Is this good character design?

Is this good character design?

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Other urls found in this thread:

its a fucking potato

Yeah I too wanna fuck that potato

yes. it pleases my dick.

Too thin


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>that attire


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>long sleeves
>short skirt
Is it weird to be upset by this?
I want either all short or all long.

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no. its stupid

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That's not a skirt, she isn't wearing any pants

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Grandblue's potato have curves at least.

cunnycide when?

rate my lala

Attached: ffxiv_05032019_204236_895.png (2560x1080, 2.76M)

very hot. need some more lewd shots though

This but with my dick instead of the gun.




Someone make a proper thread

would pin down and have my way with/10

Death to all potato and c@fag players in real life except me because I'm not a fucking degenerate.

Mating press/10
Would give this potato some sour cream.

lick cunny.

Is this good character design?

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absolutely based

This thread

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Rate this halfbreed.

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Looks like shit.


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Potato faces don't translate well to 3D.


I hate people who premade front lines.

Is this good character design?

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A hound worthy of breeding

Cute af

Do you think Yoshi-P will require smartphones for the next fanfest?

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>this faggot making femroes look worse when they already have it bad

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Looks like squashed Geralt got injected anime to the point of retardation

Lot of Lala lusters in this thread.

What's the difference?

In addition to buying a ticket, they're going to require at least $100 spent on the mogstation

>going to cringefest for any game

Attached: average ffxiv player.jpg (1536x2048, 881K)

Au Ras are the best females.

jesus christ it's that bitch from The Ring

>have to buy a RL fantasia and drink it in front of the guard

Time to fap!

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Some different kind of Trial of the Grasses.

What game is this?

is this a new episode of Monster Factory?

Am I cute?

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I'd say it is peak character design

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>What's the difference?
Well, TaruTarus come from a good game, and Lalafags come from a shitty game for numales.

>he cozblayed?

It'd be really cute if you drank a few cups of bleach ;)

The DLC added lolis as a race?

no you're an attention whore meme outfit wearing faggot

I don't think you know what short stack means

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They've been in the game for 9 years buddy.

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>Not wearing attention whore glamours
It's better than all the "totally unique Quaintrelle Skirt/Dress" whores out there.

it's not
you're both faggots

>remember, no potatos

Yea it was awesome times spending 90% of endgame sitting around for 3 hours with 60 other people waiting for someone to claimbot a dragon

>super slut lalafells
>not plain good person lalafell

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FFXIV: Serious Business

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I prefer Alphinaud.

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It was, because of the social aspect. You don't want an MMO, you want a skinner box.

It can be both. XIV is plenty social.

>I have no argument and I must shitpost

>XIV is plenty social.
Hanging out on discord doesn't count as being social in XIV, and it's certainly not the game encouraging any amount of socialization.

>called out for being a faggot
>resorts to tumblr tier responses
why are you so upset

>'internet is serious business' is tumblr tier
Fuck modern Yea Forums

Zoomer detected
Before discord it was ventrillo, and it was LITERALLY the same thing

You have to be 18 to post here.

Lalafells wish they were shortstacks. "Shortstack" implies there's something to stack. No curves, no tits. Nothing. They are literally weird pear shaped midgets

Post goblins

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To be fair, the Quaintrelle skirt is one of the few detailed and good looking ones in the game, that can be used on all jobs.

and attention whore faggots belong on /vg/

Literally looks like a toddler

Attached: why would you do that.png (235x363, 165K)

In XI you went on Ventrilo because the game demanded you do it if you wanted to get anything done. In XIV you go on discord because you were already on discord and you're shitposting and trading memes with friends you would've been shitposting with even if you never touched XIV.

Knowing that you faggots get super triggered by the fact that people decide to play anime gnomes is enough to validate my choice to play one

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When there was the free month thing I tried this game out with my friends, since we were trying to squeeze out all the gametime we could none of us used the code while we were on trial, so to access parties we had to ask people around, most people were super nice and friendly. Only people that picked on us were some trannies erping.

FFXIV exists entirely to milk weebs while mainline-FF continues to burn itself alive, so for that purpose sure.

>tfw I like shortstack size, with wide hips and big ass but no boobs

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The triality of man.

How did they go from the based Tarutaru to these Korean MMO-tier abominations

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>play short races whenever they're available
>invariably a portion of the player base gets trigger over the existence of said short race
I really don't get it

it's just literal pedophiles projecting

It speaks for itself.

