So how can Fire Emblem reclaim its dignity?
So how can Fire Emblem reclaim its dignity?
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When you have enough money you don't need dignity.
Add more girls with twintails.
More Anna.
FE4 remake that upgrades the original in a similar way to Echoes, except make an actual effort to update the gameplay instead of copy-pasting several things from the original(like maps) with virtually 0 changes
By making a good game, unlike that one. This would be good too
Make a game that's based like fates and not cringe like $0ylentia. Luckily, 3h is on the right track. Stay seething resetera cuck
Cancel Three Houses and remake FE Shadows of Valentia with maps not designed by a ramen brained retard
Fire Emblem hentai
Dignity? Or death by low sales? Make your choice
Best girl.
Remakes that emulate and expand sensibly on the older games. If they made a Binding + Blazing Blade remake with some justifiable retcons to make the two weave together more seamlessly, people would go apeshit.
I don't think there's anything that can really work at this point, the majority of FE's fanbase is horny ironic weebs in it for the mommy milkers seen here , or girls in it for the dating sim elements, so when IS tries to pander to the old school fanbase who just wanted anime politics and dragons the game crashes and burns like with Echoes.
If they make another Fates people will complain, if they make another Echoes the game will just tank, if they try to play both ends there's a 90% chance the game will just fall flat. At this point it would be better if FE split into 2 different series, one that does more games like Echoes and one full on waifu pandering dating sim thing .
I think Three Houses is trying to do what I just described and pandering to both fanbases but the game is just so ugly from a character design standpoint and general aesthetic that no one seems to like it except for the people with no standards that are just desperate for a new SPRG yet don't wanna play another series that's not FE for some reason.
play New Mystery
no fuck off
>and burns like with Echoes.
Or it could be possible that in comparison to the previous two titles, Echoes had almost no marketing, and is also a remake of what has been considered up until now the black sheep of the franchise.
Just except that it flopped because it sucked
That's exactly what I was trying to imply while not being overtly confrontational about it, the guy who I was replying too was trying to imply it flopped because it didn't have dating sims.
Just let Three Houses have good characters, fuck's sake, please.
It's hard to top Robin.
what to choose?
Edelgard's cute, but I think I will go for a better fucking game holy shit nu-Emblem is a garbage pile
Imagine living in the same quarters as Camilla and getting smothered by her every night.
haha epic
>games still play well
>now they're just full of waifu fags
>"wah why isn't it like it was when I wasn't playing it!!1!"
>At this point it would be better if FE split into 2 different series
Hell no, that would divide even further the already broken as fuck fanbase, trying to appeal to markets that might not even exist at this point. I believe 3H is an ok experiment and has shown a couple of interesting mechanics, but it's being badmouthed hard because it doesn't have the beautiful presentation Echoes showed before its release, instead giving us nothing but weird art from a yaoi artist and some really bad 3D models and enviroments.
Not only that, but we can already imagine the kind of story it will have since it rarely changes between games: MC is secretly a very important royal and special snowflake while being too much of a goody two shoes, an invading realm with a one dimensional villain and a big bad dragon in the center of everything. It's tiring.
>so when IS tries to pander to the old school fanbase with Conquest, casuals ignore it.
Muh plot
But we already have Peri, there's no way to go but down from there with twin tails.
>lose Phoenix and Casual Modes
>get rid of the turn-wheel
>Conquest map design
>no DLC
>hire a better artist
>more waifus
Series saved, faggots.
Pull the trigger on a full on dating sim and drop the bullshit battle strategy aspect.
It reclaimed its dignity with Echoes - the best game in the entire series.
I'll reserve judgement on 3H until I play it.
Wait! One more thing:
>find another studio to handle the fucking graphics
Why is she so perfect?
the story & presentation can be subpar as long as it has quality voice acting like so:
Here you go.
>split in two
why not just make a game with good story telling, good gameplay, and waifus
Just make the fucking first one again. Maybe it'll remind the devs about how to be dignified.
They did that already.
