Rate my humble vidya collection!
Rate my humble vidya collection!
you making HUGE cums with all that zinc?
Not a bad collection. But why do you keep your PS4 games so low and under the N64 games?
Good eye user! Didn’t expect someone to catch that so fast..
And aren’t you a clever guy?
>those vitamins
You think you're slick. I know what you're trying to do OP.
Nice OP. I wanna get that Bully Scholarship Edition on Wii. You play through RE2 remake yet? You like it?
Those are Dreamcast games brainlet
I haven’t played through RE2 yet because I wanna play the first one first. But lately I’ve just been playing the Ace Attorney trilogy and Smash Ultimate. Gonna get back into Halo soon.
anyone got the big cums pic? haven't seen it in years
OP here, I’m planning on buying a bigger shelf tomorrow for more bing bing wahoo shit, where do you even shop for shelves?
does L-arginine really make a difference, I already take zinc and lecithin
That's a good collection you got so far. The thrift store by my house has started getting Wii U games in sometimes. I've found a couple there
You should try playing resident evil. I hear you may like that series.
>physical copies
Based. I wish PC still got those
Take that sticker off of RE2, and flip the cover art on Sonic Mania.
>no RE on Saturn
Oh yeah?
Rate mine, too
What’s under the shirts, Yea Forums?
Probably lizard cages or some shit, you fucking degenerate
Odd lizard cages, with wires coming out of them and shit
Humble implies that your something of worth.
>Good eye! Didn't expect anyone to see my fuckhuge vitamin bottles that take up 1/3 of the frame
Can I post my videogame art book shelf instead? My games are kind of all over the place at the moment.
do it
Only if you have the Battle Network artbook.
Sorry about the quality, my phone's camera is pretty crappy. Unmarked white one on the top of the bottom row in the Soul Sacrifice Delta pre-order book from Japan and the unmarked gold one is from the CE for the Zone of the Enders remasters that came out a few years back.
>Rage Wars on display
Check out muh super rare gray cart rage wars!
I sold it tho...
Sorry, not really a huge Megaman guy.
I follow one of the Udon people on Twitter though and he said the Battle Network artbook is being reissued in hardcover come August, if that's of any interest to you.
Better band shirts, hopefully
Fall out boy fan detected
pretty good, but you should have bought a PC instead of the Xbox and Switch
Post load
here's a small portion of my shit taste
i have this
you sell yourself short
>flip the cover art for Sonic Mania
Say what now?
I own a launch Saturn and several games for it. Am...I too old for this crowd?
Super rad
Was that worth a lot? Why was there a Grey case?
i mean anytime i have said I like mvc2, i was told i have shit taste/ at this point i just roll with the talk. why fight it.
Niggas telling you that don't deserve to be taken for a ride.
I sold all my games in 2012.
I hate myself.
Dropped $900 getting Panzer Dragoon Saga and Rule of Rose back so the hard parts over.
You could have paid 0 dollars and downloaded and emulator and roms of those games instead.
This is a collector thread.
I bought it for 4 dollars back in the mid 2000s at a GameStop, now it’s worth 150-250 dollars, 150 used 250 new. The black cart is bugged, if you sent the black cart to acclaim because of the game breaking bug they sent you a fixed gray cart. Not many people knew about that so the gray cart is extremely rare.
The game sucks so I sold it for a Saturn and some games. But it was the rarest game I owned for a long time.
Is that a Hunter Funko Pop?
Why would you buy a used copy.of RE2? A new one wouldnt be that much more.
Panzer Dragoon saga is a meme. You could have gotten ten of the other best Saturn games for the price of that
this is not reddit retard, nobody cares about your collection.
It was ten bucks less and I wanna support Gamestop unironically.
i care about his collection and his cumming tech
you know its true. all videogame subreddits are people trying to brag about their collections. if you tried posting this on a regular forum you would be laughed at and your thread deleted.
just ordered some l-arginine and ashwaghanda bros
aight lol
just a heads up about ashwagandha
if you got thyroid problems that run in the family like i do, it might fuck your shit up pretty hard
nah Ive used it before and I was fine, helped with brain fog and motivation a bit
But I'd need to get around to it eventually, and it doesnt show signs of dropping.
Show us your load op
Based and cumpilled
It’s pretty impressive, not gonna lie.
Show us.
why do you own 2 copies of every wii game
What the fuck user
Me and my gf had some of the same games
fucking sell them you weirdo
I have some 3DS games too but I keep them in a drawer.
Why? We would maybe get a collective $25 for them as most of them are common titles.
Love it
thanks user.
What is the name of this shelf, like the brand and series number?
Atlantic Elf
They stopped making it years (10 or more) age sadly
We all have to start somewhere. Keep on going. Here is mine
>collecting games
I never understood this. You should find meaning through the experiences you make. Not the things you own.