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I honestly do not get people who cream themselves over Taru but hate Lalas, they're almost exactly the same thing minus the poopnoses.

I don't mind Lala, though I do agree that they attract enough fags to rival miqo'te players.
That being said I try to not put them all in the same bag.
Except the people who play Paladin, fuck'em

It is cute, it's just super over used.

Needs more arrogance and dirt on her nose.

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Galo Sengen


this is good character design?

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Not really, you had plenty of time to chat in XI when you were sitting around with your thumb up your ass between spawn windows


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post some joixxx my goblin friend

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>love goblin hentai art
>friend talks me in to trying wow
>go to make one
>they're pretty ugly, have no tits/ass and they have gross three finger disney hands

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why do i get the impression that the claws on the roethgars are part of their gear instead naturally on their bodies?

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Their proportions and facial structures are completely different. It's like not getting why people shit on Miqote so hard for being trash versions of Mithra.

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The heart wants what the heart wants, user.

>Lala are shit
>there will be never be a LoL mmo
Why is life unfair?

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Aren't mithra just girls?

Why the FUCK did they make it another cat race when we already have one?

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i want to BE a yordle

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They also have girl (male)s

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Playable, yes, since the males are off running harems.

>porn and fan art isn't reflective of in game art
That's any game. I've seen people draw shorstack lalafells.

Play modded Skyrim if you want sexy goblins or midgets

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But Miqote are the same as Mithra...

No. Looks weird.

Mithra were much more feline.

This. You even have the poopnose option in XIV.

Where does one find good male roe pics?

could also mod XIV to make lalas have bigger hips

I assume these are two player characters in weeding customes and the lala is doing an emote to a normal size race, right? If it's that then i'm sold.


They have to use a spinner when choosing new races to add, user. For that one, it was ronso, burmecians, and bangaa.

They only looked feline in artwork and fanart. Their actual in-game model looked like a roblox character with cat ears and a tail.

Miqote are just normal girls with cat ears glued on and a tail shoved up their ass.

Attached: thats my fetish.png (990x657, 304K)


I once used the "pet" emote on a lalafel, my character kneeled to give him or her i don't remember a headpat.


fucking kek

Its a cute potato and people like it, so yes?

t. blind retard

thighs are always a good character design

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I want to mash this potato

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But user, yordles are highly sociable creatures. Are you really up to finding someone to be around all day?

would be great if hrothgars had rat and lizard alongside the cat and potentially wolf-like face.

I don't even like cat girls and I can tell you that miqo'te are basically just anime catgirls with very few animalistic features. Miqo'te to mithra is like the cats in Nekopara to Aisha Clanclan.

the females purposefully kept them weak so they remain as breeders. Imagine if The Lost did that there will be outrage

>Nekopara to Aisha Clanclan.
I don't speak weeb so you'll have to try harder.

Can we all agree that Ivalice moogles using a slightly modified lala skeleton would have been infinitely superior to roecats?
>tfw no juggler class with a mischevious trickster Ivalice moogle who is part of a traveling troupe who spends the majority of quests pranking you or helping you prank others
>tfw no class quest that involves you fucking with a DF party while they try to complete a run

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I kinda want to see what a lalafel petting a ronso would look like. Would they go for the tail? Awkwardly stroke their calves? Or would the big guy be a sport and take a knee for them?

>doesn't know Outlaw Star
Sounds like you don't belong on this fucking website, normalnigger.

A loli potato.

4channel has never and will never be a weeb website, so move on.

Do you still have to play a fucking MONTHLY FEE to play this fucking game?

Why is 14 like one of the two games still stuck in 2004 when it comes to MMO monetization?

What's the best job for Lalas?

what if rothgals looked like this?

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Storage Alt.

It's not a fucking potato because is not fucking, yet.

Keeps the Brazilians out.

BLM. This is not up for debate.

Wrong. Go back to where you came from.

If only they actually looked that plump in game but instead they're just featureless cones with a head. What piece is that anyway?

You have to buy the game, its expacs, pay a monthly fee and have to deal with a cash shop on top of it.
I don't know about you, but wether it's "stuck in the past" or not, it's a perfectly working milking machine to me.

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Is there something wrong with lalafell paladins? Are they a common choice for obnoxious people or something?

Yes, and thank god for it. F2P players are the worst part of any online game.

