DS. The only downside is it's limited by the DS, which means small environments and just a general feeling like it would have been better on any other platform.
I still enjoyed my time with it, but I wish SEGA made a sequel on 3DS that ironed out 0's issues with more polish behind it. But I guess that's what the PSP games are for.

Right here. At this part of the first trailer for PSO2 when the old theme kicks in. I still get goose bumps watching it. It's also the reason I will never forgive Sega.

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Episode I&II on the Gamecube with 4 player split screen

I had a lot of fun with it, not quite as much as Episode I&II but still worth playing

PSO and Sil'fer was what got me into tanned elves.
That official art of her that shows she doesn't wear a bra under her outfit. Makes me diamonds.

A private PSOBB server will give you access to EP4 content so I suggest playing that way.

Be prepared to grind. The road to 200 can be long and tedious but it’ll be hella fun with bros at your side.

Casters are seriously squishy at the early levels but once they get access to higher level tech disks they’re buffing/healing/nuking machines.

BONUS: FOmar is actually decent melee when using an Excalibur and a STR mag.

I fucking hate Anfi so fucking much. He's such a whiney fagtard.

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psu fucking sucks. fuck korean upgrading system. bring back item finding. fucking idiots

why not just play on ephinea?

What is that? I've only played PSO2.

Ephinea is the best place to start. Very newbie-friendly and it shouldn't be hard to get online games started with your buddies. Might want to password your games if you're not going to get a full lobby, though.

All classes are perfectly viable. HUnewearl, HUmar, and RAcaseal are kinda meh if you're going to go full min-max, but they can still do a lot of damage. I'd go for a RAcast, RAmar, or RAmarl for your first time if you don't want to be a caster since they can do everything well.

Casters are decent, but you're going to want to use melee and guns. Episode 4 is caster heaven since the Gifoie spell (your dude shoots a ring of fire) is viable against the critters there. Gifoie can also put the hurt in the Mines area found in Episode 1 and the Gizonde spell (chain lightning) wrecks the Mines boss with certain tricks. Magic is great for soloing too. Generally though, you'll be buffing your pals and debuffing enemies, then shooting or slicing through whatever you can get your hands on. If you want a class that's full caster mode, go for FOnewm.

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>sil'fer is a dark elf
>her sister is white

What did Sega mean by this?

I'm playing PS Nova on Vita, only thing that's disappointing is the lack of weapon variety

Rico? Flowen?

>favorite race
>favorite class
>favorite weapon
>favorite area
the ending area with all the flowers

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There will never be another PSO game again.

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Rag Rappy

Sega put out a survey that asked about PSO, so maybe we'll get lucky?

I only briefly played PSU but what I remember was you didn't find rares, you found recipes. And you had to craft them with materials you find. And it wasn't 100% guaranteed. I loved the battle system/room though.

My favorite PSO memory is finding copies of Episode 1&2 and 1&2 Plus and selling them both on ebay for like 200 bucks


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no lol

Honestly thought it was a red haired character. But this was a long time ago and I was only 12 or 13

Only redhead I can think of is Red Ring Rico, but she's more of a brunette.

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I loved PSO on the Dreamcast so much I grabbed that really late edition PSO GC version which included all of the last server updates and could be played offline with friends.

You can find rares and recipes, except in the private server there is no crafting currently so you can only find rares. Makes it infinity more annoying to get said rares honestly.

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>Newman melee character

Well I guess I know what I'll be playing.

Have sonic team remake everything except combat then ask platinum for the nier treatment

It'll make billions

First we need talent back at Sonic Team

We can have hope, right guys? Sega did a fan interest poll recently, both PSU and PSO were on the poll....
I can tell you I certainly voted high for them.

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An HD PSO would be shit because they'd fill it to the brim with microtransactions and add bullshit like soulbinding to weapons. Part of the fun of PSO is its simplicity and the fact it's MT free.

yeah but I would love a full visual overhaul with everything else retained. they probably won't but i can dream

Don't worry user, Sega will butcher whatever they do with it.

why did this never come to usa land for reals?

Playin' on ephinea right now

Good freaking times.


PSU was so mismanaged outside of Japan that Sega of America was pretty much all NOPE and turned down running it, at least from what I heard

i that mome guy hes a retard