I just cleaned an old storage tote out, and found pic related in a sleeve that was destined for a CD box somewhere dusty/spidery in the attic years ago, does Yea Forums wanna see if there's any vidya shit long-forgotten to time? Let alone if these still read?
I just cleaned an old storage tote out...
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm always down for this kinda shit.
>Dragon Ball Z Music Videos
Nigga is that just a disc full of DBZ AMVs?
>Nigga is that just a disc full of DBZ AMVs?
It sure is, and it reads! Slowly!
>2003 was a century ago
What the fuck man. So someone just ripped a bunch of shitty AMVs off of youtube and sold them on a disc?
Yep, Youtube in 2003 as pretty bad, it used VRML
Alright, what's on "No Virus?" That doesn't seem suspicious at all.
Oh god...
What's on Old CD?
Old CD and NO VIRUS are hosed, but back in 2002, I got hit by W32.Pate.B from Kazaa, so I had to restore my shitty eMachines thing and use the built-in Norton AV to completely rebuild my "apps" folder minus the virus, so this was my 100% sure not to be infected CD with everything you need for a reinstall (KLite, Photoshop 7, Yamaha SoftSynth, etc.)
Despite actually rotting, ZSNES CD sorta reads, and is full of weird Euro scene roms from The Cult of Kefka, a site ran by someone that screams "probably an user"
Do you even have a floppy drive to put wolfenstein and snoopy into?
Nigga I don't have optical drive, throw away this junk
This CD has the most hue-tastic fan translation of Super Saiya Densetsu I've ever seen, it was my first introduction to DBZ, and I was disappointed that when I watched it in Japanese years later, Raditz doesn't actually call them DICK HEADS
Yeah, any cool person has a USB floppy drive
I'm not one of those believers in disk rot, but I doubt any of those songs are even worth keeping.
It gets better
the old and reliable scene of fan translations filled with japanese words with "no eqivalent in english" and swear words.
post more OP I live for this shit
>burning saves into a disc
what did he meant by this?
Also, this game has the sickest game over screen ever, after beating Vegeta, it's Freeza flying in space
Dad wouldn't let me use his Zip disks, and flash drives were $50 for 128MB. Owning a Windows 98 PC meant and endless cycle of reinstalling because of how games absolutely HAD to fuck with registry/DX/DCOM shit upon every installation
Back in 2001 ~ 2002, I actually would buy similar AMV compilation discs at conventions.i probably had about 40 of them, and they were basically just homemade AMV collections of anime scenes set to popular American music or original Japanese soundtrack stuff...
It was a different time.
lurk moar, underage abortion reject
>He's never owned a computer that had less available harddrive space than a modern CD-Rom disc.
I have a feeling I know already but what's on the anime one at the top near the DBZ one?
Looks like Final Fantasy to me.
Not OP, but it's most likely AMVs made from the Cutscenes of Final Fantasy games, over Slipknot and shit. That was a really common one, back in the day.
Castlevania V has a trainer and built-in Space Invaders game, but only works in Zsnes, which doesn't work with Fraps, and Camtasia decided to unapply the crack so w/e
A mix CD with Sephiroth fanart straight outta Elfwood: the greatest porn site ever
>Couple years back, found a plastic case full of floppy disks with anime stickers on them
>It was at my local library, in an old soteage room. (Was helping staff clean that day.) That laughed and told me to throw them away
>Took them home and hooked up a floppy drive
>All of them were filled with old-school anime pictures and very old scans of photos of kids hanging out
>Most of the disks contained compiled sprites from JRPGs, and notepad documents where some kid wrote a huge DBZ-inspired story, and how he liked some girl named Tessa.
I actually felt this strange nostalgia, despite them being from someone else's childhood. I still have them. They're in my parent's attic.
