>game tries its hardest to be funny
>it's just not
Game tries its hardest to be funny
Other urls found in this thread:
The only fucking reason anybody watched these losers was that they played off each other well. The only person who's even halfway entertaining solo is Pat and even then he has to stream and totally ruin everything except for Twitch clip highlights.
Hey Woolie if you ever read this you're a cool guy, but nobody will ever like your retarded ESL friends who aren't funny and completely ruin every video they're in
>icky pooey
>poo gas
>simpsons reference
>trying to fuck JAV stars
>kills your LP channel
Wuh Happun is pretty good.
In concept yeah, in practice Matt is a charisma black hole
Yeah it's pretty comfy and feels like Matt's tightening up his review game with each passing episode.
only watched them for the horror playthroughs, those were good. Literally never watched anything else from them.
This desu
Always knew Liam and Matt were ass-buddies
Talk more about children's breakfast cereal and reference Simpsons jokes, that will surely save you from absolute obscurity.
Every Borderlands game
>try to rewatch DS2 LP
>remember how awful Woolie is at dark soul games
The whole game he pussy foots around and makes the same mistakes. It is infuriating to watch
I'm thinking he's back.
Yeah that's bound to happen to any LP with Woolie at the controls.
Dude could hardly handle Mario Odyssey.
Honestly pats content is fucking awful. He spends too much time on donations. I'm not saying he should stop acknowledging them, but holy shit it's almost like a podcast where he only responds to the shittiest fan emails. It also doesn't help that he streams so late anyway.
He also kinda sucks on his own. Especially when he's tired like almost every damn time and gets too distracted by his fat cat.
I enjoy the podcast and some of woolies content, that's all I'm gonna bother with I guess.
Somehow, he is one of the few things that make me actually cringe IRL
None of them are funny. They just had a good dynamic that made it entertaining.
We'll see if he's still deserving of being The Boss Man in around 3 months. He'll have to step down if he's not still going.
I really can't stand watching unskilled play in Souls games for some reason, and I don't mean just panicky and meandering stuff like Woolie, but also guys that fight everything, pick everything up etc., like Pat.
a wife?
His streams are almost always over 4hours, with maybe 50minutes to donations right at the start or right at the end, personally I prefer that over the THANK YOU FOR X every 3 seconds that most channels do.
The real clincher for me is his own post at the end.
>Feel free to chime in on this
Christ what a cunt
is it that jt machinima tard?
Kid Icarus Uprising
Was the spirit of Matt right?
But the podcasts are all infinitely better without Matt on it. And the DMC5 LP was great
>game features main character
>game wants you to like main character
>you end up liking the secondary characters more
>don't care about the other one
no, the podcast has only improved without his input
>le ghostfart face
>Hero just wants his friends to get along and doesn't wanna play favorites
Dmc5 was great but I can't see pat doing LPs again. Its so much easier to stream rather than film/edit lets plays. He is lazy now.
I'll bet you any amount of money that Matt said he'd keep being friends with Woolie but then proceeded to ghost him because he couldn't handle interacting with people that still like Pat
>He's the only one out of the 4 to do scripted content
It's understandable that he stopped giving a shit about playing games, but there was no reason he couldn't have just started doing his serious reviews or even movie shit on the channel. He always had the option to take a step back and retire with grace, but instead he insisted on shoving himself into LPs that he clearly had no interest in. Pat is an asshole but ending the channel like that fucked over Woolie the most, since he was the one who was putting the most work in near the end, and who depended on that revenue the most. So no, fuck him.
this, I miss Pat's shitty acting.
I found him funny like back in 2010. Maybe I was younger.
I'll say it again
>No YiiK LP where Matt and Woolie are disgusted at every aspect of it
>No DMC V LP where they cut everything down for time
>No Disney Channel Original movie podcast disguised as a Kingdom Hearts LP
>and no Star Trek cast with Warframe references
>Kingdom Hearts LP
>don't include the only guy who knows jackshit about Kingdom Hearts
Pat ranting about The Little Mermaid is still one of my favourite podcast bits, a full LP of that would have been amazing.
>>No YiiK LP where Matt and Woolie are disgusted at every aspect of it
Fuck...now i want to see that really bad.
