I still miss it

>Hi-Rez makes the best multiplayer game in nearly a decade
>Kills it less than a fucking year after release
Will we ever get a new Tribes game? Like ever?

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We have this thread nearly every week and Yes I still miss it, there isn't a week that goes by that I don't think about it

This game sucked I don't understand why any of you idiots found it enjoyable.

Why hasn't THQ Nordic bought the rights? Why hasn't Hi-Rez done something with the IP? Tribes Ascend had a good sized playerbase, it just didn't make money because the devs were jews. Even Hi-Rez admits it died because they fucked up.

>It sucked
Someone who doesn't understand the appeal of fast I see.

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

May Yea Forums's finest hour never be forgotten.

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Welcome to Global Agenda players before you.
Hi-Rez has a habit of just killing shit off randomly to move to the next project.

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I chuckled

Cause they never played the good one

Tribes Ascend casualized the game in a way it needed to be casualized. Most people couldn't handle skiing if it were like Tribes 2. Want proof? Look at Midair and all the faggots who quit the game complaining about how they couldn't figure out how to move.

>those fond memories of sitting in the enemy gen room and farming thumptard techs and other nubs to take away from their flag defense

Fuck I miss Tribes 2. I think there's still a single Goon server up with friendly fire enabled. It'd pretty bad though.

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I had a lot of fun doing this as the spy character despite him being objectively under powered and shit.

Reminder that a dev said he would be willing to help developed a Tribes fan remake if he could find the artists to help out.

>less than a year
I never realized how quickly it was killed

>tfw your opponent would only shoot when youre on the ground and you instantly know youll win

so the game would still be alive if the devs weren't so fucking stupid

Yes. I remember that it had over a million active players and despite it being killed is still played daily by about 100 people.

tribes is just cs surfing for low IQ plebs who need guns to have fun

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>less than a year
It died like it loved, going fast.

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He correctly predicted Steam picking up Porn games AND big budget games like Subverse being made. Maybe he will be right about us getting a new Tribes game one day?

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>tfw Midair never got off the ground
i am le sad

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damn thats sad, while never having played it I couldn't imagine getting fucked over like that when it had such promise

That's because it had ugly graphics and was harder to control for casuals.

The worst part is that there is literally no game today like it.

Except Midair devs told anyone who asked for Ascend to fuck off, and the community was composed of T2 vets, one shot anyone who dared to play the game, sure was fun.

What was the mark that began its downfall?

What was the main this hirez did that permanently fucked the game?

Basically, map and weapons change, plus the hiring of some people.

Wasn't really smart in the long run. T:A was big because it made jetting easier. This appeals to T2 fags but not the majority of people.
The mark was them developing a shitty moba and as the video explained it was the shitty nearly P2W weapon purchasing that stopped people from purchasing shit. They should have instead had optional skins and voice packs.

Because the game fucking sucked
>make a cool Halo-style shooter with huge open world maps
>ruin it with ADHD bullshit GOTTA GO FAST XD skiing that makes the game unfun because retarded Redditors are going to go so fast you can't even shoot them, meaning they can get guaranteed flag captures every time

Why has no one capitalized on this style of gameplay yet?

Hell they could make the "FIRST FAST BATTLE ROYALE SHOOTER" it would sell like hotcakes. I would never want it to be a BR I just want Tribes back but why has no one made a fast moving battle royale like this yet?

Hi-Rez was going to make a Tribes Battle Royal but changed their mind and made a their overwatch clone a Battle Royal instead.


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Could work as a niche game, the Z axis turn off most players.

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Lol what a bunch of retards. The good thing about Tribes was the SPEED and the VGTG chat spam. This high speed gameplay and chat spam would translate so fucking well to the current Twitch audience it's not even funny.

Thinking about it now maybe it's a good thing it died and will stay dead.

Damn.. this image hasn't aged well and is actually kinda cringe..

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That's the thing that pisses me off. If it were released today it could be big.

>Never again
Fuck life.

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Pretty gud falseflag there, let me be your (u)

>reddit still sore

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Lo-Rez fans nowadays defend the company by citing Steam numbers, even though they ruined the game before putting it on Steam, and by saying that the servers are still up.

Why hasn't anyone made a fan remake? Seriously, why aren't there artists out there willing to help make a remake of T2 or Tribes Vengeance?

>high speed gameplay
This is the very antithesis of modern FPS design, zoomers absolutely cannot handle an FPS game faster than a BR. Fortnite has a cooldown on jumping to prevent players from jumping too much, Apex Legends removes any form of advanced movement, OW doesn't even have jump momentum, the FPS genre is doomed to never be fun again thanks to MS and Activision's influence.

CS surfing is watching Dragonball Z levels of spic

I'll always remember Asianguy7995 on my team. He was a literal god sniper. Would hit people going at full fucking speed and get accused of hacking. What a legend, I sucked ass with the sniper.

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It's 20 years of console breeding

dumb frogposter


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>that moment when it all finally clicks and you learn to near-perfectly account for both you and your target's movement using the spinfusor

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>no good modern big map fps games that aren't br shit
>no one wants to go back to play the older ones

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It's a rare treat for a video game to have something as satisfying as getting a blue plate special

cant even think of any that look remotely good. they ded.

maybe PC halo?

His RE:2 video is his best one.

This from a frogposter.

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battlefront 1 just came out on steam and gog so i'm hoping there will be a resurgence

Galaxy in Turmoil is a spiritual successor that will come out soonish.

It's to be expected at this point.

nigga you can still play it but it takes some work.
also don't know about it's playerbase so servers might be empty/full of bots
but still

>there was a time where quakefags shit on this game
why are they never happy


>Aww, that's too bad
I heard it as I read it.

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>you will never get to completely ignore the flag and just farm blue plate specials in the 24/7 Stonehenge server ever again
feels bad man

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All I did was flag cap. Got pretty good at it. Kills don't matter, only caps.

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Is original tribes still alive?

there's 11 people playing it right now

How difficult would it be to get a remake of one of the games?

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How is that even possible?

Before HR got autistic with the speed, some people were pick the flag at 500+ sanics.

Why is that a bad thing?

The I never had that moment and spent my time doomburgering around the flag and disco partying enemy generator rooms before throwing another disco ball on the flag to clear enemy doomburgers

The devs didn't know how to balance it. Once someone got the flag it was hard for people to catch them. What they should have done is made the mid field heroes better at stopping flags as they went by.

>Someone runs into you as Doombringer
>Hear that egg crack noise as they smear across your armor

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I would think Fast Autistics wouldn't be motivated enough like how sonicfags are always making shit.

>t redittnigger

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I miss fast.

I was living in my friends living room, with my PC sitting on cardboard boxes and playing this very well into 4am almost every night.

I fucking miss this game

Would mass emailing them at least get them to tell us if they ever have plans for a future game? Like, Yea Forums has thousands of players that played it, if we all picked a day to mass email them we should at least get a response.