>have to deal with a cash shop on top of it.
Wait, they made buying things from the cash ship mandatory now?


have to retainers for extra storage which is pay to win if you're a crafter

>see great loli pics
>Tags: lallafel
It's like the difference between swimsuit model and a agdq tranny

So in what way do I "have" to deal with it?

Shirt of the Divine Light or something like that.

He's shitposting, you don't

No of fucking course it's not, but the fact remain that there is a cash shop in game that you have to buy and shell out by the month just to play it to begins with.

Then why does ffxiv have literally one of the worst communities of any mmo ever?

>No of fucking course it's not
>there is a cash shop in game that you have to buy

muh dick

Yes and? It isn't surprising for a game explicitly copying WoW.

People meme way too hard about the bad sections of the community, I've been playing for almost five years and can count on one hand the number of truly reprehensible people I have encountered.

Just plain bad players are a dime a dozen though.

I don't fucking know I'm not him, I merely agree that a cash shop in a game that use a subscription system is shite.

>i-it's optional
Que te jodan.

Because modern FF is a superconductor for fags and fujos

Would you like race mixing in the character creator?

I want to be a lala mommy.

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it's like they took the awesomeness that was a Tarutaru and made it bad.
not to mention 14's gfx look worse than 11's.

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They are literally the same thing.

>tiny lala mom raising kids of other races that grow way taller than her
>they are eventually twice her size but she still bosses them around as a doting mother

Nigga thats kawaii as fuck.

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Post chuuni lalas


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when will my femroe get an ass slider

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Have sex with a garbage disposal

I may just be a Tia, but one day I'm going to become Nunh and impregnate all the catgirls with my working penis that exists for real!

Attached: tia.jpg (1920x1080, 957K)

Just mod it in

Everyone has already fucked your mother

tight and firm mod
you're welcome

>playing an alt to recap on the story
>have to do 2 dungeons
>it's past midnight so expecting the worst
>get the absolute comfiest 14-minute runs in sub-50 dungeons of all places

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did urianger hot glue it?

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I just want to hold her close, tell her I love her and cum deep inside.


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Is "inter-species" breeding possible in the Final Fantasy 14 world? Relationships between different races seem common in the story but I don't recall ever seeing "hybrid" characters which would result

Is this good character design?

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Hilda is half hyur half elezen. Interspecies breeding is possible but uncommon because Yoshi doesn't want to have to model halfbreed races.

Hilda and that one Stormblood NPC are halfbreeds.

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because yoshi p wants the wow audience so we needed an ugly furfag race

jesus christ I hate looking at those they look like they're gonna snap off the moment they touch something

good living onahole design

no, apparently the jap version is more straight forward and says what he did was hold it while crying or something to that effect. Wish they had had that instead of this meme shit.
tfw no story relevant femroes that haven't been put in the cuckshed or killed off

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Based lolita poster

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Too bad their game is boring as shit

kys tranny

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like clockwork

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Super cute

Too tall to be the real Marisa

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Literally can't contain myself when I see Sadu

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Damn, sorry bros but I'm potatosexual. Can't help myself but furiously masturbate to cute lala girls, they arouse me like no tomorrow.

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its almost like femroes are universally shit

Attached: femroes.jpg (1533x1500, 693K)

>wow refugee meme

>tfw wear that on my femroe and it looks absolutely retarded along with most other frilly dresses

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Be my lala mommy

>not having the mod that removes the bra from that top

Where can I find a mod that fixes the godawful feet?

>that guy who waits until the last possible second to roll on loot on the last boss fight of the dungeon
>that guy is me

Attached: 1549242267319.gif (300x259, 1.43M)

No, the dress looks fine. YOU look retarded.

Unironically best character of the entire game.

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It looks retarded on all races.

Mewling piglet.

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Oh wait I forgot that's not part of it, I just made a mod pack that puts those two together.
That should be more than enough to get you started.

So you would marry a potato?

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>tfw play elezen
>tfw wanna mate with a lalafell
Life is suffering

Attached: elric.png (781x468, 671K)

I wanna fuck every lala I run across. It's impossible to make a bad looking one unless you use male Lala with any sort of facial hair. Even the males look feminine. I thought the wine Lala was a girl, BUT NO, IT HAS A DICK. IT'S NOT FAIR. They are LITERALLY designed to arouse me.

