are women retarded?
Are women retarded?
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Is OP?
have sex
White* women. Yeah they are
Am i the only one who has no clue on wtf happened there?
the only woman there, the only retarded person. coincidence? don't think so
Objectively yes.
The blue haired fag kept talking while the knitting woman was talking
She asked him to stop, and Yea Forums is autistic so they think she told the speedrunner to stop
What is this?
I thought she told him to stop because he was rolling which makes Link yell, like he was doing a speedrun or something
Retardness level depends on the country, but yes
i really do miss the days when gdq was just dudes playing vidya quick. The tranny/identity politics filled shit show that it's become makes me so sad.
I could have sworn she told the guy to stop playing so she could tell some story about why she was knitting. Everyone applauded her at the end with the speed runner clapping with just disgust on his face.
at least half the room is trans though
which one is the woman though?
The guy says something, she starts looking over, Link yells for 1.5 seconds, and then she says the line. Forensic analysis has failed, we may never know the truth.
She wanted everything to stop.
Both the talking and the game.
How do you know her intention?
she said stop can you stop
Wait, so the girl actually thought someone was yelling?
she was talkin to blue hair he even turned around and then his body language changed
What's even happening here? She cute tho.
While looking specifically at the blue haired guy not the streamer, and going back to talking when said blue haired guy turned around.
We can't see the gameplay so I don't know if there's a reason but the runner also stopped rolling, and it looks to me like she's leaning over to talk at him from around the blue haired guy.
In the literal video the runner commented implying she was talking to him and he did not hear her say it.
what is the purpose of this psyop
>speedrunning event
>lets ask the speedrunner to stop!
this shit happened like 10 years ago who the fuck cares you dumb sperg
have sex
> the runner also stopped rolling
No, he didn't, watch again.
I don't think you know how to follow a conversation
The runner was looking at the game he doesn't know if she was talking to him.
People mourning act irrationally. It was cringy but I don't exactly look at her negatively for it.
not an argument, retard
In what right does she have to tell anyone to stop talking so she, the random nobody, can speak at length about her dumbshit self?
Why was she not thrown out for being disruptive?
Wh*te "women" ruin everything.
like I fucking know or care faggot
why are you spergging out about something that happened 6 years ago?
you seem upset
>One more thing to mention: I did not hear her say, "Can you stop?"
There's a lot of background noise, donations being read, people
whispering, and you kind of get dialed in on what you are doing. It
wasn't really until there was a super dead silence in the room and I
could hear her voice breaking that I realized how bad the situation
behind me was (I can't see her or anyone else in the room really).
Also to be clear, we had a discussion together about 2 days after the
event, and cleared things up with each other. There are no hard
feelings here. I think we'd both agree the situation was awkward and not
ideal, but it's in the past.
like, have sex