Are his arms really supposed to be blue?
Are his arms really supposed to be blue?
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People say blue arms on Sonic would look better but I don't see it.
Same with having his eyes separated, I don't get the dislike for the mono-eye. Looks fine to me.
Sonic is such a fucking legendarily great design, how did they fuck it up so bad?
I feel bad for the lead character designer
this was probably his big break and everyone just shit on him
rightly so, but still
No but almost every other character in the franchise has matching arm/body colours so it makes sense, and it's a very easy mistake to give him blue arms because he has blue legs. If the movie one didn't have blue fur on his arms then he'd probably just have bare skin which would be worse.
Nah, thats the product of board room bullshit.
The hedgehogs are the ones who don't have matching colored arms as their fur.
No, but it's the least thing wrong with this design by a longshot.
Silver and Shadow
I still don't get why they kept Amy's peach arms in Boom but made Sonic's arms match his body
It’s the execution of the design. He looks like a small hairy human with a giant cartoon head
Why is it always the blue arms people complain about?
The design here is overall hideous, and the arms are the least offensive part of it
They aren't following the orginal design at all. They just got it licensed and went for their usual "muh realism" over a cartoony character.
It's the fact that blue arms are a thing that people get wrong all the time and the fact that we now have 2 official adaptions that make his arms blue is dumb.
But why is it so bothersome to people? I honestly have to try to notice it, both ways look just fine to me.
I personally feel this movie could have received the Roger Rabbit treatment. It's the perfect time to use that technique again with Sonic of all things since his speed would make excellent use of squash, stretch and aesthetic. He's simply the kind of design where you can't fuck with it without breaking his aesthetic completely, so why even try to fix it? According to Hollywood I'm an idiot.
Why does he look like a guy wearing a cheap Sonic costume?
This they drank the realism koolaid meme with his body looking a it was inspired by a Olympic sprinter.
If they really want to force the realism, I think the realistic rendering, like lighting, shading and fur could work, but the design itself should be the same.
They don't count.
Here's a better movie anyway.
Why does Sonic look so goddamn flat here?
Maybe they wanted a design people would talk about? Maybe they thought that "any press is good press" was a good idea?
Because boys don't have boobs.
They didn't even try with the lighting on him like every other shitty "cartoon character made real" movie.