Not really

Attached: rainy.jpg (340x570, 84K)

>teleport somewhere
>a cute girl standing next to me by the aetheryte
>pretend she's my girlfriend for a moment like we're on a date

Anyone else do this? Like as a joke haha

Attached: gf.jpg (1920x1080, 539K)

user, you might be a pedophile.

I never got this meme. Femroes look pretty hot to me.

Attached: my femroe wife.png (673x692, 979K)

>wine Lala

It's okay user. There is someone special out there for you I promise.


>everyone either hates potatoes or wants to fuck potatoes
>tfw just think they're cute

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If it makes it any better I wanted to fuck the Asura in GW2 just as violently. Size difference is my ultimate fetish.

Pic related.

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Because you're a pathetic faggot with a tranny femdom fetish. Imagine being a "man" who enjoys feeling small and helpless lmfao

I would fucking MASH the potato

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t. wowfurgee

You need to get your eyes checked if you think that looks good

>Frilly dress that sticks out and clips on everything is the same as a raincoat that doesn't.
Retarded lalafag.

but im not like the other femroes

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beauty is in the eye of the beholder. i personally find au ra repulsive myself

I guess that's what arouses me about lalafells, they are cute and I like cute things, no other race can look as cute as them, if they try they just look like sluts

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This but Cirina and her lust for Hien's loins.

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>modern FFXI

Old FFXI > FFXIV > a fart where you accidentally poop a little > NuFFXI

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Same. I pet every little potato I encounter.

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Nice grown man blush.

Learn Lalafellin nomenclature and you'll never make this mistake again, their names differ depending on their gender.

>Pet lalafell
>They get angry for me petting them
>Pet them again

some lalas get mad about people doing that


>Party immediately leaves as soon as the last boss dies
>There was a minion in the chest
Thanks for the free 500k assholes.

You're all the same. You want to play as a girl but you coward out halfway through and play the most dykeish "woman" you can find.

money is basically useless to most people.

I rue the day the average df retard realizes that you can turn dungeon stuff in for gc seals instead of just passing on it and giving it all to me.

>tfw 23m and rising because my gain from daily shit outweighs repair costs
>only thing I actually want to buy is a house
>no houses
At least I have my apartment.

Attached: (´・ω・`).jpg (250x250, 6K)

Oh yeah, they totally didn't fuck up. It was their plan all along.

It's currently just Roe, Highlander, and Elezen if you don't want to be a moeblob.

>Part of Excalibur's JP FC
>Only different behavior with lalafells is to often refer to the Lalafell members as the potatoes

They figured it out before too long.

this is just a miqote chart with green on it

Auratrannies hate masculinity in all forms and they're desperate to deflect the tranny stereotype to another race so they screech tranny/ogre/shrek etc at femroes.

Attached: Um5k1DK.png (733x571, 961K)

0 personality, less creativity
ERPer, fujo or gay if male
>elezen and roegadyn
Snowflake syndrome, "no one else picks my ugly race, so look how unique I am"
>au ra
Chuuni, tranny if female
Immensely autistic

What will the stereotypes be for Hrothgar and Viera players?

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> he doesnt like tall, amazons
what a gay

>he has repair costs

They secretly enjoy it

>killing enemies causes damage
Do you just sit in town or something

>Green ogre women.

>Dark Matter is free

Level your crafters you dumb faggot

Viera will be a combination of Miqo and Au Ra, Ronso are the big gay

> he doesnt like green ogre women
lol what a gay

They're all maxed out and I'm lazy

>I made my billions on repairing my gear manually instead of spending 500 gil on repairing.

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Dark matter is basically free for how little it costs, yes

Gil literally is useless, though. Even basic crafting earns you millions a week just from stuff you can craft using vendor-sold materials, going full autism earns a ridiculous amount. A house costs nothing but time and a sub fee. There are no real gil sinks like other MMOs.

Bara furries
I don't know. I don't think it'll be a tranny race though because they're tall and trannies hate being tall.


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Based and redpilled

>ERPer, fujo or gay if male
But they have one face that stands above all other faces

Attached: ffxiv_08082018_010719.png (1600x900, 1.85M)

Not funny and never will be. Closeted fags just need to stop.

By that logic isn't using the repair npc basically free too?

No, the repair NPC is much more expensive than dark matter and they can't repair past 100%

Ah yes the "I'm eternally constipated and need to hold a shit for the rest of my life" face.