Definitely downloaded the Blink182 Online Songs AMV on kazaa
Limp Bizkit - Rollin
50 Cent - High all the Time
Powerman 5000 - When Worlds Collide
Papa Roach - Last Resort
DMX - Up In Here
Korn - Freak on a Leash
AFI - The Days of a Phoenix
Blink 182 - Online Songs
Incubus - Pardon Me
Metallica - Master of Puppets
Creed - Higher
System of a Down - Sugar
Sum 41 - Makes No Difference
Tupac - When We Ride
Michael Jackson - Thriller
American HiFi - A Bigger Mood
Linkin Park - In The End
Eminem - When The Music Stops
So basically everything you'd find on a CD with Sephiroth on it in the early 2000's
The raw AMV's for your viewing displeasure
UPDATE: No Virus CD doesn't work on my Asus drive, but DOES work on my ancient Plextor, go figure
Does any of THIS look interesting?
Oh yes. Most certainly.
>Goth Teen Plumper.mpg
Quite some.
...Did you somehow steal this CD from my 2006 self?!
Give me those goths, show me the Japan, Media, and Misc folders.
Well I definitely want to see goth teen plumper but I'm also interested in JAPAN IS COOL.
>goth teen plumper
Upload pls
I know these are parts of bigger vids that I've seen on Xhamster, but I can't find them currently, the password is haggis
OP delivers
Nothing exciting, the Japan folder was for some report, but the Japanese images don't load because you can ONLY view them in AOL, AOL insisted on using a non-standard JPEG format that STILL hasn't been cracked to this day, they'd just random travel pictures to go with a Powerpoint
I remember going to a friend's house as a kid and experiencing AOL, then never wanting to touch his computer again.
Also: if you never owned the full version of Ganguro Girl, you don't know SHIT about eroge
I had to google Snood because it sounded familiar. Was that the one where if you lost it said AWWWWW CRAP?
>mfw fapping nostalgia kicks in.
I mastered this fucking game as a kid, could bang any chick in 10, 15 days.
Yeah, and as you came close to dying, it went END IT NOW
Also found a random GB screenshot, underage will NEVER know how big your dick could feel when pic related happened, and yes, I still use this handle
The ND CD is an ancient encode of Napoleon Dynamite, I was hot shit for about a week because I made about 40 or so copies of it for friends/random people who asked "are you the Napoleon Dynamite guy?" on Myspace, ND was THAT huge in high school, you couldn't go anywhere without hearing it quoted, even by teachers, which is when it stopped being cool
My favorite was Bring Me To Life with scenes of Vivi crying and Burmecia getting swallowed.
COOL thread. Quite the nostalgia trip.
What version of Snood is it? The one I've got doesn't have that.
>buddy gets dragon random on first match of the day
>immediately fucks up a teleport on his first turn and dies
The Napster CD is a lot of porn, you all know who the Suicide Girls are (Aiki, Quinne, and Ember were HS faves), but probably not Aneli
The pictures in those folders are all on Imagefap if you too have patrician taste in slavs
You take those?
>Dragonball Z Music Video - Papa Roach - Last Resort
Yo can you upload that version of Snood?
HL saves is just standard HL saves (WON!) and a lot of goth porn from defunct site Voodoo Dollhouse, this site hasn't existed since 2006, so here's more forgotten goth girls, password is ham
thanks user
Fact: this copy of Snood came from a history teacher who kept hitting on students, about as un-subtle as saying "I want to take pictures of you naked on my Harley"
Thanks a bunch and I will forever remember that whenever I play it.
Yeah, it's Disneyland with a handful of friends in HS with some exchange students, this is what pre-Dapper Dan entertainment on Main St. looked like
chubby girls ain't my usual cup of tea, but i'm gonna give it a wank in your honour
You sir are a man of fine tastes
This thread is giving me massive feelings of nostalgia.
>goth girls
>early to mid 2000's
You are all gentlemen of taste and wisdom
I want to go back.
