Game improves compared to previous installment

>game improves compared to previous installment
>it's still looks meh

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Other urls found in this thread: Kombat–17_video_game_voice_actor_strike

Why's Seeva Black?

for the same reason Geras looks like giga niga

Attached: geras.jpg (1920x1080, 338K)


i dont know what the fuck they were thinking with jacqui, she looks like a sesame street host, why is she in mortal kombat

Cassie is actually a qt Kombat

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Jade is cute

Why are all the monsters suddenly given black characteristics?

>asians look asian
>blacks look black
>whites look cringe

just like real life

Cassie and Jhonny were really well animated, everything else looks like trash.

they all look liek shit

sho sho shill

yeah, but who cares?
oh, you guys. right.

I want to say third from the right would fit most in MK, maybe the full automaton next to him. All of them look like a better fit for Soul Calibur honestly.

Gross, he should just stick with what he has right now.

So you'd rather prefer current geras?

Sheeva doesn't look black, she looks fat. The only black models are Jade and Jacqui.

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More like fucking horrendous.
I dont want "realistic" women on my fucking fantasy fighter.
Fucking cucks ruining videogames.

Attached: MKASheeva.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

>retard knows nothing about extracting models
Holy fuck go back to Quarterpounder

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I would bang 9/10 shown in this pic

Of course. It's not like MKucks have high standards anyway

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Fucking disgusting

No, just saying neither design fits with MK. But the greek one does more than what we have now.

they look like bitter single moms who work at the local walmart

What the fuck does the process he used to grab the models have to do with the fact that 11 looks horrendous and he should stick with his current one?

because he's judging incomplete models

imagine calling yourself a patreon "creator" when you just nigger models from a video game

Why do they all have acorn shaped heads

Nigger there's nothing to be done that can fix 11 Jade. Just keep reiterating on 9's.

Okay this is homo

Go look at Shizzy's current Jade right now and tell me it isn't ten times better than the realistic Symmetra in .

>unfinished models to a finish model with a Tanya face

>tfw I didn't buy MK11 and just played old MK instead
NRS can fuck right off.

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Are you having a stroke or just incapable of forming full sentences?

In what way is the game improved? The only people who say this are video game journalists who don't actually play fighting games. All they did was nerf the fuck out of everything you could do in MKX and added slow mo krushing blows. Combos are out, mixups after combos are out, most characters can't even combo out of an overhead so everyone online is just crouch blocking and dick punching. Wow, such neutral.

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nice cherry picking fag

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190503165442.png (1920x1080, 1.73M)

so why does OP keep posting the same images over and over

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I was mostly talking about face models. I agree on everything else you said, neutral game is just boring in mk

they used a black transsexual man as the face model

Cute in that german girl next door kind of way.

mad as fuck

Jaqui and Jade have the best looks. Jade could be much better tho.

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190503165657.png (1920x1080, 1.7M)

How am I if I called one of them cute?

1999: jade kitana and cassie would be the least attractive
2019: jade kitana and cassie are somehow the only decent looking ones

gay ass game

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190427014859.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

I saw this last thread you faggot

It's the NRS autist that is literally in every MK thread. There's legit something wrong with him.

ok cry harder fag

why do you retards get so mad when somebody calls you out


Attached: early-model.jpg (800x630, 142K)

Sheeva in Mortal Kombat Anhillation was the funniest thing ever, she's literally introduced and dies within 12 seconds

I want to facefuck Skarlet.

he's not an NRS autist, he's just an assblasted tranny that is mad because people are making fun of ugly "women"

Why do you have to post in every single thread? it's always the same images be it the cherry picked Kitana's or this new batch you acquired recently, sometimes it's Patrick with a bait hook or Batman with no background with posts like "ok retard" or "you mad" shit like that. Every. Damn. Thread.

Whatever it is I wish mods would ban it already because at this point it's just spam.

