Why is Yea Forums always wrong when it comes to Sony exclusives?

>Uncharted 4
>Yea Forums claims it's a generic action TPS game
>It's actually one of the best games with a great plot and fun multiplayer
>Sold over 9 million copies

>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Yea Forums claims it's a shitty SJW game
>It's actually one of the best open world games with great gameplay and plot
>Sold over 10 million copies

>God of War
>Yea Forums claims it's a SJW game because Kratos has a beard and a son
>It's actually one of the best games ever with fantastic combat and great characters
>Won GOTY and it's the second fastest selling PS exclusives ever

>Yea Forums claims it's a SJW game because LGBT flags and not as good as previous Spider-Man games
>It turns out it's an amazing game and the best rated Spider-Man game
>Sold over 9 million copies and fastest selling PS exclusive

>Days Gone
>Yea Forums claims it's a generic open world zombie game
>It's actually a pretty decent game with nice gameplay mechanics and plot
>It is selling fantastically in U.S and it's the best selling game in the U K

Why does this happen?

I can't wait for Yea Forums to get BTFO when Tsushima and TLOU2 are out

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It's all politcal, Sony is very liberal so of course they would be despised here

>sales make them good games
Fucking shill

It's because Yea Forums is full of nitendards who love onions

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Deacon a cute

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>Days Gone
>nice plot

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All industry writing is mediocre at best but days gone is Shakespeare by videogame standards

>Sony is very liberal
not really, sony is just another company. people, especially younger ones try to polarize everything: thing is either aligned my world view or it's hilter/stalin.

gow is not sjw on any level and hzd devs are european and don't give a shit about american politcs. same with david cage. not going to even mention kojima.

It's literally the worst example of games writing out of all the ones listed by OP by a huge margin

It's not just sony exclusives, Yea Forums is contrarian and weeabo so anything thats not an esoteric sleeper hit made by Nintendo in the late nineties is called shit. Just wait for CyberPunk2077 to come out and listen to Yea Forums cry big salty bitch tears.

its not

it is

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>constantly wrong about everything
>an insignificant minority in every aspect
>holds backwards opinions without really understanding any of it, just to be considered unique and counter culture
>hates e-celebs unless they shill for "their side"
>can't discuss most video games anymore without descending into pure shitposting wars
>still obsessed with platform wars like it's the fucking '90
>so hipsters and contrarian there's no respect anymore even towards "classics" that old Yea Forums used to like
>consistently shit at all video games, can't into entire genres such as fighting games at all

Why the hell do any of us take anything, anyone says here seriously anymore?
What even is the point of this place at this point?

>Days Gone
>Gays Done
what do they mean by this

>>Horizon Zero Dawn
>>Yea Forums claims it's a shitty SJW game
stating a fact doesnt change it from being a fact you tumblr tranny if you dont see the sjw influence in each game then your just apart of the problem and should stick to reddit or tumblr with your own kind

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Do you really believe everything Yea Forums tells you? The board that is covered by DMC shills. Persona shills. Smash bro shills. Do you see where I'm going with this?

The niggers here have complete shit taste. That I never pay attention because most of Yea Forums cant even figure out plots to stupid marvel movies. Or are just plain trash at fromsoft games

>Uncharted 4
>Cinematic Drivel.
>Brainless masses like it.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Cinematic Drivel.
>Brainless masses like it.

>God of War
>actually a good game that barely actually has any cutscenes.
>Everyone likes it outside of peopel who just hate Sony.

>Best Spider-man game since 2 on the PS2.
>Hated only due to Sony hate trend.

>Days Gone
>Cinematic Drivel.
>Brainless masses like it.

There seems to be a trend for a few of these.

All of those games are as generic as it gets.

Sales do not equate to quality you retard. By your logic any EA game that sold millions is a good title.

How much are they paying you?

no YOU'RE wrong

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>why is Yea Forums one person with only one opinion
>heres my differing opinion
OP is a fag

>Even the most hardcore Xgroids that jumped post 360 now praise Sony

GoW is absolutely cinematic drivel, and Spider-Man is capeshit, so they both fall into being liked by brainless masses

For of all sad words of tongue or pen, The saddest are these: 'Never ever, PCfriend!'


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Success breeds jealousy.

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I just wanted to understand why so much bad reviews for Days Gone while it is comparable to Horizon.

Personally, considering the main character, atmosphere and setting, I prefere Days Gone a whole lot more, but I believe both should have similar scores.

Well, in the modern world popularity determines quality. Just look at all those marvel films. You're opinion may differ and that's fine, but it doesn't change the fact.