Male Midlander
Male Wildwood

Male Seawolf

Female Midlander
Male Duskwight
Male Plainsfolk
Male Dunesfolk
Male Hellsguard

Male Highlander
Female Highlander
Female Wildwood
Female Plainsfolk
Female Dunesfolk
Male Suncat
Male Mooncat
Male Raen
Female Xaela

All Viera (at launch)

Female Duskwight
Female Suncat
Female Mooncat
Female Seawolf
Female Hellsguard
Female Raen
Male Xaela
All Viera (couple weeks after launch)

Attached: goddammit dr mog.png (236x366, 74K)

>le edgy grimdark my pain outweighs your suffering face

I bet you ERP as DRK

Door Wedge best potato

Who even is the blond lizard on the left?

Why are you fags so obsessed with trannies?
>small and helpless
Sounds like projecting to me

desu tho I wish I could get a tall gf just so I can suck titty while fucking. All the women I've fucked were shorter than me and it was hard to kiss mid coitus much less suck tiddy

seriously bruh? she's got this elegant look about her like a fashion model. I just don't get the hate. The nose is part of the appeal to me. Very defined and Aryan to me

Attached: profile2.png (365x431, 297K)

Okay incel

someone post that lala princess with the beautiful blue/green eyes
she makes my heart hurt

Midlander males desperately need a face that gives them an age above 18, barring that one that absolutely nobody uses.

and with expensive you mean literally not even noticeable unless you're actually autistic.

The Sharlayan researcher from the Ivalice questline

Those are all the best female races, I see nothing wrong with that selection.

Right. I was thinking MSQ and totally forgot her.

Sorry, can't be bothered to add the scruff the WoL has in the trailers.

You don't get rich by being retarded with money. Dark matter is cheaper and you can repair up to 200% so you have even more value per dark matter.

I use that face and consider myself both based and redpilled

Attached: mid.jpg (1920x1080, 193K)

Unironically the best look a Midlander could have.

t. faggot

Well my pp is hard so yes

Being retarded with money =//= not being bothered with sitting there and manually clicking repair on each item in your inventory.

Do you sell every 15 gil vendor trash you find on the ground for 3 gils profit as well?

>Male Midlander
I bet your favorite meal is a slice of white bread and a glass of water.

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t. thinks the extra click makes tickets worth it over just paying the teleport fare.

>not being bothered with sitting there and manually clicking repair on each item in your inventory.
except it literally repairs everything you have equipped at once

Finally, a degenerate rat-fucker like myself.

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>sitting there and manually clicking repair on each item in your inventory
That's not even how it works you god damn idiot. It's literally less effort than walking to a repair NPC.

tarutaru > lalafell

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>He doesn't care about MAXIMUM PROFIT

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Really? I'll retract my statement then except it probably costs more to level your crafters to the cap to be able to repair all kinds of items than it does to just pay the npc.

You can level crafters for free, and very quickly for very cheap if you're not an idiot
And you can make millions doing so while being able to repair in dungeons and less often, cheaper

Leveling crafters is the best investment you can make in this game. The profit you can make is insane.

And what's wrong with that?

But I thought gil was "useless"

What makes fem lalas bad?

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raid tranny, high clear rates.

Glad I don't play on the same servers as you lot, I just wanna play a badass midget that stabs people in the knees, not some mascot character.

I wouldn't consider the hours and hours spent doing it "free".
Leveling just 1 crafter and gatherer to 70 sucked enough ass.

I'm not that user. Gil has plenty of uses especially if you're a prog raider


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>not modding your game to give them curves, hips and ass

people who say that are sour grapes faggots upset they don't have the dedication or willpower to not spend every penny they have on dumb shit
I'm not a crafter jew by any means but I've been saving for a large mansion for over a year and this is what I have now just from selling some gardening/venture/materia shit.

Attached: my gil.png (130x28, 9K)

Just came here to say Human Master Race, any other race should be purged.

I think you really should spend 15 mil a piece on the latest fotm slut gear. A worthy investment.


La Sultana is the only beautiful lalafel, don't you fucking degenerates dare reply to me

>people who say that are sour grapes faggots upset they don't have the dedication or willpower to not spend every penny they have on dumb shit
I think they mostly mean that if you don't blow all your gil on housing/glamor it's pretty trivial to make enough of it to cover costs like travel, food, potions, gear, and the like.