The last CD is just a lot of Nadine Jansen porn like any normal teenager should have, and you can find her just about anywhere, that's the end of the magical CD tour, I'll probably go through the attic box at some point just so this shit is on an external
This cat also no longer exists
try 2000 blaze or ND, they have the most mysterious names.
Holy shit I remember CDs
>dat napster
>dat sonic adventure
>dat legit ATi disc
>dat bootleg wolf3d shareware
good times.
Upload that shit nigga
There was no youtube in 2003.
Forgot about Blaze, it's a mix that I made in 2006 specifically when I smoked weed, it's mostly a YTMND album
Tube and Berger - Straight Ahead
R.E.M. - It's The End Of The World
Coburn - We Interrupt This Programme
A Ha - Take on Me
Apollo 440 - Can't Stop The Rock
Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round
Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams
JS16 - Stomp to my Beat
Europe - The Final Countdown
LA Style - James Brown is Dead
Gunther - You Touch My Tra La Ls
Toto - Africa
Chemical Brothers - Hey Boy, Hey Girl
Chiasm - Isolated
He still exists in your heart, user.
i didn't even know napster sold CD-Rs. they basically operated like mobsters in the sense of "nah, we're not doing anything illegal."
Napster "came clean" after the trials and rebranded themselves as a "legit" business, only nobody gave a shit because smart people used KLite, Suprnova existed, and Limewire was starting to happen
Love you bro, no homo
>Gunther - You Touch My Tra La Ls
Let the bodies hit the flo
One of the best threads in quite awhile
Read the thread
I forgot another CD, this one is from 2006, can you guess what happened around the time I made this?
you lost control of your life
Bonus Myspace in-jokes
>115xx filenames
You are beyond boomer.
RIP in piece Steve.
Props to OP for continuing to keep the legacy of the old guard alive
Dat AMV Hell dvd fine taste my friend.
You have no idea
I remember those times.
Well, surely those children must be French then?
Remember when Yea Forums translated a Tifa doujin and used nothing but 2005 memes?
>are they elephants or something?
holy fuck
damn user, Cult of Kefka was my shit back in the day. getting pretty nostalgic right now.
Do NOT click this image if you're at work
you now remember /l/ existed
>Are they elephants or something?
Down the memory lane...
What is the best board to exchange links with long forgotten material?
That's about it, I leave you all with some helpful advice from '05 Yea Forums :)
Can u upload?
What went wrong, guys?
thanks I died
what does this shit do, make you light headed and faint?
goddamn it the goth porn is all fat chicks
faggots spamming "orly owl" and "my pokemans let me show them" memes on discussion boards outside of Yea Forums were the fucking worst
wtf i love kazaa again
Yeah, I was expecting the goth vid in
don't do it it creates mustard gas
I KNEW what this post was gonna say before i even finished refreshing the page
i hate 4channers so much
That Demo CD may be worth something. And maybe scans of those Humongous games for MobyGames.
fuck off you 12 year old faggot
Sure, they're Yea Forums pics I saved in 2006 in my funny folder. I'm not uploading all the pics I saved in 2006 though.
>outside of Yea Forums
It was a sign of things to come.
Nothing makes my dick harder than a diamond than a good scratchy vhs dbz music video
>Youtube in 2003
>Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Motherfucker you had godlike taste.
reddit pls go
This is the best thread that's been posted in the past 6 years. Prove me wrong.
>the only good posts now are just regurgitating stuff from a decade ago
where did the magic go
>Pizza Hut Demo disc
holy shit, I had one of those. what's on it?
This is like opening a time capsule
OP's amvs just made me remember a godsmack song I used to love and forgot about
blessed op
was cjb like a backwater geocites/angelfire? i saw it all the time but never see anyone bring it up when they talk about old internet nostalgia
I wish PC still got physical releases
Oh shit I forgot about Muzzy
>AMV Hell
Holy shit I haven't thought about those in years.
Checks out.