Duuuuude try it! Its like having a baby in your throat man!
Duuuuude try it! Its like having a baby in your throat man!
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damn dis nigga never gettin back into japan now
Hideo get the fuck back to work, Death Stranding cutscenes aren't going to render themselves.
>Death Stranding cutscenes aren't going to render themselves
But... they literally are. MGS cutscenes were real-time and so will Death Stranding.
Careful with that laptop there, Kojima; you might accidentally get some work done.
This nigga is toasted, his eyes are tiny slits
That sounds horrifying but no, you're wrong, it's nothing like that.
konami did nothing wrong
>Kojima smokes weed
Suddenly everything he has ever done makes sense now.
You want to pretend like the big boys? Show up at the border with white powder on your face.
He's such a westaboo.
Can't wait for Death Stranding to be utter trash walking simulator
>but Japanese man made it so it's ok!
isn't it illegal for Japanese people to smoke weed even when outside the country? i heard from somewhere that the jap police still can charge you for doing it
filthy gaijin bow before Kojima
this must be where he gets all those crazy ideas! XD
How hung is this baby that its deep throating me?
And why would I want to feel this or experience such a scenario?
>zoomers too wound up to go to an abandoned factory an get high with their friends
you guys are missing key life building moments
>ok ok ok, but seriously though, you like, .........walk.....and deliver packages but like, there's strands..... and shit... you know?
Ever seen the birth of Dave Chappelle?
>kojima passes you the boof
>yes or no?
every successful person in the USA has smoked weed in their life
hurry up and do it before its too late or you'll never be successful
>dude what if there was like, TWO big bosses??????
What's the strain?
Boof means sticking it in your ass. Someone really played you zoomers good on that one lmao
Ya this is why he needs a knife and a plate to illustrate his "concepts"
No need to hurry, they'll legalize it everywhere. I'm a weeb loser and all I gotta do is drive through Connecticut to get to Mass and hit up the dispensaries.
If you live with people who are autistic about pot just pick up a vape pen and cartiage. I recommend Blue dream.
If you live on your own and don't think your building will mind, get flower. Gorilla Glue #4. Now you too can make mediocre demolition television fun again by inhaling THC
what the fuck?
I know this a strange concept old man but get this, slang changes
Holy shit I laughed at that pic
as time goes on i agree more with this
silent hills wouldve been vaporware shit thats 98% cutscenes with dozens of hollywood actors
Wait... Is this Hideo or Kojima?
We should ask Tatsuya or Nomura to find out
What is it about Kojimbo that pisses off Yea Forums?
100% Hideo
If it wasn't for Kojima shitposting I would forget DS exists.
slang is based on what older people say not little zoomers spamming words
what kind of third world shithole would call a blunt or joint a """"boof""""
>zoomers keep saying boof
>the rest of the world thinks you kids put all kinds of stuff in your butt
As a huge original SH games fan I agree. The last thing SH needed was Kojima. I like his games and I'm looking forward to playing death stranding but only key members of the original team can make a proper silent hill game.
They are just mad they couldn't get away with the mad man shit he does.
Butthurt over the Phantom Pain, compounded by his performance art of literally going to film festivals and posting pictures of him with B list celebrities.
Even though it's pretty obvious a performance art bit, it's still fucking annoying to hype up a game and then just spam twitter with photos of you hanging out with celebrities. Kojima is playing off of people's perception of him as a movie game guy, which in turn only reinforces that perception and the negativity around it.
Yet despite all this, once the new 8 minute DS trailer hits we'll all be wanking and meming about it for at least the next 5 years
kinda hope Del toro would have more input than Kojima but I imagine he would just be a yes man to Kojimas George Lucas
Is this shooped?
That's not how slang works lmao get over yourself grandpa and hit the hash, ok?
Most of the world is faggots now so thats not that crazy t b h
why would you even attempt to with a word that means assplay though? you faggots could use literally any other nonsense word besides one that makes you sound queer.
Boof it up your ass faggot
Is this real? Source?
suit yourself weird ass nigga
If you break laws in other countries then come back to your home county and they know, they can arrest you and charge you.
my boof
>tfw have not had a spliff in years
>don't have any friends
>and don't know where to get weed
nice npc response
>tfw wojimbo is arrested in japan and gets a life sentence for touching weed
>Death Stranding is kill
>Yea Forums rejoices
ok mr linguistics phd, why dont you shesh the resh out my wresh and woof the boof out of your poof?
>anons think laws apply to high profile world famous businessmen in japan
Caramel was... well, he wasn't wrong, but he wasn't right. Don't overthink things, Caramel. You understood the basic elements of it all - Kojima is working with Konami - he was never fired.
And yes, of course - that means Kojima is indeed working with a Konami IP. But to assume the game is Silent Hills? That's a bit silly. Remember, Konami isn't just in this to make an artistic statement. They want money.
And of course, the best way to make money is through microtransactions.
I guess, my dear Caramel, I can only clue you in as to the plot and gameplay of Death Stranding - after the walking simulator stuff you have correctly identified as a fake out.
The plot is... complex, but the gameplay is remarkably simple. Here's an OST clue. Find the game with this ost, and you find what Death Stranding TRULY is.
But your search will be more complex than you think. The game you seek is unlicensed, and to hear this OST, you must trigger several conditions.
Ganbatte Caramel. I believe in you.
