Any good poison types in this meme game? What are some good pokemon to have?
Pokemon Clover
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Use Crystaking, pre-evo is on route 28
People hate Clover there
Sounds good but it shares too many weaknesses with my team. I was thinking of the Ebola one or the flower guy
>playing the virign shitpost /vp/ project that is clover
>not the chad, quality /vp/ project that is sage
and sage's water gym, for refernece
there's a public demo going out to the third gym here
4th gym city (water gym is third)
main characters
a sprite sample
Most of the poison types are good.
Venowatt, Toxiraptor, and Smoxillion are pretty notable.
Toxiraptor is a favorite of mine since Toxiravage/Strength(80 bp rock)/Cut(70 bp grass)/Hidden Power or Shitpost (ground type outrage) holding a life orb or choice band is pretty cool. It's also a raptor, and raptors are cool as fuck
and last thing i'll post, a custom move animation and some music
But is it finished?
eternally in "development"
Oh yeah I forgot. The final update is supposed to come out this year and adds a second region. It won't accept old saves so hold out on playing clover just yet
>devs are currently between the 5th and 6th gym in development
the post says the devs are past the 5th gym but there's a puclic 3 gym demo, m8
Hazmate/ebolable, smoxilon, isissin, and more.The usual ezmode mons are mozzamazel, farfig, any legends, bongecko line, kuuroba. I probably missed a lot of good ebinmons
>The CHAD shitpost project that was made just for fun
>The virgin tryhard project that falls apart due to discord drama
Sage is literal vaporware and will forever be vaporware. It's Mother 4 tier.
To bad both suck shit since one has good looking Pokemon that'll never see the light and the ither has shit tier pokemon that even Garbador thinks is trash.
more work happens on sage then you realize
Sage designs are boring and generic, clover designs are shitposts but at least the game isn't trying to be serious.
Uh huh, sure. And it totally won't fall apart again due to discord drama.
>And it totally won't fall apart again due to discord drama.
It never "fell apart due to discord drama" to begin with you moron.
There was 1 incident where 1 person had a spat with 2 other people and then they had a paranoid fit and got kicked after making a scene in development chats. That's about it, and said person didn't even do major work or contributions anyways.
By serious do you mean good in any shape or form?
>meme fangame makes a better looking ice type design than any gamefreak game or tryhard fangame has to date
It has neat designs aside from the memes
I like both. Cunt.
Now what do the starters look like?
i really like this for some reason
You got a terrorist, a pokemon with a tree on its asshole, and a bloated condom.
First 3.
Anaconduke is honestly great.
Sadly only the condom looks decent out of the three. There are some good looking ones here but there rest are shit tier.
>Glorious Golden Goraurum Never
At least there's still my nigga Baboom.
Cuppy';s dex entries are delightful
>Schools of Cuppy gather in circles when sleeping, burying their noses in the sea bed. Many poems have been written about these strange underwater tea parties.
There's a lot of really good dex etnries. Like Pyroat using the flame on it's butt as a rocket to headbutt things faster, capig sitting on people's heads (it's based on a chullo hat, which is a traditional hat in south america to andean civilizations like the Inca, mixed with a guinea pig), Phlask just spewing chemicals on random shit to see reactions, Doppole being a asshole but actually being a softie on the inside, or Lavoon's laval bubbles cooling as they rise to the surface of the ocean and then being used as fuel by people.
Also viipii is just a spoof on Yea Forums culture
>Named "Viipii", IE Veepee, /vp/
>dex entry is "Although they are friendly to most Pokémon, in the wild, groups of Viipii are known to bicker and fight over nothing for days on end. "
>has "clover" as it's species name, it's signature move is "catalog", and learns "refresh"
>it's learnset is filled with bratty/lazy oves like Yawn, metronome, frustration, torment, covet, swagger, uproar, follow me and attract, (baiting for You's), facade, slack off, trash, etc, but also a few cooporative moves to mirror the cooporation of anons who started the project, like helping hand
>is the regiom's ditto and can breed with any other mon
also it's design is based on moot and yotsuba blue
Is that fucking Harambe?
Where do I even download Clover?
No, but somebody did make a shitpost version of simayan and monkezuma's art as if they were based on haramabe, which got big on twitter to the point where a ton of websites like kotaku and polygon made articles on it, none of them bothering to do research that the aret was stolen from sage even though those websites reported on sage years prior back in 2013
Clover is better.
>both Sage and Clover are still unfinished
Guess I'll have to play the 2hu romhack
Clover's unfinished?
There's no post game and some pokemon are unavailable.
Where's the page for the project?
>a pokemon i made is in the game
feels good man