Attached: Photo_on_2010-09-19_at_17.01_.jpg (375x375, 30K)

>1999: jade kitana and cassie would be the least attractive

Attached: Kmj.png (2134x576, 1.07M)

yes you took them making faces or unfaltering angles you fucking idiot

Some of those pics are extremely cherry picked. That is easily the worst pic of Cassie I have seen posted online. The pic is also way too close to Kitana.

imagine being this fucking wrong

What are you even talking about? what faces? I haven't even posted an image in this thread you fucking autist.

>sheeva looking like someone just stuck it up her pooper without warning

Would have been too hard to animate a fight scene with her.

are you pretending to be retarded

Attached: 1474311018110.png (152x197, 61K)

yup, that woman looks great compared to about 85% of the mk11 girls

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please stop posting your reddit image in every mk11 thread

Right now you just know there's some NRS faggot absolutely having a shit fit over this image

open the game and look yourself
>way too close to kitana
that's the face she makes when you wear maskeless gear. But you should know right, you have the game, right?

Attached: cherry.jpg (671x630, 98K)

>85% of the mk11 girls
>only 85%
I'm gonna have to go with here.

Actually yeah I do.
And those are still two very badly taken pics of both girls.

lets see more of the pics you took

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11_20190426014257.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

So you're saying i have to TRY to make them look good, just going into photo mode won't do it?
Thanks for proving my point

I can't believe someone would actually defend chingchong Kitana.

Holy shit I remember this trash image from pre-release MK threads.
Dude just kill yourself already

If it doesn’t look good, it isn’t good. Old ass losers need to get over their 8 bit and last gen fetish.

> D'Vorah- "Have you told Jade about us?"
>Kotal- "Theres nothing to tell, D'Vorah."
>D'Vorah- "Such deception, Kotal."

Post yfw you realise Kotal went balls deep on D'Vorah on the regular and lied to Jade about it.

yap he fucked the bug

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>If it doesn’t look good, it isn’t good
Exactly. I'm not going to play a fighter where I can't stand the designs of the characters I'm supposed to invest hundreds of hours into.

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It looks the same

you're not the only one

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Funny because I plan on getting Samurai Shodown.

You and like 8 other people.

Apparently 8 people is all it takes to get ahead of MK11.

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ultra realism needs to stop

why are zoomers seething at a good game?

They are parroting movie games made by Sony


We'll check dem numbers a week after it launches and see how dead the online actually is.

Yeah Evo, the very thing Boon sold MK out for and WB were banking on really pushing MK and 11 couldn't even beat an anime fighter.

>tfw mkx was way better than mk11 and it was already a step down from mk9

rent free

Isn't she 50ish in this game?

Alright you guys win. Is there any good Dvorah porn.

winners of mortal kombat get immortality and stunted aging

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Because how else is a shitposter going to pretend they're not full of shit unless they just repost the same cherrypicked images over and over despite the hundreds of images anyone else can post to completely debunk them.

Kronika for some reason brings a young Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Jackson Briggs, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Kitana, Raiden and Jade to the future. . . even though shes trying to kill Raiden????

Older sonya is probably in her 40s yeah, but that picture is of young sonya. You'd know this if you played the game.

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there is time travel in the game

You can start posting these anytime.

this is dumb

MK has probably the biggest prizepool on EVO

>MK has probably the biggest prizepool on EVO
where? All the prize money goes to Pro League and ESL

Ultra realism was fine before video game "actor" unions.
Voice Actor union has been killing the industry as it is.
>I love free market!
>Oh no, free market is competing with my meal ticket, how will I pay for my overpriced single-room apartment in Commiefornia?
>We need unions!

Don't know about mk11

>you have to work for pennies don't try to bargain
unions are part of the free market

You do when your craft is worthless. In fact, nothing happened after the strike.

Isn't it still going on because they wouldn't settle without the royalties?

Unions are the opposite of free market. They're socialist. Entry-level socialism.
Next thing you'll try to argue is "profit is theft". If that's the case, don't bother.