>don't like most of Woolie's solo content
>hate the streaming format in general
It was fun while it lasted
I understand what you mean, but these are definitely not the guys I expect nuanced or accurate kingdom hearts info or opinions on, so I'll take 3 hours of Woolie and Matt trying to remember Johnny Tsunami or Xenon with KH music in the background
>woolie is only fun when pat is around
>most of his friends are boring as shit
All streams are like that, it's just some dude talking to his chat answering the same fucking questions every other video and shit.
I'd rather watch people on twitch who are legit entertaining and don't just interact with donations and chat nonstop.
I think he stopped going shortly after that picture.
Here you go bro, the most entertaining hour of my life
>hey cucksoyboy69, thank you for your X dollars
>zoomer34, thanks for the support man
>dad's_wallet3 asks about what I think about this irrelevant shit, well to tell you the truth I don't really care but I'll say it nice, thanks for the donation
Jesus fucking Christ how I hate sitting through this shit.
someone smiled at him again and Matt felt bullied once more.
Why did let's plays die anyway? Nobody does them anymore, it's all streamshit now
effort:profit too high.
editor's probably
Since Woolie's LPs mostly involve his friend circle of Plague, Minh, and Digimonbro. and Pat has Paige and guests. Matt has Liam and his somehow expansive circle of E-Celebs and industry voice actors
Easier and more consistent cash inflow on streaming services.
Is this an LP thread?
Saw this with Arin Hanson on my twitter feed. Egorapter got fat as shit. Is it Suzy's fault? Do they not want kids I guess?
ruby weapon hour?
more like donation reading hour
I agree on all points
Could someone give me a rundown of why Matt and pat stopped being friends? Was it just them slowly drifting apart or were there big issues?
Watching through some of their old videos it's clear they resented eachother on some level for a long time, but I didnt think it was enough to end the friendship.
>two people who have never worked hard in their lives or put effort into anything don't understand why crunch is a vital part of all projects
imagine my shock
probably a huge fight, since they've admitted that there are no lost videos like the Game Grumps Jon saga. They just uploaded what they had left and then stopped as soon as they hit record on each camera
>LP thread
Might aswell
What's on your Youtube list? I don't watch streams because it's like watching ads until someone makes a funny joke i can watch later anyways
>BSC (Not SGB, fuck them)
>Jesse Cox (sometimes)
I also really wanted to like Supermega but they rely on gross humor too much
For the let's player I get it. It's probably waay easier to livestream than to film/ edit your let's play.
I don't get the viewers. How can anyone enjoy donating money for a barebones, halfhearted reply/thank you from an eceleb and a few emote to spam in the shitty chat?
Deadly Premonition was the peak of TBFP
I think he's been fatter, but his face is fatter than I've ever seen it.
No there are a few unpublished videos. Just what was in their buffer.
Pat is fucking painful to watch. Matt and Pat are both complete ass and Woolie is boring.
How hard could it possibly be to edit an LP? Most of the time it's just one continuous segment until the episode is over with MAYBE cut or two to skip grind to repeat attempts at something
Reggie is pretty decent.
>Matt an alcoholic that couldn't handle banter or that Pat vastly eclipsed him in popularity
>Pat generally abrasive in general, need large amounts of chill to handle him and not get upset
It was like mixing water and oil, if I had to guess what the spark was that started their final argument it was probably unironically Paige making that fart gas joke on the podcast and making Matt upset enough to say something about it to Pat, who likely and obviously would defend her with the argument snowballing from there
>twig arms
>beta orbiting a pornstar
Every bit as lost as ever
It's in the top 3 easily, I can't imagine ever playing it or watching someone else play it, it was perfect.
>my favorite ecelebs are having a large charity stream right now
>no one's made a single thread about it
>A dead channel still gets threads daily
Sound and compression are a bitch, but yeah it's not that hard, just time consuming as all hell
No idea and anyone claiming to know is lying
>it was probably unironically Paige making that fart gas joke on the podcast
I don't know how the fuck I missed Matt trying to sell fart gas the viewers as an injoke. All I remember is icky pooey far more. And even Pat dropped several icky pooey mentions over the years.
I like their fighting game videos. That loud nigger with the dreads is annoying though.
Your favorite e-celebs suck.
they're probably doing something right then.
Xenoblade 2
Was the pod cast any good this week? I haven't listened since Woolie went full autistic on the DMCV plot.