It's honestly a mixture of all sorts of different situations
You have the Europoor. Too poor to afford a console. Has a very low end PC or gaming laptop. Pirates 99% of their games.
You have the PC elitists. Has a mid-range to powerful rig. Thinks he's above all console gamers. Refuses to admit any Sony game is good. Secretly jealous of all the exclusives. Also jealous of how much better most games look on PS4, despite being a quarter of the price. Claims there's no good games but constantly checking news on emulator status.
Then you have the Xbox loyalists. They and all their friends were on 360. They all went with the Bone despite everything that pointed to its downfall in the months leading up to release. Didn't want to lose their CoD cred and achievements on Xbox. Also jealous of the amount of exclusives and high quality games.
It's an endless cycle, one of which can only be broken by giving in, accepting the might of the almighty PS4, the console made by gamers, for gamers.

It just looks so boring.

>Horizon Zero Dawn
>Yea Forums claims it's a shitty SJW game
Horizon is an ok SJW game.

As mentioned before when I last saw this image, if you're gonna cheat and include remasters or games with concurrent PS3/Vita versions, why the fuck isn't Odin Sphere Leifthrasir listed?

>GoW is absolutely cinematic drivel
Cutscenes last a min tops and you spend 98% of the game in gameplay. It's just seems cinematic because you remember the cutscenes.
So you have no argument and hate simply because you can.

It's a mediocre SJW game. Get it right.
It excels at nothing. Even worse it doesn't do above average in anything.

Sales doesn't really contribute to the quality of the game.
CoD games sell incredibly well and they have been lately awful.

Days Gone is actually my favorite game on that list. I havent been comfier playing a game in a long time

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nah, you are a shit eating retard who spews shit. you are also low iq

Oh shit son you have terrible fucking taste if you actual think Uncharted 4, the worlds most generic adventure plot of all time written by Neil The Cuck Druckmann, is better than Days Gones mediocre TV writing

>why are people allowed to have their own opinion when mine is the only right one
>here are some sales numbers that have nothing to do with my opinion, but I'll post them anyways

Because you have a massive god complex and the fact that it triggers you so hard makes it funnier for everyone on Yea Forums.

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The fact that its selling well due to word of mouth despite being critically panned can be a sign of quality though

You have no original thoughts, which is why you can't defend anything you say with facts. You operate on pure emotion, like a woman

Doesn't the ending say something about Jewish this and jewish that?

And you operate oyk pure delusion like a tranny.

it's cause Yea Forums lives in its own bubble that is this board. A literal circle jerk. Majority can see how all these games were gonna do amazing and sell millions

Still doesn't change the fact Yea Forums was wrong about them

So who's behind these threads? A very disgruntled fanboy that's pissed cause not everybody wants to dick suck everything Sony makes? Or an actual Sony paid shill that spends their whole day astroturfing this board?

>Uncharted 4
>It's actually one of the best games
stopped reading there

I finished the story today, and I'm replaying it again on hard. The game is a solid 8/10. I've only crashed once, in like 60 hours of gameplay, and it was because I was tinkering around in photo mode. The patches fixed the majority of the glitches. Runs good on my SSD, my normal PS4 is chugging along fine. But these game "journalist" giving this game a 5/10, or 6/10 - while giving Fallout 76, Anthem, and other micro transactions riddled "live service" "games," that haven't fixed game breaking glitches in months while Days Gone is already on patch 1.07 in like it's first week. They're giving that shit higher scores? These journos can go fuck themselves. Shows how full of shit they are when you've played the game, and compare it to their claims.

>doesn't play on Hard the first time

If you don't like Yea Forums then why do you come here?

Yea Forums was not wrong about them being shit.
It's just that the general populous have surface level taste and consume filth on the daily. So Sales numbers generally mean diddly squat.

Move Gundam Versus up, game is phenomenal

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ANY game under Sony's massive marketing campaings sells millions. They don't even need to be PS4 exclusives. They can even be complete garbage. Pic very much related.

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>despite being a quarter of the price
And a quarter of the framerate

>HZD & Days Gone
I think the only brainless mass are the haters of Sony.

True. Remember fucking Nioh of all things selling a million copies on PS4 alone? And it came out around the same time as other Jap sellers like Nier and Persona 5.

Set piece to set piece my dude.

This game will break Yea Forums

and it will be glorious

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>made by Nintendo
You mean by Sony.
Nintendo games get nothing but shit here nowadays.

Cutscenes do not make a game "cinematic drivel" you retard. No one can take you people seriously when you say shit like that.

>Hated only due to Sony hate trend.
Pretty sure people disliked it because it didn't live up to 2 and Ultimate on top of the media criticism cover up.