>purposely make all the white girls mediocre
>make the girl with the darkest skin the only good looking one
*unzips dick*

There is such thing as free market socialism like the Mondragon Corporation.
Have you ever studied economics? Do you think majority employee-owned companies like Winco aren't free market either?

Is it? Can anyone tell without looking up?

Nah, they clearly butchered facescanning work with shit modeling job. It has nothing to do with unions

>Can anyone tell without looking up?
No? How the fuck would we have the information without being a part of it? Anyway it apparently ended two years ago, but I fucking swear we had threads about it going all the way through 2018.–17_video_game_voice_actor_strike

>No? How the fuck would we have the information without being a part of it?
By not noticing a single difference in video game voice acting, which was my point.

There's no such thing as free market in socialism. Its an oxymoron.
There is such thing as free market capitalism.
America is a mixed economy. Its not a real free market, especially due to Federal Reserve.
>Have you ever study economics
Have you ever ready anything that wasn't produced by Frankfurt School?

Unions are not free market unless people are free to not associate with them. Every single union in the USA is protected by the state. Socialist.
If a union can use the legal system to pressure you to not do something, its not free market.

Oh, then no. Other than shit like VA's not returning for old roles I forgot it was even a thing.

>Every single union in the USA is protected by the state
On a technicality only. Every employer, sharholder, employee, and consumer is protected by federal law as well.

unionism is unironically the biggest con in America, and every union worker that is a boomer is 100% the perfect example of a spoiled ass cunty 50 year old who has the education of a 4th grader but wants to make 90k driving semi trucks.

>All that sheen on the lips
Christ, NRS, lay off the gloss

Every single one of the models taking part of the facescanning are likely part of a union. That's how the modern game devs look for people.
Do you think MK devs actually gave shit to find good models and crowdsource? No. They paid marketing people to reach out to model/actor unions like IMDB for contacting agents.

If you have an IMDB profile page, you're part of a union in the industry. Don't tell me unions have nothing to do with it.

wtf, these artworks look super cool, who the fuck decided to swap with generic bald muscle nigga?

this level of ignorance and elitism is why we need unions

>on a technicality level only
>Every employer, sharholder, employee, and consumer is protected by federal law as well.
Partially wrong because of Affirmative Action.

That's NRS fault if you don't like the end result.

Ok commie. Enjoy your breadline and terrible video games.

t. someone who has never worked a blue collar job in their fucking life

Its also unions fault for using the legal system to pressure independents.

Imagine defending losers that call corporations to pull ads off someone's content because its counternarrative. Or banning someone's bank account or social media account. So on and so fourth.

You're pathetic.

What in the fuck did they do to Kitana

and is that supposed to be tanya?

why is sheeva a black man now

No, it's shit, if you mean SFM or animated, it's all shit, I took a look today.

>union faggot calls someone else a boot-licker as their paycheck is literally garnished by a private entity other than their employer who directly donates to a political party

I worked in maintenance for a senior apartment and worked "part time" (40+ hours because I made less than regulars and regulars never signed up for OT) for USPS during and a little after college. The people are smarter and work harder than you think.

>all the women are covered up because "it's immature and degrading to have attractive women in sexy clothes, no woman would wear such things in a fight for her life, we've grown up as a company"
>eight of the men are topless by default or in one of their alt skins and none of them wear anything that could be considered armor in these fights for their lives

MK has if anything got worse on all aspects but technical visual fidelity. Reminder MK9 had blood from the characters splash on the stage, clothing damage and permanent wounds mid fight on the character models years ago.


>I worked in maintenance for a senior apartment and worked "part time"

Oh I see, so you sat on your ass next to a laptop and radio for about 25 hours a week and consider the senior apartment complex lucky to have you

MK is full on uncanny valley, the only one that doesn't look terrible is Cetrion

Yeah no, there was always something to do because old people complain about everything on top of dying which means renovation. Even if it was a slow week I was busy detailing the boardroom, gameroom, and outside.

the only reason why MK is full of uncanny valley dogshit is because they unironically tried to make the storyline a netflix drama

Attached: gay mortal kombat.jpg (1910x895, 183K)

>slow week I was busy detailing the boardroom, gameroom

Yeah try operating a 500 ton crane for a machine shop on a Saturday because the fabrication you're waiting on is held up in a shop full of union queers that refuse to do anything on a Saturday

She looks like Tasha Yar from Star Trek TNG, and that's a very good thing.

you both sound like retards

Sounds hilarious because, to me, she's the most man-faced of them all.