Turn-wheel's a good feature honestly (because resetting all the time isn't fun) and I think difficulty should affect how many uses you have with it. Difficulties would still tune layouts/stats/reinforcements to some degree and the game should be challenging regardless of difficulty but I think just having that modulating level of forgiveness would be a good addition
I know a lot of people love to respond with:
>caring about plot in Fire Emblem
But the series overall has always been story driven so of fucking course it will be an important part of the experience and of fucking course it will make me stop myself from touching the game when both the story is in general bad and is only made even worse with the horrendous Treehouse localization that butchers almost 50% of the dialogues. Doesn't matter if people say "just play Conquest and ignore the plot", I can't ignore the plot, I want to know more about the worldbuilding and the characters, otherwise I'd go and play any other, better and more charming SRPG.
Good question. I guess Intelligent Systems and/or Nintendo doesn't want to scare away any casuals the phone game might bring in.
Serra's ok, but like I said you can't beat Peri. Crazy wifey best wifey.
Fair enough. My biggest issue with the turn-wheel was the ever increasing number of uses. By the end, I think I had at least nine fucking gears.
>think FE is garbage
>it's the only SRPG series that gets new games besides the almost never translated SRW and Disgaea which is in hiatus while they unfuck their mobage
>lose Phoenix and Casual Modes
How does that "fix" it
>get rid of the turn-wheel
hell from FE Echoes I never even know how the turn-wheel work till like 5 chapters to the end
>hell from FE Echoes I never even know how the turn-wheel work till like 5 chapters to the end
You may be retarded. Any credibility you had is shot if you are too fucking braindead to figure out how the turnwheel worked for the entirety of the game.
I think it had eleven? I got them all but I never used it, I always reset whenever one of my units died anyway.
Just let it die and revive Advance Wars.
>revive AW
>it dies a year later because nobody fucking wants new AW
great idea
Fire Emblem started as an anime epic and is still an anime epic. It never had dignity.
It can't, just let it die.
well it's not that i didn't know how it work, it just that I never really bothered with it I kept on fucking up and hated just restarting the whole map. I kinda just forgot about it.
What I have in mind is something like this:
>Easy, enemy units have 10% less stats, there are 10% less enemies per map, and you have 3 Turn Wheel uses per map
>Normal, no stat/layout alterations, 2 Turn Wheel use per map
>Hard, 10% more stats on enemies, 10% more enemies/reinforcements, and 1 Turn Wheel use
>Brutal, 20% more stats on enemies, 20% more enemies, no turn wheel uses
Or heck, maybe they could just do a Kid Icarus Uprising and have a sliding scale of difficulties per game chapter, with some crazy as fuck stat inflations on enemies.
If the turn wheel has to be a constant number throughout the difficulties, they should have the uses decrease over through the campaign. It should make easy game more forgiving and the endgame, which is often easy in most Fire Emblems, more punishing and requiring you to think tactically more.
>I always reset whenever one of my units died anyway.
Normally I wouldn't use something like the turnwheel, but even halfway through the game I said fuck it and used it whenever someone died. Replaying the long as fuck maps from the start if someone gets tagged is just not worth it.
Is resetting on shitty level ups actually worth it in most cases, or is it just min-maxers being faggots?
>t. never played an fe game
Echoes could've been so much better if the gameplay wasn't mediocre.
Tinny spinoff solo game
I agree with this. It also needs more female COs drawn by Kozaki, along with improved romance headpatting & relationship micromanagement to add to strategy and managing your army.
The waifu shit isn't necessary. I believe Fire Emblem can survive without it.
The latter
Nope. Stat boosters can help reach benchmarks and usually there's a unit or two to replace the unit with bad stats later on.
Can it truly? Let's be honest, Awakening would have never gotten the praise it had if it hadn't allowed people to play the shipping game so widely between characters. The fact that the avatar could marry literally any recruitable character in the game was a huge selling point, reason why Fates sold so high, because it repeated the same mechanic, even if it didn't make an ounce of sense.
based digits blowing the fuck out of reseting trannies
>TFW you liked the older FE games and want a return to strategy and plot but are still a waifufag
I mean, they're not entirely mutually exclusive, I suppose. Hopefully INT can finally integrate the two draws for fans well for Three Houses.
I mean I enjoy the older games but I can't really bitch about the direction the series has taken because I'm a massive autistic waifufag too.
I mean I've been working on a Kichikou Rance/ Fire Emblem parody where a horny, violent Alm goes around a Frankenstein of FE worlds whilst conquering nations and laying claim to their women. With Faye as his Sill, of course, because I'm still salty that the new and best girl is another outlet for int's NTR fetish