>not playing the free trial as a level 35 dress-up simulator

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Hows mine?

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ingnore the clipping cuffs pls

I'm here to announce that hats mostly suck ass in XIV and if you don't want to wear some giant fedora or a bucket then you have to wear some bandana that clips through everything, glasses, eyepatch or a flower.


Just fuck my shit up

Its funny you say that, I'd have closer to 80 mil if I didn't spend money on glam
And I have pretty much everything in my glam dresser. I don't even need to buy anything to do most fasion reports

This is actually the only good tier list I've ever seen. Based and red-pilled.

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>people who are good and clear content are automatically trannies

High level discourse on Yea Forums as always

Don't forget about the FUCKING circlets. Holy fuck give me some helmets you lazy shits.

Can you put glamour dressers in your house yet otherwise I can't be fucking bothered. Also let me log out and gain rested from my house.

I like the songbird little hat. It's cute.

Why do you think the male shitters in this thread seethe so much about female characters?


There are interesting hats like the Marid Leather Hood but it's not attached to anything so you look like my granny taking off her coats hood and then putting it on her head.

Yeah, aside from a couple silly sets I mostly have the red Pince-nez on.

They really fucking royally fucked up the housing in this game. I'm not even on a high pop server but getting ANY plot other than a small in the goblet is literally fucking impossible. I just want a small in any place that doesn't look like a communist tenement block. I'm hoping Shadowbringers has a new housing area so some of these fucking poopsockers leave so I can get something somewhere.

I would
boil em
mash em
stick em in a stew

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Yeah I have a 40% chance of dying in every fight because my head is unprotected.

There was a time probably sometime before 4.5 where there were plenty of free plots in the non-Shirogane districts but they've been poached by now and now there's a sea of plain houses with nothing done to them with locked doors. It's sad.

I've had a white rose or lily in my head for most of HW and SB it feels like.


Once when I was playing FFXI, I was on a F-taru alt, there was a line to get some daily thing done and she was behind a mithra.
I started doing some /pet motions around the tail and it looked like she was trying to play with the mithra's tail like a cat plays with a laser.
The mithra was not amused.
I thought it was awesome.

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Yes. Personally I have an inclination only to lalas and midlanders.

How can one girl be this perfect

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based type A lala

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Clear rates say otherwise

You just know there is going to be a moment where these fat cats are going to ask the WoD to do their bidding and he’ll get sick of their shit. This expac will be kino.

How are you supposed to pair the Shinryu weapons with anything when they all have Razer green glows?

I know I'm going to end up disappointed when Fray isn't prominently featured in the MSQ but fuck I want it.

Why yes, I do play as a male Lalafell in Final Fantasy XIV. How did you know?

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Fray isn’t gonna be needed. Fray will be there just to cheer us on as we go savage on 1st Shard retards.

i was hoping more sexy potatoes would be posted itt

>how dare people talk about the game
I agree though

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Just having him poof in to offer a word of encouragement before we gut someone would make my dick diamonds, even just once.

I don't really like posting my lala here. But just for you.

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We can only hope user, if anything like that happens it will be glorious.


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what is the pose the femroe is doing and what boots is she wearing

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Why are people so easy to bait in this game? Holy fuck I can't stop trolling people because they won't stop taking the bait.

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>It's a shield with a bunch of holes in the most important parts.
>It's an overdesigned axe.
>It's a lance that looks like it will break from a cough and has two tiny chopsticks as pointy bits.
>It's a katana that's as short as it possibly can be to still be called a katana.
>It's a pair of Monk fist weapons that look like you're holding two pieces of abstract art or candle holders.
>It's a bow where you can't even tell where the actual bow parts are.
>It's a gun but with more decorations and glitter on it.
>It's yet another rod that looks like every other rod except for 1 or 2 standout ones in every expansion.
>Same but WHM stafff.
>People actually look at their books or astrolobes?

>how to talk to short people.jpg

Makai caster/healer boots.

>xe doesn't exclusively use sets designed under Akihiko Yoshida or the Diamond weapons
Oh no, oh no no no sweaty...

what anima weapon should I get next
have war and pld at the light stage
and I have almost everything ready to get there for my third one

It must be on purpose that the devs made the Ultimate fight weapons Padjali tier gaudy and awful to ensure that anyone walking around with them are doing it to brag and not for looks.

They did it so they could just reskin previous weapons.

