Goodbye, Yea Forums. I'm pulling my devil trigger

Goodbye, Yea Forums. I'm pulling my devil trigger.

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Don't you stupid faggot.

Been thinking about doing the same. I'm so emotionally wrecked I don't think I can ever make a comeback. Crossing the 30yo barrier, I just try and try to hit the gym but I'm starting to realize that all that's doing to me is turning me into a real life Johnny Bravo but uglier.


stream it faggot

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Maybe when I hit 30s

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Maybe you should pull the trigger too

No you won't. that's what I was telling to me all the way through my 20s and I never had the guts to do it.

I'm slowly killing myself by being alone.

Thread theme:

Is this how you say an hero now

Have sex.

Yeah I thought the 30s would be my wall too.

Good luck with that

Why not go out in a blaze of glory. Get some weapons, head to Mexico, and wage a one-man guerrilla campaign against the cartels. You'll die a legend.

As always my answer is, I would if I could.

Mexico is one ocean apart from me though

But anyways OP, don't do it. Seek help.

And try to enjoy life as best as you can, try to improve yourself, read stuff, learn an instrument or a new language. Just don't die an ignorant piece of shit.

Yeah seek help and have sex.


Don’t do it if you have loved ones that care about you.
If you don’t then see you, space cowboy.

>have sex
After all stds have been cured.

Go out there and have sex now.

The most dangerous one already was.

You can't get cancer from sex

Idek anons, there's always a lifestyle out there that you'll enjoy. If your life is a failure because you just wanna have sex or be with someone, maybe just accept that it might not happen, but you can still try. I feel like people jump straight to needing validation, without having a period of just doing things for yourself. If you're not happy with yourself, you will be a noticeably worse person to be around. Self betterment is good, like working out and being productive, but if you expect to just change yourself for others to accept you, it's gonna be stressful as fuck to achieve and when it doesn't work you will have built yourself up to fall even harder. I really do believe you have to come to terms with yourself. If you haven't done this and seek validation, it will be obvious how unconfident and unsure of yourself you are. I'm a fat dude who sat around watching shows, listening to new music, learning instruments and playing vidya because I felt like doing it. If you become interested in things for yourself then you will become a legitimately interesting person. If you do things because you think it'll score you social points it will come off as a disingenuous attempt to be interesting. This sounds complicated but really just work or whatever to have a roof over your head, and then do shit you feel like doing. I feel like I'm at least 2x cooler of a person than a few years ago, and don't have social anxiety (that feeling like everyone in public is looking at you and judging you) anymore.

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There's literally nothing after death. Killing yourself is not going to make you "feel better" or "send you to a better place." It's stupid.

We come from nothing and return to nothing

We don't come from nothing, no. And we simply convert into more energy after dying.

stream it fag

Yeah stream yourself having sex faggot

I don't want to die

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Best thing about deppresion is that it kills you either way. No need to pull the trigger yourself; keep feeling down and someday your heart will stop functioning properly, or you'll get afflicted with an unstoppable illness.
Suffering pays off. Life is cruel, but always shows mercy in the end.
The true horror is not knowing exactly when it will happen.

okay, I will after you blow your brains out

>nigga wants off himself
>OP is Aeris
Look at this, kids. That happens when you waifu worst girl

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>Killing yourself is not going to make you "feel better" or "send you to a better place."
That's the whole point, faggot. To end everything and don't remember shit. To cease to exist. To go sleep without dreaming. To turn the lights off.

I don't think we're gonna make it, bros.

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>E3 is on the horizon
>offing yourself
Nigga, what are you doing?

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I think we're gonna make it
I think we're gonna save it
So don't you try and fake it

>hit 30 in December
>have had existential depression for the last 5 months

My mother is also getting early signs of dementia.

From energy to energy
We all convert


>mfw I hit 30 in less than two years

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Jesus man I'm so sorry for your mom. I got mine a job before she could get to that point. See if she can at least work until she hits the retirement age.

It ain't so bad ahah

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Thanks man. She is literally the only reason I have not killed myself. Honestly thinking about getting her a Switch or something to keep her mind active.


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Even if you're a NEET, you should have enough money for a one-way plane ticket

I hit 30 in just a few more months.
Yeah, I'm already going through some sort of mid life crisis.
It's not too bad yet but the closer it comes the more I'm stressed out.

do a flip faget

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To me whatever happens to my mom it happens. The same goes to my father. I already told them this. I'm trying to get the fuck out of this fucking house for the second time. Hence why I decided to get my mom a job so she could at least have a bit more independence from my father's income.

I think you should leave your mom in a retirement home dude. Leave her to someone's else care so you don't have to think about her all the damn time.

I'm actually trying to save up for a rhinoplasty. They ask 1000 in cash in advance

So no every saved cent is precious to me.

Sorry if this sounds a bit faggy

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