I miss Matt making shitty jokes in general and Pat and/or Woolie either sandbagging him or going silent.
Should the podcast get a third person?
>Woolie doesn't think it's a big deal that people can't self insert as characters in games/anime, says it's just the toxic alt-right who cry when a protag isn't white
>marks out like an animal when literally any character has dreads
>makes exactly himself in any game that has a character creator
>"But it's not important to self insert guise'
Why is he such a hypocrite bros?
They couldn't just pretend to be friends for a bit longer ?
Minit is the best video on the channel. You may not like this fact, but it's objectively true.
>woolie is the most likable solo
>he's a nigger with smelly dreads and shit friends
What in the absolute fuck is the appeal of this dirty hair-"style"?
Nigga, you should count your blessings your fucking favorite e-celebs don't show up here.
was that nigga gonna cry at the end? lol i need the backstory for this
He's retarded.
Depends, did you like Avengers?
Hardmode, don't be a retard that only replies ">capeshit" just to be a contrarian
It's amazing how Woolie blindly follows whatever is "hip" and act like he's an expert.
Holy shit, what the fuck is wrong with Pan?
Have sex
I don't think he's ever said the first line and he's usually apolitical even on the Atlus talks due to "Well our friends think this".
I thought they were gonna record a fisticuffs for Smash Ultimate, Pat even said they did. But it didn't come out.
Why would your reaction be angry tears over this situation? Unless you're the dev that came up with the jokes.
>YOOOOOOOOO *coughs up a pound of phlegm* *coughs* THAT'S UHHHHHH WHAT WAS IT CALLED AGAIN *high pitched girl laugh* SHIT W-W-WHAT WAS IT CALLED AGAIN?
>repeat 6 times a podcast
What did Woolsworth mean by this?
>Matt's wife and tumblr turned him super SJW
>jealousy of Pat being the popular one
>Pat wanted more money
>Liam being a vindictive cunt and master puppeteer
pick any of the above
>Pat and Woolie losing their shit over how cumming on digimon would make them evolve
>Matt and Liam just sit there watching an E3 stream
>all of them supposedly tired as fuck since they don't normally get up before noon
What did he mean by this?
>tfw for years been saying Liam was the worst Best Friend
>tfw Yea Forums kept sucking his cock saying he's "our guy"
>tfw vindicated
>"and what-not"
>main source of income breaks up
>but you can still salvage it by making a channel with the disgusting goblin you know that people somehow like
>do shitty streams and playthoughs exclusively with your ESL friends instead
Why is Woolie allergic to money?
Yes and no. Matt leaving makes Woolie and Pat's flaws more noticable, but I would still take the CSBcast over the late stage Friendcast every day.
They're probably not cringe autists then
>All the Liam defenders have been silent ever since the breakup.
Until somebody looks at him in the gym again and it all comes crashing down
I miss when woolie had friends that spoke English.
I'll admit, as someone who'd defend him cause he had good zingers and seemed nice enough despite being a Devil's Avocado- I was definitely let down with how he reacted to the channel ending. ESPECIALLY "@woolie feel free to chime in here" like holy fuck that's so mean. What an actual cunt.
>I'd rather watch people on twitch who are legit entertaining and don't just interact with donations and chat nonstop.
By definition those are the people who literally can't stream. If you're not fellating your hat and hamming for donations you get to stream alongside a dayjob for like two hours a night once a week.
oh so were talking about Bulletstorm
Watching the MGSV LP is super weird now knowing that Liam is an absolute cunt and has hated Pat's guts for a while.
>matt talking about going to the gym
>ask him how tall he is and if hes embarrassed of his height
>banned immediately
And that's why I'm glad that faggot is going to be in the poorhouse soon.
>Watch that moment of Detroit LP
>"Dude I spent more on Lunch today than the robot sex"
>He spent 30dollars on Lunch
I can't even IMAGINE spending more than 20 on one meal out let alone 30. Is it Normal to only eat Costco Pizza and Hot Dogs for lunch for the past 6 years
Am I the only one who thinks the guy who smiled at him was making a pass at him to meet in the locker room for some on the downlow action and Matt was just so body image paranoid he mistook it for "bullying"?