Only dreadwyrm look bad though

He's taking a huge shit

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SE's really getting a lot of mileage out of those FFIII remake character designs, huh?

Caster. The healer boots are the same as the ranged and striking.

>convince friends to play xiv after telling them it's actually pretty decent
>curious to see what race they all pick
>one chooses midlander
>but the rest of them chose male miqo'te
What does this mean Yea Forums
I'm concerned

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That's not sexy at all.

But they just slapped a glowy texture on the entire weapon.


All your friends are bottoms

They're fags.

You can mod this game? That's pretty neat. How much of a pain in the ass would it be for someone who hasn't played since Reborn to get back into the swing of things?

It would be better if they wore less clothes

what are you fucking gay?

Attached: Are you some type of queer.png (266x363, 103K)

>good ultimate weapon glams don't exi-

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Isn't liking the lack of curves and form precisely what defines a fag?

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Could only be more basic if they were wearing that flavor of the month trannyglam coat.

sauce on the cute demon loli please

No. You're confusing fag with pedo. They often go together, but can be separate.

Normalfags that want something "exotic" and "spicy" so they pick the cat instead.

>lack of curves
nigga are you seeing those hips

good thread

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What changed?
I either have too much gay or not enough gay to see what's different

i gotchu senpai, fresh outta this tier too

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>q for msq roul

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I switched between them real quick and I was able to spot it. They recolored the band around Alisaie's ponytail so it's blue instead of red.

Oh, I see it now. thanks.

Mods were a mistake

So I reupped my sub after all these threads and don't remember anything. I'm level 47 and just did a couple main quests. Is the main quest important for anything? Can I just level and do other stuff?

Pick of the only other mmo I played.

Attached: fulldragon.png (492x317, 49K)

Thats what I was hoping for.

>Is the main quest important for anything?
Mate, nothing's like OSRS these days. Main story IS the game, until you finish it.

what do white mages meld?

>hentai instead of vanilla or medium

Attached: gay.jpg (160x252, 9K)

Main quest is required to unlock everything. It's Final Fantasy so the focus is on the story.

The main quest is literally everything. Keep doing it.

you have to do the main story

Cover yourself up degenerate.

It's just run around and talk to people. I think I'm close to beating the main quest for the base game. I stole a robot or something (I did that part a few years ago) and now I need some enemy armor to sneak into a base. Is that close to the end? Am I supposed to be enjoying the story at this point? How long does it take to do the main quest from 50-70?


>tfw managed to dodge all these with my glamours
user would be proud of me!

Attached: EosGasam.png (112x112, 52K)

>sklla is still a flavor of the month after 2 years

>reading comprehension

my semen

Now this is good character design

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Main story is SHIT until you get to heavensward stuff (a bit past level 50, once you get to Isgard the story isn't garbage anymore)

piety, all the way.

I fucking hate Lalafels but god almighty I wouldn't hesitate to fuck one mercilessly

after i do all the roulettes whats the best way to level and alt? the highest level dungeon?

Nothing because they don't do savage

Once you hit 50, there's like an entire day's worth of filler until you hit Heavensward, which is actually really good.

highest level dungeon if you are a tank or healer, squadron dungeons or palace of the dead/Heaven on high if dps

Dunesfolk >>>>>>>>>> Plainshitters

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Crit > direct hit just like the other healers.

>didn't initially play BLM
>change to BLM main during Omega savage
>still have my single fantasia from story quests
>have an urge to fantasia into Lalafell
someone help

Story is lack luster until you get the to the end credits of ARR, then you have to keep going doing the pre expansion MSQ, which starts slow but it's kino as fuck until the end, then you go to Heavensward which is the most kino expansion in any MMO, specially when you get to the climax fight at the end.
Then you go to stormblood which starts slow and gets super kino at the middle and then slows down, gets good again for a bit and sets the field for the expansion Shadowbringers, which look kino too.

So, basically, yes the story gets good later on, just hang in there

Palace of the Dead, and then Heaven on High.

Join us.

please learn to express yourself in words that aren't memes

Although that was pretty funny to read, I agree with you

If you're going to main BLM then be lala, or a hyur.

Have sex

>msq roul
>dude just afk at start
>try to kick
>can't kick while in battle even though we aren't in battle
t-thanks yoshi

Attached: leveling clown suit.png (1291x705, 1.39M)

>uwu book
What's it like being too shit to clear ucob?

