how the fuck do i beat it ? my entire party is level 10 and i cant fucking beat it
This persona 4 boss is absolute bullshit
just farm dude lol
if i do then i will run out of healing items
Have chie guard, a lot, to avoid extra turns
lol this nigga just farms like a fucking casual
Buy more? Honestly it's ok to spend a few days grinding. Unless you're a retarded and waited until the last day to fight the boss, in which case have fun buddy
so which day is the last day ? i still dont fully understand the climate stuff
Spam Bufu until you. Jeez if you're having this much trouble Yukiko you might as well quit now. Beause after her, bosses are go to stop having elemental weaknesses to exploit.
just stop getting hit nerd lel
Adachi is the killer
Naoto is a girl
Nanako dies
Everything is just a game made by Izanami aka the gas station dude
In the PS2 version of the game she's not weak to ice, so you need to do a bit more than just spam bufu.
akechi is the traitor
igor is demigure
It's an 11 year old game, man. This guy may be dumb but there's no way he's walking in blind.
She wasn't weak to it, but she did have one of those weird 1.25 multipliers or something.
After 7 days of rain the fog shows up. So you have to do it before the 7th rainfall
everything after yukiko is easy though since you will have a decent level of party healing by the next boss
It kind of upsets me that making it a point to get all the materials needed for the metalworks made you disgustingly overlevelled.
Like, after Yukiko's Castle, it became a pattern of 1. Enter Dungeon, 2. Get material, 3. Beat boss using only equipment from the previous dungeon, 4. Sell materials and unlock equipment meant for the dungeon I just beat.
Get a physical resist for the next onenthough. He can wipe you easily if you get unlucky
Fun Fact: The weather forecasts with a slash through them are decided by whether or not you saved the current kidnappee yet.
So with a cloudy/rain forecast, it'll be rainy if they're still waiting to be rescued, and cloudy if you saved them. It makes sense that they'd do this when you remember that a fuckton of social links can't be accessed when it's raining.
i was actually going in blind
but i dont care,i just wanted to date the characters anyway
It's symbolic
>"i just wanted to date the characters anyway"
>can't beat the first boss
sounds about right
But the first boss genuinely IS the toughest in the game.
Its just like SMTIV, only the first two bosses are worth something and the rest should be there