C K fuckin' 2 thread (CKII / CK2)

Crusader motha-fuckin Kings II

Ive logged about 270 hours (i know, baby..) of ck2 and feel like im just starting to understand it. (probably the same amount in youtube videos) BUT I want god damn achievements so i need to play on IRONMAN mode, which means no money cheat (ever). Ive had tons of good games but nothing really *great* ever with ironman mode on, something always comes along and fucks my shit up halfway through. something that a little more money always would have fixed.
>Money making tips?

Ive downloaded the Son of Abraham DCL (along with Old Gods, ruler designer, Way of Life, and sword of islam)
>needed DLC requirements?

Im better with the 1066 start date that 8xx with old gods but ive been thinking it might be cool to get the charlemagne
>where to start for a newb (that isnt ireland)

Just like... i need fucking help... how do you even hold a kingdom? someone is always against you and all of my best plans are always ruined by random events. Ill be doing supper good and they i die, then my heir dies (from natural causes at 34), then his son is assanated, and no matter what i do im left so weed and normally devided when all i have left is a grandaughter or even great granddaughter

>references? video suggestions?

>tips hints anything to make me better? i love it but i want achievements and need to get better

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>how do you even hold a kingdom
you dont. go for seduction focus, turn into satanism and fuck everything that moves. spread your dynasty like cancer.

elaborate pls? i just got way of life 2 days ago on someone else's recommendation. I dont even fully understand it yet

Also is a jewish empire even possible without cheats?

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go to cisrinru and get the dlc unlocker to just get everything for free, these games depend on the mountains of DLC for you to have any real fun with them

Yes. Any jewish character can create Israel and turn it into an empire

i dont think i need every one of them, ive been told many actually make the game worse.

from what ive concluded, the only ones you really *need* are
>old gods (have)
>ruler designer (have)
>Sons of Abraham (have)
>sword of islam (have)
>the republic (no)
>way of life (have)
>LoR (no)
>charlemagne (no)

there is just so much to this game, im planning on buying another maybe 2 tonight before starting a new family, what does Yea Forums suggest from what i dont already have or what i have not listed

I dont always play with SoI because sometimes those sand niggers just fuck shit up, you cant be too close to them and playing as them wasnt as cool

good luck tho, at least with a 1066 start. I musta tried 100 times and i would use so many money cheats but got boned everytime.. to much going on around you

>pick abbasids
>turn heir into jew
>form kingdom of jews
>get chivo

None of the DLCs make the game worse. Arguably some of the free patches that accompanied them did, but there's no point in worrying about that.
Just use the unlocker.
Also I'm pretty sure disabling Sword of Islam does nothing to the AIs, it just sets whether or not you can play as them and whether you get an instant game-over or not if you somehow accidentally become a muslim.