Thanks for the explanations.
Still sucks that the game gets good about 100 hours in.

Imagine someone like this being in your static and not knowing how degenerate they are

He saw the ogress in Santa's helper cosplay and ran for it.

Which one of you faggots is this?

Attached: Untitled.png (917x670, 272K)

What is that hideous fucking glamour? Jesus Christ

It terrifies me.

Stop posting your ugly ass roe

Don't you want to be cute?

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simmer down shrek, you’ve been rowdy enough today

>hw1 prog
I don't know but they should be ashamed

I honestly only play potatoes in ffxiv because they're cute without being sexualized or sexy, I just want to play a cute character without having that be connected to sex and all that entails to normal people obviously

>even considering it
it's too late for you, you're already scum

I do that everyday at work, let me have some fun user.

>actually playing masq after the change

Attached: 39210_20180403202908_1.png (250x411, 116K)

Here's my character please give me endless pats on the back and attention.

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I've never bought something off mogstation, but I would spend any amount of money for cross class lvl 50 ALC tights/skirt combo
Why can't they just give me one more skirt/tight combo FUCK

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No way praise me more

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Avatarposting niggers need to fuck off back to /vg/

500 tomes every day is pretty nice for anima shit
ofc only done with a youtube vid in on the side screen

You can go along with them. FFXIV threads are on Yea Forums every fucking day.

What do brown potatoes taste like?

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I don't touch M

>400 posts of lala's, cats and roes OK
>Midlanders NOT OK


>furfag janny just deleting shit that makes him butthurt now

Attached: WHNPdpn.png (700x518, 505K)

>played ff14 a few years ago
>used that one free race change they gave you to switch from the catgirl to the potato
i didn't regret a single thing, i fucking love midget races in mmos

Try actually reading my post you stupid fucking nigger.
When did I play favorites? All avatarposting attention whores need to fuck off.

Your timing was very convenient.

Autism detected

I read it. You faggots who make threads on this game ever single day don't belong here like the avatar fags

>tranny has a victim complex
Color me shocked

>someone in my FC came out as a tranny
>have fc lead kick them
I hope you all have done your part.

Attached: 1498422638054.gif (294x335, 2.55M)

Fuck off back to where you came from then retard


>Nose scar
You are an individual of exemplary taste.

post em

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My fc has 2 trannies and they never caused any problem, you're pathetic.

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>those arms

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Why don't you go dilate somewhere else sweetie.

>never caused any problem
They're walking problems.



>never gonna get ozma mount
why did they put it behind eureka? shit is some of the worst content yoshit ever put into the game rather to pvp or HoH 500 times

brown sugar?

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Currently leveling DRK in hopes that Shadowbringers makes it actually fun to play instead of a chore.

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>why did they put it behind eureka?
To get people to play it. They know everyone but the ultra turbo casuals hate it so they have to add something that will make everyone play it that way they can say eureka was a success.

Attached: ozma.png (1920x1080, 1.93M)

I love how much the game tries to portray the dunesfolk as insufferable jews in the lore and story
Name a SINGLE likeable dunesfolk who doesn't turn on you 'for the coin goyim'
You can't

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Tataru Nanamo, meme desu

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>loli merkel

Papashan, Momodi, and Lolorito is a jew but never did anything wrong.

>Has sucked every dick in Kugane and Ishgard

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I wish the game would allow me to be old like tataru was in that scene

t. Speedrunner

Fufucha, Tataru, Momodi, Nanamo.

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kill it with fire

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Is SE gonna hire an artist to make decent male glamour for once? Or have they just settled on "dress your Barbie" the MMO?

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Was an interesting thread, see you faggots later

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1.0 was better.

legacy players rise up

There's only one way to dress a femroe.

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What a fucking DELICIOUS cunny, hot damn

>>actually playing masq after the change
Prae in Roulette gives the most exp of ANYTHING in the game.

Picked femroe because I'm into amazon women

Finally something I can fap to

it also takes an hour and a half of your time where you can earn 1.5x the amount of exp that msq provides by doing the dungeon at your level.

It was nice to see lala appreciation for once

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Post height


hempen camise and the velveteen tights with the scion sneakers or the spring shoes are god tier for /fit/roes

Meant for

I miss my qt lala so much, but once I joined a static I was to ashamed to be playing as one so I race changed to fem midlander
