Crashtroturf thread

>wagie at FUCKING GameStop
>circuit TV updates for May
>almost every other commercial is Nitro-Fueled promos, from the individual character videos to the bobblehead pre-order bonus thing

W O A H we're getting so close to June bandifags, plumber boys and hedgebabies are shaking in their boots.

Attached: 1456033959766.png (545x668, 971K)

>30 fps
>console exclusive
I'll go with the Chad option, team sonic racing thank you very much

Remember to ignore all TSRfag bait

Attached: Crash_Bash_Fake_Crash_Bandicoot_Icon.png (213x190, 50K)


Attached: 1556816411980.jpg (590x337, 46K)



>Shitty gameplay

Attached: 1398716385235.jpg (191x217, 21K)

You're welcome

Attached: Doctor_Nefarious_Tropy.png (698x1040, 423K)

>live action video game movie

How many of you pussies couldn't unlock N.trophy legit, reveal yourselfs.

Attached: 1487024501614.png (142x155, 6K)

How can you expect fast and immersive gameplay when the frame rate slows it down to a crawl?

Doctor Nefarious Tropy is probably my favorite because his name so much fun to say

Do you have the final game user? Tell us more about the performance.

Attached: 1551086332105.gif (462x503, 2.52M)

Me and my friend even beat N. Oxide on every track as kids, and when we did, we were shattered because we both thought we'd unlock him

You game runs at 60fps and still looks more slow than the PS3/360 versions of Tranformed. How can you explain this sonicfags?

What's the fastest way to make webms? I need some of Nitro Fueled.

Attached: CrashOxideSuperTurbo.webm (1600x900, 2.98M)

>giving a fuck about fps

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-22 at 3.43.15 PM.png (81x76, 18K)

I wanna know this too. But have this anyway.

Attached: Crash CTR Nitro Fueled GameStop Demo Crash Cove_2.webm (1920x1080, 2.06M)

>30 fps
>console only
how about no

download "webm for retards"

Yo gamestop OP, any word on if gamestop will be selling these orange dice?

Attached: 164745.png (300x300, 29K)

Not that I know of. So far just Electron skins and the bobble head for pre-ordering. If you did the pre-order during the demo weekend you also got the wumpa fruit air freshener.


Attached: large.jpg (1280x720, 230K)

Darn, I really want those dice. Thanks for your info, OP.

Attached: ucqb0BB.gif (300x300, 1.98M)

>plumber boys and hedgebabies are shaking in their boots.

I can see why sonic team racing devs would be seething but MK8 has sold twenty million copies between the switch/pee-u

Attached: MK8.png (566x222, 57K)

60fps on Pro and One X

hang yourself now

No, you hang yourself, shiteater

Attached: LOL.png (690x133, 8K)

Different speed classes just like Transformed, and Rings make you go faster

I'm honestly confused why it's so hard for some games to get 60

How will Trash Bandicuck ever recover?

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Fuck the Falseflaggers. Nobody actually makes this much of a rivalry between the games outside of 4chin and you know it. They're just losers.

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This, many people are getting both

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