>makes sonic the hedgehog video days after the reveal just to rake in the views
Paypigs thrive on getting meaningless shout outs for their money so they have to do it
why the faggots on the green couch are so angry and why the other 2 dudes are having such a great time
never watched Best friends who's /ourguy?
>Pat and Woolie had the best LP chemistry
>refuse to do LPs together
I wish people would stop donating to Pats twitch streams so he is forced to make LPs again but it wont happen.
They were pretty jaded and drained from the Destiny announcement. Just so sick of it.
what man babies jus laugh with them or stfu
Too busy being based.
Does Woolie even know anybody else that aren't ESL? Why is his solo channel the way that it is?
Repeatedly watched Rustlemania and the David Cage videos
>Is it Normal to only eat Costco Pizza and Hot Dogs for lunch for the past 6 years
It is in America.
Literally 3 hours talking about Le Avengers Endgame
Woolie when he's paired with Matt
Woolie, the black sperglord that never learned to tell left from right
Same with Mario RPG and Shut up and Jam Gaiden.
I actually really liked Liam and Pat together, fuck Liam for being so petty without elaborating on it.
I'd gladly take capeshit talk over Woolie and Pat sperging over how problematic Japan is.
The worst part about this is that probably in 2021 when the Undergrads movie comes out they're not going to spend 30 minutes of the podcast discussing the movie and the series. Yes I know I'm the only one who was actually looking towards it
>>refuse to do LPs together
They just finished a DMC5 LP
Ironically, the black guy
A guest here and there would be nice
he kept the podcast around for the money
End 2 are laughing at how bad the game looks.
Middle 2 are cucks who are slaves to corporations so they weren't happy their newest favorite game was being laughed at
Hey, reggie is pretty cool, because at least he does his best to research.
I just think Woolies choice of games recently are pretty hit-or-miss/niche. Watching W101 is incredibly boring.
I can make 30 dollars last 5 days.
I think they were just throwing out number, not being serious.
Why do they even play Japanese games if the whole culture triggers them?
based for capping this
>immediately jumped onto the #KickVic brigade because "muh occasional rumour about him being very touchy over 10 years"
absolute fuckhead
nah, It's shit.
>doesn't actually talk about wuh happun
Nobody but goblina mcmuscles wants a piece of that. Especially not hitomi without a cash incentive.
>>Pat and Woolie had the best LP chemistry
Wrong. Pat had 0 chemistry with anyone there. Any LP he's on consisted of him YELLING LOUDLY BECAUSE THAT'S FUNNY RIGHT GUYS? and acting like he designed everything about the game in question and rattling off everything he's been spoonfed about it from reddit.
Literally me.
Yeah, and they're awful, I hate their questions they ask that the answers are found on the streamers wiki page. I hate the shit they spam in side bar, the chat is the absolute worst part of the stream, and they interact with those people. I only use twitch for speed run marathons, and GDQ has the same fucking problem with donations.
Put the oneie back on Matt
Woolie is too pure. Likely the autistic raging manlet with a heart of gold.
>when he got laughed out of Yea Forums for using vlc
Classic. Woolie used a trip here for a few threads and answered questions around that time too. Was pretty based. Wonder if he still comes by anonymously anymore
Same with the fucking mailbags
What? They did RE 2 and DMC 5.
NO! Matt was trash too. Somehow Woolie was the only good boi there and he is trash now too.
I'm just sick of people thinking Pat is somehow tolerable when all the manlet does is yell his terrible opinions at people
Maximilian dood streams where every three seconds a notification sound effect goes off... personally I wish more people went the Vinesauce and just ignored them
>I'd rather watch people on twitch who are legit entertaining and don't just interact with donations and chat nonstop.
So fucking no one then, unless if Liam is your idea of legit entertaining personalities.
Friendly reminder that Liam is still seething to this day over Pat apologizing for recommending Mighty No. 9.
A nice lunch is probably close to 30-50 assuming you get a full meal (so like, salad + entree + beverage) from a nice restaurant.
Hell, a bowl of ramen + a drink is 20 by itself, if you want dumplings or takoyaki or extra meat or whatever, you're looking at 30 pretty easily.
No, and that's because there's not enough donations to fill out his time.
There really aren't any streamers that just play games and ignore chat that are popular, sad.
>Woolie's shitting on unions
>Woolie still listening to JRE and not take every guest seriously
>Jokes about the OK sign
He's not a full on leftie at least. Pat is now doing that so that he doesn't get flak but Woolie doesn't give a shit and he should stay true to that.