>Brainless masses like it.
Consider me brainless, that game is the shit!

How will it break them?
>it'll sell millions
and it will still be casual trash
But hey, maybe I'll get some more leg humping porn, been a while since I got more of that.

I'm playing through it now (up to the militia encampment, so I'm assuming I'm fairly close to the end), and it's alright, I'd say all those 6-7/10 reviews weren't really too far off.

What I do want to know however is why Days Gone caught shit in the press for the generic open-world thing and its technical issues while stuff like annual AssCreed and Horizon Zero Dawn fall into the exactly the same traps but it's never talked about. Red Dead Redemption 2 and Breath of the Wild as well, though they're undoubtedly better games than Days Gone/AssCreed/HZD, were still 8/10s absolute tops that got elevated to 10/10s in the eyes of the press.

I got Days Gone. TLOU2 can go fuck themselves, with Boozer's shotgun.

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>tfw too patrician for brainlet sjw critics and frogposting incels
Sleeper hit cult classic in the making

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Yea Forums said Days Gone would be a generic zombie game that’s largely passable and isn’t noteworthy. They’re not wrong about that. Sonyboys buy anything if the exclusive buzzword is slapped onto it, it doesn’t matter how many copies it sold. You’re pretty much arguing that apple iPhones are the best phones on the market because they sell a lot.

>Day's Gone apologist accusing anyone else of having shit taste
That's adorable. Uncharted 4's story was mediocre as fuck btw.

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It least Days Gone doesn't have that cheap "climb over a tower to open the map".

Anyway, Zelda does introduce some mechanics that lets you be creative, especially involving physics that at least puts it apart from the others.

The exact same thing will happen
>people say its pandering trash
>it ends up being pandering trash
>sonyfags rage posting review scores and sales without actually talking about the game itself because it has no real substance
>forgotten in a week

I wouldn't be surprised if I ended up liking this less than days gone, cuckmann can't write and I expect making nothing but insufferable characters at this point. Hopefully the gameplay can save it in spite of him

I dunno about Tsushima sonybro, it looks painfully slow with retarded AI

2 was only good due to it's swinging. absolutely everything else about the game is ass.
I never like Ultimate to begin with.

All of those are d-list interactive movies tho

Slow shouldn't mean bad, actually, I would say that slower gameplay could lead to more strategic combats.

Game journalists are retarded but Fallout 76 and Anthem got lower scores on average than Days Gone by more than a full grade. DG is still sitting in the mid 70s on Metacritic while the others are in mid 50s

spiderman is the only good game on that list, the rest is just the same old third person shooter formula we've been getting since early ps3 days.

you guys just think that because you like a game that it means its good. it isn't. your standards are just low. none of these games are worth 9/10, none of these games are revolutionary or do anything new, they just have better graphics and different unique art styles, the gameplay isn't anything new at all. ill give spiderman credit since all the previous games were trash.

there is a reason why a lot of games on ps4 are TPS cover shooters with stealth mechanics, because its easy to make with shitty AI and it plays better than FPS since all you have to do is stealth and shoot or stand behind a wall and shoot, then all you have to do after is make it a cinematic movie with the most generic story ever and you get 10/10s from blind retards.

delete this thats my wife

I agree on slow not necessarily being bad, but the gameplay shown doesn't seem to benefit from being slow, and just is

That's because ps4 has no games. When you starve out retards, they'll happily buy any piece of shit you can throw at them
God of War was pretty good though

What set pieces?

Uncharted 4 is actually a well designed game.

Horizon Zero Dawn is a fun idea that gets boring very fast.

God of War is a masterpiece.

Can't speak for the other two.


>I would say that slower gameplay could lead to more strategic combats.
No? It would only lead to easier and predictable ones.

It just seems like another ''wow look what your character does when you press X'' kind of game. I hope there's actually dept combat-wise or else it'll just be another Batman game re-skin

PlayStation is the a VR machine.

>You have the PC elitists. Has a mid-range to powerful rig.
>Secretly jealous of all the exclusives. Also jealous of how much better most games look on PS4

Are consoletatds really this brain damaged or are you just "pretending" to be retarded?

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Rather than nice I'd say 'adequate' gameplay mechanics and a 'terrible' plot. I reckon it's worth $20.

PlayStation is the a HRT machine.

That's their brain on Sony. They've been so starved of good games that they've been conditioned to eat any old shit that comes to the ps4. Deep down they know that it's no good though hence why they attack everyone else.

I mean, what kind of idiot would say Europeans can't buy Sony systems when that region is where they sell the most?

Go shill on plebbit.

>Go shill on plebbit.


Better tell that to our resident Cuckbox shills then.

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