It's really pathetic that owning plastic brings you fulfillment. How boring is your life?
Mine are things that have been passed on. Sometimes trinkets and memory's intertwine. What happened in your childhood that made you not appreciate what you had?
Maybe we play and enjoy the games
Materialism and collecting is fun, though.
>talks about a boring life
>posts his dumb opinion in a thread he clearly has no interest in
the irony on Yea Forums is astounding.
I too also try to make my loads bigger, but you should take it easy on the zinc and arg because that shit makes you lose your hair
This might be a foreign concept to you, but maybe sometimes you might have friends over that you can play a game with
I semi collect handheld games.
I love seeing all this physical stuff. It warms the cockles of my heart.
Give me one
Top center is PS2? Top left is definielt Xbox. No mistaking that shape.
then I would only have 5 and that's not 6.
Holy shit at the Metal Gear and Final Fantasy ones. They're huge! They look expensive.
Top right you mean, ye those are a slim ps2 and og Xbox
Saved, but why is this in gif format
I got a Super Nintendo for my 10th birthday and it was brand new at the time. You're fine.
They're both compilations rather than one big book in a slipcase; the MGS one is two books in a box and the Amano one is three.
Not really, they both retail at about $50-75 depending on where you look, since they're both still in-print and will likely remain so since they're the kinds of stuff people actually want. Artbooks really only get obscenely expensive if you're trying to track down long OoP ones, particularly Japan-only ones.
I seriously have to update this photo, I've collected over 600 games now, I took this photo I believe 2 years ago
bro/10 I fucking love the ps2
fuck it, heres the rest of my shit taste. passing time at work.
I fucking love these , where did you buy the empty ds cases?
Reversible cover. It looks like a Genesis cover.
I think they were just cheap knockoff ones on eBay. It worked out though since they needed to be cut down anyways to fit GB and GBC games.
Did you enjoy Resident Evil 2?
Wait does vitamins make you cum more?
till the day i die
I need a close up picture! I gotta read the spines.
I've never tried it, but Anons in this thread seem to believe in it. There's some pics posted up higher explaining how to do it. Pick one and save, that's what I did.
fucking beautiful brother
heres a few
thanks user. i fucking love the dragon ball universe. love your collection too.
Think of all the money you would have if you sold your collections. You could actually afford to buy something useful
few more
super close to getting an imperfect cell figurine. the whole archipelago shenanigans is my absolute favorite part of Z, tien actually does something.
imagine not already having everything useful in life and this is just extra fun. LOL
But then I wouldn’t have one of my hobbies anymore.
good luck. hope you snag one user. i'm actually digging the tournament of power in Super right now since they are giving everyone some screen time. android 17 is a fucking beast.
My nigga. I like how cheap they are since they are less than pointless to own but I just love everything about the format. Thick long cases, heavy manuals, "cartridge discs" out of some cyberpunk future, great shit.
Those the 2012 reprints of the RE books?
hell yeah man. love that wack barrier shit.
buddy of mine went off to the marines, handed me his PSP with Castlevania and FFIV. fell in love with the little thing. wish the vita was backwards compatible. really dont feel like buying a 6gb sd card for 2000 usd.
final one
shit taste
wish they sold red jacket lupins. the red jacket films were the best
i love that Bardock statue.
Gl with your cancer because you wanted to cum more retard.
either way it's a beautiful figure. you don't get too much on Bardock so I'll take what I can get.
I feel like a re-re, I didn't click your picture until after I replied, only to see that you already own it. Hurf, durf. But yeah, I dig the paint jobs and other design choices of the newer DBZ figures, at least. The dynamic/ cel-shaded figures, or the transparent plastic for SSJ hair, is pretty badass.
You may have to tilt your heads
no worries user. the gigantic series is some of my favourite figures of dbz; ashamed I missed a couple of them.
It may be me tilting my head but is that a Gundam slot machine?
Oooo. Okay, that figure of Frieza getting fucked up by his own discs is really nice.
Sure is... hehe
Movies and shows are atrocious so I didn't bother to look at the games.
Respect. I never come across dope Gundam shit fir a good price. My big American hands are to big to built the model kits. All i have is the animes and the collectors editions of Gundam the Origin from Vertical.
Is that the Asian-English, Korean, or Japanese version of Kunio-Kun? Curious because Korean's the cheapest now that Asian-English is unavailable and I'd hate to fuck myself over in buying a game I can't actually understand.
Sick leon statue my guy
Asian-English. Some games are in full english, some games are untranslated. But a looooott of improvements to the Famicom and NES games on this. Framerates, bugs, modes and characters. For some reason Double Dragon was thrown in, love that shit. It's about 5-6 Japanese only games and 6-7 English games. I got it back when it was first announced.