Who else fapped to MK11 Cassie

>stripper pose off rappelling rope

Attached: etrhaet5rhadethht.png (1637x908, 1.41M)

In the first 15 minutes of MK11 Cassie Cage is literally crying tears. Probably like you are right now, fag

I don't work for companies with retarded management. USPS has some stupid management, but no as dumb as whoever you worked for and didn't prepare for the schedules of another company.

Its a good thing youre literally retarded and know nothing about fighting games

You clearly haven't worked for a large union corporation. Guys on the line know when they can skip work and "get written up" for so many times.

I'm also from Michigan, which used to be the largest union employer in the country. People are fed up here. Recently union nigger construction workers tried going on strike in the middle of construction on the North and South bound Freeway (i-75) in Detroit, until the Governor threatened to hire non-union workers to finish the project. Fuckin scum

No you're not because you would know it was the contractors locking out the union workers.

after making demands and threatening to strike. As they have done decade after decade.

lets not forget about rubber rooms either, unless you're a total zoomer born in the 90s

Where is the strike? If you're going to lockout simply for demands during important construction you're the problem. You could've finished your job and refused to do any more business until you figured out a deal. Contractors just wanted to be little bitches and make everyone suffer.

Literally best looking fighting game of this generation. Back in the days fighting games was graphical benchmarks and NRS returned this feeling

yes her mom got killed you fucking retard

This is why women shouldn't be on the frontline. Or even behind the line


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I miss my Wife, why did she have to die?

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lmao this faggot doesnt like making $40+ a hour
fuck companies and fuck you

Could be in Kombat Pack 2 but you have to wait a year for that

Since MK IX the artwork always looked cool and way better than the final product

Characters never returning to MK

Attached: Kameleon_pics.jpg (900x1000, 163K)


Attached: Drahmin.png (700x1200, 621K)

fighting games communities are the worst besides FNAF and Undertale
prove me wrong
pro tip: you can't

you know her dad did to right idiot

I would perform cunnilingus on all those women IRL desu senpai

>>game improves

If FNAF fanbase bothers you, you're not old enough to browse this site.

Realism is a mistake.

>Mehrtal Kombat


The actress who originally played her was a fucking 10/10 QT. Modern sonya is voiced by Rhonda Rousey and looks like a gorilla

here's Sonya (Kerri Hoskins) goofing off on the set of MKIII (1995)

Attached: MV5BZmExN2VjZTMtMzhlNi00NDRiLWE0YzAtNDFiNjc2ZTUyZTRkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_ (477x268, 25K)

>im a 30yob and forgot the file

Attached: 90ssonya.gif (400x280, 1.66M)


mk11 actresses are good looking as well

Attached: mk11actors.jpg (1511x2015, 312K)

that look that prefab character from Fallout 2.


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Something really got lost in translation when they face scanned them.

>They could've based her on this but chose Rhonda Rousey

Attached: sonya2.gif (400x280, 1.5M)

Unfortunately that's literally supposed to be Young Sonya (They bring back younger versions of the characters in a timewarp during the story)

She's literally timewarped from 1992 and still looks like a windburnt 45 year old

t. furfag


four armpits

Literally the good looking outfits are locked out by searching in the krypt and hoping you want and no some portrait for your "kard"

by "good looking" you mean the ones with cleavages?
Those are not very different apart from that part

How are you holding up subzero bros?

Attached: subz.jpg (342x933, 102K)

They talk about diversity, but all of these characters have the same moonface with some minor differences.

You need a better graphics card, m8