>tfw realized that the only Pat and Woolie LP that was actually funny and worth watching was Policenauts
Their Dark Souls playthroughs were more raging inducing than funny to watch.
Policenauts had plenty of material so it was the best cuz they suck at making jokes on the spot.
Parasite Eve is not funny but comfy to watch.
Cant think of anything else worth watching they did together.
They only made that one because the autists wouldn't shut up on their streams
>when Liam had to reveal himself in an ancient Yea Forums thread because someone posted a picture of his sister and he started seething
good times
You know very well that they didn't finish and never will because of Woolie being insecure of how much he sucks in survival horror
Pat and Woolie doing Kingdom Hearts would have been great. Matt ruined the one he was doing
How is it hard to understand that Pat has charisma compared to these idiots? If you don't, that's on you, don't blame the majority thinking you're a unique snowflake.
Can someone please tell Pat its okay to have an opinion without Jim Sterling's or RLM's approval?
money sucks.its just a waste of time when free food and wood literally grows out of the ground
>ruins his channel with some screeching autist
What did he mean by this?
I remember he stopped because a lot were shitting on him. Something about him being bad on an LP or something.
At least Pat is not afraid to shit on Captain Fungus.
>Parasite Eve
Pat has said multiple times he dislikes doing LP's as they were before, he'd much rather just stream and upload archives.
Don't you mean his girlfriend who looks like she could be related to him or at least a clone of him due to how much they look alike?
It's shit, dishonest, and derivative.
Nope, I know who you mean by that though, with the curly hair.
I mean this
He partnered up with Rooster Teeth so he got something at least. Besides, if you want to look for someone who is fucking obsessed with money, look no further then matt milking his shitty trivia show and having a patreon but no actual benefits other voting on games he only chose.
Woolie playing games with real friends is based you nignog.
But where's the charisma though? Nothing he does is charismatic. He just has an overbearing personality that shouts down other opinions and shouts a lot of "facts" incorrectly. Where is the charisma in that? Or wait, is it because he's a literal crazy person?
>throws out literally every piece of food in his apartment, included caned goods because he saw a centipede
Yeah man...that charisma...
I feel like the Liam Pat feud started when Liam put his greasy fingers on Pat's TV, and while you can't see it you can feel Pat's lingering stare of hatred on Liam while Liam returns with a "yeah I fucking did it, you thought I wouldn't, do something..." The day it all started.
>tfw just want the concrete jungle era back
How can such a cutie be related to such an asshole like Liam?
Sorry but crunches being the norm on any industry is a massive issue and management fuck-up.
That shit is funny, though. Listening to Pat being crazy gives me joy.
>Ruins his 1000+ dollar TV
You'd be pissed too if that happened to you. Glad Liam fucked off
The actual context is so fucking stupid
I’m no pat apologist, but I think liam is the only one to keep the feud going. In fact, he probably put his fingers on the tv as a way to express his hidden rage at pat
No because they’re delicious. I took my girlfriend once and she got a membership because of it
>incomprehensible ooga booga noises from Reggie
>"Billy" and the incomprehensible korean noise he tries to pass for English
Woolie in the only good part of him playing with his friends and he can't carry all that weight by himself
Liam also tossed Pat's mouse across the fucking room when he was playing White Day.
*delays project by 3 years because I dont want to work*
>ruined it
I'm betting it needed cleaned anyway, pat's too paranoid to touch his tv with a wipe probably.
why the fuck would he still care after all these years you fucking shitlord?
Even though, Liam was completely right. MN9 wasn't that bad and if every best friend fan who donated didn't it would have still been released
It's fucking tiring hearing you guys talk shit about him and this shit
Liam wasn't in the fucking wrong and you need to get over it
Really sucks too because I was enjoying that playthrough. Problem is that Woolie works at a slow pace in survival horror and Pat, having played the game shit ton already, was trying to push him forward and didn't want to let him figure things out.
Cutie? I’m not sure we’re looking at the same image, friendo. She looks like a femcel.