>tfw the only guy I smoked with just stopped talking to me for no reason
I'm glad I didn't develop an addiction I guess but I miss my friend so fucking much
>still dude weeding
Weed is legally available toaround 100,000,000 people in North America alone
>weed is literally legal here and i can order it online but my parents wouldn't like that and i respect them
This photo is very convincing.
>tfw never touched weed cigarettes or beer
who /pure/ here?
Just you loser
>implying konami wont do everything in their power to fuck over hideo
How long until brazil makes a mural of this?
>implying sony doesn't have a literal army of lawyers
t. soda drinker
what kind of drugs does Todd do?
that's in argentina
>don't go back to country you clearly don't even care about or like much since you are a westaboo
Not hard. I doubt Kojima would cry if he had to stay in Muttland for extended periods.
Honestly he'll be living in l.a. within 2 years
Hopefully soon
Okay Kojibro, I'll only star in your game if you smoke some pot with me.
MGSV literally gave ptsd to Yea Forums
That weed made him chink eye'd!
dude imagine sliding your dick in and out her when she's in that position hahaha
>but my parents wouldn't like that and i respect them
Bitch made faggot
Try living in a country/state that isn't fucking retarded.
Did you pay your share when you smoked up together? If you were mooching too much, that might be why.
My sympathy for Kojima ended last year. Konami was justified.
The real death stranding was the beached whales we met along the way
>ssj4 cucks btfo even by street art
>pics not on jap twitter
>not on burger twitter
>not on insta
Uh, sauce? The weed might be shooped but i cant find the og image any where
Kojima retweeted a gif of the guyver today. A movie that starred a young david hayter in 1991. Are they done beefing?
>Duuude you haven't lived until you've smoked weed! Are you even living life bro?
>Implying I wouldn't smoke this little nip under the table
I don't know if it's brainwashing but cigarettes make things look cooler
You got to be feeling for Hideo though. Kojima really hung him out to dry.
Much higher end people than fucking Kojima got in trouble for weed in Japan. The only way he'd get out of it is by staying out of Japan, and that has nothing to do with him being ""high profile"".
>Implying I don't just go out to the woods at night and smoke alone
The Chad Hideo
The Virgin Kojima
it's a shop
You a DMV nigga? Only place I really hear that.
I've smoked weed twice and both of those times I didn't feel much, is it just a meme?
I was drunk before both times tho.
Obviously. Near the cherry of the joint is a dead giveaway
the original is buried below 1000 tweets, I don't remember the context but he was showing something
it's a photoshopped pic you retarded faggots
did you inhale properly? it's normal to not get high the first time
Just order it online. You can use TOR it isn't that hard
>mfw Saint Seiya gets no graffiti
Weed + alcohol is very different than just weed. When drunk it kinda just feels like you're more drunk and/or gives you the spins. I don't recommend mixing them purely because it's not that un-enjoyable and tends to be a waste of weed.
Absolute best way.
nah, the shit he comes up with gives me more of a shrooms vibe
who else never got drunk but smoked weed here
alcohol just sucks
You're a fucking idiot and don't know wtf you're talking about. Mixing Alcohol and Weed is a great balance unless you did something stupid like take a bunch of shots then hit a joint a only couple times. It's about balance, user.
>a game about nothing
The president has been straight edge ever since his brother died
>tfw crossfaded right now
Why does Yea Forums have such a hate on for weed?
don't know why people jerk off to alcohol so much, all it does is make my head hurt and get me nauseous
>my parents
what the fuck
>weed is le wacky drug that makes you do le wacky things
Smokelet detected.
i love alcohol. it makes me feel amazing. if hangovers didn't exist i would probably be an alcoholic
Yea Forums is all loners and losers with no friends. They're salty because even if they did have some, they have no one to smoke it with
unironically, some people's livers proccess alcohol differently and you dont get drunk like other people do
>Post yfw Death Stranding it's released and be worse than Metal Gear Survive
>implying the lawyers won't receive a visit from the yakuza
>The last thing SH needed was Kojima.
>Konami is known for not giving a shit about the West
>except Kojima, the biggest westaboo in the industry and also one of higher ups at Konami
>SH development was passed to western studios
Yeah, weed makes you act like a moron. That's what is fun about it, it's relaxing and makes everything more entertaining.
Or it males you anxious.
>implying the yakuza are anything scary anymore
>glass him
Pretty sure the Yakuza and Chinese Triads still hold a lot of political power , they're just not as violent as they once were.
>implying that isn't what they want you to think
Let's no forget of Castlevania Lords of Shadow, it probaly was Kojima's idea to pass the franchise to some random western studio.
Weed was nice and all for the first couple of years but now I'm a suicidal and depressed wreck
I mean I am a loser and I smoke weed. I just do it alone. "Social" drugs are for retards.
>Weed is a social drug
It makes most people anxious or stupid
This. He pretty much resigned his own country
It's relaxing and makes everything more entertaining but it reads like user thinks weed is a psychedelic.
finally someone else gets it. kojima has been replaced
i live with them
is it finally gonna be released this E3?
you think he uses it as a buttplug?
>smoking weed with others
Never really enjoyed this, but I am not a social type.
haha yes like a joke right? yeah
Some weed at high concentrations can produce psychedelic-like effects in people
werent you able to smoke weed in ground zeroes?
i smoked on the side of the local Subway's with some college buddies a decent amount of times last year.
cant do it anymore since i dont have the guts to buy weed on my own and even then i am worried about smoking again since i had to do a drug test to start working for Ikea last month (i passed)
to be fair, this is just an image of him holding a joint. theres no proof, or way to prove he smoked it.
Guy looks like Hirohito.