Liam go to sleep. But be careful, make sure you don't """deadname""" your friend in your dreams tonight
Lefties like you don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Companies must respond to the market's demands in order to grow or otherwise it'll lead to them being outclassed by other companies who go further. Only reason people care about this now is because it's trendy to care about labor issues while they're posting their opinions on chinese slave made electronics. What a fucking joke.
why the fuck would he still care after all these years you fucking shitlord?
Even though, Liam was completely right. MN9 wasn't that bad and if every best friend fan who donated didn't it would have still been released
It's fucking tiring hearing you guys talk shit about me and this shit
Liam wasn't in the fucking wrong and you need to get over it
>Woolie will never get rid of Billy because he doesn't want to hurt his feelings, dooming his channel for eternity.
Feels bad.
>It's fucking tiring hearing you guys talk shit about me and this shit
>>about me
L-Liam is that you?
hi liam
Hi Liam
If Liam's in here I'll say this: It's good that you're fading into obscurity you little shit.
>Woolie tipped his fedora so hard during the DMCV spoilercast that he might as well have done a full frontflip
Why did he do it? Why didn't Pat stop him? And why aren't more people laughing at him for how retarded he is?
Liam, move on.
They're literally doing another RE2 stream tomorrow
Quick rundown on what he said?
They are apparently going to do RE2 tomorrow from Pats twitter, this is still a trainwreck of a LP despite how good it is to watch. Woolie needs to kill off some of his babies because he CAN NOT handle everything he's trying to do.
Liam, are you going to have a meltdown on twitter that we all still like Pat more than you? Pat doesn't even do youtube anymore and he got a roosterteeth partnership while you've got nothing. How do you even cope?
Got an air time for me paisen?
It was obviously bait you fucking idiots. Liam isn't here, stop replying.
It's very hard to watch Pat's streams without having to think about how absolutely insane some of his dedicated followers and donators are. Pat attracts some very damaged people
Dear Liam, I used to be an apologist for you, but I wised up after you outed yourself as such a spiteful asshole.
Love, user
If Matt at his worst was still better than Liam. I stuck to that in the past, I stick to it in the present, and I'm going to stick to it in the future.
I didn't give you a (you) but you gave me one you sad little gremlin
Maybe I'm just a boomer, but I fucking hate streams.
They're too long, get interrupted by stupid shit, and the retards who donate are never funny or interesting.
Why are you so agitated? Makes you more likely to be Liam.
Damaged people follow damaged leaders, no shit.
Fucking finally, let's just hope it doesn't take them four years to do another session
Ok Liam
I like streams just so I can hear someone talk and not feel lonely if someone filling in dead air. If you have social contact then you don't need them.
Should be 8pm EST on the WoolieVersus Twitch channel
The jig is up, Liam. Might as well come clean.
That's the one thing I'm glad about Pat doing it the way he does, people always time mark where the gameplay starts on his YT uploads so I can skip the 20minutes of donation readings and rambling by kirby sauce, then when he gets done before the last 20minutes of donation readings bounce there too
Last time I watched the RE2 stream, woolie kept overthinking and pausing to ask Pat every single question. I'll watch a best of at least.
You’re not a boomer buddy, you’re just not content with boring content.
jerma is successful on twitch and does whatever he wants, he barely acknowledges subs and does the craziest streams.
Yoshi > Friend 3 > Nagatoro > Friend 1
Vinesauce is the only good stream
It's infinitely pathetic to me that people care so much about these faggots that they go out of their way to make shitty wojak edits of them.
How so
Vergil dindu nuffin
first time playthrough of a souls game you pick up literally everything and fight everything. you can't look at an LP as if they are experts who know what to skip, that's the resident evil 2 LP.
In the last two podcasts they literally talked about starting up cults, and what kind of followers both of them would get.
Woolie gets almost everyone in a low-level way, and Pat gets like 4 people, but they're all fucking insane like he is.
Mad late but the Vinny and Jeff Endurance Run from GB shits all over these schleps attempts to bring justice to such a good game
Agreed. Streams are lazy, easy shit that retards will donate fucking stupid amounts of money to for no goddamn reason. At least with Youtube you may get some well-edited content every now and then.
>tfw classical Let's Plays are slowly getting phased out by Twitch streams
It's not fucking fair. I just want to be an autist and watch somebody play a game in peace without donations and obnoxious sound effects and sub shout-outs.
Watching LPs prevents you from ever becoming a boomer
They have a subreddit full of memes. Just thought I'd ruin your day some more.
>people complain about Pat telling Woolie what to do
>Pat stops
>Woolie now spends half a fucking hour on the map screen because he doesn't know how to progress and is afraid of Mr X chasing him
The virgin koolaid drinker vs the chad project mayhem starter
can you really say they're pathetic when you're on Yea Forums? get over yourself, nigger
You could watch someone like SGF
I've been struggling with paying my bills lately, does anyone know if Pat will get upset or kick you out of the discord if I miss my weekly donation? Just not sure if I can spare $100 this week...
Not as well researched as other videos of the same genre (what is morrowind).
Uses basic anime memes to make himself seem cool to the kids.
Everyone was doing trainwreck videos for every game before he started.
I watch Alaska and Tofu, you still need to skip the starts of their videos because of donation shit but at least they're cute
Woolie is a nigger, so you can't fault him.
Same for me. I still listen to the podcast but that's it. They were the only Let's Play channel I really liked and followed, now it's all gone.
Any chance at all of Matt and Pat making amends and bringing the regular Let's Plays back?
>Its so much easier to stream rather than film/edit lets plays
Billy films and edits the LPs you mongo.
Paige will be sent out to assassinate you.
He's hired some twitter tranny to edit his videos, so even these basic anime memes aren't his.
Simpson Mcfartgas is gaming the algorithm but he's content is total shit.
Did we expect any different? Woolies boner for vergil knows no bounds
Matt is a turbo normie with an SJW wife, so no. Besides, I had enough of disinterested Matt that ruins everyone's fucking day. Fuck him
Maybe Woolie will start doing LPs again when his wife realizes the screeching goblin friend is hurting his income.
I'm still mad about
fuck you woolie get out of your fucking hug box get your head out of your ass and make stuff people want to watch
Twitch isn't Patreon you mong. Nobody is forcing you to donate Shit.
>talks about random bullshit semi-out of order for 20 minutes missing multiple major events
>editor has to pick up the slack and try and decipher the tardisms
Somehow interpreted the story of DMCV as some great epic middle finger to religion(s)
And went on an hour+ rant of how *thing that happened* was -actually- an allegory for how terrible religions are.
Did liam kill himself yet?
He's still salty about his religious upbringing, kek. The ultimate irony would be his kids turn out religious and he just loses it
Yeah I know but I still feel guilty since Pat and I are sort of friends now and I dont want that to stop or for him not to read my future donations
>No DMC V LP where they cut everything down for time
what did he mean by this
Battlefield: Hardline
>read someone say that supermega got their humor neutered by game grumps
>game grumps also prevented them from playing with oney plays
It's time
I recently found out about sleepycast and oneyplays because of these threads
it's been nice to find a new entertaining friends shooting the shit playing games
Which one, Matt or Wojak rage faces? Because both apply
That sounds so fucking retarded I refuse to believe it was meant to be serious.
So whats going to happen to supermega? They finally broke off from game grumps
If he pushes them too hard to hate religion they will
its getting better, matts VO work is the main thing, he was really really bad at reading off scripts and even worse at improving. he sounded like a 9th grade student reading an essay in english class but now he's competent
>this entire fucking post
I cant tell if you are for real or joking.
>sort of friends now
No, you're really not. You're a source of income to him. Nothing more. You've been taken in just like every other sucker. Streamers aren't your friends. They don't care about you as a person. You're a sack of money to him.
Anybody remember that one time some girl came here and confessed that she was madly in love with Pat and even posted her tits in the thread? Pretty sure Pat caught wind of this and had to kindly reject the girl.
Woolie and Pat are both partnered with Rooster Teeth now.
castle superbeast has a lot more wrong opinions but thats a side effect of being a longer format.
which one do you think is going to go off the deep end and become a commentary channel and talk about race realism out of nowhere
The only good thing to came out from all that shitty incest cuckhold gifs.
The problem is not you. In fact you are what is considered a sane person these days.
Only retarded children and manchilds actually watch streams on a daily basis.
But if you watch like once in a while when you have nothing better to do then thats fine.
The problem is when it takes over your life and you become one of those retards who donates money just to hear the streamer say their names.
Shit tastes paisen.
I can't believe that shitpost fanart of Pat being a RWBY character came true 4 years later (His power was absorbing the life force out of living beings and converting it into fire)
What? Woolie was talking about how if Vergil even deserves redemption, Pat was saying how everything that happened wasn't Vergil's but Urizens fault. Is more on point despite the hyperbole.
Woolie can't stick to a bit for long without laughing, let alone an entire hour long rant by himself while Pat just kept calling him stupid. He never laughed at the retarded shit he was saying. He fucking meant it. Woolie's fedora is now fused with his skull
Stop responding to obvious bait you autismal shit
>Woolie wants to prove he doesn't need Pat
>Woolie's channel is surviving solely on podcast clips
>No, you're really not.
Why do you think you have a right to say that when you know nothing?
I've literally played ffxiv with him a couple of times
>Don't want to work.
They are working just fine, just pay them for the extra hours and don't get pissy when people don't overwork when their business contract doesn't include over 20 hours of weekly overwork.
And also, you are implying publishers work with maximum efficiency without having to redo several parts of games due to lack of proper training.
Go read any project management book to learn how continuous crunch is just upper management pushing their lack of planning skills onto the people that actually do most of the work.
a lunch in canada from a sit down restauraunt is going to be around $20 max, even in montreal.
But IS it making money? Seriously, when was the last time they read an advertisement from a sponsor?
Woolie. The man loves a good race war.
It's not about him, it's about the fact that there are people who actually think like that. I despise it.
>Tfw Pat has Woolie's rightful success just because of streaming being his perfect "job"
i dont blame him because streaming is piss easy compared to just doing it live, no need to sync audio, make cuts or timestamp shit and create intros and outros, just play the game.
but i also think he's a lazy piece of shit and all of his fans that support him are just allowing quality to crater.
Like you
Stopped paying attention when Woolie started sighing and wringing his hands over a throwaway line about trannies.
Should have been a big red flag about the direction things would go desu.
His twitter post didn't get the praise he expected.
>2 or 3 years since Liam left the channel
>the channel itself has been dead for like half a year now
>somehow theres still retards even mentioning Liam's name and hating on him
You would think that the dude killed your family or something.
Or is it Pat's personal army that won't shut the fuck up about it and pretend that Liam is his nemesis? Either way you are all stupid and should seek mental help.
hi liam
>look at me I'm smug because I called out people that just simply hate a faggot
>inb4 reply with another generic smug anime girl
>inb4 are u part of pat army xdddd
>inb4 u mad
Just go home and kill yourself Liam
I think the real loser here is me, thinking they'd do Psychonauts Full LP and just use it as a platform to talk about the dead platforming genre of the 7th gen and that weird era of gross but sterile cartoons like Invader Zim or Mega babies
Tell that when companies loses millions of dollars without necessary crunch, commie.
They're all faggots in their own ways, it's just a matter of degrees.
Tell that to all the other companies that profit just fine without it, Rockerfeller.
Hi Liam. Still playing avocado for Meaty Number 2?
>the Binary Domain LP where they keep mentioning Woolies disdain for Big Bo
For all the trash they've put out that one was absolute kino
>though it was a vidya thread
>turns out to be an e-celeb thread
bamboozled again
Does anyone else think Woolie is doing too much? hes spreading his energy so thin that he can't possibly put out good content.
His LPs all get sub 2k views now, his stream of RE2 is glacial and stilted most people who care could have beaten the game dozens and dozens of times since he started.
wooliewillfigureitout doesn't even have a regular release schedule and the last episode was boring.
and tuesday is a fucking terrible day for a fighting game stream, ultrachen TV is gonna take up like 700 fgc viewers every time and every time a top player goes online it eats into it further.
Woolie is just fucked, he will never make it.
>How can anyone enjoy donating money for a barebones, halfhearted reply/thank you from an eceleb and a few emote to spam in the shitty chat?
I will never understand it. Even if you're the kind of person that can allow yourself to feel happy that someone deigned to acknowledge your existence, it lasts about ten seconds at the absolute most.
I'm glad I'll never be at that level, shitty as things are.
>hes spreading his energy so thin that he can't possibly put out good content.
The volume of content he puts out will never fix that problem. He's just a boring streamer. Boring streams and boring playthroughs with only his bestest ESL buds isn't ever going to help him succeed
>Several years of shitstorms where they just shit on woolie
Uhhh *death rattle* yeah, yeah.